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فهرست مطالب گلناز محمودی مقدم

  • محمد ساغری*، مسلم رستم پور، گلناز محمودی مقدم، بهاره چکشی
    ترکیب گونه ای و تنوع زیستی از سریع ترین و مهم ترین شاخص های تعیین وضعیت اکوسیستم های مرتعی است. این تحقیق به بررسی اثر احداث هلالی های آبگیر بر ترکیب پوشش گیاهی و تنوع زیستی در اکوسیستم های مناطق خشک و بیابانی استان خراسان جنوبی می پردازد. بدین منظور، نمونه برداری از پوشش گیاهی در بهار سال 1393، در مراتع منطقه مورد نظر در مرحله گلدهی گیاهان غالب به روش سیستماتیک - تصادفی و به صورت پلات گذاری انجام شد. سپس خصوصیات پوشش گیاهی از قبیل تراکم، ترکیب، درصد پوشش و شاخص های غنای گونه ای (مارگالف، منهینیک)، تنوع گونه ای (سیمپسون، شانون- وینر و آلفای فیشر) و یکنواختی گونه ای (پیلو) در دو منطقه اجرای طرح و منطقه شاهد بررسی گردید. نتایج آزمون تی تست مستقل نشان داد که اثر احداث سامانه هلالی آبگیر بر درصد پوشش گیاهی کل و تراکم گیاهان مرتعی معنی دار (01/0>p) است. بررسی ترکیب گونه ای نشان داد که منطقه اجرای طرح شامل 30 گونه گیاهی از 17 خانواده و منطقه شاهد شامل 9 گونه گیاهی از 8 خانواده بوده و شاخص های غنای گونه ای مارگالف، تنوع گونه ای سیمپسون و شانون وینر در منطقه اجرای طرح بیشتر از منطقه شاهد است. در نهایت می توان گفت که اثر هلالی های آبگیر بر خصوصیات اکولوژیکی پوشش گیاهی در مراتع تحت اجرای این طرح، مثبت بوده و لذا می توان از آن به عنوان یکی از روش های قوی و موثر احیای مراتع تخریب شده نام برد.
    کلید واژگان: تراکم, درصد پوشش گیاهی, تنوع گونه ای, غنای گونه ای, هلالی آبگیر}
    Mohammad Saghari*, Moslem Rostampour, Golnaz Mahmoudi Moghaddam, Bahareh Chakoshi
    One of the ways of restoration and reclamation of damaged rangeland is to use different methods of rain harvesting such as pitting, counter furrowing, flood spreading, small arc basins system and etc., along with the reduction of runoff, it increases the soil moisture content and thus increases vegetation cover. Biodiversity is most commonly used to describe the number of species. It is studied in 3 levels, including genes, species, and ecosystems. However, species diversity is a major issue of biodiversity on a local and regional scale. Species composition and biodiversity are among the fastest and most important indicators for determining rangeland ecosystems condition. Due to the new construction of this structure in the rangelands of Iran, so far, little research has been done on the effect of small arc basins system on vegetation and forage production. Particularly, there is limited research on the variation of richness and species diversity by Construction of this structure. Abdollahi et al. (2016) investigated the effects of crescent pond structure on vegetation and soil parameters in Saravan rangelands of Sistan and Baluchestan province. The results of their research showed that, significant differences were found for all vegetation parameters between the crescent structure and control treatment, indicating the positive effect of crescent structure on vegetation parameters. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of constructing small arc basins system has been investigated on the composition of vegetation and biodiversity in the rangelands of South Khorasan province.
    Materials and methods
    Sampling in the rangelands of Sarbisheh, South Khorasan Province, was carried out in small arc basins area. Vegetation sampling was carried out in the rangelands by systematic-random method at the flowering stage of the dominant plant species in the spring of 2014.vegetation characteristics such as density, composition, cover percentage, and species richness indices (Margalef and Menhinick), species diversity indices (Simpson, Shannon - Wiener and Fisher's alpha) and species evenness (Pielou) were investigated in two areas (small arc basins area and the control area).The all biodiversity indices were calculated using PAST software. To compare the vegetation characteristics including density, composition, vegetation percentage, species richness, diversity and evenness, independent samples t-test were used.
