فهرست مطالب

Optimization in Civil Engineering - Volume:13 Issue: 4, Autumn 2023

International Journal of Optimization in Civil Engineering
Volume:13 Issue: 4, Autumn 2023

  • تاریخ انتشار: 1402/06/08
  • تعداد عناوین: 8
  • M. Mohamadinasab, G. Ghodarti Amiri*, M. Mohamadi Dehcheshmeh Pages 391-411
    Most structures are asymmetric due to functionality requirements and limitations. This study investigates the effect of asymmetry on damage detection. For this purpose, the asymmetry has been applied to models by considering different spans’ length and also different geometry properties for the section of members. Two types of structures comprising symmetric and asymmetric truss and frame have been modeled considering multiple damage scenarios and noise-contaminated data. Three objective functions based on flexibility matrix, natural frequency and modal frequency are proposed. These objective functions are optimized utilizing multiverse optimizer (MVO). For the symmetric models using limited modal data, flexibility-based objective function has the most accurate results, while by increasing the number of mode shapes, its accuracy reduced. Among asymmetric models of truss, damage detection results of the model is more accurate than those of its symmetric pair. Between asymmetric models of frame, the results obtained from frames which have only different spans’ length are more precise than those of the symmetric model. This is while frequency-based objective functions have their least accurate results for the frame model having asymmetry only in the section properties of its elements.
    Keywords: structural health monitoring, asymmetric structures, flexibility matrix, natural frequencies, multiverse optimizer
  • M. Shahrouzi*, S.-Sh. Emamzadeh Emamzadeh, Y. Naserifar Pages 413-438
    Shape optimization of a double-curved dam is formulated using control points for interpolation functions. Every design vector is decoded into the integrated water-dam-foundation rock model. An enhanced algorithm is proposed by hybridizing particle swarm algorithm with ant colony optimization and simulated annealing. The best experiences of the search agents are indirectly shared via pheromone trail deposited on a bi-partite characteristic graph. Such a stochastic search is further tuned by Boltzmann functions in simulated annealing. The proposed method earned the first rank in comparison with six well-known meta‑heuristic algorithms in solving benchmark test functions. It captured the optimal shape design of Morrow Point dam, as a widely addressed case-study, by 21% reduced concrete volume with respect to the common USBR design practice and 16% better than the particle swarm optimizer. Such an optimal design was also superior to the others in stress redistribution for better performance of the dam system.
    Keywords: Double-curved dam, Concrete infrastructure, Shape Optimization, Particle Swarm Optimization, Graph Theory, Ant Colony Optimization, Simulated Annealing
  • G. Sedghi, S. Gholizadeh*, S. Tariverdilo Pages 439-456
    In this paper an enhanced ant colony optimization algorithm with a direct constraints handling strategy is proposed for the optimization of reinforced concrete frames. The construction cost of reinforced concrete frames is considered as the objective function, which should be minimized subject to geometrical and behavioral strength constraints. For this purpose, a new probabilistic function is added to the ant colony optimization algorithm to directly satisfy the geometrical constraints. Furthermore, the position of an ant in each iteration is updated if a better solution is found in terms of objective value and behavioral strength constraints satisfaction. Five benchmark design examples of planar reinforced concrete frames are presented to illustrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithm.
    Keywords: optimal design, ant colony optimization, constraint handling strategy, reinforced concrete frame
  • P. Hosseini*, A. Kaveh, A. Naghian Pages 457-476
    In this study, experimental and computational approaches are used in order to develop and optimize self-compacting concrete mixes (Artificial neural network, EVPS metaheuristic algorithm, Taguchi method). Initially, ten basic mix designs were tested, and an artificial neural network was trained to predict the properties of these mixes. The network was then used to generate ten optimized mixes using the EVPS algorithm. Three mixes with the highest compressive strength were selected, and additional tests were conducted using the Taguchi approach. Inputting these results, along with the initial mix designs, into a second trained neural network, 10 new mix designs were tested using the network. Two of these mixes did not meet the requirements for self-compacting concrete, specifically in the U-box test. However, the predicted compressive strength results showed excellent agreement with low error percentages compared to the laboratory results, which indicates the effectiveness of the artificial neural network in predicting concrete properties, thus indicating that self-compacting concrete properties can be predicted with reasonable accuracy. The paper emphasizes the reliability and cost-effectiveness of artificial neural networks in predicting concrete properties. The study highlights the importance of providing diverse and abundant training data to improve the accuracy of predictions. The results demonstrate that neural networks can serve as valuable tools for predicting concrete characteristics, saving time and resources in the process. Overall, the research provides insights into the development of self-compacting concrete mixes and highlights the effectiveness of computational approaches in optimizing concrete performance.
