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فهرست مطالب azar jalilian

  • فرهاد صبوری فر، محمدحسن بیگی*، عبدالواحد قادری، آذر جلیلیان

    محمد احمد خلف الله یکی از اندیشمندان معاصر مصری است که در قرن بیستم میلادی، یافته های ادبی و سیاسی خود از قرآن مجید را در محافل علمی و دانشگاهی مصر ارایه کرد. این پژوهش سعی دارد تا با واکاوی آثار سیاسی این متفکر و نقد و بررسی اندیشه سیاسی او در خصوص مفهوم اسلام، جایگاه دین و دولت را از دیدگاه او مورد مداقه قرار دهد. این پژوهش با روشی توصیفی-تحلیلی در پی پاسخ گویی به این پرسش است که از دیدگاه خلف الله، اسلام به چه معناست و چه نوع رابطه ای میان دین و دولت وجود دارد؟ یافته های پژوهش حکایت از آن دارد که خلف الله، اسلام را به دو مفهوم، یکی به عنوان دین و دیگری به مانند یک قلمرو سیاسی و قومی تفسیر کرده و در آثار و نوشته های خود بر جدایی ساحت دین و دولت از یکدیگر تاکید کرده است.

    کلید واژگان: اسلام, اندیشه سیاسی, دین و دولت, محمد احمد خلف الله.ت}
    Farhad Saboorifar, Mohammad Hassan Beigi*, Abdulwahid Qaderi, Azar Jalilian

    Muhammad Ahmad Khalafallah is one of the contemporary Egyptian thinkers who presented his literary and political findings from the Holy Quran in Egyptian scientific and academic circles in the 20th century. This research seeks to answer the question of what Islam means and what kind of relationship exists between religion and state from Khalafallah’s point of view with a descriptive-analytical method. Findings of the research suggest that Khalafallah has interpreted Islam in two concepts, one as a religion and the other as a political and tribal territory, and he has emphasized the separation of the realm of religion and state from each other in his works and writings.

