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فهرست مطالب حمیده پروان

  • حمیده پروان، زهرا ریاحی زمین*

    بنابر گزارش شاهنامه، هنگامی که خسروپرویز در نبرد با بهرام چوبین به روم گریخت، از مناطقی که در شاهنامه،  باهله، کارستان و مانوی نامیده شده اند، عبور کرد و به شهر وریغ فرود آمد. در این شهر با قیصر روم مکاتبه کرد و پس از دریافت لشکری از رومیان به آذربایجان بازگشت و در دشت دوک با بهرام روبه رو شد و او را شکست داد. چون جغرافیانگاران مسلمان اطلاع مبسوطی از مناطق تحت تصرف امپراطوری روم نداشته اند، نام این مکان ها در منابع جغرافیایی دوران اسلامی یا ضبط نشده اند یا به نام های دیگری ذکر شده اند. در این جستار کوشش شده است تا با استناد به منابع معتبر، جایگاه مناطق مزبور و در مواردی نام دیگر آن ها مشخص شود. روش تحقیق در انجام این پژوهش تحلیلی- توصیفی با استفاده از منابع کتابخانه ای است. در این پژوهش مشخص شد که جایگاه قبیله ی باهله در فاصله ی شهر هیت تا رقه بوده و منظور از کارستان در شاهنامه شهر مرزی حران است. نام های مانوی و وریغ برگرفته از واژه ی (Mannuorrha Auyreth) است. جزء اول این نام (Mannu)، مانوی نام دژی در ادسا و (Aureth) اویریت، نام باستانی شهر (Irrite) است که امروزه (Irridu) نامیده می شود و میان کرکمیش (قرقمیساء) و حران واقع است و اوریغ و وریغ در شاهنامه تلفظی دیگر از آن است. با توجه به توصیف تیوفیلاکت و فردوسی از محل نبرد روشن شد که دشت دوک نیز در شاهنامه اسمی عام است و به مسیر صعب العبور و پرتگاه های محل جنگ اشاره دارد.

    کلید واژگان: باهله, جغرافیای شاهنامه, دوک, کارستان, مانوی, وریغ}
    Hamide Parvan, Zahra Riahizamin *

    The Sassanid Empire is an important part of the Shahnameh. In this section, Ferdowsi, explains in detail the events of the reign of Khosrow Parviz, the revolt of Bahram Choobineh, Khosrow's escape to Rome and receiving an army from the Roman emperor, and his return to Azerbaijan to fight Bahram. According to the Shahnameh, in this route, Khosrow passes through places called Yazdansaray, Bahleh, Karestan, and Manuy, and enters the city called Varigh. In this city, he receives an army from the Roman emperor and returns to Azerbaijan, where he fights Bahram in the Duke Plain and defeats him. Because Muslim geographers did not have complete information about the territories occupied by the Roman Empire, the names of these places are either not mentioned in the geographical sources of the Islamic period or are mentioned in other names. In Shahnameh manuscripts, the names of these places are written in various forms, which shows the ignorance of the scribers of these places.

    Purpose of the study and Research Methods

    In this research, an attempt has been made to determine the geographical location of Bahleh, Karestan, Manuy, Varigh and Duke and in some cases their other names based on reliable sources. The research method is descriptive analytical using library resources. Literature review For the first time, Monshizadeh (1975) researched the state of geography in the Shahnameh. In his research, he has studied the geographical location of Mazandaran and some other places in Shahnameh. The guide of the geographical map of Shahnameh is the  result of the researches of Shahidi Mazandarani (1377) in the geographical names and also the names of the people in Shahnameh. Ghorbani and Zomorrodi (1396), in a research in thirteen chapters, have analyzed the geographical names of Shahnameh; despite the efforts of the authors, in some cases, there is no comprehensive information in their research. Aslani and Purtaghi (1398) have also studied the geographical names of Shahnameh. They provide more complete information than Ghorbani and Zomorrodi. Farhange joghrafiyaye tarikhiye Shahnameh, compiled by Seyedi (1399), is the latest research on the geographical names of Shahnameh in which all the geographical names of Shahnameh have been extracted and the changes of names and geographical places from the past to the present have also been expressed.


