ali reza teymoori
عملکرد محفظه های احتراق در سیستم های ترمو فتوولتائیک به عواملی نظیر جنس محفظه، ضخامت دیواره و حضور محیط متخلخل در محفظه وابسته است که در این پژوهش مورد بررسی قرار گرفته است. به منظور شبیه سازی عددی محفظه از مدل های realizable و اضمحلال گردابه- نرخ واکنش محدود به ترتیب برای مدل سازی آشفتگی جریان و احتراق گاز هیدروژن استفاده شده است. سه ضخامت دیواره مختلف در سرعت های m/s2 و m/s3 مورد بررسی قرار گرفته است. نتایج نشان می دهد کاهش ضخامت دیواره سبب افزایش دمای دیواره خارجی و بازده تابشی محفظه می گردد. بیشینه دما در سرعت m/s2 و در ضخامت mm2/0 نسبت به ضخامت های mm5/0 و mm8/0 به میزان 111 و 141 و در سرعت m/s3 به میزان 79 و 107 افزایش می یابد. هم چنین محفظه احتراق با سه جنس مختلف دیواره و SiC و Stainless Steel (SS316) شبیه سازی گردیده است. در حالتی که دیواره از جنس باشد، بازده بیشتری حاصل می گردد. در بخشی دیگر حضور دو ناحیه متخلخل در محفظه منجر به تغییر محل تشکیل شعله گردیده است. بازده تابشی در محفظه با حضور دو ناحیه متخلخل نسبت به محفظه تک ناحیه متخلخل در نسبت های هم ارزی 6/0، 8/0 و 1 به ترتیب به میزان %24، %27 و %28 افزایش می یابد.
کلید واژگان: محفظه احتراق ترمو فتوولتائیک, متخلخل, هیدروژن, جنس دیوار, ضخامت دیوار, شبیه سازی عددی, تخلخل دو ناحیه ایIn the present research, the performance of the combustion chamber for use in thermo-photovoltaic systems depending on some factors such as the material of chamber, wall thickness, and the presence of porous medium, has been numerically investigated. In the numerical simulation, the realizable k-ε and the finite rate- eddy dissipation models have been used to model flow turbulence and hydrogen gas combustion, respectively. Three different wall thicknesses at constant equivalence ratio of 0.8 and velocities of 2 m/s and 3 m/s have been studied. The results show that decreasing the wall thickness increases the temperature of the outer wall and the radiation efficiency of the chamber. The maximum temperature increases by 111 and 141 °C at the velocity of 2 m/s and at the thickness of 0.2 mm as compared to the thicknesses of 0.5 mm and 0.8 mm and by 79 and 107 °C at the velocity of 3 m/s. Also, the combustion chamber has been simulated with three different materials of walls, Al2O3, SiC and Stainless Steel (SS316). The results show that when the wall is made of Al2O3, the efficiency is higher. In another part of this research, the presence of two porous zones in the chamber has led to a change in the place of flame formation. The radiation efficiency in the combustion chamber with the presence of two porous zones increases by 24%, 27%, and 28%, respectively, in the equivalence ratios of 0.6, 0.8, and 1.
Keywords: Thermo-Photovoltaic Combustion Chamber, Porous, Hydrogen, Wall Material, Numerical Simulation, Two Porous Zones -
در مطالعه حاضر، با توجه به اهمیت مشارکت مردمی در به ثمر رسیدن اهداف طرح های توسعه شهری، جایگاه مشارکت مردمی در باغ بزرگ شهر یزد ارزیابی شده است. در مرحله اول، بر اساس روش تحلیل کیفی از طریق مصاحبه با افراد محلی، جایگاه مشارکت مردمی در مراحل تصویب و اجرای طرح باغ بزرگ شهر یزد، آسیب شناسی شد. در این مرحله متن مصاحبه در چند مرحله به سه بخش گزاره، مفهوم و مقولات تیدیل شد و روابط علت و معلولی مقولات اصلی مشخص شد. نتایج نشان می دهد که افراد محلی از عدم شفاف سازی و اطلاع رسانی از سوی شهرداری به شدت ناراضی هستند. بطوریکه اقدامات انجام شده از سوی شهرداری را بدون پشتوانه علمی و اجرایی می دانند و چون این اقدامات بر پایه تجربه افراد محلی نبوده، هیچ حمایتی از این اقدامات نمی کنند. در مرحله دوم، روند تغییر ساختار سرزمین شهری در منطقه مورد مطالعه (از سال 1380 تا سال 1399) با استفاده از متریک های سیمای سرزمین ارزیابی شد. نتایج این ارزیابی نشان داد که طی این مدت ساخت و ساز های زیادی انجام شده و لکه های باغات از بین رفته اند بطوریکه، اندازه لکه های ساخته شده 196 درصد و لکه های بایر 283 درصد افزایش و اندازه لکه های باغی وکشاورزی 80 درصد کاهش داشته است. نتایج نشان می دهد، علی رغم اهداف طرح مذکور مبنی بر حفاظت باغات، مساحت و پیوستگی لکه های باغی و کشاورزی کم شده و خردانگی در آنها ایجاد شده است. این در حالی است که اگر شهرداری در مراحل تصویب و اجرا از مشارکت مردمی استفاده می کرد و بطور شفاف اطلاع رسانی انجام می داد، اهداف طرح محقق شده و می توانست از باغداران محلی به عنوان بازوان اجرایی طرح استفاده کند.کلید واژگان: باغات شهری, مشارکت مردمی, تحلیل کیفی, تحلیل تغییرات سیمای سرزمین, متریک های سیمای سرزمین, یزدIn the present research the position of public participation in Yazd Great Garden plan has been evaluated. In the first stage, based on the method of qualitative analysis, through interviews with local people, the position of public participation in the stages of approval and implementation of the plan was pathologically evaluated. The results of the studies show that local people are very dissatisfied with the lack of transparency and information by the municipality during the approval and implementation of the plan. In the second phase of this study, the trend of changes in the urban landscape in the study area (from 2001 to 2020) was evaluated using landscape metrics in FRAGSTATS software. The results of this evaluation showed that, during this period, many constructions have been done in this area. The size of barren patches has increased by 283%. The size of garden-agricultural patches has decreased by 80% and the size patches of construction has increased by 196%. In general, in spite of the goals of the mentioned plan to protect the gardens, the area and connectivity of garden and agricultural patches has been reduced and fragmentation is increased. Summarizing the results shows that if public participation was used in the approval and implementation process and information was provided in a transparent manner, the goals of the project were achieved, and local gardeners acted as the supporter of the municipality in the project.Keywords: urban gardens, Public Participation, Qualitative analysis, Landscape change analysis, Landscape metrics, Yazd