    Keywords: self-compacting concrete, Artificial Neural Networks, Optimization, Taguchi's Method, compressive strength, EVPS algorithm
  • A. Kaveh*, A. Zaerreza Pages 477-495
    This paper presents the chaotic variants of the particle swarm optimization-statistical regeneration mechanism (PSO-SRM). The nine chaotic maps named Chebyshev, Circle, Iterative, Logistic, Piecewise, Sine, Singer, Sinusoidal, and Tent are used to increase the performance of the PSO-SRM. These maps are utilized instead of the random number, which defines the solution generation method. The robustness and performance of these methods are tested in the three steel frame design problems, including the 1-bay 10-story steel frame, 3-bay 15-story steel frame, and 3-bay 24-story steel frame. The optimization results reveal that the applied chaotic maps improve the performance of the PSO-SRM.
    Keywords: Chaotic maps, structural optimization, Particle swarm optimization-statistical regeneration mechanism, steel structures, metaheuristic algorithms
  • H. Fattahi*, H. Ghaedi Pages 497-518
    Predicting the bearing capability (qrs) of geogrid-reinforced stone columns poses a significant challenge due to variations in soil and rock parameters across different locations. The behavior of soil and rock in one region cannot be generalized to other regions. Therefore, accurately predicting qrs requires a complex and stable nonlinear equation that accounts for the complexity of rock engineering problems. This paper utilizes the Rock Engineering System (RES) method to address this issue and construct a predictive model.To develop the model, experimental data consisting of 219 data points from various locations were utilized. The input parameters considered in the model included the ratio between geogrid reinforced layers diameter and footing diameter (d/D), the ratio of stone column length to diameter (L/dsc), the qrs of unreinforced soft clay (qu), the thickness ratio of Geosynthetic Reinforced Stone Column (GRSB) and USB to base diameter (t/D), and the settlement ratio to footing diameter (s/D). Following the implementation of the RES-based method, a comparison was made with other models, namely linear, power, exponential, polynomial, and multiple logarithmic regression methods. Statistical indicators such as root mean square error (RMSE), mean square error (MSE), and coefficient of determination (R2) were employed to assess the accuracy of the models. The results of this study demonstrated that the RES-based method outperforms other regression methods in terms of accuracy and efficiency.
    Keywords: Rock engineering system, regression methods, geogrid-reinforced stone columns, bearing capability, accuracy, efficiency
  • M. Sedighpour, M. Yousefikhoshbakht* Pages 519-531
    The balanced vehicle routing problem (BVRP) is one of the most famous research problems in operations, which has a very important position in combination optimization problems. In this problem, a fleet of vehicles with capacity Q starts moving from a node called the warehouse and returns to it after serving customers, provided that they visit each customer only once and never exceed the capacity Q. The goal is to minimize the paths traveled by vehicles provided that the distances traveled by the vehicles are the same as possible, for more justice in working time and income. This article presents the application of a hybrid imperialist competitive algorithm (HICA) to solve the problem. Unlike other optimization methods, this method is inspired by the socio-political process of societies and uses the competition between colonizing and colonized countries to reach the solution. To test the effectiveness of the algorithm, a set of standard examples are considered and the algorithm is implemented on it. The calculation results on these examples, which have a size of 50 to 200, show that the proposed algorithm has been able to compete well with well-known meta-heuristic algorithms in terms of the quality of the answers. In addition, the solutions close to the best answers obtained so far are generated for most of the examples.
    Keywords: Balanced vehicle routing problem, meta-heuristic, rank based ant system, NP-hard, Metaheuristics
  • H. Tamjidi Saraskanroud*, M. Babaei Pages 533-561
    Structural topology optimization provides an insight into efficient designing as it seeks optimal distribution of material to minimize the total cost and weight of the structures. This paper presents an optimum design of steel moment frames and connections of structures subjected to serviceability and strength constraints in accordance with AISC-Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD). In connection topology optimizations, different beam and column sections and connections and also to optimize two steel moment frames a genetic algorithm was used and their performance was compared. Initially, two common steel moment frames were studied, only for the purpose of minimizing the weight of the structure and the members of structure are considered as design variables. Since the cost of a steel moment frame is not solely related to the weight of the structure, in order to obtain a realistic plan, in the second part of this study, for the other two frames the cost of the connections is also added to the variables. The results indicate that the steel frame optimization by applying real genetic algorithm could be optimal for structural designing. The findings highlighted the prominent performance and lower costs of the steel moment frames when different connections are used.
    Keywords: Steel frame optimization, metaheuristic algorithms, connection topology optimization, genetic algorithm