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تنها با پرداخت 70 هزارتومان حق اشتراک سالانه به متن مقالات دسترسی داشته باشید و 100 مقاله را بدون هزینه دیگری دریافت کنید.

برای پرداخت حق اشتراک اگر عضو هستید وارد شوید در غیر این صورت حساب کاربری جدید ایجاد کنید


مقالات رزومه دکتر پریسا محققی

  • فرزاد سینا، محمد وفایی شاهی*، فهیمه سهیلی پور، پریسا محققی، آینا ریاحی، نفیسه برقعی، عاطفه طالبی
    زمینه و هدف

    با توجه به شیوع بالای صرع و استفاده از والپروات سدیم به عنوان داروی ضد صرع که به طور گسترده در این بیماران تجویز می شود، شناخت دقیق عوارض جانبی آن و تاثیرات آن بر سطح لیپیدهای سرم، آنزیم های کبد، اسید اوریک و آزمایشات عملکرد تیرویید، به خصوص در مواردی که نیاز به درمان طولانی مدت دارند ضروری به نظر می رسد. هدف از این مطالعه بررسی تاثیرات والپروات سدیم بر وزن، شاخص توده بدن (BMI)، ویتامین D3، انسولین خون، سطح اسید اوریک و لیپیدهای سرم در کودکان مبتلا به صرع تازه تشخیص داده شده بود.

    روش کار

    این مطالعه آینده نگر بر روی 30 کودک 3 تا 8 ساله انجام شد که از صرع تازه تشخیص داده شده رنج می بردند و والپروات سدیم را به عنوان مونوتراپی دریافت می کردند. داده ها شامل اطلاعات دموگرافیک (سن ، جنس ، قد ، وزن و دور کمر و اندازه مفصل ران) و همچنین مشخصات بالینی مانند آنزیم های کبدی، سطح لیپیدهای سرم است. آزمایش تیرویید، قند خون ناشتا، سطح اسید اوریک و سطح انسولین خون کودکان قبل و شش ماه پس از مصرف سدیم والپروات، مورد بررسی قرار گرفتند.

    یافته ها

    میانگین وزن کودکان قبل و شش ماه پس از شروع درمان با والپروات سدیم به ترتیب 99/2 ± 54/18 و 93/3 ± 13/21 (کیلوگرم) بود. این اختلاف از نظر آماری معنی دار بود (005/0 = P). همچنین، میانگین وزن باscore  Z در کودکان قبل و بعد از مصرف والپروات سدیم به ترتیب 293/2- و 497/2- بود که از نظر آماری نیز معنی دار بود. علاوه بر افزایش وزن، بعد از مصرف والپروات دور شکم و باسن نیز افزایش قابل توجهی مشاهده شد، در حالی که افزایش میانگین BMI قبل و بعد از تجویز والپروات از نظر آماری معنی دار نبود (114/0 = P). همچنین، والپروات سدیم به طور قابل توجهی سطح ALT را افزایش داد (046/0 = P). این در حالی است که والپروات سدیم هیچ تاثیری بر سایر آزمایش های عملکرد کبد (AST)، هورمون های تیرویید (TSH ، T4)، قند خون ناشتا (FBS)، سطح اسید اوریک، 25 OH Vit-D3 و سطح انسولین خون کودکان نداشت (05/0 >P).

    نتیجه گیری

    با توجه به یافته های مطالعه، والپروات سدیم داروی مناسبی برای کودکان 3 تا 8 سال است اما مصرف این دارو احتمال چاقی را در کودکان افزایش می دهد. با توجه به افزایش قابل توجه آنزیم ALT در این مطالعه، توصیه می شود آنزیم های کبد قبل، یک و شش ماه پس از شروع درمان بررسی شوند زیرا می تواند از عوارض جانبی دایمی برگشت ناپذیر این دارو جلوگیری کند.

    کلید واژگان: چاقی, سدیم والپورات, کودکان, صرع}
    Farzad Sina, Mohammad Vafaee Shahi*, Fahimeh Soheilipour, Parisa Mohagheghi, Aina Riahi, Nafiseh Borqei, Atefeh Talebi
    Background & Aims

    According to the high prevalence of epilepsy and the using of sodium valproate as an antiepileptic drug widely given in these patients, accurate recognition of its side effects and its effects on serum lipids profile, liver enzymes, uric acid level, and thyroid function tests, especially in cases that need long-term treatment seems essential. Sodium valproate is a broad-spectrum drug that has been frequently prescribed as a first-line anticonvulsant since 1970. Similar to other anticonvulsant drugs, sodium valproate comes with some side effects, including transient and harmless outcomes such as weight gain, transient drowsiness, hair loss, hand and arm tremors at rest and activity, reversible thrombocytopenia, and moderate (about 3 times) increase in gamma-glutamyl transferase, as well as harmful complications such as hepatotoxicity, encephalopathy, coagulation disorders, pancreatitis, and bone marrow suppression. Also, sodium valproate interacts with other drugs such as phenobarbital, phenytoin (PHT), carbamazepine, lamotrigine, felbamate, rifampin, ethosuximide, and primidone. It generally confers suitable therapeutic properties, and whether it is used or prohibited or its modification due to negative side effects should be decided individually for each patient. Obesity or an increase in adipose tissue is defined using the body mass index (BMI), where the body weight (kg) is divided by the square of the body height (m). In a child over 2, obesity is defined as a BMI at or above the 95th percentile, and a BMI at the 85th to 95th percentile means that the person is overweight. On the other hand, serum concentrations of specific lipids and lipoproteins in young adults are serious risk factors for the development of cardiovascular disease during life. Several data showed that increased total cholesterol, elevated triglyceride (TG) and LDL-C, and decreased HDL-C levels, cause cardiovascular disease. Therefore, the assessment of variations in serum lipid profile levels following the consumption of anticonvulsants may help select the safest drug to prevent cardiovascular complications in patients. As we know, the complications of sodium valproate may be higher in children than adult. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of sodium valproate on weight, body mass index (BMI), vitamin D3, blood insulin, uric acid level, and serum lipids profile in children with newly diagnosed epilepsy.


    This prospective study was performed on 30 children between 3 and 8 years of age who admitted to the pediatric ward of Rassol-e-Akram Hospital in Tehran during 2018-2019, suffered from newly diagnosed epilepsy and received sodium valproate as monotherapy to control of seizures. In this study, patients had no metabolic disease or underlying chromosomal condition, obesity, failure to thrive (FTT), or congenital anomalies were included in the study. All patients with, underlying conditions such as chronic hepatic, heart, renal, and metabolic diseases, diabetes, chromosomal disease, obesity, FTT, congenital anomalies, progressive neurological disease, gastrointestinal diseases, coagulation disorders and developmental delay were excluded from the study. Data include demographic information (age, sex, height, weight and waist and hip circumference of children), as well as clinical characteristics such as liver enzymes (ALT, AST, ALK-P), serum lipids level (TG, TC, HDL-C, LDL-C), thyroid tests (TSH, T4), fasting blood sugar (FBS), Uric Acid level, 25 OH Vitamin D3 (Vit-D3) and blood insulin level of children before and six months after the consumption of sodium valproate, were examined


    The mean weight of children before and six months after the start of sodium valproate treatment was 18.54±2.99 and 21.13±3.93 (kg), respectively. This difference was statistically significant (P=0.005). Also, the mean weight Z-score of children before and after taking sodium valproate was respectively -2.497 and -2.293, that was statistically significant too. In addition to weight gain, there was also a significant increase in the abdominal and hip circumference of children after taking valproate, whereas the increase in mean BMI before and after valproate administration was not statistically significant (P=0.114). Mean values of weight, body mass index, and circumference of the abdomen and hips of children before and after taking sodium valproate were compared individually in girls and boys. However, mean weight gain, as well as the increase in the waist and hip circumference, had no relationship with gender (P> 0.05). Paraclinical features such as hepatic enzymes (ALT, AST, ALK-P), lipids profile (TG, TC, HDL-C, LDL.C), thyroid tests (TSH, T4), fasting blood sugar (FBS), the concentration of uric acid, 25 OH Vitamin D3, and the content of blood insulin level before and after consuming sodium valproate were measured individually in boys and girls. Also, sodium valproate significantly increased ALT level (P=0.046). This is while sodium valproate had no effect on other liver function markers (AST), thyroid hormones (TSH, T4), fasting blood sugar (FBS), uric acid level, 25 OH Vit-D3, and the children's blood insulin levels (P> 0.05).


    This study was carried out in 2018 on 30 children aged 3 to 8 years who were admitted in the pediatric ward of Rasool-e- Akram Hospital with newly diagnosed epilepsy and were treated with sodium valproate to control their seizures. In this study, factors including gender, age, weight, height, and size of waist and hip, as well as hepatic enzymes (AST, ALT), and the results of laboratory testing of lipid profiles, uric acid level, thyroid hormones, vitamin D3 level, and fasting blood sugar were recorded before and 6 months after consuming sodium valproate for each patient. According to the findings of this study, it can be said that sodium valproate is a good and safe drug for children between 3 and 8 years of age, but it should be noted that taking this drug increases the chance of obesity in children. Weight gain following the consumption of sodium valproate was observed in all children in this study. The main side effect of this drug is weight gain. In addition to weight gain, a significant increase was observed in the size of the abdomen and hips of children after taking this drug. Due to the normal serum level of insulin, uric acid and lipids, it seems that the role of sodium valproate in children weight gain is more result of increased appetite than metabolic and hormonal changes. Also, the result of significant increase in ALT enzyme level, in this study, recommended that liver enzymes should be checked before, one and six months after starting treatment as it can prevent the irreversible permanent side effects of this drug.

