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تنها با پرداخت 70 هزارتومان حق اشتراک سالانه به متن مقالات دسترسی داشته باشید و 100 مقاله را بدون هزینه دیگری دریافت کنید.

برای پرداخت حق اشتراک اگر عضو هستید وارد شوید در غیر این صورت حساب کاربری جدید ایجاد کنید


فهرست مطالب dehbozorgi

  • مرتضی ضیاءالدینی*، میرمهدی زاهدی، فروغ نظرزاده ده بزرگی
    در این مطالعه واکنشگر تورین، در یک محیط قلیایی آب و استون با یون لیتیم تولید رنگ کرده و به طور مستقیم، با استفاده از روش اسپکتروفتومتری که روشی ساده، در دسترس و ارزان می باشد برای اندازه گیری این فلز قلیایی در آب های ساحلی خلیج چابهار به کار رفته است. عوامل موثر بر واکنش تشکیل کمپلکس لیتیم-تورین مانند زمان واکنش، غلظت تورین، میزان پتاسیم هیدروکسید و استون بهینه سازی شده و تحت شرایط بهینه، حد تشخیص، محدوده ی خطی و انحراف استاندارد (7=n) روش به ترتیب mg. L-1 039/0، mg. L-1 30/1-10/0 و 11/9 % به دست آمد. نتایج نشان دادند معرف تورین واکنشگری موثر و واکنش پذیر با لیتیم در آب دریا بوده و بر این اساس میانگین غلظت یون لیتیم در آب های ساحلی خلیج چابهار در محدوده mg. L-1 173/0 اندازه گیری شد. در ادامه آنالیز نتایج به دست آمده تحت شرایط بهینه با استفاده از نرم افزار SPSS، نشان دهنده عدم تفاوت معنی دار در میانگین غلظت یون لیتیم در اعماق مختلف ایستگاه های داخل و خارج خلیج چابهار می باشد
    کلید واژگان: لیتیم, آب دریا, تورین, طیف سنجی فرابنفش, خلیج چابهار}
    Morteza Ziyaadini*, Mir Mehdi Zahedi, Forough Nazarzadeh, Dehbozorgi
    In the present study, in an efficient and selective method, Thorin as a reagent was used by forming colour in the alkaline water–acetone media for direct spectrophotometric determination of lithium ion in the coastal seawater of Chabahar bay. Affective factors on the lithium-thorin complex formation reaction such as reaction time, concentration of thorin and the percent of potassium hydroxide and acetone were studied and optimized. Under optimum conditions, the limit of detection, linearity range relative and standard deviation of method were obtained as 0.039 mg/L, 0.10-1.3 mg/L, 9.11% (n =7), respectively and the average concentration of lithium in seawater of Chabahar Bay was estimated as 0.173 mg/L. Furthermore the effect of different depth on the dispersal of lithium in Chabahar Bay was investigated. The results showed that there were no significant differences among Li concentrations in different depths
    Keywords: Lithium, Seawater, Thorin, Spectrophotometric Determination, Chabahar Bay}
  • رعنا صمدی مقدم، رضا نوزعیم*، مریم ده بزرگی، محمد محجل
    منطقه کوه درنجال در پهنه زمین ساختی ایران مرکزی، در شمال باختری بلوک طبس و در سمت خاوری گسل کلمرد با روند شمال خاوری- جنوب باختری قرار دارد. در این منطقه تنها واحدهای سنگی پالئوزوییک (به سن کامبرین تا دونین) به همراه برونزد بسیار کمی از سنگ آهک به سن کرتاسه دیده می شود. سنگ های آذرین منطقه شامل توده آندزیتی لنزی شکل شمال کوه درنجال (به سن احتمالی ژوراسیک میانی) و توده های نفوذی با ترکیب دیابازی نفوذ کرده در سازند کالشانه است. چرخش بلوک های ایران مرکزی، برخورد صفحه عربی با ایران و همچنین اندرکنش ساختاری میان بلوک های ایران مرکزی در طی تکامل زمین ساختی خود، سبب تغییر در جهت گیری محورهای تنش جنبشی (Kinematic Stress Tensor، P-T-B) و در نتیجه شکل گیری ساختارهای جدید و تغییر در ساختارهای کهن در طول تاریخ زمین شناسی منطقه بوده است. گسل کلمرد به عنوان یک گسل پی سنگی ایران مرکزی و نیز به عنوان پهنه اصلی جابجایی (PDZ) سبب شکل گیری گسل های امتدادلغز و وارون در منطقه کوه درنجال شده است. مشاهدات و برداشت های صحرایی نشان دهنده وجود گسل های همسو (R، P)، ناهمسو (R’، X) و فشارشی رده C2و نیز چین خوردگی های رده F1 در منطقه کوه درنجال هستند. موقعیت و سازوکار ساختارهای ناحیه کوه درنجال، نشانگر تغییر جهت راستای محور فشارش (P Axis) به صورت پادساعت گرد از حالت عمود بر گسل کلمرد تا موازی با آن در بازه زمانی پالئوزوییک پایانی تا سنوزوییک پایانی است که سبب تشکیل گسل ها و تغییر سازوکار جنبشی برخی از گسل های مهم منطقه شده است.