    Keywords: Islam, Political Thought, Religion, State, Muhammad Ahmad Khalafallah}
  • آذر جلیلیان، حسن ذوالفقاری*، جلیل صحرایی
    در این پژوهش برهم کنش جت های جنب حاره و جبهه قطبی در بارش های سنگین بهار و پاییز ایران (2017-1988) بررسی شده است. برای نیل به این منظور، پس از شناسایی منطقه بیشینه تغییرات جت ها، با استفاده از تحلیل عاملی به روش مولفه مبنا (PCA) بر روی داده های ارتفاع تراز 500 هکتوپاسکال، چهار مولفه اصلی با تبیین 82 درصد از پراش داده ها تعیین شد. سپس با استفاده از روش تحلیل خوشه ای، روزهای واقع در هر خوشه و با روش همبستگی درون گروهی، روز نماینده هر خوشه مشخص شد. همچنین با دریافت داده های واگرایی، سرعت قائم جو (امگا)، تاوایی، رطوبت نسبی، رطوبت ویژه، دما و میانگین فشار تراز دریا از مرکز مطالعات میان مدت اروپا (ECMWF, European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts)، اثرات الگوهای برهم کنش جت ها بر رخداد بارش سنگین بررسی شد. نتایج پژوهش نشان دهنده تاثیرات متفاوت سه الگوی برهم کنش جت ها بر بارش سنگین است. به طوری که اثرات برهم کنش مستقیم ناشی از انطباق گردش واچرخندی جت جنب حاره بر گردش چرخندی جت جبهه قطبی باعث تمرکز بارش در ایستگاه های محدودی شده است؛ اما تاثیر برهم کنش غیر مستقیم ناشی از انطباق گردش چرخندی جت جنب حاره بر گردش وا چرخندی جت جبهه قطبی، بارش های گسترده ای را در پی داشته است. همچنین برهم کنش متقابل حاصل مجاورت گردش های وا چرخندی جت جنب حاره و چرخندی جت جبهه قطبی، بر تشدید فرآیند جبهه زایی و رخداد بارش در امتداد این جبهه ها موثر بوده است. مجاورت گردش های چرخندی جت جنب حاره و واچرخندی جت جبهه قطبی، برهم کنشی در پی نداشته و رخداد بارش سنگین در این الگو، فقط از گردش چرخندی جت جنب حاره متاثر شده است.
    کلید واژگان: بارش سنگین, جت جنب حاره, جت جبهه قطبی, برهم کنش, بهار و پاییز, ایران}
    Azar Jalilian, Hasan Zolfaghari *, Jalil Sahraei
    The narrow bands of strong wind (≤30ms-1) in the upper levels of the atmosphere called jet stream. The formation of these streams in the maximum gradient zone of the atmosphere (the location of the maximum temperature and energy transition) has caused the establishment and movement of their speed nuclei at the western extremities of the equatorial fringes and on the polar front in the extraterrestrial region and the formation of western margin and polar fronts.  This winds blow from west to east, but they often shifts to the north and south of seasonal average position. In this case, jets may be deployed simultaneously in one region and occurrence the interaction between them may affect the heavy rainfall. Based on several definitions that have been presented with heavy rainfall according to different criteria and thresholds, Cumulative precipitation of more than 30 mm in 24 hours, causing severe financial losses to various urban and rural areas, is called heavy rainfall. In This article, shifting and intensity of subtropical - polar front jet stream in the mid-latitude region and that’s effects on heavy precipitation in Iran has been studied. In this study, the effects of interactions patterns subtropical-polar front jet stream on heavy spring and autumn rainfall in Iran (1988-2017) with Atmospheric circulation to environment Approach has been investigated.  Therefore after determining the maximum coefficient of variation of this jet streams, in order to determine the effective circulation patterns in these synchronies, by applying factor analysis by PCA on the data of a height of 500 hp, four main components with The explanation of 82% of data diffraction was determined.Then, by using cluster analysis method, the days in each cluster and by intra-group correlation, the representative day of each cluster was determined.After drawing different patterns of simultaneous deployment in the Surfer software, four synchronous patterns were determined in the range of maximum coefficient of variation of jet stream (27-40°N, 36-56 ° E). Finally, the effects of each of these patterns on the occurrence of heavy rainfall were determined by obtaining divergence, vertical velocity, vorticity, relative humidity, specific humidity, temperature and mean sea pressure from the ECMWF center. The results of the study show the effects of three interaction patterns on heavy rainfalls. The effects of direct and indirect jet streams interactions in the first and second patterns, with the change in the thickness of the polar fronts and the interaction of jets in the third model, has been affected on atmospheric conditions and occurrence of heavy rainfall. Despite the direct interactions of the first pattern of jet stream synchronization in the rainfall concentration, the indirect interactions effect of the second pattern on the cyclone circulation boost of the polar jet stream has led to the occurrence of extensive rainfall. Also, the mutual interactions of the jet stream in the third pattern, with the intensification of the frontogenesis process, have been effective in the occurrence of precipitation along these fronts, while the proximity of these opposite turns in the fourth jet streams concurrency pattern is not effective on rainfall, and the occurrence of heavy rainfall has been affected only from the cyclonic circulation of the subtropical jet stream.
    Keywords: heavy rainfall, polar front jet stream, subtropical jet stream, interaction, spring, autumn, Iran}
  • Hadi Del Ashub*, Azar Jalilian
    Premiership (Vezarat) was one of the main pillars of the bureaucracy throughout the history of Iran and had a special credibility in administrative, judicial and ceremonial affairs. In the beginning of the Safavid period, due to the conflict between pen men (Ahl-e Qalam) and sword men (Ahl-e Shamshir), the status of the minister was degrated. But with the consolidation of the Safavid government during the era of Shah Abbass and his confrontation with opposition forces within the government, once again the positon of Vezir or Etemad al-dola was recovered. Applying descriptive – analytic method, this research tries to answer questions such as status of the Vezirs of Shah Abbass I and the impact of them on the Safavid government. It seems that by establishing security and power at the age of Shah Abbass, a new era in the promotion of Vezirs was begun.
    Keywords: Premiership (Vezarat), Shah Abbas I, Etemad al-dola, Ordoubady family}
  • Azar Jalilian*, Masoud Moradi
    A group of Iranians residing in Ottoman published Akhtar newspaper in Persian language in Istanbul, the capital city of Ottoman. It was entered to Iran borders through different ways and delivered to Iranian intellectuals. Akhtar in the era of Naseri had a considerable role in transferring modern westworld thoughts and ideas to Iranian society and it was influential in developments and incidents which ended in the constitutional revolution of Iran in 1906 A.D / 1324 A.H . Accordingly, the question is that: How did Akhtar news paper reflect the cultural and economical relationship between Iran and Ottoman Empire? what was the view of news paper about this relationship ? It can be noted that the Akhtar reflect the culturaled and economical relationship of Iran and Ottoman benevolently and without any bias, and tried to establish an amicable relationship between two countries.
    Keywords: Akhtar newspaper, Iran, Ottomanen, Iranians residing in Ottomanen, the cultural, economical relationship}
  • حسن ذوالفقاری*، جلیل صحرایی، فریاد شاقبادی، آذر جلیلیان