    Keywords: Obesity, Sodium Valproate, Children, Epilepsy}
  • زهرا صدر، زهرا رام پیشه، پریسا محققی، لیلا علمی*
    زمینه و هدف

    شیر مادر بهترین غذا و با ارزشترین هدیه ای است که هر مادری به فرزندش عرضه می کند و تغذیه انحصاری بهترین روش تغذیه نوزاد می باشد. برقراری تماس پوست با پوست مادر و نوزاد روشی موثر بر افزایش آن است. هدف این مطالعه بررسی اثر آموزش تماس پوست با پوست مادرو نوزاد درمیزان تغذیه انحصاری دردو ماه اول زندگی است.

    روش کار

    در این مطالعه کارآزمایی بالینی 250 مادر که نوزاد 3 الی 5 روزه دارند و برای دریافت مراقبت به کلینیک والفجرمراجعه کرده بودند در قالب یک مطالعه کارآزمایی بالینی تصادفی سازی شده در دو گروه 125 نفری مداخله وکنترل دسته بندی شدند. گروه مداخله آموزش تماس پوست با پوست مادر و نوزاد دریافت کردند. میزان تغذیه انحصاری، وزن قد، دور سر، میزان خواب و گریه نوزاد و نمره کیفیت زندگی مادر در زمان پایه و دو ماه بعد با هم مقایسه شدند. متغیر اصلی که تغذیه انحصاری با شیر مادر بود، از طریق چک لیست سنجیده شد. سطح معنی داری کمتر از 0٫05 در نظر گرفته شد.

    یافته ها: 

    میزان شیردهی انحصاری (0٫0001=p)، میزان گریه (0٫018=p) و خواب نوزاد (0٫025=p) و کیفیت زندگی مادر دو ماه بعد (0٫013=p) بین دو گروه اختلاف معنی داری داشت.

    نتیجه گیری:

     آموزش تماس پوست با پوست به مادران و انجام آن درطی دو ماه اول زندگی توسط آن ها در افزایش تغذیه انحصاری، بهبود کیفیت زندگی مادران، افزایش خواب وکاهش میزان گریه نوزادان در دو ماه اول زندگی تاثیر به سزایی دارد.

    کلید واژگان: تماس پوست با پوست, تغذیه انحصاری, کیفیت زندگی, میزان گریه, میزان خواب}
    Zahra Sadr, Zahra Rampisheh, Parisa Mohagheghy, Leila Elmi*
    Background & Aims

    reast milk is the best food and the most valuable gift that any mother can give to her infant. After breastfeeding, 19 digestive hormones are released in the mother and neonate. Some of these hormones stimulate the growth of intestinal villi and cause more nutrients to be absorbed. Exclusive breastfeeding is the best nutrition for infants up to 6 months of age, in addition to providing physical and biological needs, it completes the psychological needs of infants and also mothers. This has been one of the most important recommendations of the World Health Organization and UNICEF in recent years. In recent years, malnutrition, respiratory infections and diarrhea have been the leading causes of child mortality. In this regard, there are reports that breastfeeding significantly reduces the incidence of these diseases. Exclusive breastfeeding in addition to the beneficial effects on the infant and mother, has obvious economic effects on family and society, due to lack of consumption of formula. Also, among the intervention programs that have been carried out in order to continue breastfeeding in developing countries, few studies have used an appropriate theoretical framework for breastfeeding continuity, therefore, in order to increase the effectiveness of educational programs, by understanding the mechanism responsible for change, it is necessary to design and evaluate interventions focusing on the mediating psychological variables. Success in breastfeeding requires several steps: Sufficient awareness - Comprehensive support for the mother - Acquiring the necessary skills.Education of benefits of breastfeeding should begin in the second half of pregnancy and continue immediately after delivery with the help and training of how to properly place the neonate on the motherchr('39')s breast and support the mother. In recent years, many studies have been conducted on the effect of skin-to-skin contact in premature neonates and significant results have been obtained. advantages of skin-to-skin contact between mother and infant include: Improving infantchr('39')s weight gain, improving infantchr('39')s sleep quality, reducing motherchr('39')s stress and anxiety, reducing infantchr('39')s crying rates, improving brain development, increasing maternal confidence in the ability of taking care of infant and reducing postpartum depression symptoms in mother. Considering the numerous benefits of skin-to-skin contact between mother and infant and the failure to find a study that examined the relationship between teaching this type of contact with exclusive breastfeeding in healthy non- hospitalized term neonate, this study aimed to investigate the effect of skin-to-skin contact education to mothers on rate of exclusive breastfeeding in the first two months of life.


    This study is a randomized clinical trial. The study population included mothers with 3 to 5-day-old neonate and referred them for receiving usual care to Valfajr Clinic in West Tehran Health Center (University Center affiliated to Iran University of Medical Sciences) in the year 2019.Inclusion criteria: term infant born NVD or cesarean section whose mother wanted to participate in the study and collaborate, she was literate, and did not have any contraindication for breastfeeding. These mothers should breastfeed infants often until day 3 to 5. Data collection tools included demographic and midwifery information form and postpartum information form and breastfeeding nutrition evaluation and 12 Question of Quality of Life Questionnaire, the shortened form of Quality of Life Questionnaire is 36 questions that are widely used in various studies. Eligible mothers were taught in a session how to breastfeed properly, and it was recommended that they should exclusively be breastfed for two months. The source of the education was a "Maternal Guide for Breastfeeding" developed by UNICEF and the Ministry of Health. After a half-hour education session on how to properly breastfeed for all participating in the study, the intervention group was trained about the benefits and methods of doing skin-to-skin contact for at least 60 minutes a day and was recommended to do it after ending breastfeeding at 21-26°C. The procedure was that the mother should place her naked infant (only with a diaper cover) between her two bare breasts. The intervention group additionally was trained how to complete the forms, how to complete the daily skin-to-skin contact form was also added to the motherschr('39') training, so that mothers should have registered daily skin-to-skin contact time, daily sleep and a crying period during these two months. The control group included mothers who was not receive any training on the benefits of skin-to-skin contact, but were taught how to breastfeed properly, and was appointed to check their infantchr('39')s daily sleep and crying for two months and register at the checklist. At the end of the training session, both groups completed the demographic and midwifery information forms, the postpartum information form and the breastfeeding nutrition evaluation form, and a 12-question questionnaire on the quality of life. Mothers randomly entered the study to reach the required number of samples.Two months after the first visit, when the mother and infant were referred to receive usual care in both groups, weight, height, and head circumference were measured and recorded, Completed forms were collected and a questionnaire of 12 Questions on Quality of Life and 24-hours nutrition reminder form were filled out by the researcher with a question from the mother to evaluate the amount of exclusive breastfeeding.Data were analyzed by SPSS 18th edition software. Exclusive breastfeeding amount, height, head circumference, infant sleep and crying, and maternal quality of life scores at baseline and two months later were compared. The main variable, which was exclusive breastfeeding, was evaluated by questioning (self-declaration) and completing a checklist. The significance level for all tests on this study was 0.05 and 95% confidence interval was considered.


    The study included 250 mothers and their infants. Demographic information was compared between the two groups. The results showed that there were no significant differences between the two groups in terms of motherchr('39')s age, education, employment, underlying disease, maternity and quality of life scores of the mother, education of the father, sex of the neonate, weight, height and head circumference of the neonate at the birth time.After the conducted training at the beginning of the study, exclusive breastfeeding in the intervention group was significantly higher than the control group (p=0.0001). Study on the variables of infant crying and sleeping showed that these variables had a significant change in skin-to-skin contact group so that the amount of crying decreased (p=0.018) and the amount of sleep increased (p=0.025). Furthermore, the mean score of maternal quality of life in the intervention group was significantly higher than the control group (p=0.013). The variables of weight, height and head circumference of the infant after two months were not significantly different between the two groups.


    Education of skin-to-skin contact to mothers and doing it during the first two months of life by them has a significant effect on increasing exclusive breastfeeding, improving the quality of life of mothers scores, increasing sleep and reducing the infants crying rates in the first two months of life. The results of this clinical trial support health policies that recommend facilitating breastfeeding as soon as possible after birth, while recommending persistent skin-to-skin contact after birth and during the first two months of life. Skin-to-skin contact has protected infants against a wide range of negative outcomes. This safe and cost-effective intervention can prevent many of the complications associated with preterm delivery and can also bring benefits to term neonates

    Keywords: Skin-to-Skin contact, Exclusive Breastfeeding, Quality of Life, Crying Rate, Sleep Rate}
  • Mandana Kashaki, Elahe Norouzi *, Saeideh Heidarali, Parisa Mohagheghi, Mahmoud Soltani, Hamid Karbalaei Hasani Karbalaei Hasani

    Meningitis is a common life threatening infection in neonatal period. Diagnostic value of CSF-CRP level in bacterial meningitis in children and adults has been studied worldwide, but there are limited studies on CSF-CRP in neonatal meningitis. This study conducted to assess any relation between CSF-CRP and plasma CRP levels and abnormal CSF findings in neonates suspected to meningitis.


