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برای پرداخت حق اشتراک اگر عضو هستید وارد شوید در غیر این صورت حساب کاربری جدید ایجاد کنید

فهرست مطالب نویسنده:

a. m. rajabi

  • A. M. Rajabi *, S. M. S. Ghorashi, M. H. Mohammadrezaei, M. Sadeh
    Currently, chemical stabilization with various additives is a common method for improving the engineering properties of different soils. However, environmental and financial factors are also crucial in determining the types of additives used. The present study evaluates the effects of activated carbon (AC) as an environmentally friendly and cost-effective material on the geotechnical and microstructural properties of a clayey sand (SC). For this purpose, the AC as a stabilizer was added to the SC specimens at mass contents of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5% and unconfined compressive strength (UCS) and pH tests were performed at curing ages of zero, 7, 14, and 28 days. Direct shear and permeability tests were also conducted on the specimens immediately after addition of the AC contents. Results showed that increasing the AC content upto 4% and extending the curing age to 28 days enhanced the UCS of SC by up to 196%. All the stabilized specimens showed a significant decrease in pH level compared to the non-stabilized specimen, with increasing curing age from zero to later stages. However, the curing age had no significant effect on the pH of the stabilized specimens. The shear strength increased with the addition of up to 1% AC, then decreased. The permeability of SC decreased as the AC content increased. Also, microstructural analyses were conducted using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) on both non-stabilized and stabilized specimens with 4% AC at curing ages of zero and 28 days. SEM revealed a flocculated microstructure in the stabilized specimens, mainly due to ion exchange, particularly at the 28-day curing age.
    Keywords: Activated Carbon, Clayey Sand, UCS, Shear Strength, Permeability, SEM
  • S. M. S. Ghorashi *, M. Khodaparast, A. M. Rajabi
    In Iran, using the hand excavated pits (wells) have been more common compared to other countries. As a matter of fact, recent years, utilizing the dynamic probing test (DPT) in these types of pits has been significantly developed in Iran. This is while the standard state of doing this test is from the ground level. In this work, the dynamic probing test is carried out in two similar wells with diameter of 1 m and the depth of 10 m in two areas in city of Qom in Iran; one has silty sand soil and the other is clay. Then, both tests are simulated using numerical modeling in Abaqus software and the results are compared and calibrated with the values obtained at the mentioned sites. The results show a good agreement between the simulation data and tests done in the sites. After calibrating the simulated values with the values obtained from the site, we perform another simulation, this time, for the standard state (It means that the test is done from the ground level or with the assumption without well), as deep as 10 m and for both areas and with the mentioned soils specifications. The results show 35 and 22 percent difference in the dynamic resistance of cone’s tip between the testing in standard state and hand excavated pit, for silty sand and clay soils, respectively. Finally, using the simulation, we present the relations between the depth of the test point and dynamic resistance of cone’s tip for both states and both types of the soils studied in this paper.
    Keywords: ABAQUS, Dynamic probing test, Dynamic resistance of cone’s tip, Hand excavated pit, Numerical modeling
  • علی محمد رجبی*، شیما بخشی اردکانی

    در مطالعه ی حاضر، از نوعی زئولیت به نام کلینوپتیلولایت برای تثبیت و بهبود ویژگی های مقاومتی خاک رس ماسه دار استفاده شده است. به این منظور بر روی خاک رس ماسه دار تثبیت شده با کلینوپتیلولایت، آزمایش حدود اتربرگ در درصدهای 0، 5، 15 و 25 و نیز آزمایش مقاومت فشاری تک محوری در درصدهای 0، 5، 10، 15، 20 و 25 و در زمان های عمل آوری آنی 7، 14 و 28 روز انجام شده اند. نتایج نشان می دهد حد روانی و حد خمیری خاک با افزایش میزان افزودنی کلینوپتیلولایت به ترتیب 30 و 45 درصد افزایش می یابد. همچنین مقاومت تک محوری با افزایش درصد افزودنی کلینوپتیلولایت و زمان عمل آوری افزایش می یابد. بیشترین میزان افزایش مقاومت تک محوری مربوط به 25٪ افزودنی و زمان 28 روز است که نسبت به خاک تثبیت نشده، افزایش 2٫86 برابری داشته است. بررسی نحوه ی شکست نمونه ها نشان می دهد با گذشت زمان و افزایش درصد ماده ی افزودنی، نمونه ها ترد شده و بعد از گسیختگی، مقاومت تک محوری با سرعت بالایی کاهش یافته است. همچنین با افزایش زمان عمل آوری به دلیل ترد شدن نمونه ها در اثر لخته شدن و جذب آب توسط کلینوپتیلولایت، سطوح شکست در نمونه ها واضح تر می شود.

    کلید واژگان: رس ماسه دار, مقاومت تک محوری, حدود اتربرگ, کلینوپتیلولایت, بهسازی
    A.M. Rajabi *, Sh. Bakhshi Ardakani

    Improvement of soils with the additives is one of the methods for surface or deep soil treatment. Improvement of soil by additives is one of the most important issues in geotechnical engineering. Typical additives such as cement, lime, fly ash and some nano materials have been previously investigated but pozzolanic materials, especially zeolite, which have unique features, have been less considered in geotechnical engineering. Due to the lack of sufficient studies on the effect of zeolite on soil properties and chemical properties of these materials, this study examines the effects of zeolite on soil strength parameters. In this paper, the effect of a type of zeolite called Clinoptilolite on the strength parameters of clayey sand soil has been studied. For this purpose, after conducting the identification tests on clayey sand (a mixture of clay and 161 Firoozkooh sand), the Atterberg limit test was performed on natural and stabilized samples with 5, 15 and 25\% Clinoptilolite. Also, uniaxial compressive strength test was taken into on samples with 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25\% additive and curing times of 7, 14 and 28 days. The results showed that the atterberg limit increased with increasing the percentage of Clinoptilolite. Furthermore, the uniaxial compressive strength of the soil increased with increasing the amount of Clinoptilolite and curing times. The highest strength occurred at 25\% additive and 28 days. The failure behavior of the samples showed that with increasing time and percentage of the additive brittle failure was occurred and after brittle fracture the uniaxial strength decreases with high speed. Also, with increasing curing time, the failure plan in the samples becomes clearer. The results of this research are based on the laboratory test on a clayey sand soil with the engineering specifications presented in the study and may be different for other soils of this type. These results are also laboratory tests and may have a significant difference in soil conditions.

    Keywords: Clayey Sand Soil, Uniaxial Compression Strength, Zeolite, Clinoptilolite, Improvement
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