Effect of Sensory Integration Therapy on Gross and Fine Motor Skills of 5-7 Years old Children with Down Syndrome


Children with Down syndrome have sensory integration dysfunction, and a range of physical problems and difficulties that may affect their motor development. The aim of present study was to determine effectiveness of sensory integration therapy on gross and fine motor skills of 5-7 years old children with Down syndrome.

Materials and Methods

Sixty 5-7 years old children were diagnosed as having Down syndrome, were selected by randomized sampling and participated in this experimental study. Each participant was assessed by researcher, that the assessment used was Peabody Developmental Motor Scales. The children were randomly assigned to the intervention (sensory integration therapy) and control groups. Sensory integration therapy was given to intervention group. Data were analyzed by Leven test, Independent T test and covariance analysis.


There was significant difference between pretest and post test scores of intervention and control groups in gross motor development (P<0.000), but in fine motor development there was significant difference between pretest and post test scores only in intervention group (P<0.001) and in control group it wasn’t significant (P=0.013). Also there was significant difference between two groups in gross and fine motor development (P<0.001).


The results showed the sensory integration therapy were effective in gross and fine motor of children with Down syndrome. It was concluded that sensory integration therapy should be applied for children with Down syndrome who have gross and fine motor difficulties.

Archives of Rehabilitation, Volume:9 Issue: 2, 2008
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