    In Shahnameh, the escape route of Khosrow to Rome is described in detail. Ferdowsi called the first place that Khosrow enters "Yazdansaray". Yazdansaray was one of the monasteries close to Madain. Historical sources refer to several monasteries located in the south of Madain, and it is obvious that they were not located on the way of Khosrow to Rome. Normally, that monastery (YazdanSaray) should have been located in the west of Madain on the way of Rome. Then he reaches the Bahleh tribe near the Euphrates. According to Dinwari, Khosrow went to the monastery after entering the city of Hit, and then reached the Arab tribes that accompanied him to the banks of the Euphrates(Dinwari1371:115-121).After crossing the Euphrates, Khosrow entered the city of Karestan, the first border city of Iran and Rome. Ferdowsi explicitly states that the Roman emperor called this city Karestan (Ferdowsi, 1393, vol8. P.81-82). So Karestan must be a Roman name. To determine the location of this city, the inscription of Shapur I is very helpful; because Khosrow, in order to go to Rome, must have passed through the same route that Shapur I had passed before him. After crossing Karestan, Khosrow reached the city of Manuy and then Varigh. Isidore of charax , in the description of the distance between the cities along the Euphrates River, mentions  a fortress that was called Mannuorrha Auyreth (Isidore of charax , 1387: 35). Mannuorrha Auyreth brings to mind the names Manuy and Varigh, which are also mentioned in the Shahnameh. Shapur I also captured the city of Edessa at the end of his campaign. So varigh must also be near Harran, and Manuy must be a city  between Harran and Edessa. After receiving an army from the Roman emperor, Khosrow went to Azerbaijan and encamped in the Duke Plain. According to Theophylact the battle of Khosrow and Bahram was in a mountainous area, near Ganzak and the Belarat River. He also writes that Khosrow's troops in this area were forced to divide into three groups and enter the battlefield in three ways (Theophylact,1986: 180). Minorsky suggests that Duke is the Dule, an area East of Orumiyeh Lake near Maragheh (Minorsky,1379: 12-14). Ferdowsi describes the battlefield as a mountainous area and also refers to the "Three Dukes Road"(Ferdowsi ,1393, vol8, p121).


    By examining the inscription of Shapur I, the sources of Byzantine historians and its correspondence with the reports of Muslim historians, the position of the mentioned areas in Shahnameh was determined. The Location of Bahleh tribe was between Hit and Raqqah and Khosrow reached this tribe between these two cities. Karestan is the Roman name of the border city of Harran (Carrehae), which was changed to (Kar + Stan) in the Shahnameh. The name Manuy is derived from the combination Mannuorrha Auyreth and it is the name of the fortress in Edessa / Urhāy. Varigh / Urigh is another pronunciation of Auyreth =Irrite, the name of an ancient city located northwest of Mesopotamia, between Harran and Carchamishe, and today called Irridu / ordi. In Mazandarani language, Duke means difficult path, precipice and valley. Considering the division of the troops into three groups and the mountainous positions of Duke and Ganzak, Ferdowsi meant of Duke and Three Dukes Road, should be that Khosrow crossed the three massive divisions through three difficult roads / Valleys and precipices. Also in Shahnameh, Duke Mountain, Duke Plain and Three Dukes Road refer to the hard road, Valleys and precipices of the battlefield.

    Keywords: Bahleh, Duke, Geography of Shahnameh, Karestan, Manuy, Varigh}
  • محمود رضایی *، حمیده پروان

    پرواز به آسمان یکی از آرزوهای دیرینه بشر بوده که در اسطوره ها به زیبایی تبلور یافته است. در این جستار به واکاوی پنج اسطوره (کی کاووس در روایات ایرانی،  نمرود در روایات سامی، ووئی در روایات چینی، ایکاروس در روایات یونانی و اتنه در روایات بین النهرینی) که وجه غالب آن ها پرواز است، پرداخته شده است. هدف اصلی این پژوهش بررسی هم گونی های این روایات با یک دیگر و پاسخ به این پرسش است که آیا ممکن است هم گونی های شگرف برخی از این روایات، دال بر تاثیر و تاثر برخی ازاین روایات از یک دیگر باشد یا کنش برخی از شخصیت های یاد شده به دیگری نسبت داده شده باشد؟  با بررسی این پنج روایت روشن شد که داستان های کی کاووس، نمرود و اتنه بیش ترین هم گونی را با یک دیگر دارند و در واقع گویی  به سبب هم سانی برخی حوادث زمان پادشاهی کی کاووس و نمرود، داستان پرواز کی کاووس به نمرود نسبت داده شده است؛ هرچند قدمت روایت اتنه، نسبت به دیگر روایات بیش تر و امکان تاثر دیگر روایات از آن قوی تر است.