    در این مطالعه، با استفاده از داده های ساعتی و روزانه عناصر آلاینده، شامل مونو اکسید ازت، دی اکسید ازت، اکسیدهای ازت، مونو اکسید کربن، دی اکسید گوگرد، ریزگردها و ازن در سال های 1385 و 1386 و همچنین نقشه های تولیدی پایگاه اطلاعاتی NCEP/NCAR، جنبه های سینوپتیک و دینامیک تشکیل و تشدید آلودگی هوا در شهر کرمانشاه مورد مطالعه قرار گرفت. برای تعیین وضعیت جوی در طول دوره های آلودگی هوا از نقشه های سینوپتیکی سطح زمین و سطوح ژیوپتانسیل 850، 700 و 500 هکتوپاسکال و همچنین برای تعیین شدت وارونگی و پایداری هوا از نمودارهای ترمودینامیکی (اسکیوتی) در استفاده گردید. نتایج نشان داد که تمام انواع آلودگی های هوای کرمانشاه در این دوره را می توان در قالب سه الگوی مشخص ارایه نمود. الگوی نوع اول (A) زمانی شکل می گیرد که پرفشارهای دینامیک اروپایی در دوره سرد سال با پرفشار کوچک قفقاز ادغام شده و تا منطقه زاگرس جنوبی نفوذ می کنند. این وضعیت سبب پایداری هوا و کاهش ارتفاع لایه وارونگی دما شده و شدیدترین آلودگی های هوا را موجب می شود. در الگوی نوع دوم (B)، پرفشارهای آسیایی و سیبری که ناشی از سرمایش سطح زمین در دوره سرد سال هستند، با نفوذ به ایران از سمت شمال شرق و گسترش تا ارتفاعات زاگرس، شرایط را برای تقویت پایداری هوا در کرمانشاه فراهم می کنند. در الگوی نوع سوم (C) آلودگی های که می توان آن را آلودگی ذرات معلق نیز نامید با استقرار فرود مدیترانه ای در شرق این پهنه آبی تا شبه جزیره عربستان در سطوح بالای جوی و تقویت سیستم کم فشار دینامیک در سطح زمین، انتقال ریزگرد بیابان های عراق و سوریه به داخل ایران و از جمله کرمانشاه، صورت می گیرد.

    کلید واژگان: آلودگی هوا, تحلیل سینوپتیکی-دینامیکی, پرفشار حرارتی, کم فشار دینامیک, کرمانشاه}
    Hasan Zolfaghari *, Jalil Sahrai, Faryad Sahaghobadi, Azar Jalilian

    One of the most important conditions to have dusty weather beside of unstable weather is existence or non-existence of humidity. Unstable weather having enough humidity will produce rain and thunder storm, else if the result will be dust storm. Number of particles of dusty storm is depended to wind speed, sec of soil and its dimension. Furthermore, vegetation type has importance on dust storms. Vision reduction is one of the main causes of dust storm beside of inspiration problem, environmental pollution and airline traffic. In the recent years, a lot of flights especially in west and south-western part of Iran have been cancelled because of dusty storm. One of the criteria to measure dusty storm is vision ability. Recently, Kermanshah has a growth in industrial development, urbanization and transportation that cause increasing of pollutant elements in atmosphere. Pollutant density causes major problems for citizens of Kermanshah especially elderly, infant and sick people. Thus, studies and analyses of air pollution and its causes are necessary in Kermanshah. In this paper, the cause of air pollution from synoptic sight is carefully considered.

    Kermanshah is the capital of Kermanshah province and is located in west of Iran. This city is one of the seventh biggest major cities in Iran and has population around one million. Longitude of this city is 47/3 and its latitude is 34/13 and the altitude from see is about 1300 meter. Irregular development of the city, increasing of transportation vehicles and industrial development beside of entrance of dusty in recent years becaus e intensifying of air pollution in this city.