    کلید واژگان: تحلیل هندسی- جنبشی, تکامل ساختاری, کوه درنجال, گسل کلمرد, ایران مرکزی}
    R. Samadi Moghadam, R. Nozaem *, M. Dehbozorgi, M. Mohajjel
    Derenjal Mountains with NE-SW trend, is located in Central Iran, in northwest of Tabas block and in eastern block of Kalmard fault. In this region, the Paleozoic formations (Cambrian to Devonian) have been exposed and surrounded by Neogene and Quaternary deposits. Volcanic rocks of Cambrian limited to Diabasic Rocks Dominated in Kalshaneh Formation and Middle Jurassic (?) lens-shape Andesite massive that covered uncomfortably with Cretaceous non metamorphosed limestone. Kalmard Fault as an old basement and active fault in Central Iran as Principal Displacement Zone (PDZ) and adjacent deformed Deranjal Mountains, have a complex deformation history with respect to rotation of the Compressional Incremental Kinematic Axis during Geological time scale since late Paleozoic to late Cenozoic. Rotation in Central Iran blocks, changing of the convergence direction of Afro-Arabian plate with respect to Iran and also structural interaction between the Central Iran blocks, during tectonic evolutions, imposed the rotation of the Incremental Kinematic Axis (P-T-B) directions with respect to Derenjal Mountains and Kalmard Fault. These process made progressively new structures and also made changes in old structures since post Devonian. In this study, based of Field observation and geometric - kinematic structural Analysis of the more the 150 fault data, the architecture of fault assemblage of Derenjal area demonstrate Synthetic faults (P, R), antithetic faults (X, R’), compression faults (C2) faults and folding in F1 Class in Derenjal Area. These structures represent that the Compressional Incremental Kinematic Axis trend has been changed in anticlockwise direction from perpendicular to parallel with respect to Kalmard Fault since post Devonian to Late Cenozoic and finally superimposition of the strike slip tectonics on the contraction tectonics.
    Keywords: Geometric, kinematic analysis, Structural evolution, Derenjal Mountain, Kalmard fault, Central Iran}
  • الهه زارعی*، ابراهیم قاسمی نژاد، افسانه ده بزرگی
    سازند گورپی به ستبرای 213 متر در برش کاور و 158 متر در برش فرهادآباد در جنوب استان ایلام، متشکل از مارن با میان لایه های مارن آهکی و دارای دو عضو آهکی لوفا و امام حسن به سن کمپانین میانی تا پالئوسن پسین برای بررسی های دقیق اقلیم دیرینه حاکم در زمان رسوب گذاری انتخاب و مطالعه شد. به این منظور از چگونگی نسبت روزن بران حساس به شرایط اکولوژیکی (e.s/e.g) به انواع غیر حساس، داینوسیست های شاخص دما و گرده های گیاهی استفاده شد. این بررسی ها آب و هوای گرم و مرطوب با دو مرحله کاهش ناگهانی دما (در ابتدای ماستریختین و دانین) را تایید می کند که با تغییرات ثبت شده با دیگر نقاط دنیا نیز همخوانی دارد.