    Seventy five hospitalized neonates suspected to meningitis were enrolled in this cross sectional study. All infants were gone through a complete sepsis workup including blood and CSF CRP.


    CSF-CRP level had statistically significant correlation with serum WBC (p= 0.048) and also poor correlation with CSF protein level (p= 0.054). Serum CRP level had statistically significant correlation with CSF WBC (p= 0.008).


    No correlation found between CSF and serum CRP levels of patients in this study. Although, CSF-CRP is a rapid and easy to interpret test, it can be performed alongside CSF cytology and biochemical analysis, smear and culture as a confirmatory test for definite diagnosis of neonatal meningitis.

    Keywords: Newborn Meningitis Cerebrospinal fluid C, reactive protein Sepsis}
  • Zahra Eskandari, Naiemeh Seyedfatemi, Hamid Haghani, Amir Almasi Hashiani, Parisa Mohagheghi *

    The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of bedding preterm infants in nests on their motor behaviors in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) in Iran.


    In this randomized controlled trial, 44 clinically stable preterm infants, admitted to the NICU, were recruited and randomly divided into two groups of control and intervention. The routine of the unit was to take care of infants on a flat mattress. The intervention was a U-shaped cloth nest in which the intervention group was bedded for 7 days. The control group consisted of infants who were normally cared without any boundaries. All infants were videotaped before and on the last day of the intervention. The motor behaviors, as defined in the Newborn Individualized Developmental Care and Assessment Program (NIDCAP) sheet, were analyzed in each of the films.


    To compare the number of total extensor motor behaviors between the two groups, the change score in each group was calculated and compared between the two groups. The mean change scores in the intervention and control groups were -21.36±13.5 and 2.32±7.9, respectively. Accordingly, nesting significantly reduced the occurrence of unstable behaviors in the intervention group, compared to that in the control group (P<0.001).


    According to the findings, supporting the preterm infant body even by accessible materials could enhance their neurodevelopmental strengths and motor behavior stabilities.

    Keywords: Infants Behaviors, Intensive Care Units, Neonatal, Nesting, positioning, premature infant}
  • Ahad Sedaghat, Parya Abdolalizadeh, MohammadMehdi Parvaresh, Sajad Ghorbanizadeh, Parisa Mohagheghi, Kaveh Abri Aghdam*

    To determine the changes in serum levels of free vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), insulin‑like growth factor‑1 (IGF‑1), and growth parameters in infants with retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) who received intravitreal injection of the bevacizumab (IVB).


    A prospective interventional case series study, including 10 infants with Type 1 ROP was conducted. Using the enzyme‑linked immunosorbent assay, serum levels of VEGF and IGF‑1 were measured before, 1 month and 2 months after treatment with IVB in both eyes. Growth parameters, including weight, length, and head circumference and their Fenton’s z‑score, were also measured.


    Serum VEGF levels were suppressed 1 month after IVB (P = 0.007) and then increased between 1 and 2 months (P = 0.064). Z‑scores of all growth parameters except weight z‑score decreased in the 1st and 2nd months.


    Serum VEGF levels showed a transient reduction after IVB which lasted at least 2 months. Growth velocity of premature infants may be affected by anti‑VEGF therapy and should be followed with particular attention.

