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تنها با پرداخت 70 هزارتومان حق اشتراک سالانه به متن مقالات دسترسی داشته باشید و 100 مقاله را بدون هزینه دیگری دریافت کنید.

برای پرداخت حق اشتراک اگر عضو هستید وارد شوید در غیر این صورت حساب کاربری جدید ایجاد کنید


فهرست مطالب akbar ali

  • Esmail Ebrahimi, AbdulHossein Rezvani, Akbar Ali

    The aim of this study was to compare the relationship between national culture and Islamic work ethic among private and public banks in Parsabad City. The sample size was estimated to be 155 using the Cochran method. The sampling method is stratified randomly. The questionnaire was distributed and collected and analyzed. The validity of the questionnaire was strengthened by consulting in this field and its reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha coefficient and retesting. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data for classification, preparation of graphs and frequency. The research hypotheses were analyzed using inferential statistics. Pearson's correlational method, independent t-test, and correlation between two independent communities have been used to analyze the hypotheses. The results show that there is a significant relationship between national culture and Islamic work ethic in Parsabad banks and a comparative study of the relationship between national culture and Islamic work ethic between private and public banks in Parsabad City has no significant difference.

    Keywords: Culture, National Culture, Ethics, Islamic Work EthicsPrivate, Public Banks}
  • Igor Milovanović, Emina Milovanović, Marjan Matejić, Akbar Ali *
    Let $G$ be a graph containing no isolated vertices. For the graph $G$, its modified first Zagreb index is defined as the sum of reciprocals of squares of vertex degrees of $G$. This article provides some new bounds on the modified first Zagreb index of $G$ in terms of some other well-known graph invariants of $G$. From the obtained bounds, several known results follow directly.
    Keywords: degree-based topological index, modified first Zagreb index, inverse degree}
  • Sadia Noureen, Akhlaq Bhatti, Akbar Ali *

    The modified first Zagreb connection index $ZC_{1}^{*}$ for a graph $G$ is defined as $ZC_{1}^{*}(G)= sum_{vin V(G)}d_{v}tau_{v},$, where $d_{v}$ is degree of the vertex $v$ and $tau _{v}$ is the connection number of $v$ (that is, the number of vertices having distance 2 from $v$). By an $n$-vertex graph, we mean a graph of order $n$. A branching vertex of a graph is a vertex with degree greater than $2$. In this paper, the graphs with maximum and minimum $ZC_{1}^{*}$ values are characterized from the class of all $n$-vertex trees with a fixed number of branching vertices.
    *The formulas are not displayed correctly

    Keywords: Chemical graph theory, topological index, Zagreb connection indices, extremal problem}
  • Akbar Ali *, Tahir Idrees

    The general sum-connectivity index of a graph $G$ is defined as $chi_{alpha}(G)= sum_{uvin E(G)} (d_u + d_{v})^{alpha}$ where $d_{u}$ is degree of the vertex $uin V(G)$, $alpha$ is a real number different from $0$ and $uv$ is the edge connecting the vertices $u,v$. In this note, the problem of characterizing the graphs having extremum $chi_{alpha}$ values from a certain collection of polyomino chain graphs is solved for $alpha

    *The formulas are not displayed correctly.

    Keywords: chemical graph theory, topological index, Randi'c index, general sum-connectivity index, polyomino chain}
  • Akbar Ali, Mubeen Javaid, Marjan Matejic, Igor Milovanovic *, Emina Milovanovic

    Let $G=(V,E)$ be a simple connectedgraph with $n$ vertices, $m$ edges and sequence of vertex degrees$d_1 ge d_2 ge cdots ge d_n>0$, $d_i=d(v_i)$, where $v_iin V$. With $isim j$ we denote adjacency ofvertices $v_i$ and $v_j$. The generalsum--connectivity index of graph is defined as $chi_{alpha}(G)=sum_{isim j}(d_i+d_j)^{alpha}$, where $alpha$ is an arbitrary realnumber. In this paper we determine relations between $chi_{alpha+beta}(G)$ and $chi_{alpha+beta-1}(G)$, where $alpha$ and $beta$ are arbitrary real numbers, and obtain new bounds for $chi_{alpha}(G)$. Also, by the appropriate choice of parameters $alpha$ and $beta$, we obtain a number of old/new inequalities for different vertex--degree--based topological indices.the formula is not displayed correctly!