    کلید واژگان: اسطوره پرواز, کیکاووس, نمرود, ووئی, ایکاروس, اتنه}
    Mahmoud Rezaye*

    Flight to heavens had been one of the ancient wishes of man which finds expression in its utmost beauty in myths.  This article deals with analysis of five myths namely Kaykavus in Persian narratives, Namrud in Sami narratives, Vuei in Chinese, Iccarus in Greek, and finally Atne in Mesopotamian ones whose dominant common feature is flight.  The main purpose of this research is to study the similarities of these narratives with one another and to answer this question that whether the striking similarities found in some of these narratives are the result of their mutual influence and impact on one another or whether the action of certain characters mentioned are attributed to others in the narrative.  The study shows that the stories of Kaykavus, Namrud, and Atne have the most likenesses and in fact it is as if due to certain similarities in the events in the reign of Kaykavus and Namrud, the story of Kaykavus’s flight is attributed to Namrud’s.  Nevertheless, the narrative of Atneh is the most ancient one and the probability of its influence over the other narratives is quite strong.

    Keywords: Flight myth, Kaykavus, Namrud, Vuei, Iccarus, Atne}
  • عاطفه سلطانی *، حمیده پروان
    نوشتار پیش رو به بررسی پژوهش های لهجه شیرازی پرداخته و هدف آن طبقه بندی، توصیف و تحلیل کتاب هایی است که از سال 1348 تا 1393 شمسی در این حوزه به چاپ رسیده اند. پس از بیان مقدمه، درباره اهمیت تحقیق، توضیح داده شده؛ سپس آثار در سه حوزه : 1. اصطلاحات و ضرب المثل ها؛ 2.زبان و 3. فرهنگ مردم تقسیم شده اند. هر کتاب در چهار بخش: عنوان کتاب، ساختار کتاب، مضامین اصلی و متن اصلی معرفی و پس از آن، نظراتی درباره کتاب مطرح و در پایان نیز نتیجه ای کمی و کیفی از آثار منتشرشده ارائه شده است. هم چنین مقالات این حوزه معرفی شده اند و مقالات متاخر مطابق ساختار کتاب ها بررسی شده اند.
    کلید واژگان: کتاب شناسی, لهجه شیرازی, واژه ها و اصطلاحات, مقالات}
    Atefe Soltani*, Hamide Parvan
    The present study investigates previous researches about Shirazi accent. The aim of the study was to classify, describe and analyze books published during 1348-1393 about Shirazi Accent. After introducing issues, the importance of the research has been discussed; then analyzed books classified into three major groups: 1. Expressions and proverbs; 2. Language; and 3. Pop culture. Each book introduced in four parts: book title, book structure, core concepts and the main text. Then, some ideas about the book have been proposed. Finally, quantitative and qualitative results of the published books were presented. Also this study presents the articles and investigates recently researches according to structure of the books.
    Keywords: Bibliography, Shirazi Accent, Papers}
  • در این صفحه نام مورد نظر در اسامی نویسندگان مقالات جستجو می‌شود. ممکن است نتایج شامل مطالب نویسندگان هم نام و حتی در رشته‌های مختلف باشد.
  • همه مقالات ترجمه فارسی یا انگلیسی ندارند پس ممکن است مقالاتی باشند که نام نویسنده مورد نظر شما به صورت معادل فارسی یا انگلیسی آن درج شده باشد. در صفحه جستجوی پیشرفته می‌توانید همزمان نام فارسی و انگلیسی نویسنده را درج نمایید.
  • در صورتی که می‌خواهید جستجو را با شرایط متفاوت تکرار کنید به صفحه جستجوی پیشرفته مطالب نشریات مراجعه کنید.
درخواست پشتیبانی - گزارش اشکال