در مقاله حاضر به بررسی و تحلیل تاثیرپذیری آلاینده های NOx وCO در صورت تغییر مشخصه های جت های پایدارکننده درون محفظه احتراق مدل توربین گاز پرداخته شده است. تغییر مشخصه های این جت ها با در نظر گرفتن برهم کنش میان آن ها مورد بررسی و تحلیل واقع شده است. در پژوهش های پیشین، اثر تغییر هم زمان مشخصه ها مورد مطالعه قرار نگرفته بود، لذا، در این مقاله، به این موضوع پرداخته شده است. برای شبیه سازی جریان دو فاز داخل محفظه احتراق، برای فاز گازی از دیدگاه اویلری و برای پاشش سوخت از دیدگاه لاگرانژی استفاده شده است. برای مدل سازی فرآیند احتراق، رهیافت RANS، مدل آشفتگی Realizable k-ε، مدل انتقال حرارت تشعشعی جهات مجزاء و مدل احتراقی فلیملت پایا استفاده شده است. مدل سازی NOx به صورت پس پردازش و با مدل نرخ محدود انجام گرفته است. با به کارگیری تحلیل حساسیت به مطالعه تاثیرپذیری آلاینده های CO و NOx از متغیرهای ورودی شامل قطر، زاویه و موقعیت جت های پایدارکننده پرداخته شده است. داده های عددی با استفاده از روش طراحی آزمایشات (DOE) و مدل فاکتوریل کامل، مدل سازی و تولید شده است. سپس، نتایج با استفاده از تحلیل واریانس (ANOVA) مورد بررسی قرار گرفته است. نتایج نشان داد که با در نظر گرفتن برهمکنش میان مشخصه های جت های پایدارکننده، کمترین و بیشترین مقدار خروجی آلاینده به ترتیب برابر با 5.82 و 26.22 بوده و کمترین و بیشترین مقدار بیشینه تولید آلاینده به ترتیب برابر با 5.99 و 14.7 کسر مولی است.
کلید واژگان: محفظه احتراق مدل توربین گاز, تحلیل حساسیت, آلاینده NOx, آلاینده COThe purpose of the present study was to investigate the susceptibility of NOx and CO pollutants due to the change of stabilizing jets characteristics in a gas turbine model combustion chamber. The change of stabilizing jet characteristics were analyzied according to their interactions. To simulate the two-phase flow inside the combustion chamber, the Eulerian method was used for gas flow and the Lagrangian method was used for spraying the fuel. For simulating the combustion The purpose of the present study was to investigate the susceptibility of NOx and CO pollutants due to the change of stabilizing jets characteristics in a gas turbine model combustion chamber. The change of stabilizing jet characteristics was analyzed according to their interactions. To simulate the two-phase flow inside the combustion chamber, the Eulerian approach was used for gas flow and the Lagrangian approach was employed for spraying the fuel. For simulating the combustion process inside the combustion chamber, the RANS approach, the Realizable k-ε model for turbulence, Discrete Ordinates Model (DOM) for radiant heat transfer and steady flamelet combustion model were applied. NOx modeling was done by post-processing with a finite rate model. Using a sensitivity analysis, the effects of variations of input variables including diameter, angle and position of the stabilizing jets on output variables were studied. Numerical data were generated by using Design of Experiments (DOE) and full factorial model. The results were inspected by the means of analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results indicated that with considering the interaction among jets characteristics, the trends of pollutants changes could be observed more accurately. Nevertheless, this was not possible without considering the interactions. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the susceptibility of NOx and CO pollutants due to the change of stabilizing jets characteristics in a gas turbine model combustion chamber. The change of stabilizing jet characteristics was analyzed according to their interactions. To simulate the two-phase flow inside the combustion chamber, the Eulerian approach was used for gas flow and the Lagrangian approach was employed for spraying the fuel. For simulating the combustion process inside the combustion chamber, the RANS approach, the Realizable k-ε model for turbulence, Discrete Ordinates Model (DOM) for radiant heat transfer and steady flamelet combustion model were applied. NOx modeling was done by post-processing with a finite rate model. Using a sensitivity analysis, the effects of variations of input variables including diameter, angle and position of the stabilizing jets on output variables were studied. Numerical data were generated by using Design of Experiments (DOE) and full factorial model. The results were inspected by the means of analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results indicated that with considering the interaction among jets characteristics, the trends of pollutants changes could be observed more accurately. Nevertheless, this was not possible without considering the interactions. .