    Keywords: Topological indices, vertex degree, sum-connectivity index}
  • Tamas Reti, Akbar Ali *

    Bell's degree-variance Var$!{}_{B}$ for a graph $G$, with the degree sequence ($d_1,d_2,cdots,d_n$) and size $m$, is defined as$Var!_{B} (G)=frac{1}{n} sum _{i=1}^{n}left[d_{i} -frac{2m}{n}right]^{2}$.In this paper, a new version of the irregularity measures of variance-type, denoted by $Var_q$, is introduced and discussed. Based on a comparative study, it is demonstrated that the newly proposed irregularity measure $Var_q$ possess a better discrimination ability than the classical Bell's degree-variance in several cases.the formula is not displayed correctly!

    Keywords: non-regular graphs, irregularity measures, degree variance}
  • Igor Milovanovic, M. Matejic, P. Milosevic, Emina Milovanovic, Akbar Ali *
    ‎‎‎For a simple connected graph $G$ of order $n$ and size $m$‎, ‎the Laplacian energy of $G$ is defined as‎ ‎$LE(G)=sum_{i=1}^n|mu_i-frac{2m}{n}|$ where $mu_1‎, ‎mu_2,ldots‎,‎‎mu_{n-1}‎, ‎mu_{n}$‎ ‎are the Laplacian eigenvalues of $G$ satisfying $mu_1ge mu_2gecdots ge mu_{n-1}>‎ ‎mu_{n}=0$‎. ‎In this note‎, ‎some new lower bounds on the graph invariant $LE(G)$ are derived‎. ‎The obtained results are compared with some already known lower bounds of $LE(G)$‎.
    Keywords: ‎Laplacian eigenvalue‎_‎Laplacian energy (of a‎ ‎graph)‎_‎first Zagreb index}
    The reduced reciprocal Randić (RRR) index is a molecular structure descriptor (or more precisely, a topological index), which is useful for predicting the standard enthalpy of formation and normal boiling point of isomeric octanes. In this paper, a mathematical aspect of RRR index is explored, or more specifically, the graph(s) having minimum RRR index is/are identified from the collection of all n–vertex connected bicyclic graphs for n≥5. As a consequence, the best possible lower bound on the RRR index, for n–vertex connected bicyclic graphs is obtained when n≥5.
    Keywords: Chemical graph theory, molecular structure descriptor, topological index, reduced reciprocal Randi? index, bicyclic graph}
  • Sumrin Sahar *, Akhtar Tanveer, Akbar Ali, Hazrat Bilal, Rana Muhammad Saleem
    The aim of the study was to identify the prevalence of different species of Plasmodium and haplotypes of pfcrt in Plasmodium falciparum from the selected area.
    Overall, 10,372 blood films of suspected malarial patients were examined microscopically from rural health center Sinawan, district Muzaffargarh, Pakistan from November 2008 to November 2010. P. falciparum posi­tive samples (both whole blood and FTA blood spotted cards) were used for DNA extraction. Nested PCR was used to amplify the pfcrt (codon 72–76) gene fragment. Sequencing was carried out to find the haplotypes in the amplified fragment of pfcrt gene.
    Over all slide positivity rate (SPR), P. vivax and P. falciparum positivity rate was 21.40 %, 19.37 % and 2.03% respectively. FTA blood spotted cards were equally efficient in the blood storage for PCR and sequencing. Analysis of sequencing results of pfcrt showed only one type of haplotype SagtVMNT (AGTGTAATGAATACA) from codon 72–76 in all samples.
    The results show high prevalence of CQ resistance and AQ resistant genes. AQ is not recommended to be used as a partner drug in ACT in this locality, so as to ward off future catastrophes.
    Keywords: Malaria, pfcrt, Resistance, Pakistan}
  • Akbar Ali, Akhlaq Ahmad Bhatti, Zahid Raza
    The present note is devoted to establish some extremal results for the zeroth-order general Randi''{c} index of cacti, characterize the extremal polyomino chains with respect to the aforementioned index, and hence to generalize two already reported results.