    Keywords: Bevacizumab, Growth parameters, Insulin‑like growth factor‑1, Retinopathy of prematurity, Vascular endothelial growth factor}
  • Parisa Mohagheghi *, Mohammad Javad Gharib, Sharin Asadi
    Newer technologies in neonatal ventilation such as combining volume guarantee with other modes of ventilation could reduce some complications of artificial ventilation by reducing the duration of ventilation and oxygen needs and fluctuations. Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is a multifactorial problem mainly affecting preterm infants with different risk factors. Although gestational age (GA) is the main risk factor for ROP, oxygen saturation and fluctuations, arterial pressure of carbon dioxide, and some other parameters of ventilation such as ventilation duration have great impacts on ROP incidence and severity.
    One hundred and twelve infants with birthweight (BW) under 2000 g or GA under 36 weeks that needed artificial ventilation after admission to the neonatal intensive care unit were randomly assigned into two groups. In the first group, neonates underwent synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation (SIMV), pressure support ventilation (PSV), or SIMV + PSV with volume guarantee (VG); and in the second group, neonates received ventilation without VG mode. All of the survived infants had ophthalmologic examination at the proper age by a retinal subspecialist to find the different stages of ROP.
    Mean duration of ventilation was reduced using VG mode from 74.08 ± 47.99 to 47.91 ± 30.47 hours (P < 0.05). The oxygen requirement was less in the ones underwent VG modes and the peak fractional inspired oxygen (FiO2) was higher in infants receiving SIMV + PSV without VG compared to that of infants ventilated with VG mode (52.8 ± 18.4 vs. 40.3 ± 13.0, respectively). The difference between highest and lowest FiO2 was more in the group ventilated without VG (∆FiO2 = 9.52 in the group I and 18.30 in the group II, P < 0.05). Fluctuation of arterial pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO2) was less prominent in the VG group as compared to the ones ventilated without VG and the mean difference between maximum and minimum PaCO2 was 7.16 in the group I and 13.36 in the group II (P < 0.05). Only three infants were diagnosed with ROP in the group I (with VG mode) in comparison with eight infants in the group II (odds ratio (OR) = 3.25, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.13 - 9.36). Severe ROP needing treatment was diagnosed in one infant in the group I vs. four infants in the group II (OR = 3, 95%CI: 0.63 - 14.23).
    ROP incidence in preterm infants could be reduced using VG mode of ventilation, since it is a safer ventilation mode in neonates due to reduction in the mean duration of ventilation, peak FiO2 requirement, and PaCO2 fluctuation.
    Keywords: Retinopathy of Prematurity, Volume Guarantee Ventilation, Pressure Support Ventilation}
  • Mamak Shariat, Parisa Mohagheghi, Sohrab Khazaee, Maryam Nakhostin, Zahra Farahani, Nasrin Khalesi *
    Recent studies have shown an association between IVH and in-vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment.
    The purpose of our study was to compare the level of significance of risk factors related IVH between preterm infants born after IVF and non-IVF conceptions. Material and Methods; a historical cohort study was done at 4 Iranian Hospitals in 2013-2014. Based on medical records 155 preterm newborns were divided into case (IVF) and control (normal conception) groups. Both groups' demographic data were extracted and recorded. The incidence of IVH and its' grades were compared between case and control groups. Significant related risk factors were also considered.
    With regard to demographic characteristics, no differences were observed between 2 groups except for gestational age and mode of delivery (p<.05). The incidence of IVH especially grade II and III were significantly higher in the case group (P = 0.003). Results showed no correlations between GA, birth weight and number of gestations with the incidence of IVH in the case group (0.059, 0.85 and 0.49, respectively).On the other hand among GA, birth weight and number of gestations; multi gestations (p value=0.0001) was an effective risk factor for IVH occurrence in the controls. Conclusion; Results showed that the incidence of IVH in the IVF group was significantly higher than in the non-IVF group. IVF as an independent risk factor may cause high-grade IVH; however, in the controls, multi gestational pregnancy (p value=0.0001) was an effective risk factor for IVH occurrence.
    Keywords: intraventricular hemorrhage, in vitro fertilization, natural conception}
  • Arash Bordbar, Parisa Mohagheghi, Ladan Yoonesi, Majid Kalani, Mandana Kashaki, Ali Ghassemian, Sarah Farhadi, Somayeh Farhadi *
    Developmental dislocation of the hip joint is among joint abnormalities and lack of its early diagnosis leads to irreversible complications and disabilities.
    The current cross sectional study was conducted on 210 eighteen - month - old premature infants. Premature infants at term gestational age were examined by a neonatologist and underwent a sonographic scanning by a skilled radiologist. The results of the physical examination and ultrasound reports were collected and analyzed.
    In the clinical assessment, hip joint examination was diagnosed abnormal in 22 cases (10.4%) and joint dislocation was diagnosed by ultrasonographic examination in 17 patients (8.1%). In one high - risk case, despite normal clinical examination (0.48%), the dislocation was diagnosed by ultrasonographic evaluation. There was a significant relationship between hip dislocation rate, and reduced mean gestational age and birth weight (P 0.05). In diagnosis of joint dislocation, clinical examination (the results of the Ortolani and the Barlow tests) had sensitivity of 94% and specificity of 97% compared with sonography; the positive and negative predictive values were 73% and 99%, respectively.
    Clinical examination has high sensitivity and specificity for early diagnosis of developmental hip dislocation. If there are risk factors, ultrasonographic scanning is recommended despite normal physical examination, and ultrasound is not necessary in case of normal physical examination and the absence of risk factors.
    Keywords: Premature Infant, Dislocation, Hip, Clinical Examination, Ultrasonography}
  • Seyedeh Saeedeh Mousavi, Afsaneh Keramat, Parisa Mohagheghi, Seyed Abbas Mousavi, Zahra Motaghi, Ahmad Khosravi, Reza Chaman *
    Context: Proper accountability to needs of premature infants’ parents requires recognition of these needs and how they change in different conditions.
    This Meta-synthesis was conducted to understand the needs of Iranian parents with premature infants through their experiences in order to promote family-centered care.
    Data Sources: The search was conducted through the Iranian database (Iran Medex, Magiran, SID) and international resources (PubMed, Scopus, Google Scholar), without time limitation to April 12, 2015.
    Study Selection: The inclusion criteria for this study included the qualitative studies conducted in Iran on parents with premature infants. Consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative studies (COREQ) were used to assess the quality of articles.
    Data Extraction: This study is a meta-synthesis of 16 qualitative studies based on Noblit and Hare’s (1988) methodology.
    The meta-synthesis presented 5 correlated metaphors derived from 13 categories and 78 integrated codes. The metaphors indicated the most important needs of parents who have premature infants for emotional, instrumental, spiritual, appraisal, informational, and communicational support. In most cases, these needs overlapped with blur boundaries. The categories included: cultural challenges of parental role, parental development versus psychological stress, psychological stress stimuli, economic challenges of parental role, physical irritation, the need for family-centered care, the need for policy making regarding the constant presence of parents in the NICU, spiritual prosperity vs. spiritual alienation, spiritual self-care vs. spiritual self-harm, guided participation in caring for the infant, the efforts to meet parental role, informational challenges of parents, and informational-communicational supports.
    This Meta-synthesis provided a better understanding of the experiences of Iranian parents with premature infants and different areas of their needs. These findings could be used to design a comprehensive support system for such parents, which incorporate a holistic view of patient concerns, including religion and spirituality.
    Keywords: Meta, Synthesis, Need, Parent, Premature Infant, Support}
  • Seyedeh Saeedeh Mousavi, Reza Chaman, Parisa Mohagheghi, Seyed Abbas Mousavi, Ahmad Khosravi, Afsaneh Keramat
    The concept of family-centered care is increasingly being recognized at the international level.
    Development of a support system for parents of premature infants (PPI), based on family-centered care and scientific evidences.
    The method is based on four key steps. 1) Explaining parents’ needs, including comprehensive review of quantitative studies, meta-synthesis of qualitative studies conducted in Iran by search of Iranian databases (IranMedex, Magiran, and SID) and international resources (PubMed, Scopus, and Google Scholar) and comparative study. 2) A comprehensive review to identify effective interventions in supporting PPI and ranking interventions. 3) Designing a model to support PPI. 4) Evaluating designed system for supporting the PPI.
