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فهرست مطالب الناز غنی زاده حصار

  • محمدرضا احدی *، الناز غنی زاده حصار
    آرام سازی ترافیک، یکی از اقدامات مهندسی محسوب می شود که می تواند با صرف هزینه های نه چندان بالا سبب کاهش قابل توجه سرعت وسایل نقلیه شده و در نتیجه، در کاهش نرخ تصادفات و تلفات ناشی از آنان تاثیری مشخص بر جای گذارد. ازآنجایی که اجرای طرح های آرام سازی می تواند روند ترافیک معابر به خصوص خیابان های محلی را با تغییر مواجه کند، باید در انتخاب ابزارهای آرام سازی و تعیین مقاطع مناسب جهت اجرای آن ها برای تجدیدحیات محله دقت لازم اعمال شود. آرام سازی ترافیک محلات مسکونی، موضوعی است که جهت حفظ کارکردهای اجتماعی و فرهنگی و جلوگیری از تعادل نداشتن زیست محیطی محلات مسکونی پیشنهاد می شود. هدف اصلی از نگارش پژوهش، بررسی امکان آرام سازی ترافیک محله یورد شاهی ارومیه با رویکردی در جهت تجدیدحیات این محله است که با استفاده از مطالعات اسنادی و کتابخانه ای به شناخت و ارزیابی وضعیت موجود محله یورد شاهی ارومیه پرداخته و نتایج به دست آمده را در قالب روش تحلیلی-کاربردی با استفاده از جدول SWOT و اولویت دارترین عوامل در محله را مشخص کرده و به ارائه راهکارهایی در راستای موضوع مورد بررسی خواهیم پرداخت. در نتایج به دست آمده، از پژوهش راهبرد تهاجمی SO به عنوان اولویت دارترین راهبرد شناخته شده که عوامل تهاجمی نشان می دهد و محله یورد شاهی که توان لازم برای برنامه های سامان دهی و آرام سازی ترافیک را دارد، استفاده شد. در انتها نیز براساس یافته های پژوهش، با تاکید بر محله یورد شاهی شهر ارومیه و دستورالعمل مشارکت های اجتماعی در محلات مسکونی، راهکارهایی پیشنهاد شد.
    کلید واژگان: آرامسازی, تجدیدحیات, ترافیک, محله, SWOT}
    Mohammad Reza Ahadi *, Elnaz Ghanizadeh Hesar
    Traffic calming is one of the engineering actions which can decreases the significant speed of vehicles , by spending not so high expenses , and as a result it could leave definite effects, in decreasing of the rate of accidents and fatalities. Since carrying out of calming projects can change the process of pathway traffic especially in local streets. So it should be acts with enough accuracy in choosing the traffic calming tools and determination of suitable sections for performing it. Traffic Calming in residential neighborhoods, is a subject that suggested for protection of social and cultural functions and preventing ecological imbalance of residential neighborhoods. IN this regard, the main purpose in publication of this research is the possibility in traffic calming in Urmia Yurdshahy neighborhood with approach to of revitalization in this area. So , by using the document and library studies we are recognizing and assessing the present situation of this area an then determine the result by using SWOT model and then we try to perform the ways about the research.According to our findings of this research the offensive strategy (SO) has the highest priority, that shows Yurdshahy neighborhood have requisite potential in traffic calming and reformation programs. Finally, solutions were suggested based on the findings of this research with emphasis on Urmia Yourdshahy area, and instruction of social association in residential neighborhoods .
    IntroductionNowadays, transport is a subject that all people are in direct contact with it and Parallel to the development of cities , need for public services and facilities is increased and this, in turn, will add a new dimension to metropolises public issues, particularly transport as traffic. traffic calming is account as one of the engineering proceedings that can cause a significant reduction in speed of vehicles by spending not so high expenses and thus it has significant effect on reducing the rate of accidents and fatalities. Since the implementation of the traffic calming projects can change street traffic process especially on local streets, so it should be acts with requisite accuracy in choosing the traffic calming tools and determination of suitable sections for performing it. Followed by problems of old areas of city especially the central areas of city that have affected various aspects of urban life˓ government have paid special attention to the old areas of city. This need cause to design an approach for urban revitalization that reflects long term and dynamic nature. (Hatamynezhad˓1388)
    There are may be three reasons for the occurrence of the revitalization of urban life that according to it, three types of revitalization is discussed:a) Imposing revitalization.
    b) Opportunistic revitalization.
    c) Protective or futurist revitalization.
    Mythology Traffic calming means network design and engineering proceedings that are coming together in a way that improve road safety and other aspects of people's living environment. There for we can mention the followings as issues that affect traffic calming:a) Speed of passage.
    b) Black spots and the risk of accidents.
    c) The type and pattern of traffic thoroughfares.
    d) Attractive Land travel position.
    e) Physical and geometrical features of streets.
    f) Pedestrian and vehicle traffic.
    g) Location of pedestrian crossings.
    h) Existence special bus line.
    i) Access patterns in the range
    j) Location of bike paths in the area (ahadi :238-239 )
    Since the issue examined in this study is neighborhood traffic calming with an approach to revitalization, so we examine the components of urban revitalization too. These include four main dimension of economical, social-culture˓ physical and environmental. (Roberts and Sykes, 2000: 15-31). However, we plan to analyze the data in Table SWOT matrix and indexes go so far mentioned above. The matrix has a conceptual framework for the identification and analysis of threats and opportunities in the external environment and internal assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of a system.
    ResultsIn order to identify the opportunities and threats that the YurdShahy neighborhood face with them, we explained and analyzed SWOT Table to be addressed. External and internal factors include general economic forces, social, cultural, political, institutional and legal and environment.
    At this stage , for evaluation of obtained component of, obtained and provide guidelines on how best to build and improve the neighborhood, we used the SWOT plot strategy development, according to prioritize strategies of acceptable obtained results, we selected the final strategy. That is the strategy of the SO (aggressive strategy) which is according to the chosen strategy, should act to strengthen the power of the neighborhood YurdShahy to achieve the opportunities in this area. And act to strengthen them.
    ConclusionAppropriate solution for intervention and resolving issues and problem of traffic calming is vary depending on the type of issue, the extent and severity of it. In this research, neighborhood traffic calming with an approach to revitalization was investigated. Yurd Shahy neighborhood is one of the old and central neighborhoods of Urmia that is formed organically in the vicinity of commercial part of town. Due to old age of YurdShahy neighborhood, in many years this neighborhood is preserved local and social cohesion. For objectively evaluation of obtained prior factors of analysis in the first stage and obtained results of comparison of mentioned factors in terms of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the second stage, SWOT fourfold diagram were used and we identified the results of this offensive guideline diagram as the most prior one the offensive factors shows that yourdshahy of neighborhood of urmia have the requisite potential for traffic calming and organization of programs.Also we should not forget the role of people as elements that program done not only for them but also with them.
    Keywords: Calming, Traffic, Neighborhood, Revitalization, SWOT}
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