فهرست مطالب نویسنده:
سید مهدی ناظمی قره باغ
خیال هم در فلسفه اسلامی و هم در فلسفه معاصر، اصطلاحی مهم و پربسامد است. بسیاری از ویژگی های انسان و نیز ویژگی های دوران پس از فلسفه های کلاسیک، با توجه به وجه خیالی وجود آدمی قابل تفسیر میباشد. مصرف گرایی و تحقق جامعه مصرفی هم یکی از مهمترین خصیصه های جهان معاصر بشمار میرود تا جایی که بنظر میرسد شئون فرهنگی انسان نیز تحت تاثیر اقتضائات جامعه مصرفی قرار گرفته است. بازی نیز در معنای متداول خود، اولا و بالذات با خیال سروکار دارد. نظر به وضع انسان امروز و مناسبت داشتن آن با خیالی غیرمتعالی و مصرف گرا، بازی های رایانه یی، تجسد مهم دو عنصر خیال غیرمتعالی و مصرف گرایی هستند. چیزی که بازی رایانه یی را مهیای چنین تفسیری میسازد، ذات تکنولوژیک آن است. بازی در شکل تکنولوژیک و رسانه یی آن، بستر مصرف گرایی بی پایان و تجسد تخیل جزافی برآمده از تفکر ریاضی گونه است .کلید واژگان: خیال, عالم خیال, جامعه مصرفی, تکنیک, بای رایانه ییImagination is a very important term which is frequently used in both Islamic and contemporary philosophies. Many of the characteristics of human beings and the periods succeeding classical schools of philosophy can be interpreted with reference to the imaginal aspect of human existence. In Mulla Sadras view, some aspects of the world of imagination can change depending on the differences among human beings. Consumerism and the realization of consumer society are also considered to be among the most important features of the contemporary world so that the cultural values of people seem to have been influenced by the necessities of consumer societies. In their common sense, games primarily and essentially deal with imagination, too. Given the status of todays human being and the relationship between games and a non-transcendent and consumer imagination, computer games can be viewed as an important embodiment of two elements of non-transcendent imagination and consumerism. What makes them susceptible to such as interpretation is their technological essence. In fact, in its technological and media form, games represent a limitless form of consumerism and embody an absurd kind of imagination which are rooted in mathematical thinking.Keywords: imagination, imaginal world, consumer society, technique, computer games
The emergence of Wahhabism is an outcome of some historical development and still remaining unchanged teachings. Historically speaking, Wahhabism has had a simple-minded look at wisdom and by standing still at apparent meanings of Quran Verses and the Hadith and insisting on its own interpretation, has condemned the opponents and invited others to accept apparent interpretations by inciting their sentiments. Wahhabi apparent interpretation is not only about the holy texts but also the cosmos. They minimize any kind of relation between human being and the unseen world particularly if Welayat (leadership of Imams) is concerned. The main reason of Wahhabism animosity with Shi’ism, Sufism and philosophy is rooted here. Expansion of Wahhabism from a sect in Hanbali School into a surface-oriented ultra-jurisprudence discourse in three branches of Traditionalists, Jihadists and moderates has made it more successful. In Iran many Wahhabi successes are outcomes of modernization. History of Iranian Modernity by intellectuals’ leadership is full of surface –oriented slogans about wisdom and ignoring the unseen world in order to combat with superstitions.
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