    The results of this study identified five critical steps which the PPI experienced and 14 effective interventions to support them. Preconception: care before the next pregnancy; prenatal: preparing parents to see their baby for the first time, supporting parents in breastfeeding (BF), kangaroo care (KC) and infant massage; neonatal: spiritual self-care, individualized behavioral and developmental care programs, using scales to assess infant's behavior, supporting parents in BF, KC and infant massage, support forums for parents, relieving parents’ stress, sharing information and communication, family nurture interventions, supporting parents in transferring between neonatal units (NU), facilitating collaborative care in NU; discharge: discharge planning, support forums for parents, sharing information and communication and home: home support programs, individualized behavioral and developmental care programs, supporting parents in BF, KC and infant massage. Support forums for parents, sharing information and communication.
    Our proposed system provides a parent-centered system which can be implemented to provide high-quality care for PPI.
    Keywords: Family-Centered Care, Infants, Prematurity, Parent's Experiences}
  • Mostajab Razavi Nejad, Mohammad Heidarzadeh, Parisa Mohagheghi, Forouzan Akrami, Amir Almasi-Hashiani, Zahra Eskandary *
    Globally,it is estimated that approximately 13 million neonates are born prematurely each year. The development of the central nervous system in premature neonates continues outside of the uterus and in the environment of neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). This study aimed to evaluate the physical environment of hospital and nursery in Iran’s tertiary care centers.
    This cross-sectional study was conducted on a total of 23 NICUs of nine Universities of Medical Sciences, where students are trained in the neonatal fellowship course, from seven provinces of Iran, 20th July to 21th September 2015. Data analysis was performed using SPSS software, version 16, and descriptive statistics.
    In this study, four dimensions of physical environment of hospitals and NICUs including the accessibility of NICU, the physical environment of NICU, infants’ bed space, and the sensory elements of bed spaces were evaluated. The obtained scores for each item was 41.17, 39.95, 38.83, and 39.28 out of 100, respectively. The highest mean score was 71.30 that was related to NICU temperature and ventilation considerations. The lowest mean score was 20, which was related to controlling over the movements around the infants’ beds. The total mean score of the physical environment of hospital and NICU was 39.77.
    According to the results, it is recommended to take appropriate action to develop physical space and infrastructures for neonatal care regarding developmental care along with other dimensions.
    Keywords: Developmental care, NICU, Physical environment, Preterm neonate, Tertiary care center}
  • Seyedeh Saeedeh Mousavi, Reza Chaman, Ahmad Khosravi, Parisa Mohagheghi, Seyed Abbas Mousavi, Afsaneh Keramat*
    Context: Proper accountability to needs of preterm infants’ parents requires recognition of these needs and how they change in different conditions. The aim of this study was to assess the needs of parents of preterm infants in Iran, as compared to those in other regions in the world.
    Evidence Acquisition: A search of Iranian databases (Iran Medex, Magiran, and SID) and international resources (PubMed, Scopus, and Google Scholar) was conducted, with no time limitations, to 5 October 2014. Using standard tools, all quantitative studies that considering the parental needs of preterm infants and parental support were extracted. The STROBE checklist was used for the evaluation of the studies. Thirty-one studies were extracted in the qualitative evaluation, of which 17 were included in the meta-analysis. The variance between the studies was analyzed using tau-squared (Tau2) and review manager 5 software.
    The results obtained using the nurse-parent support tool (NPST) showed that mothers considered that all the fields of support were of great importance. The parental needs in Iran were similar to those of parents in other regions worldwide. However, the mean score for Iranian parents’ assessment of the support they received was 2.20 ± 0.06, whereas it was 3.84 ± 0.72 for other countries. The mean scores for parents’ assessment of the provision of emotional, informational appraisal, and instrumental support in Iran were 1.73 ± 0.06, 2.1 ± 0.06, 1.54 ± 0.6, and 3.44 ± 0.04, respectively, compared to 3.18 ± 1.34, 4.11 ± 0.5, 4.26 ± 0.18, and 4.51 ± 0.14, respectively, in other countries.
    Parents always prefer the priorities of their babies to their individual needs. Given the lower scores for the parental assessment of received support in Iran, it is important to focus on these specific items in providing interventions to meet the needs of Iranian parents.
    Keywords: Needs, Parents, Premature Infant, Support, Systematic Review}
  • Narges Afrasiabi, Parisa Mohagheghi, Majid Kalani, Gholam Ali Mohades, Zahra Farahani
    High risk pregnancies increase the risk of neonatal mortality and morbidity. In order to identify the influence of pregnancy complications on the period of neonatal stay in Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs), an analysis has been carried out in our center.
    In a cross-sectional-descriptive analytical study, the data including NICU length of stay was gathered from 526 medical records of neonates. We also assessed their maternal complications such as premature rapture of membranes (PROM), urinary tract infection (UTI), preeclampsia, oligohydramnios, and twin/triplet pregnancy. Finally we analyzed the relation between variables by SPSS statistics software version 19. The level of significance was considered P<0.05.
    37 of 526 neonatal medical records were excluded. Of the 489 babies hospitalized in NICU for 1 to 54 days; 28.42% born were preterm, 308 with birth weight <2500 gram and 170 with birth weight between 2500 and 4000 gram. There was a significant relation between length of neonatal NICU stay and maternal PROM (P=0.001), preeclampsia (P=0.01), UTI (P=0.02), multiple gestation (P=0.03), and oligohydramnios (P=0.003). We found a positive correlation between numbers of gestation and length of NICU stay (P=0.03). A positive correlation existed between neonatal complication and length of NICU stay (P<0.001).
    By increasing maternal health level and prenatal care services, neonatal outcome can be improved and length of stay in NICUs decreased.
    Keywords: Pregnancy, Complication, High Risk Pregnancy, NICU, Intensive Care Units, Neonatal}
  • مهین قاسمی، طاهره دهداری، پریسا محققی، محمودرضا گوهری
    زمینه و هدف
    باورهای نادرست مادران در زمینه مراقبت از نوزاد نارس می تواند سبب عملکرد مراقبتی نامناسب آنان شود. هدف مطالعه حاضر، تعیین تاثیر آموزش بر اساس سازه های تئوری رفتار برنامه ریزی شده بر عملکرد مادران در زمینه مراقبت از نوزاد نارس خود در سال 1391 می باشد.
    روش کار
    این مطالعه از نوع نیمه تجربی است. دو بیمارستان تحت پوشش دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تهران به صورت تصادفی انتخاب و به گروه آزمون و کنترل تقسیم شدند. از هر بیمارستان 45 مادر دارای نوزاد نارس به صورت نمونه گیری آسان انتخاب شدند. در این مطالعه، ابزار گردآوری اطلاعات شامل پرسش نامه خود ساخته برای سنجش سازه های تئوری رفتار برنامه ریزی شده و چک لیست مشاهده ای برای سنجش عملکرد مادران بود. پیش آزمون در روز اول بستری نوزاد جهت سنجش سازه های تئوری و عملکرد مادران انجام شد. مداخله آموزشی بر مبنای نتایج پیش آزمون طراحی و برای گروه آزمون اجرا شد. زمان ترخیص نوزاد، هر دو گروه مجددا پرسش نامه های مربوطه را تکمیل کردند. داده ها با نرم افزار آماری SPSS و آزمون های تی مستقل و تی زوجی تحلیل شدند.
    یافته ها
    میانگین نمره قصد (02/0p=)، نگرش (001/0p<)، هنجارهای انتزاعی (002/0p=)، کنترل رفتاری درک شده (001/0p<) و همچنین عملکرد کلی مادران در مراقبت از نوزاد نارس (001/0p=) در گروه آزمون، افزایش معنی داری نسبت به گروه کنترل، در مرحله پس از مداخله داشت.
    نتیجه گیری
    اجرای مداخله آموزشی بر اساس سازه های تئوری رفتار برنامه ریزی شده یک استراتژی موثر برای بهبود نحوه مراقبت از نوزاد نارس توسط مادر می باشد.
    کلید واژگان: نوزاد نارس, بخش مراقبت ویژه نوزادان, آموزش, تئوری رفتار برنامه ریزی}
    Mahin Ghasemi, Tahereh Dehdari, Parisa Mohagheghi, Mahmood Reza Gohari
    Incorrect belief of mothers in regard to taking for care of their premature neonates could lead to poor care performance. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of education based on the theory of planned behavior of structures on the performance of the mothers، in the care of premature infants in 2013.
    This survey was a quasi-experimental study. Two hospitals affiliated to Tehran University of Medical Sciences were randomly selected and divided into control and test groups. Then، 45 mothers were selected by simple sampling method from each hospital. Instruments for gathering data were designed based on theory of planned behavioral constructs and observational checklist for assessing function of mother for care of premature infants. Educational program was designed according of pre-test results and performed in the experimental group. Two groups were followed-up to the discharge of the neonates. Data was analyzed by SPSS statistical software (version 16) and independent sample t-tests and student’s t test for paired sample.