    کلید واژگان: دیرینه اقلیم, سازند گورپی, روزن بران, پالینومورف ها, حوضه زاگرس}
    E. Zarei *, E. Ghasemi-Nejad, A. Dehbozorgi
    The Gurpi Formation was studied from different aspects at two sections, Farhadabad and Kavar, in southwest and southeast of Ilam where it is composed of 205 m and 158 m of grey to blue marl and shale beds and occasionally thin beds of argillaceous limestones with two formal members of Seymareh (Lopha) and Emam-Hassan. In order to reconstruct paleoclimate during depositional course of the formation, paleontological and palynological data (ratio of specialist to generalist foraminifera (e.s/e.g) and warm-temperate waters dinocysts and spore and pollen grains) were used statistically. The results show that the Gurpi Formation is mainly deposited in a warm-humid climate with two sharp decreases happening in temperature in early Maastrichtian and Danian.
    Keywords: Paleoclimate change, Gurpi Formation, Foraminifera, Playnomorphs, Zagros basin}
  • M. Ghofrani Jahromi, H. Parsaei, A. Zamani, M. Dehbozorgi
    Electromyographic (EMG) signal decomposition is the process by which an EMG signal is decomposed into its constituent motor unit potential trains (MUPTs). A major step in EMG decomposition is feature extraction in which each detected motor unit potential (MUP) is represented by a feature vector. As with any other pattern recognition system, feature extraction has a significant impact on the performance of a decomposition system. EMG decomposition has been studied well and several systems were proposed, but feature extraction step has not been investigated in detail.
    Several EMG signals were generated using a physiologically-based EMG signal simulation algorithm. For each signal, the firing patterns of motor units (MUs) provided by the simulator were used to extract MUPs of each MU. For feature extraction, different wavelet families including Daubechies (db), Symlets, Coiflets, bi-orthogonal, reverse bi-orthogonal and discrete Meyer were investigated. Moreover, the possibility of reducing the dimensionality of MUP feature vector is explored in this work. The MUPs represented using wavelet-domain features are transformed into a new coordinate system using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The features were evaluated regarding their capability in discriminating MUPs of individual MUs.
    Extensive studies on different mother wavelet functions revealed that db2, coif1, sym5, bior2.2, bior4.4, and rbior2.2 are the best ones in differentiating MUPs of different MUs. The best results were achieved at the 4th detail coefficient. Overall, rbior2.2 outperformed all wavelet functions studied; nevertheless for EMG signals composed of more than 12 MUPTs, syms5 wavelet function is the best function. Applying PCA slightly enhanced the results.
    Keywords: Electromyographic signal, EMG decomposition, Decomposability index, Feature extraction, Motor Unit Potential Classification, Wavelet Function, Wavelet Transform}
  • محمدرضا مظفری، احمد غنی زاده، حمید اشکانی، علی فیروزآبادی، محمد جواد علیشاهی، غلامرضا ده بزرگی، مجتبی ادیب
    زمینه و هدف
    شیوع اختلالات روان پزشکی در کودکان و نوجوانان حدود 10 تا 20% می باشد. افسردگی با میزان بالایی در مجروحان جنگی دارای آسیب مغزی گزارش شده است که این خود می تواند مرتبط با برخی اختلالات روان پزشکی در فرزندان آنان باشد. این مطالعه با هدف تعیین شیوع اختلالات روان پزشکی در فرزندان جانبازان و مقایسه آن با گروه کنترل در شیراز انجام گردید.
    روش بررسی
    این پژوهش به صورت مقطعی بر روی فرزندان 18-12 ساله ی 223 خانواده جانباز 70%-25% شهرستان شیراز انجام شد. نمونه گیری به صورت تصادفی بر اساس لیست جانبازان شهر شیراز انجام گرفت. هم چنین گروه کنترل نیز از بین دانش آموزان 18-12 ساله ی شهرستان شیراز انتخاب گردید. تشخیص گذاری بر اساس مصاحبه ی بالینی نیمه ساختاریافته، DSM-IV به وسیلهK-SADS-PL (Kiddle Schedule for Affective Disorder and Schizophrenia Present and Life time Version) که دارای اعتبار و پایایی کافی است؛ صورت گرفت. از تست های آماری تی تست و فیشر در موارد مناسب استفاده شد.