    In general, 30 plant species were identified in two areas (small arc basins area and the control area), which belong to 17 families and 27 genera. The results showed that the number of plant species in the control area is 9 and in the small arc basins area is 30 species. The results of comparing the total vegetation cover percentage in both areas showed that the percentage of total coverage is very significant (p <0.01). The effect of construction of the small arc basins area system on the density of rangeland plants was very significant (p <0.01) and this system has significantly increased the density of rangeland plants., there is a significant difference in species diversity between the two regions in terms of Simpson diversity index and Shannon-Wiener's diversity index, but this difference is not significant in the alpha-Fisher's index. The results of the data on the study of richness indices also show that the Margalaf's richness index shows a very significant difference in the comparison of species richness in the two study areas, but this difference was not significant in terms of the Menhinick's index. Discussion and
    The results showed that the construction of small arc basins in the study area increased the number of plant species, species density and vegetation percentage compared to the control area, which indicates the positive effect of this structure on improving the ecosystem conditions. Research in this area also confirms this result. The results of this study indicate that the number of annual and perennial species in the control area (totally nine species) from 4 and 5 species in the control area has increased to 15 species for both species (a total of 30 species) in the small arc basins area. As well as, the results indicate that the vegetation cover percentage and frequency of perennial species is more than annual species. Several studies have indicated that species diversity has a significant relationship with soil texture and soil moisture. Since the construction of small arc basins leads to changes in soil moisture content and soil texture. Therefore, it has a significant effect on species diversity. Finally, according to the results of this research as well as previous researches, we can say that the effect of small arc basins system was positive on the ecological characteristics of vegetation in the study small arc basins treatment. Therefore, it can be considered as one of the most effective methods for the restoration of degraded rangelands.
    Keywords: Density, Vegetation Cover, Species Diversity, Species Richness, Small Arc Basin}
  • گلناز محمودی مقدم *، محمد ساغری، مسلم رستم پور، بهاره چکشی
    یکی از روش های مهم اصلاح مراتع و افزایش تولید علوفه در آن ها، ذخیره نزولات آسمانی در خاک با استفاده از راه های مختلفی مانند احداث هلالی های آبگیر است. در این پژوهش اثر این سامانه در رابطه با تغییر تولید گیاهان مرتعی و نیز رطوبت و بافت خاک مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. نمونه گیری از خاک و پوشش گیاهی به روش سیستماتیک- تصادفی و در راستای سه ترانسکت عمود بر شیب غالب منطقه مورد مطالعه انجام شد. برای اندازه گیری مقدار تولید گیاهان مرتعی و مقایسه این شاخص در دو منطقه اجرای هلالی آبگیر و شاهد، تولیدات سال جاری گیاهان (در اواخر فصل بهار) در40 پلات، قطع و پس از خشک کردن در سایه، توزین شدند. برای بررسی تغییرات بافت و رطوبت خاک نیز، 40 پروفیل حفر و از دو عمق 20-0 و 40- 20 سانتی متری سطح خاک و در دو نوبت (ابتدا و انتهای دوره بارش سالانه)، مجموعا 160 نمونه برداشت شد. داده ها با استفاده از رویه مدل خطی کلی مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفتند. نتایج تحقیق نشان داد که مقدار تولید گیاهان مرتعی در عرصه اجرای طرح به بیش از دو برابر رسیده و این سامانه اثر معنی داری (01/ 0>P) بر این خصوصیت پوشش مرتعی داشته است. همچنین نتایج بیانگر آن است که اثر ساده و متقابل شاخص های عمق، فصل و منطقه نمونه گیری بر تغییر میزان رطوبت خاک نیز، معنی دار (01/ 0>P) بوده و احداث این سامانه باعث افزایش میزان سیلت در خاک عرصه و سبب تغییر بافت خاک شده است. نظر به نتایج به دست آمده، می توان ساخت چنین سامانه ای را برای ذخیره بیشتر نزولات آسمانی در خاک و افزایش تولید علوفه در مراتع، با توجه به شرایط محیطی پیشنهاد نمود.
    کلید واژگان: اصلاح مراتع, مراتع استپی, ذخیره نزولات, تولید علوفه, هلالی آبگیر}
    G. Mahmoudi Moghadam *, M. Saghari, M. Rostampour, B. Chakoshy
    Water harvesting methods such as small arc basins have been identified as effective methods to increase forage production in rangelands. In this study, the effects of these small arc basins on forage production, soil moisture and soil texture conditions were investigated. A systematic-random sampling was used to collect data from three transects established perpendicularly to the dominant slope of the study area. Productions of range plants were measured in 40 samples (at the end of spring) and then dried in shadow and weighed. One hundred sixty samples were collected from 0-20 and 20-40 cm of soil surface at the beginning and the end of rainfall season. Data were analyzed by General Linear Model (GLM) procedure. The results indicated that the used water harvesting method resulted to a significant two times increase of plant productions in compare with the control site (p<0.01). Also the findings of this study indicated that the main interaction effect of depth, season and sampling area on soil moisture fluctuations were significant (p<0.01). The results also showed that the construction of this system had a positive effect on the texture and silt content of soil in the study area. Therefore, this method can be suggested as an appropriate method for storing rainfall and increasing forage production in rangeland ecosystems.
    Keywords: Rangeland improvement, steppes rangeland, storage of rainfall, forage Production, Small arc basin}
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