    Significant improvements were observed in the mean score of attitude (p<0. 0001)، subjective norms (p=0. 002)، perceived behavioral control (p<0. 0001)، intention (p=0. 02) and overall performance of mothers to take care of premature infant (p=0. 001) in the experimental group as compared to the control group.
    Implementing educational intervention based on theory of planned behavior constructs may be an effective strategy for improving the performance of mothers to care of premature neonate.
    Keywords: Prematurity, Neonatal intensive care unit, Education, Theory of planned behavior}
  • نسرین محمودی*، خدیجه زراعی، پریسا محققی، محمود ایمانی، محمود رضایی پور
    وزن کم هنگام تولد مهم ترین عامل مرگ ومیر در دوران نوزادی و شیر خوارگی است که علل مختلفی از جمله تولد پیش از موعد نوزاد دارد. این نوزادان به علت عدم تکامل سیستم های تنفسی و گوارشی و هماهنگی بین سیستم های مختلف نیازمند بستری در بیمارستان می باشند. اقامت طولانی در بیمارستان می تواند همراه با عوارض و هزینه های بالای درمانی باشد لذا استفاده از روش های درمانی که مدت اقامت در بیمارستان را کاهش دهد می تواند کمک موثری به بیماران و سیستم بهداشتی و درمانی کند.
    روش کار
    این مطالعه به صورت کارآزمایی بالینی با انتخاب دو گروه شاهد و آزمون انجام شد. در این تحقیق 20 نوزاد در هر دو گروه قرار گرفتند و با استفاده از روش PIOMI مداخله صورت گرفت.
    میانگین مدت بستری در دو گروه شاهد 4/19 (روز) و گروه آزمون 5/16 (روز) تفاوت آماری معناداری را نشان داد(027/0.P=)
    بحث و نتیجه گیری
    استفاده از روش PIOMI در تحریک حرکتی دهان در شروع سریعتر تغذیه دهانی و کاهش مدت زمان بستری تاثیر زیادی دارد لذا استفاده از این روش می تواند کمک موثری در درمان نوزادان نارس و کاهش هزینه های درمانی باشد.
    کلید واژگان: نوزاد نارس, تحریک حرکتی دهان, مدت بستری}
    N. Mahmoodi*, Kh. Zareii, P. Mohagheghi, M. Eimani, M. Rezaei, Pour
    Low birth weight is the most important cause of mortality in infancy which occurs due to the several reasons including the birth of a preterm (premature) baby.These infants need to be in hospital due to the undeveloped respiratory and digestive systems and coordination between different systems. Long stay in the hospital can be associated with complications and high cost of treatment, therefore, treatments that reduce the duration of stay in hospital can help the patient and the healthcare system.
    This study was conducted as clinical trial study through selecting both control and intervention groups. In this study, 20 cases (infants) were assigned to each group and intervention was performed using the PIOMI method.
    The mean duration of stay in hospital in the both control and intervention groups were 19.4 (days) and 16.5 (days) respectively which showed a significant difference (P=0.027).results and
    Oral motor stimulation using PIOMI method is an effective help in earlier start of oral feeding, and reduction in the duration of stay in hospital. Therefore, this method can help the treatment of preterm infants and lower health care costs.
    Keywords: Preterm infant, Oral motor stimulation, Hospitalization period}
  • Parisa Mohagheghi, Nastaran Khosravi, Samile Noorbakhsh, Mehdi Shekarabi, Katayoon Azad, Tahere Looni
    Ureaplasma urealyticum (U. urealyticum) and Mycoplasma hominis (M. hominis) are two important pathogens in neonatal respiratory tract infections. As low gestational age and birth weight increase the colonization rate with these pathogens, and they are also risk factors of chronic lung disease (CLD), it is difficult to establish a statistically significant relation between these two factors.
    To determine the colonization rate of preterm ventilated neonates with U. urealyticum and M. hominis, and the relationship between infection and chronic lung disease in these neonates, a prospective study was performed.Patients and
    Determining tracheal colonization rate of preterm neonates with ureaplasma and mycoplasmsa and its relation to CLD. In a cohort prospective study in Hazrat Rasoul Akram Hospital, with 62 ventilated neonates (< 35 weeks) in the first 24 h of life, where tracheal secretions were aspirated, transported, and cultured in a specific media. CLD was diagnosed as oxygen requirement at 28 days or 36 weeks post conceptional age.
    From 62 cultures, 7 were positive for U. urealyticum (11.3%, CI95%: 3.4-19.2%) and 3 were positive for M. hominis (4.8%, CI95%: 0-10.2%). From 53 neonates who were alive at 28 days after birth, 11 neonates needed oxygen (20.8%, CI95%: 9.8-31.7%). From 10 neonates with positive cultures, 2 (20%, CI95%: 0-44.8%) died, and from 8 alive neonates, 3 (37.5%, CI95%: 4.0-71.0%) survived without CLD. From 52 neonates with negative cultures, 7 (13.5%, CI95%: 4.2-22.7%) died, and from 45 alive neonates, 39 (86.7%, CI95%: 76.7-96.6%) survived without CLD, and there was a significant difference between neonatal groups with positive and negative tracheal culture progressing to CLD (62.5% vs. 13.3%) (P < 0.001) (Figure 1).
    Intrauterine infection with U. urealyticum and M. hominis leads to negative neonatal outcome and increased rate of chronic lung disease in preterm neonates (< 35 weeks).
    Keywords: Ureaplasma urealyticum, Mycoplasmsa hominis, Lung Diseases, Infant, Premature}
  • مهین قاسمی، طاهره دهداری، پریسا محققی، محمود رضا گوهری، زیبا زرگرزاده
    زمینه و هدف
    یکی از بهترین و موثرترین راه ها برای جلوگیری از آسیب ها و صدمات ناشی از بستری شدن نوزاد نارس، درگیر شدن فعال والدین در مراقبت از او می باشد. مطالعه حاضر با هدف تعیین وضعیت عملکرد مادران در امر مراقبت از نوزاد نارس در بیمارستان های تحت پوشش دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تهران در سال 1391 انجام شد.
    روش بررسی
    این مطالعه از نوع توصیفی- مقطعی به صورت پایلوت می باشد. ابتدا 2 بیمارستان دارای بخش مراقبت ویژه نوزادان تحت پوشش دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تهران به صورت تصادفی انتخاب و 90 مادر دارای نوزاد نارس بستری شده در بخش مراقبت های ویژه نوزادان به صورت نمونه گیری آسان انتخاب شدند. گردآوری اطلاعات از طریق مشاهده و تکمیل چک لیست عملکرد (شامل نحوه مراقبت آغوشی، ماساژ، شیردهی با پستان، تغذیه با فنجان و حمام نوزاد نارس) توسط دو پرستار آموزش دیده انجام شد. داده ها پس از گردآوری با نرم افزار SPSS نسخه 16 و آزمون های آنالیز واریا نس یک طرفه و کای دو مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفتند.
    یافته ها
    میانگین سنی مادران مورد مطالعه 1 ± 27 با حداقل 16 و حداکثر 46 سال بود. بررسی مجموع نمرات 5 چک لیست مهارت ها نشان داد که 02/42 درصد مادران دارای عملکرد ضعیف، 16/41 درصد دارای عملکرد متوسط و82/16 درصد دارای عملکرد مناسب در زمینه مراقبت از نوزاد نارس بودند. بین عملکرد مادران با تحصیلات مادر، شغل مادر، سن مادر و وزن نوزاد رابطه آماری معنی داری وجود نداشت. همچنین تفاوت معنی داری بین رتبه تولد نوزاد و تعداد فرزندان بر حسب سطوح عملکرد مادران در زمینه مراقبت از نوزاد نارس مشاهده نشد(05/0 P>). نتیجه گیری کلی: با توجه به نتایج پژوهش توصیه می شود آموزش های لازم در زمینه نحوه مراقبت از نوزاد نارس در بخش مراقبتهای ویژه نوزادان برای این مادران ارائه گردد. انجام مطالعه با حجم نمونه بالاتر قابل طرح است.
    کلید واژگان: مراقبت ویژه, مراقبت از نوزاد نارس, مادر نوزاد نارس}
    Ghasemi M., Dehdari T., Mohagheghi P., Gohari Mr, Zargrzadh Z.
    Background and Aims
    Mothers’ involvement in the care of their premature infants is one of most effective ways to prevent disorders associated with hospitalization. This study aimed to determine mothers’ Performance on Caring for their Premature Infants in hospitals affiliated to Tehran University of Medical Sciences، during 2012.
    Materials and Methods
    It was a descriptive، cross-sectional pilot study. First two hospitals affiliated with Tehran University of Medical Sciences which had NICUs were randomly selected and then 90 mothers of premature infants were recruited by convenience sampling. Data was collected using an observational checklist (including kangaroo mother care، massage، breast feeding، cup feeding and bathing) by two trained nurses and analyzed by descriptive statistics، chi- square tests and one-way analysis of variance using SPSS-PC (v. 16).
    The mean age of the mothers was 27±1 with the range of 16-46 years old. The findings showed that 42. 02 percent of mothers had poor performance، 41. 16 percent had moderate performance and 16. 82 percent had appropriate performance in the care of their premature babies. There were no significant relationship between mothers’ education، job، age، and infants’ weight and the mothers’ performance. There was not also a significant difference between birth order، the number of children and the mothers’ levels of performance (P>0. 05).
    Regarding the findings، executing educational sessions on care of premature infants for their mothers in NICUs is recommended. More studies with larger samples are also required.
    Keywords: Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Mothers, Care, Premature Infant}
  • پریسا محققی، مسعود هاشم زاده اصفهانی، کاوه موسوی کانی *
    زمینه و هدف
    آمار سالانه فوت نوزادان در حدود 3.7 میلیون نوزاد در سراسر دنیا تخمین زده می شود. بیشترین میزان این مرگ ها در نوزادان کمتر از 28 روز و در کشورهای در حال توسعه رخ می دهد. عوامل مرتبط با این مرگ ها در این مطالعه بررسی و سعی شد تا برخی عوامل مرتبط با مرگ نوزادان در 28 روز اول نشان داده شود.
    روش کار
    در مطالعه ای مقطعی- توصیفی پرونده تمام نوزادان فوت شده در سال 1388 از اداره سلامت وزارت بهداشت دریافت شد. عوامل مختلف حول و حوش زایمان نظیر سن نوزادان هنگام تولد، سن مادر هنگام تولد، جنسیت نوزادان، نوع مرکز درمانی محل تولد، سرپرست خانواده، محل زندگی خانواده، محل مرگ نوزاد بر اساس بخش یا بیمارستان مربوطه، نحوه پذیرش نوزاد، نوع تولد و علت سزارین (در صورت انجام)، عامل زایمان، تعداد قل های زایمان، رتبه قول فوت کرده، وجود یا عدم وجود ناهنجاری های مادرزادی، تعداد بارداری های قبلی مادر، سابقه مرده زایی، نوع تغذیه، تشخیص بستری و نیز علت اصلی مرگ از پرونده ها استخراج شده و در نهایت درصد فراوانی هر کدام از آن ها در این فرزندان با آنالیز آماری مشخص شد.
