Determination of Porphyry Copper Deposit Locations Using Photo Lineament Factor in Northern Parts of the Dehaj-Sardoiyeh Belt

The Dehaj-Sardoiyeh Belt, which is a part of the Urmia-Dokhtar Volcanic-Plutonic Zone, consists of several economic porphyry copper deposits. This area is located on the right lateral shear zone surrounded by the Rafsanjan fault in the north and the Shahr-e Babak fault in the south. In this research, spatial relationship among sixteen porphyry copper deposits, faults and fractures was studied. The results show a strong relationship between the Photo lineament factor and location of the porphyry copper deposits. The direction of lineament factor (d/D) was found to be highly correlated with the location of porphyry deposits. The results can be used in exploring preliminary porphyry deposits with regard to the geometry and mechanisms of the faults and fractures.
Geosciences Scientific Quarterly Journal, Volume:24 Issue: 94, 2015
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