    Keywords: Topological index, zeroth, order general Randi'{c} index, polyomino chain, cacti}
  • علی اکبر علیزاده* محمد محمدرضایی
    درباره این موضوع که آیا اخلاق در مقام اجرا وعمل وابسته به دین است؟ و به عبارت دیگر، آیا برای اخلاقی عمل کردن، غیر از علم به اخلاق، دلیل و انگیزه دیگری لازم است وآیا آن انگیزه، انگیزه دینی است یا باید باشد و یا اینکه لزوما نباید انگیزه دینی باشد و انگیزه های دیگر نیز کافی اند؟ دیدگاه های مختلفی مطرح شده است که در مجموع می توان آنها را به دو دیدگاه موافق ومخالف دسته بندی کرد. دیدگاه مخالف که از آن کانت وپیروان اوست، معتقدند نه تنها دین نمی تواند هیچ کمکی به اخلاقی شدن اعمال بکند، بلکه دخالت دین به آن آسیب نیز می رساند از طرف دیگر، دیدگاه موافق مدعی است که تنها دین می تواند این خلا موجود بین علم و عمل را پر کند. آنها معتقدند خداباوری علاوه براینکه التزام آدمی به ارزش ها را تقویت کرده وگسترش می دهد، می تواند ارزش های نوی را نیز به وجود آورد. این دیدگاه را هم می توان در میان فلاسفه اخلاق غربی پیدا کرد و هم در میان فلاسفه اخلاق اسلامی.
    کلید واژگان: ضمانت اجرایی, مقام اجرا, علم به اخلاق, عمل به اخلاق, انگیزه, نیت, انگیزش اخلاقی, عاطفه داری, بی عاطفگی, خداباوری}
    Ali, Akbar Ali, Zadeh*, Mohammad Mohammad, Rezai
    There are different perspectives regarding the following questions: does ethics depend on religion in practice? In other words, other than being aware of ethics, do we need any extra motivation to practice ethics? Is this motivation, religious motivation or it is should not necessarily be religious motivation and other motivations are enough as well? The perspectives regarding these subjects may be mainly divided into two groups: accordant and opponent views. The 'opponent' view, which belongs to Kant and his followers, believes not only religion does not help human to have ethical deeds, rather it harms it as well; on the other hand the 'accordant' view believes it is only religion which can compensate the existing gap between knowledge and practice. They believe not only believing in God reinforces and increases human's commitment to ethical values, rather it creates new values as well. This perspective has some defenders among Western ethical philosophers and Islamic ethical philosophers.
    Keywords: executive guarantee, in practice, knowledge of ethics, motivation, intention, ethical motivation, empathetic, insensibility, believing in God}
  • اکبر علی عسگرزاده، داود آقامحمدی، رضا موثقی، پروانه شهسواری
    زمینه و هدف
    پلی نوروپاتی قرینه دیستال شایع ترین نوع نوروپاتی دیابتی است که موجب ناتوانی قابل توجهی می شوند. درد شدید، و افزایش خطر ایجاد زخم پا و آمپوتاسیون از عوارض نوروپاتی دیابتی است. روش های درمانی متعدد تاکنون رضایتمندی کامل بیماران را فراهم نکرده است. هدف از این مطالعه بررسی تاثیر لیزر کم توان روی درد نوروپاتیک اندام تحتانی در بیماران مبتلا به دیابت است.
    مواد و روش ها
    در یک کارآزمایی بالینی کنترل شده با دارونما 30 بیمار مبتلا به نوروپاتی دیابتی بر اساس نتایج حاصل از آزمون های الکترومیوگرافی بطور تصادفی در دو گروه مطالعه و شاهد قرار گرفتند. درگروه مطالعه (15) نفر با لیزر مادون قرمز 980 نانومتر، توان 200 میلی وات مسیر اعصاب کمری خاجی تا قوزک داخلی در 8 نقطه با 10 ژول بازای هر نقطه در طول 12 جلسه تحت تابش قرار گرفتند. گروه شاهد (15) نفر تحت همان لیزر با همان مشخصات وشرایط ولی با توان صفر تحت تابش قرار گرفته و در پایان هر هفته شدت درد براساس نمره بندی آنالوگ درد اندازه گیری وثبت گردید.