    یافته ها
    در این مطالعه 3768 پرونده مربوط به نوزادان فوت شده در بیمارستان های تهران بررسی شدند. میانگین سنی مادران آن ها 4.15 ± 24.1 سال بود (16 تا 38 سال). میانگین تعداد زایمان ها 1.9 ± 2.8 بود (1 تا 12 زایمان). میانگین آپگار نوزادان در دقیقه اول تولد 2.7 ± 5.2 بود. میانگین آپگار نوزادان در دقیقه پنجم تولد 3.2 ±7.31 بود. میانگین وزن تولد نوزادان فوت شده 322 ± 1.250 گرم (527 تا 1.620 گرم) بود. ابتلا به سپسیس در 78%، آغشته بودن به مایع آمنیوتیک و تولد با وزن پایین به ترتیب از شایع ترین عوامل همراه با مرگ و میر این نوزادان بودند.
    نتیجه گیری
    هدف اصلی از این مطالعه مشخص نمودن بیشترین عوامل مرتبط با مرگ نوزادی بود. این عوامل در مطالعه حاضر بیشتر شامل عفونت های نوزاد، زایمان های پره ترم و وزن تولد پایین بود. در نهایت مطالعه حاضر نشان داد به طور کلی عفونت ها شامل سپسیس و یا آلودگی جنین با مایع آمنیوتیک از شایع ترین علل مرگ نوزادان بودند و پس از آن تولد با وزن پایین از مهم ترین عوامل همراه محسوب می شدند.
    کلید واژگان: عوامل مرتبط با مرگ و میر, مرگ نوزادان, تهران}
    Parisa Mohaghighi, Masoud Hashemzadeh Isfahani, Kaveh Mousavi Kani
    The worldwide annual incidence of neonatal mortality has been estimated as 3. 7 million. Most of these deaths occur in the first 28 days of birth and in developing countries. We aimed to estimated prevalence of different related risk factors of neonatal death.
    A community based cross-sectional study was performed. A pre-tested structured questionnaire was administered and 3768 data bases were recorded. Information was collected on neonatal and maternal age at the time of delivery، neonatal gender، place of delivery، head of the family، place of living، place of neonatal death، method of neonatal admission، type of delivery، etc.
    In this 3768 files related to neonatal deaths were evaluated. Mean maternal age was 24. 1 ± 4. 15 yrs (16-38 yrs). Mean number of deliveries was 2. 8 ± 1. 9 (1-12 deliveries). Mean neonatal apgar score of the first minute was 5. 2 ± 2. 7، while apgar score of the 5th minute was 7. 3 ± 3. 2. Mean neonatal weight was 1250 ± 322 gm (527-1620 gm).
    The main aim of the present study was to identify the factors related to neonatal mortality. These factors were mostly neonatal infections، premature labor، and low birth weight.
    Keywords: Infant mortality risk factors, Infant mortality, Tehran}
  • Karim Poorsattar Bejeh Mir, Parisa Mohagheghi, Arash Poorsattar Bejeh Mir, Seyed, Mohammad Fereshtehnejad
    Since a new epidemic (third wave) of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) sensed throughout the world in recent years, we aimed to assess newer risk factors for advanced ROP which needs treatment in Iranian neonates as a new target output of various neonatal care for this serious disease of newborn infants especially those born prematurely.
    In an analytic cross-sectional study all neonates <1500 g birth weight and/or <32 weeks gestational age admitted to our NICU as a tertiary level intensive care unit in Milad Hospital, Tehran, Iran during June 2006-June 2007 were included. All data were extracted from medical records and compared in two groups with or without treatment.
    Seventy one neonate infants entered our study. Twelve neonates (16.9%) progressed to advanced ROP. Final multivariate analysis model revealed that mean leukocyte counts during first 14 days of life (P=0.04), transfusions number (P=0.01) and hypocapnic episodes during first 14 days of life (P=0.02) were significantly different between the two groups of infants independently, even after simultaneous adjustment.
    Based on our findings, more amenable risk factors should be approached regarding more careful modulation of such overlooked risk factors which may lessen the burden of prematurity.
    Keywords: Neonate, Retinal Surgery, Retinopathy of Prematurity, Risk Factor, Very Low Birth Weight}
  • Seyed Mohammad Fereshtehnejad, Karim Poorsattar Bejeh Mir, Arash Poorsattar Bejeh Mir, Parisa Mohagheghi
    There are disparate data regarding whether bilirubin is protective or toxic during free radical related illness among neonates. Seventy one infants with gestational age (GA) of <32 weeks and/or birth weight (BW) of <1500 g, who survived beyond 4 weeks and completed physical examinations were enrolled in this study. The infants were divided into two groups based on the presence or absence of advanced retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), grade III intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH), grade III necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), sepsis or severe fungal infection (SFI). The mean of total serum bilirubin (TSB) of the first 14 days of life were measured and compared between these two groups. A significant lower TSB were found in severe form of ROP (P<0.001), grade III NEC (P=0.008), grade III IVH (P=0.021), SFI (P=0.003) and sepsis (P=0.007) in comparison to mild or disease free status. Moreover, the cut-off point of 5.1 mg/dl for the mean of TSB had the sensitivity of 88.1% and specificity of 84.6% to detect severe grades of ROP. Also the cut-off point of 3.25 mg/dl had 97.2% sensitivity and 100% specificity in order to distinguish SFI. It is concluded that bilirubin may play an antioxidant role in vivo as in vitro; and protect preterm infant against these free radical related disorders. Our findings suggest that not only the upper limits of serum bilirubin, but also the lower limits must be taking into account in order to both preventing from neurotoxic effects and free radical based illnesses, respectively.
  • پریسا محققی، نسترن خسروی، کتایون مهدی آزاد
    زمینه و هدف
    مجرای شریانی باز از مشکلات شایع نوزادان نارس بوده که در صورت عدم درمان در هفته اول تولد منجر به تغییرات همودینامیکی، تشدید علائم تنفسی و نارسائی قلبی می گردد. بستن مجرای شریانی با درمان های دارویی یا جراحی می باشد و داروهای مورد استفاده مهارکننده های پروستاگلاندین سنتتاز مانند ایندومتاسین و ایبوبروفن هستند که با دوزها و روش های مختلفی (خوراکی یا تزریقی) مصرف می گردند. این مطالعه به منظور تعیین اثر ایبوبروفن خوراکی با دو دوز متفاوت در بستن مجرای شریانی نوزادان نارس انجام شد.
    روش بررسی
    در این کارآزمایی بالینی 44 نوزاد نارس کمتر از 35 هفته حاملگی که در بخش مراقبت های ویژه بیمارستان حضرت رسول اکرم تهران طی سال های 86-1384 بستری شده بودند و با علائم بالینی و اکوکاردیوگرافی، باز بودن مجرای شریانی در آنها قطعی شده بود؛ به صورت تصادفی به دو گروه درمانی تقسیم شدند. گروه درمانی اول با دوز کم شامل 23 نوزاد داروی ایبوبروفن خوراکی را به میزان 2/0 میلی گرم بر کیلوگرم وزن بدن در 3نوبت دریافت نمودند و گروه درمانی دوم با دوز استاندارد شامل 21 نوزاد داروی ایبوبروفن خوراکی را به مقدار 10 میلی گرم بر کیلوگرم در نوبت اولیه و سپس دو نوبت 5 میلی گرم بر کیلوگرم وزن بدن با فاصله هر 24 ساعت دریافت نمودند. نوزادان از نظر بروز عوارض دارو (شامل آنوری/الیگوری، خونریزی گوارشی، تغییر در سطح کراتینین سرم، خونریزی داخل بطنی) و سیر بالینی تحت نظر قرار گرفتند.
    یافته ها
    بسته شدن مجرا در 17 نوزاد (74 درصد) از گروه درمانی اول (دوز کم) در مقایسه با 16 نوزاد (76 درصد) از گروه درمانی دوم (دوز استاندارد) مشاهده شد. 5 نوزاد (22درصد) از گروه اول و 3 نوزاد (14درصد) از گروه دوم به درمان با بروفن پاسخ ندادند و درمان تکرار شد. کاهش حجم ادرار در اثر مصرف دارو در 4درصد موارد مصرف با دوز کم و 33درصد موارد دوز استاندارد دارو وجود داشت (P<0.05). تفاوتی از نظر سطح کراتینین سرم در دو گروه مشاهده نشد. دو گروه از نظر میزان بروز خونریزی گوارشی تفاوت معنی دار نشان ندادند و یک نوزاد در گروه درمانی اول (4درصد) و 3 نوزاد در گروه درمانی دوم (14درصد) دچار خونریزی گوارشی شدند. همچنین دو گروه از نظر خونریزی داخل بطنی تفاوت معنی دار آماری نشان ندادند.
    نتیجه گیری
    این مطالعه نشان داد که دوز کم در مقایسه با دوز استاندارد ایبوبروفن خوراکی علی رغم عوارض کلیوی کمتر؛ تفاوتی در میزان بسته شدن مجرای شریانی نوزادان نداشته است.
    کلید واژگان: مجرای شریانی باز, ایبوبروفن, نوزاد نارس}
    Mohagheghi P., Khosravi N., Mehdiazad K
    Background And Objective
    Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is a common problem in preterm infants which can result in serious hemodynamic changes causing respiratory and cardiac morbidities if not treated in the first week of life. The treatment options available are pharmacological treatment with cyclo-oxygenase (COX) inhibitors and surgical ligation. The cyclo-oxygenase inhibitors approved for use are indomethacin and ibuprofen which have been used with different routes of administration and dosages. This study was conducted to evalute the lower and standard dose of oral ibuprofen in patent ductus arteriosus closure in preterm infants.
    Materials And Methods
    In this clinical trial study, 44 preterm infants (<35 weeks gestational age) were randomly assigned to receive either a low dose (0.2mg/kg/dose for 3 doses, 24 hours apart) ibuprofen or a standard dose (10mg/kg/dose for the first dose, followed if needed, at 24hours interval by one or two additional doses of 5mg/kg each). These premature neonates either had clinical signs of patent ductus arteriosus or were diagnosed by echocardiography before stabilization of clinical signs. Patent ductus arteriosus closure was confirmed by echocardiography. They were under observe for drug's side effects (oliguria/anuria, GI bleeding, serum creatinin, intraventricular hemorrhage) and their clinical course was recorded.
    The patent ductus arteriosus closure rates were the same with both doses (74% in case group vs.76% in control), 5 infants in the case group (22%) and 3 infants in the control group (14%) did not respond to the first course of therapy and needed a new course. There was a significant more rate of reducing renal output with the standard dose 33% vs. 4% (P<0.05), but the serum creatinin level was not different between two groups. One infant (4%) in the case group and 3 infants (14%) in the control group had GI bleeding. There was not any difference in intraventricular hemorrhage grading between two groups.