    Materials and methods

    In this paper we are focused on pollution and present of synoptic algorithms using by synoptic ground level maps and upper level of atmosphere data.
    1. Air pollution data is depending on environmental protection organization of Kermanshah obtained from control center in Zibapark between 1385-1386 years.
    2. Data of metrology is obtained from metrology organization of Iran.
    3. Average of daily air pressure maps in 700 hpa level is obtained from NOAA organization site.
    4. SkewTcharts for different hours are obtained from Wyoming University in USA.
    The method in this paper is synoptic approach consist of the following steps:1. Suitable Station selection for this study is synoptic station in Kermanshah and air pollution station of environmental protection organization located in Ziba park of Kermanshah
    2. Detection and study of weak and strong of pressure systems that affects the air pollution of Kermanshah
    3. Determination of polluted days in period of hourly and daily basis for pollutants as NO, NO2, etc….Based on air pollution standard index (PSI).
    Based on daily and hourly data of air pollution, air pollution period events in each month in statistic periods have been determined and the charts have been prepared. Following, based on sequence of days with pollution, air polluted periods has been determined. Then, based on synoptic map, ground level and upper atmosphere, the condition of pressure systems are considered. With detection of trajectory of pressure system and their impacts on weakness and strong of air pollution in Kermanshah, the dependent patterns have been presented.

    Results and Discussion

    In this study, retrieve of pressure centers beside of its origins and trajectory of pressure system that affect air pollution in periods of pollution based on pollutant have been studied. In this regards, affected pressure system from average pressure maps for 3 and 4 days waves from NOAA organization have been details studied. With study of pressure maps in ground level and adaptability with average pressure maps in altitude of geopotential levels of 850,700 and 500 hpa affective systems on air pollution have been detected. Regarding to similarity behavior of trajectory of air pollution in each pressure system, one the periods as sample and index have been selected. Then, more details of behavior of each system have been detected and finally the main affective system on air pollution has been identified. Regarding to, array of systems in ground level and upper levels of atmosphere and also synoptic and dynamics condition are placed in three main groups. They are called as A, B and C patterns.
    In A pattern, a high pressure center, European dynamic high pressure with central pressure of 1035 hpa will be establishes in the region. Eastern movement of this system from north-western and south- western of Europe and north of black sea cause in western region govern of Iran and Kermanshah too.
    This system, in following days moves towards eastern part. In critical days of air pollution with rotation of this high pressure cell, pole cold weather will be combined with cold weather of Caucasus. Thus, a cold weather will govern the region. This condition, cause stable weather and inversion of temperature and will increase the air pollution of Kermanshah.
    The second pattern B shows in the critical days of air pollution, the different condition will govern in the ground level and upper levels of atmosphere in region. Maps and charts shows that in commence and pick of air pollution of Siberian high pressure will come to the region and intensify and stability and air pollution in Kermanshah. Ground cooling, losses of long wave radiation, shortage of cloud in sky, no mixture of in atmosphere and stability of air; establish an unpleasant condition in point of air pollution.
    The C pattern of air pollution is completely different compare to two last patterns.In the last two patterns, air stability and high pressure system cause intensifying of air pollution in the city. While in the this pattern that can be called as low pressure, instability intensifying cause intensifying of air pollution in the city. Pollutant kind that can be called dust pollutant, are different in this pattern. Thus, we can conclude that their origin is based outside of Iran frontier.


    Investigation of intensifying of air pollution in periods of study and temperature inversion shows that the second pattern has the maximum pollutant compare to others. The reason is in specification of air mass responsible for these systems. In the second pattern, weather dynamic subsidence cause strong temperature inversion in level of 850 hpa. Thus, an inversion layer will be established and intensify the air pollution. In the first pattern that will happen mostly in the winter, temperature is lower compared to the second pattern. The humidity of temperature is higher in A pattern compared to others.
    In the most days of a pattern, humidity is high and in the most of times is combined with fog. While in the B pattern, for the reason of entrance of air mess from pole toward region, and also the cold weather from Siberian high pressure cause weather become dry.
    In the C pattern, because of the strong instability in the different level of atmosphere cause reduction of continuity of air pollution and doesn’t last more than half day. The other point has to be considered is the direction of wind in the air pollution. The study of wind direction shows that wind direction is similar in all the patterns. In the most times, wind comes from west, North West and south western of Kermanshah. It is clear that topographical situation in Kermanshah has causes this situation .This point has to be considered in urbanization and industrial development considered by responsible organization and managers.

    Keywords: Air Pollution, Synoptic -Dynamic Analysis, Thermal High Pressure, Dynamic Low Pressure, Kermanshah}
سامانه نویسندگان
  • دکتر آذر جلیلیان
    جلیلیان، آذر
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