    یافته ها
    در این مطالعه از 223 خانواده جانباز که مورد مصاحبه قرار گرفتند، در 123 خانواده حداقل یک فرزند مبتلا به یکی از اختلالات روان پزشکی مشاهده گردید که در این تعداد 52 نفر پسر (15%) و 71 نفر دختر (20%)، حداقل یک اختلال روان پزشکی دیده شد و شیوع اختلالات افسردگی شامل دیس تایمی (3/2%)، افسردگی اساسی (4/8%) و افسردگی مینور(8/5%) و شیوع اختلالات اضطرابی شامل اختلال اضطراب منتشر (1/10%)، اختلال اضطراب جدایی (4/1%) و اختلال وسواسی جبری (4%) اختلال هراس (2/3%)، اختلال استرس پس از سانحه (2/3%)، اختلال فوبی اجتماعی (3/4%)، اختلال فوبی خاص (2%) و آگوروفوبیا (4/1%) بود.
    نتیجه گیری
    هرچند شیوع انواع اختلالات افسردگی و اضطرابی تفاوت آماری معنی داری با گروه کنترل نداشت، ولی با توجه به شیوع بالاتر بعضی از اختلالات اضطرابی مانند اختلال اضطراب منتشر ((Generalize Anxiety Disorderو بعضی از علایم افسردگی، نیاز به بررسی بیشتر و اقدامات مشاوره، پیشگیری و درمانی در فرزندان جانبازان ضروری به نظر می رسد.
    کلید واژگان: شیوع, اختلالات اضطرابی, اختلالات افسردگی, کودک, شیراز, ایران}
    M. J Alishahi_Gh R. Dehbozorgi_M. Adib_A. Ghanizadeh_H. Ashkani_M. R Mozafari
    Background And Objectives
    This survey was conducted in order to assess the prevalence of psychiatric disorders in children of the war-wounded veterans and to compare it with the general population of Shiraz.
    The present study was a cross-sectional survey on a random sample of children and adolescents of 223 veteran s (25%-70%) families between 12-20 years old. The control group consisted of students of 12-20 years of age. Diagnosis was made using semi-structured clinical interviews on the basis of DSM-IV through K-SADS-PL.
    Out of 223 veterans families interviewed 123 families had at least one child with one psychiatric disorder. Those children 52 boys (15 %) and 71 girls (20%) suffered from at least one of the psychiatric disorders. The prevalence of depressive disorders such as dysthymia was 2.3% major depressive disorder 8.4% and minor depression 5.8%. The prevalence of anxiety disorders including generalized anxiety disorder was (10.1%) separation anxiety disorder (1.4%) obsessive compulsive disorder (4%) panic disorder (3.2%) post traumatic stress disorder (3.2%) social phobia (4.3%) specific phobia (2%) and agoraphobia was (1.4%). Conclusio: Although the prevalence of depressive and anxiety disorders did not significantly differ from that of control group but more studies and more consultative preventive and therapeutic actions seem to be necessary for children of veterans due to a higher prevalence of some of anxiety disorders such as generalized anxiety disorder and some depression symptoms.
  • S.H. Mousavipour, V. Saheb, F. Pirhadi, M.R. Dehbozorgi
    The kinetics and mechanism for the thermal decomposition of 1,2-dichloroethane (EDC) was studied in a flow system over the temperature range of 849-1064 K and pressure range of 10-300 Torr under homogeneous conditions in a tubular quartz reactor. Gas chromatography was used to measure the concentration of products. Four-center HCl elimination was found to be the most important channel in this system. Minor products such as methane, ethylene, acetylene, chloroethane, and chloroprene were identified. Ab initio calculations at the DFT, CASMP2, and QCISD(T) levels of theory were carried out to investigate the mechanism of this system and to calculate necessary parameters to compute the rate constants of different steps. Dependence of formation of vinyl chloride on the total pressure is measured, experimentally.
  • H.Ashkani, Gh.Dehbozorgi, M.Jamshidi
    The electrical dose selected for electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) must have an acceptable efficacy and no or minimal cognitive side-effects. We evaluated the clinical efficacy and cognitive side-effects of ECT in relation to the stimulus dose administered.
    This study assessed 71 depressed patients who were treated with bilateral ECT. For evaluation of depressive and cognitive states the mini-mental state examination (MMSE) and Hamilton scale for depression (HAM-D) were used before starting ECT and after the fourth and last sessions.