    This study showed that inspit of lower renal side effect, the low dose oral ibuprofen in comparison to standard dosage did not have any meaningful difference in closure of PDA in preterm infant.
  • یوسف شفقتی، ایرج فاتحی، فاطمه گنجی زاده، پریسا محققی، مهبد کاوه، فاطمه اعلمی هرندی، فاطمه سادات نیری
    آتروفی های عضلانی نخاعی (SMAs) از بیماری های شایع ژنتیکی با توارث اتوزومی مغلوب هستند. این بیماری ها از نظر ژنتیکی و فنوتیپی بسیار ناهمگون (هتروژن) هستند. شیوع این بیماری ها را از 1 مورد در 6000 تا 1 مورد در 25000 نوزاد زنده ذکر شده است. بنابراین، فراوانی ناقلان جهش ها 1 در 40 تا 1 در 80 نفر در جمعیت است. بیش از 90 درصد افراد مبتلا بهSMA، فاقد هر دو نسخه اگزون هفتم ژن SMN1 هستند. فقدان SMN1 به علت حذف یا واژگونی ژنی و تبدیل آن به SMN2 رخ می دهد. بر اساس اطلاعات ما، هیچ مطالعه بزرگ جمعیتی و همه گیرشناختی در مورد این بیماری ها در ایران انجام نشده است و آگاهی ما در مورد فراوانی، شیوع بیماری و شیوع ناقلان بسیار محدود و نارسا است. به دلیل فراوانی ازدواج های خویشاوندی در ایران، به نظر می رسد که فراوانی SMA در جمعیت ایرانی نسبتا بالا باشد. با این پیش فرض، تصمیم گرفته شد به عنوان قدم اول، یک پژوهش همه گیرشناختی به منظور بررسی شیوع بیماریSMA I، شیوع ناقلان، گستره نشانه های بالینی و شدت آنها، و فراوانی ازدواج خویشاوندی در پدر و مادر بیماران انجام شود. طی دو سال، 30734 تولد زنده در زایشگاه های منتخب پیگیری و 4 نوزاد مبتلا به بیماری SMA نوع I شناسایی شدند. درمطالعه ما فراوانی بیماری SMA I، 1 در 7683 و شیوع ناقلان 1 در 43 بود. در پرونده یکی از بیماران نوع خویشاوندی پدر و مادر ذکر نشده بود و با تماس مکرر هم به آنها دسترسی پیدا نکردیم. از سه خانواده دیگر، دو خانواده ازدواج خویشاوندی درجه 3 و درجه 4 داشتند.
    کلید واژگان: آتروفی عضلانی نخاعی (SMA), شیوع, ناهمگونی ژنتیکی, مشاوره ژنتیک, ایران}
    Yousef Shafeghati, Iraj Fatehi, Fatemeh Ganjizadeh, Parisa Mohagheghi, Mahbod Kaveh, Fatemeh Aalami Harandi, Fatemeh Sadat Nayeri
    Spinal muscular atropies are common (genetically determined) disorders. They are heterogeneous both in genetic and phenotypic characteristics. Prevalence of disease was reported between 1 in 6000 to 1 in 25000 in different populations. So, carrier frequency should be 1 in 40 to 1 in 80 in those people. Deletion of both copies of SMA, gene was detected in more than %90 of SMA patients. According to present data there were not any epidemiological study and data in Iran regarding SMAs. So, we do not have accurate information about prevalence, incidence of disease and its carrier frequency. Because of high rate of consanguinity it should be high. With this background, we decided to carry this pilot study out, to determine prevalence, incidence, carrier rate, along with consanguinity rate, clinical spectrum, and molecular abnormality in the affected cases. In a 2 years period, 30734 live-born babies followed, 4 patient affected to SMA type I were detected. Prevalence of SMA I in this population was 1 in 7683, and carrier frequency was 1 in 43. At least 2 third of the newborn babies were product of consanguineous marriages.
  • پریسا محققی، نسترن خسروی، رضا حاج منوچهری
    زمینه و هدف
    بیماری مولتیپل اسکلروزیس(Multiple sclerosis=MS)، یک بیماری خود ایمن مزمن با اتیولوژی ناشناخته می باشد که سیستم عصبی مرکزی را گرفتار می سازد. شیوع بیماری در مناطقی که مصرف ویتامین D بالا است، کمتر می باشد. برخی مطالعات نشان می دهد که مصرف ویتامین D3 در جلوگیری از انسفالومیلیت خود ایمن تجربی (Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis=EAE)، در مدل حیوانی مبتلا به مولتیپل اسکلروزیس، موثر است. چگونگی تاثیر این ویتامین در جلوگیری ازEAE، مشخص نیست. ویتامین D3 ممکن است با تاثیر بر سطح نیتریک اکساید در جلوگیری از پیشرفت بیماری موثر باشد. بدین منظور، در این مطالعه اثر ویتامین D3 بر روندEAE القا شده با پپتید MOG35-55 (Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein) و سطح نیتریک اکساید در موشهای نژاد C57BL/6 مورد بررسی قرار گرفت.
    روش بررسی
    موشهای نر نژاد C57BL/6 در دو گروه درمانی(هر گروه 8 سر) با شرایط سنی و وزنی مشابه قرار گرفتند. گروه اول شامل موشهای مبتلا به EAE بود که تحت درمان با ویتامین D3، به میزان 5 میکروگرم بر حسب وزن ویتامین D3 هر دو روز یک بار به صورت داخل صفاقی، از 3 روز قبل تا 19 روز پس از ایجاد بیماری، دریافت کردند و گروه دوم شامل موشهای مبتلا به EAE درمان نشده بود که تنها حلال ویتامین را با همان جدول زمانی دریافت نمودند. همچنین 5 سر موش نر نژاد C57BL/6 با شرایط سنی و وزنی مشابه به عنوان گروه سالم در نظر گرفته شدند.
    یافته ها
    نتایج نشان داد که شدت علایم کلینیکی در موشهای تحت درمان با ویتامین (D3(8/0±2/3 در مقایسه با گروه درمان نشده(44/0±3/5) به طور معنی داری کمتر می باشد(0.001=p). همچنین در روز شروع حمله بیماری بین گروه تحت درمان با ویتامین D3 و درمان نشده(به ترتیب روز 1 ±11و روز1±15پس از القای بیماری)، اختلاف قابل ملاحظه ای مشاهده شد. غلظت نیتریک اکساید در موشهای تحت درمان با ویتامین D3 در مقایسه با گروه درمان نشده، کمتر بود(0.008=p) ولی با گروه سالم، تفاوتی را نشان نداد.
    نتیجه گیری
    با توجه به نقش نیتریک اکساید در پاتوژنز بیماری، به نظر می رسد که ویتامین D3 با مهار تولید نیتریک اکساید و تعدیل پاسخ های ایمنی می تواند باعث کاهش شدت بیماری و تاخیر حمله بیماری گردد؛ لذا ویتامین D3 می تواند در درمان مولتیپل اسکلروزیس مفید باشد.
    کلید واژگان: نوزادان نارس, تزریق فرآورده های خونی, کیسه اقماری}
    P. Mohagheghi*, N. Khosravi, R. Haj Manouchehri
    Background and Aim
    Hospitalized neonates are among the groups who are prone to recurrent blood transfusions. Due to neonates’ immune defects and common transfusion problems, blood transfusion complications have risen in neonatal intensive care units. In order to decrease the number of transfusions in premature neonates, new procedures and techniques such as recombinant erythropoietin use, satellite blood bags, and changing transfusions protocols have been recommended in many countries. Since satellite blood bags are not available in Iran and there has been no published study about transfusions in premature infants, a retrospective study was performed in the NICU of Rasoul-e-Akram Hospital to determine the number of blood transfusions, total amount of transfused products and number of donors each infant was in contact with. Patients &
    In a retrospective study, information was gathered from 144 premature infants under 37 weeks of gestation who were hospitalized in NICU in 2000-2002.
    65 infants(45% of hospitalized infants) received at least one blood product. The mean and range of blood transfusion was 1.2 and 0-16 respectively. Thirty-seven infants(26%) had more than one transfusion. There was a significant correlation between gestational age, birth weight, and transfusions. Out of 68 infants with birth weight under 1500 grams, 47 infants needed transfusion(69%), but from 32 infants with weight over 2 kilograms only, 3 infants(9%) had transfusions(P=0.01). 68% of infants under 30 weeks of gestational age had transfusions in comparison to 41% of 31-34 weeks and 16% of 35-37 weeks(P=0.03). There was no correlation between sex of infants, duration and etiology of hospitalization and use of recombinant erythropoietin.
    As a lot of newborn infants need transfusion during their hospital stay, (45% in our study), and since there is a correlation between blood transfusions and low birth weight and gestational age, we need to find some resolutions for decreasing number of transfusions and number of contacts with different blood donors. Using satellite blood bags(dividing one bag of blood to smaller ones) is a good suggestion which decreases the amount of blood not used in the NICU. In this study, about 3.4% of packed RBCs and 5.5% of FFP had been used and about 95% of all blood products were discarded. Therefore, it is necessary to find a new way for maximum use of this vital product.
    Keywords: Premature Infants, Transfusion of Blood Products, Satellite Bags}
  • P. Mohagheghi, N. Khosravi, H. Samaii
    To determine the role of blood transfusion protocols on retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), a prospective cohort study on 57 premature infants under 1501 grams birth weight was performed. Fourteen day-old infants were divided into two groups randomly. Infants in group 1 (n=27) received packed red blood cell transfusion only if specific medical signs were met and their hematocrit level was under 30%. Infants in group 2 (n=30) received blood transfusion to maintain their hematocrit level > 40% regardless of their signs. All infants had an eye examination by indirect ophthalmoscopy from 28 to 40 days of life for detecting ROP. We did not find any significant difference in ROP incidence between both groups.
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  • دکتر پریسا محققی
    محققی، پریسا
    استاد کودکان، دانشگاه علوم پزشکی ایران
  • نویسندگان همکار
  • دکتر رضا چمن
    : 2
    چمن، رضا
    استاد اپیدمیولوژی، دانشگاه علوم پزشکی شاهرود
  • زهرا اسکندری
    : 1
    اسکندری، زهرا
    دانش آموخته ارشد Nursing، دانشگاه علوم پزشکی ایران
  • دکتر الهه نوروزی
    : 1
    نوروزی، الهه
    استادیار پزشکی، گروه کودکان، دانشکده پزشکی، دانشگاه علوم پزشکی ایران
  • دکتر فروزان اکرمی
    : 1
    اکرمی، فروزان
    دانش آموخته دکتری پژوهشی اخلاق پزشکی، دانشگاه علوم پزشکی شهید بهشتی، دانشگاه علوم پزشکی شهید بهشتی
  • این فهرست شامل مطالبی از ایشان است که در سایت مگیران نمایه شده و توسط نویسنده تایید شده‌است.
  • مگیران تنها مقالات مجلات ایرانی عضو خود را نمایه می‌کند. بدیهی است مقالات منتشر شده نگارنده/پژوهشگر در مجلات خارجی، همایش‌ها و مجلاتی که با مگیران همکاری ندارند در این فهرست نیامده‌است.
  • اسامی نویسندگان همکار در صورت عضویت در مگیران و تایید مقالات نمایش داده می شود.
درخواست پشتیبانی - گزارش اشکال