Keywords: Gas turbine model combustion chamber, Sensitivity analysis, Full factorial, NOx, CO -
BackgroundDue to the increased prevalence of celiac disease in chromosomal anomalies and other congenital anomalies, this study was conducted to evaluate the seroprevalence of celiac disease (CD) in patients with congenital heart defects (CHD).MethodsThis case-control study was done on 1002 children in two groups of CHD patients (n=402) and controls (n=600). The serum tissue transglutamianse (TTG) levels were investigated. The two groups were compared in terms of TTG IgA levels and p<0.05 was considered as the significant level.ResultsThe means of serum TTG IgA levels in children with CHD and the control groups were 19.17±46.67 and 7.77±10.02 u/mL respectively (p =0.001). After ANOVA analysis a significant difference between two cyanotic and acyanotic subgroups of cases and control groups was observed (p =0.000). The follow up tukey test showed only non-significant difference between the cyanotic and acyanotic cases. The frequency of TTG IgA with the consideration of 20 u/mL as cut-off point showed a significant association with groups (X2 =28.31 and p =0.000).ConclusionAccording to the results the serum TTG IgA levels were significantly higher in patients with CHD than normal children and screening for CD in children with CHD is recommended.Keywords: Celiac disease, Congenital, Heart Defect, Children
BackgroundDilated cardiomyopathy is revealed with left ventricular dilatation and systolic dysfunction..ObjectivesThis study aimed to compare the children with dilated cardiomyopathy and control group regarding the level of Calcitonin Gene Related Peptide (CGRP) and its relationship with echocardiography findings.Patients andMethodsThis case-control study was conducted on 37 children with dilated cardiomyopathy and free of any clinical symptoms and 37 healthy age- and sex-matched children referring to Ali-e-Asghar and Ali Ebne Abitaleb hospitals in Zahedan, Iran. After taking history, echocardiography was performed for both groups. The data were analyzed using the SPSS statistical software and appropriate statistical tests..ResultsThe two groups were significantly different regarding most of the echocardiographic parameters (P < 0.05). Also, a significant difference was found between the two groups concerning the mean CGRP levels (P = 0.001). Among echocardiographic parameters, CGRP was directly related to Interventricular Septal dimension in Systole (IVSS) (P = 0.022, R = 0.375). However, no significant relationship was observed between CGRP level and Ross classification..ConclusionsThe findings of this study showed an increase in CGRP serum levels in the case group. Besides, a direct correlation was observed between CGRP level and IVSS..Keywords: Calcitonin Gene, Related Peptide, Dilated Cardiomyopathy, Children
Gastroenterology and Hepatology From Bed to Bench Journal, Volume:8 Issue: 2, Spring 2015, PP 153 -159AimThis study reports evaluated prevalence of CD in patients with Beta-thalassemia major.BackgroundCeliac Disease (CD) is an autoimmune disorder triggered by ingestion of gluten in genetically predisposed individuals.Patients andMethodsIn this case-control study in a period of 3 years, which was performed on 620 children in two groups of Beta-thalassemia major patients (n=200) and control (n=420), serum tissue transglutamianse (tTG) IgA levels were measured. The two groups were compared together in terms of tTG IgA levels, and p<0.05 was considered significant.ResultsThe means of serum tTG IgA levels in patients with Beta-thalassemia major and control groups were 28.81±68.44 and 6.94±6.68 U/mL, respectively. There was a significant difference in favor of the case group (p=0.000). Body mass index in the two case and control groups had a significant difference (t=3.859, p=0.001). Belonging to each group will change the probability of having less than 20 in tTG IgA (odds=0.285) and it means that belonging to the control group has a protective role. There is only a significant association in the case of all population (r=0.102, p=0.011). Body mass index in the two case and control groups had a significant difference (t=3.859, p=0.001).ConclusionProbability of CD should be considered since the prevalence of CD is high in patients with and Beta-thalassemia major. Patients with thalassemia major are recommended for screening for CD.Keywords: Celiac disease, Beta, thalassemia major, Growth disorder, Disease risk, HLA
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