Identification and study of aquatic organisms structure in the Persian Gulf Martyrs Lake, Chitgar-Tehran

The study focused on identification and, species diversity of phytoplankton, zooplankton, benthos and fishes for water quality protects in the Chitgar Lake between 2013 and 2014. This survey identified 35 phytoplankton taxa comprised of diatoms (12 genus), chlorophytes (15 genus), cyanophytes (5 genus), dinoflagellates (2 genus) and chrysophytes (1 genus) were identified. The finding showed, the chlorophyta genus dominated in the Chitgar lake. The findings showed, the 36 zooplankton taxa comprised of Arthropoda (6 genus), Protozoa (6 genus), Rotatoria (20 genus), Nematoda (1 genus), Gastrotricha (2 genus) and Oligochaeta (1 genu) were identified. The highest taxa was belonged the Rotatoria during the study. Three taxa contained of Ephemeroptera, Diptera and Oligochaeta were identified. In this study, 18 species comprised of Cyprinidae (11 species), Cichlidae (one species), Loricariidae (one species), Pangasiidae (one species), Serrasalmidae (one species), Poeciliidea (one species), Salmonidae (one species), and Scaridae (one species) were identified. Among the fishes just one native fish from Capoeta bohsei species observed during the study. Based on, the finding, the plankton taxa confirmed that the Chitgar lake water is at the high quality category. Furthermore, the fish alien species were dominated in the lake, which could raise trophy level in the future.
Iranian Journal of Marine Science And Technology, Volume:21 Issue: 82, 2017
59 to 69
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