    The baseline mean MMSE was significantly (p=0.005) different with that evaluated after the fourth (p=0.005) and the final (p=0.002) sessions among the four groups receiving various doses of ECT. The mean Hamilton score did not change significantly over the study. No decrease in cognition was observed with employing higher doses (224–345.6 mc) of ECT compared to lower doses. The rate of improvement did not change significantly among the studied groups.
    Cognitive function does not decreased with higher doses of ECT (224–345.6 mc) as compared to the other groups. The rate of improvement does not differ with the stimulus dose administered.
  • M. Mousavi Nasab, A. Mowla, G.R. Dehbozorgi, A. Mowla
    Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) symptoms and the related disorders are subsumed under chronic psychiatric disorders which are of psychosocial and therapeutic importance. In most studies, the mean age of onset of significant OCD symptoms is adolescence period. The aim of this study was to evaluate OCD symptoms, Tic disorder, Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) and Trichotilomania among middle school students in Shiraz, Iran.
    From the four educational district of Shiraz, South of Iran, 1682 middle school students, aged 14-16 yrs-old, were selected using a cluster random sampling. Persian standardized Moudsely Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory was used to assess obsessional symptoms. For evaluating BDD, Tic Disorder and Trichotilomania symptoms, a semi-structured interview was done according to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-IV-TR (DSM-IV-TR) criteria.
    Students with more obsessional symptoms were mostly girls and showed more positive family history. They were more likely from low socioeconomic class, and their average school grades were lower. They also showed high association with BDD and Tic disorders.
    This study confirmed body dysmorphic and Tic disorders to be more prevalent in individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder symptoms. Girls, especially those from lower socioeconomic class, demonstrated increasing obsessional symptoms. Obsessive-compulsive disorder symptoms were found to affect school performance so its early diagnosis and management should be considered as a mental health priority.
  • H. Hagh, Shenas, A. Moradi, G. Dehbozorgi, B. Farashbandi, F. Alishahian
    Patients with Trichotillomania (TC) have an irreversible urge to pull their hair. This self-mutilation behavior is associated with high level of tension before and a sense of gratification and relief after TC.
    To investigate the personality characteristics of patients suffering from TC.
    The study was performed on 43 TC patients and 43 gender and age-matched non-psychiatric control individuals who were asked to complete a Persian version of the NEO Personality Inventory-Revised (NEO PI-R).
    The TC patients had significantly higher scores on Neuroticism (p<0.0001) and Agreeableness (p<0.05) domains. The TC patients were high scorers in all Neuroticism subscales including anxiety, angry-hostility, depression, self-consciousness, impulsivity, and vulnerability to stress. The patient group had lower scores on the compliance scale, a subscale of Agreeableness.
    According to Costa and McCrae (founders of the NEO PI-R) suggestions, the picture of the personality traits or characteristics displayed by our data resembles borderline personality disorder.
  • H. Ashkani, Gh.R. Dehbozorgi, A. Tahamtan
    The parent’s awareness about chronic disabling disease in their children definitely distresses the parents. Children of such parents show behavior & cognitive disturbances with long term negative impact on the family.
    The present study was carried out to investigate the prevalence of depression in parents of disabled children.
    Following a cross-sectional study, 50 parents of children with chronic disease as target group & 50 parents of children with an acute disease as control group were selected randomly, they were asked to take part in a structured interview & their depression’s score was measured using the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). Data analysis was performed by Student’s t test and ANOVA using SPSS software.
    Depression scores were higher in those who had a child with chronic disease than in the control group (P<0.001). Depression scores were also higher in those who had a leukemic child than other non-leukemic chronic disease (P<0.002). Lower socioeconomic (SES) & parents with lower education level also showed a higher level of depression.
    When comparing psychopathology in parents of children with chronic disease with that of children with an acute disease, significant differences were observed in depression level. This study emphasizes the necessity of active psychosocial intervention in those parents who have disabled children.
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  • همه مقالات ترجمه فارسی یا انگلیسی ندارند پس ممکن است مقالاتی باشند که نام نویسنده مورد نظر شما به صورت معادل فارسی یا انگلیسی آن درج شده باشد. در صفحه جستجوی پیشرفته می‌توانید همزمان نام فارسی و انگلیسی نویسنده را درج نمایید.
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