    9 نفر از بیماران مرد و 21 نفر از بیماران زن بودند. میانگین نمره درد پایه در بیماران گروه لیزر کم توان واقعی 63/0 ±53/9 و در غیر واقعی 63/0 ±53/9 بود (1=P). در پایان هفته اول در گروه مطالعه 70/0 ±26/9 و در گروه شاهد 70/0 ±26/9 (1=P). در پایان هفته دوم در گروه مطالعه 11/1 ±33/8 و در گروه شاهد 03/1 ±26/8 (866/0=P). در پایان هفته اول در گروه مطالعه 59/1 ±86/7 و در گروه شاهد 12/1 ±40/8 (299/0=P). در هفته دوم در گروه مطالعه 42/1 ±80/5 و در گروه شاهد 74/0 ±47/8 بود. در پایان هفته سوم در گروه مطالعه 56/1 ±80/3 و در گروه شاهد 59/0 ±06/8 بود. در پایان هفته چهارم در گروه مطالعه 40/2 ±26/3 و در گروه شاهد 51/0 ±46/8 بود(Pکمتر از 001/0).
    نتیجه گیری
    میانگین نمره درد در پایان هفته دوم، سوم و چهارم در بین بیماران گروه لیزر کم توان بصورت معنی داری کمتر از میانگین نمره درد در گروه لیزر کم توان غیر واقعی است.
    کلید واژگان: لیزر کم توان, نوروپاتی دیابتی, درد}
    Akbar Ali, Asgarzadeh, Dawood Agha, Mohammadi, Reza Movasaghi, Parvaneh Shahsavari
    Distal symmetric polyneuropathy was the most common diabetic neuropathy that caused to significant disability. Sever pain، decrease and absence of sense and increase risk of ulcer and amputation were the complication of diabetes. Several therapeutic modalities used for pain control in these patients but none of them didn''t provide complete consensually of patients. The aim of this study was evaluation of the effect of low-intensity laser on limb neuropathic pain in patients with diabetes mellitus.
    In a Randomized Controlled Trial study with placebo، 30 patients with diabetic neuropathy، according to Electromyographic results، were included in two groups. In study group (15patients) irradiated from the Lumbosacral nerves to internal Maleous by infrared laser 980 nanometer، 200miliwaat، in 8 point. Each point applied 10 joule during 12 sessions. In control group (15patients) irradiated the same way with zero power. Effect of low-intensity laser on neuropathic lower limb pain were assessed and recorded by VAS scale at the end of every week.
    Nine of patients were male and 21 of them were female. Mean base pain score of patient in low-intensity laser group was 9. 53 ± 0. 63 and Mean base pain score of patient in placebo low-intensity laser group w 9. 53 ± 0. 63 (P=1). Mean pain score of patient after one week in low-intensity laser group was 7. 26 ± 1. 59 and Mean pain score of patient after one week in placebo low-intensity laser group was 8. 40 ± 1. 12 (P=0. 299). Mean pain score of patient after two week in low-intensity laser group was 5. 80 ± 1. 42 and Mean pain score of patient after two week in placebo low-intensity laser group was 8. 47 ± 0. 74. Mean pain score of patient after three weeks in low-intensity laser group was 3. 80 ± 1. 56 and Mean pain score of patient after three weeks in placebo low-intensity laser group was 8. 06 ± 0. 59. Mean pain score of patient after fore weeks in low-intensity laser group was 3. 26 ± 2. 40 and Mean pain score of patient after fore weeks in placebo low-intensity laser group was 8. 46 ± 0. 51
    Mean pain score in end of two، three and four weeks in patients of low-intensity laser group were significantly lower than mean pain score in end of two، three and four weeks in patients of placebo low-intensity laser group (P<0. 001). Significantly decrease was found in pain score in low-intensity laser group patients in weeks after treatment.
    Keywords: Low, intensity laser, diabetic neuropathy, pain}
  • در این صفحه نام مورد نظر در اسامی نویسندگان مقالات جستجو می‌شود. ممکن است نتایج شامل مطالب نویسندگان هم نام و حتی در رشته‌های مختلف باشد.
  • همه مقالات ترجمه فارسی یا انگلیسی ندارند پس ممکن است مقالاتی باشند که نام نویسنده مورد نظر شما به صورت معادل فارسی یا انگلیسی آن درج شده باشد. در صفحه جستجوی پیشرفته می‌توانید همزمان نام فارسی و انگلیسی نویسنده را درج نمایید.
  • در صورتی که می‌خواهید جستجو را با شرایط متفاوت تکرار کنید به صفحه جستجوی پیشرفته مطالب نشریات مراجعه کنید.
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