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برای پرداخت حق اشتراک اگر عضو هستید وارد شوید در غیر این صورت حساب کاربری جدید ایجاد کنید


فهرست مطالب باقرعلی بهاری اردشیری

  • باقرعلی بهاری اردشیری، مریم تقوایی*، کیومرث خطیر پاشا
    زمینه و هدف

    سلامت سیستم مدیریت در یک سازمان منجر به توسعه عملکرد فردی و شغلی و تاثیرگذاری بر همه رفتاره های کارکنان می گردد. لذا هدف از پژوهش حاضر بررسی ارایه مدلی به منظور سنجش تاثیر طرح تعالی سلامت مدیریت آموزش وپرورش بر عملکرد شغلی بود.

    روش کار

    روش پژوهش، ترکیبی از نوع طرح تحقیق آمیخته اکتشافی (کیفی- کمی) بود. شرکت کنندگان پژوهش در بخش کیفی شامل خبرگان منتخب سازمان آموزش وپرورش استان مازندران با سابقه مدیریت و سیاست گذاری، با در نظر گرفتن قانون اشباع به تعداد 20 نفر تعیین شد. در بخش کمی جامعه آماری شامل کارکنان ادارات آموزش وپرورش 32 منطقه و شهرستان استان مازندران بود. در بخش کمی حجم نمونه با استفاده از جدول کرجسی و مورگان به تعداد 320 نفر تعیین شد. ابزار اندازه گیری در بخش کیفی مصاحبه نیمه ساختاریافته و در بخش کمی شامل پرسشنامه محقق ساخته بود. به منظور تجزیه وتحلیل داده ها از روش مدل یابی معادلات ساختاری از نرم افزارهای SPSS  و LISREL استفاده شد.

    یافته ها

    یافته های پژوهش با توجه به نتابج حاصل از بخش کیفی و کمی پژوهش نشان داد که 82 درصد عملکرد شغلی به ابعاد طرح تعالی مدیریت آموزش وپرورش که شامل (1. مراقبت و توجه، 2. قوانین و مقررات، 3. ضوابط، 4. ابزاری، 5. کارایی 6. مستقل) می باشد، وابسته است.

    نتیجه گیری

    نتابج این پژوهش نشان داد ابعاد طرح تعالی مدیریت آموزش و پرورش بر عملکرد شغلی کارکنان آموزش و پرورش استان مازندران اثر مثبت و معنی داری دارد.

    کلید واژگان: Management Health Excellence Plan, Job Performance, Education, Training of Mazandaran Province}
    Bagherali Bahari Ardeshiri, Maryam Taghvaei*, Kiyomarth Khatir Pasha

    Background &


    The health excellence program of education management tries to provide conditions for all the effective factors in school management while identifying internal and external capacities and abilities, by adopting a program-oriented approach to determine the goals and design of the operational plan of the school, and with a sharp and critical eye, continuously evaluate the performance of the school in relation to the roadmap or program Measure operations and intended goals. In addition, the education management excellence program gives the management the opportunity to identify and optimally use the available resources and capacities by using an intelligent and efficient system, making possible the continuous improvement and excellence of the educational process. In this way, all management processes are on the path of transformation, and continuous improvement thinking is institutionalized as a principle and value in education. On the other hand, education and training need continuous improvement of their performance in order to progress, and human resources are considered basic capital and the origin of any transformation and innovation in them. The job performance of education managers is one of the important variables in productivity and efficiency, and it is the most essential factor for creating a favorable position in the realization of educational goals. Therefore, the project of excellence in management will lead education towards an educational system based on the program and the practice of more accountability and attention to the needs of society. The accurate implementation of self-evaluation and external evaluation based on the defined definitions and indicators gives an opportunity to education management by using a smart and efficient system to identify and optimally use existing resources and capacities, continuous improvement and It makes possible the excellence of the educational process. Therefore, one of the variables that can affect the excellence of education management is the job performance of the managers, job performance is one of the basic and important issues that the managers and those involved in the organizations seek to increase. Job performance is actually a set of activities that are carried out by employees in order to achieve the predetermined goals of the organization, and it consists of several indicators such as job satisfaction, skills, abilities, etc. Some belief that meaning of the word performance; is the result of the work and efficiency of the organization, and some people also use performance to mean the process of doing work and how to perform tasks (without considering the result). In evaluating the performance of human resources, both the obtained results and the work process can be emphasized. In other words, performance means the result of human resource activities in terms of the implementation of assigned tasks after a certain time, which can have the aspect of productivity and efficiency. The education management excellence program can theoretically include many effects and benefits, the result of which can be counted as improving the existing conditions of schools and education as a whole. But a look at the research shows that in recent years, despite the implementation of this program at the school level, little research has been done in the field of the effects of the implementation of these programs on schools, teachers, and administrators. In this regard, this research evaluates the role and impact of the health excellence program of education management on the job performance of managers by looking at the previous research and the lack of research that has been done.


    The research method was a combination of exploratory mixed research design (qualitative-quantitative). The research participants in the qualitative part, including the selected experts of Mazandaran Education Organization with management and policy-making experience, were determined to be 20 people taking into account the saturation law. In the quantitative part, the statistical population included employees of education departments of 32 regions and cities of Mazandaran province. In the quantitative section, the sample size was determined to be 320 people using the Karjesi and Morgan table. The measurement tool in the qualitative part was a semi-structured interview and in the quantitative part it included a researcher-made questionnaire. In order to analyze the data, the structural equation modeling method of SPSS and LISREL software was used.


    The findings of the research according to results of the qualitative and quantitative part of the research showed that 82% of job performance is related to the dimensions of the education management excellence plan, which includes (1. care and attention, 2. rules and regulations, 3. criteria, 4. instrumental, 5. efficiency, 6. independent) is dependent.


    The results of this research showed that the dimensions of the education management excellence plan have a positive and significant effect on the job performance of education workers in Mazandaran province. Therefore, some suggestions are given in this regard: 1- Holding in-service training in the form of various workshops in order to train the job performance of the employees. 2- Managers, and assistants should be fully informed about management excellence and its impact on the job performance of employees, and most of them should be given attention. 3- Paying attention to the mechanisms of management excellence and job performance by providing continuous evaluation research workshops. Based on the statement of the problem as well as the analysis presented in this research, the following can be presented as recommendations for conducting future research related to the subject of the current research: Similar research should be conducted in other organizations and the results Ready to compare. Research is conducted with the aim of determining the infrastructure needed to implement the proposed model of the dimensions of the teacher management excellence plan on the academic performance of students with the role of mediator of educational justice. A research with the aim of investigating the effectiveness of the dimensions of the management excellence plan on the job performance of employees, in the assistants and principals of schools.

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