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تنها با پرداخت 70 هزارتومان حق اشتراک سالانه به متن مقالات دسترسی داشته باشید و 100 مقاله را بدون هزینه دیگری دریافت کنید.

برای پرداخت حق اشتراک اگر عضو هستید وارد شوید در غیر این صورت حساب کاربری جدید ایجاد کنید


فهرست مطالب fataneh hashem

  • Maryam Taghavi, Samira Kadkhodai, Fataneh Hashem, Zahra Rampisheh, Hoorieh Mohammadi*, Gholamreza Kordafshari

    Treatment satisfaction is a major contributor to treatment efficacy and its compliance in patients. Sleep disorders are among the common problems with insomnia as the epitome.


    The current study aimed at assessing the degree to which patients with insomnia are satisfied with Persian medicine (PM) therapies.


    The current cross-sectional study was conducted in the PM Healthcare Clinic affiliated to Iran University of Medical Sciences in 2017. A total of 100 patients with insomnia signed written informed consent and completed the insomnia severity index (ISI) before and one month after receiving PM therapies. Moreover, patients completed the treatment satisfaction questionnaire after completion of the treatment course. The results were analyzed with SPSS software.


    The ISI total score changed from 16.49 ± 3.87 to 12.53 ± 4.59 at the end of the study (P < 0.001). The score changed for all ISI items was statistically significant, except for the item “noticeability of sleep problems by others”. It was found that 76% of the subjects were satisfied with the efficacy of the treatments, 71% expressed satisfaction with the convenience and appropriateness of treatments, 81% did not report any complications using PM therapies, and 91% had an overall satisfaction with the treatments.


    PM therapeutic procedures can be effective in treating insomnia. According to the patients’ satisfaction with PM therapies for insomnia, it is suggested that the efficacy of these procedures be investigated through clinical trials

    Keywords: Insomnia, Persian Medicine, Satisfaction, Healthcare Clinic}
  • Maryam Bahman, Homa Hajimehdipoor, Maryam Afrakhteh, Soodabeh Bioos, Fataneh Hashem, Dabaghian, Mojgan Tansaz
    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is known as the most common hormonal disorder in women at reproductive age. Recent studies have revealed a high prevalence of sleep disorders in PCOS, suggesting that it is an amendable factor for these patients; however, the sleep was not considered in their treatment plan. According to the Iranian traditional medicine (ITM), sleep is an important item in the lifestyle modification of all diseases. The aim of this study is to determine the importance of
    sleep hygiene in PCOS from the view of ITM and Modern Medicine. In this study, some keywords about “sleep and PCOS” were searched in medical databases and some ITM books. Lifestyle modification is one of the first steps in treatment of patients with PCOS in which the emphasis will be mainly on exercise and diet. Despite proof of the high prevalence of sleep disorders in these patients, modification of sleep is not considered in their lifestyle. ITM as a holistic medicine emphasizes on lifestyle modification under the title of “Settah‑e‑Zaruria” (In Persian), the six essential schemes for the prevention and treatment of all diseases. Management of sleep is one of these schemes. There are many advices about sleep hygiene in both ITM and modern medicine. It seems that lifestyle modification should be expanded in PCOS patients to include more options, and sleep hygiene should be considered in their lifestyle alongside food and exercise
    Keywords: Iranian traditional medicine, modern medicine, polycystic ovary syndrome, sleep}
  • Fataneh Hashem, Dabaghian *, Farshad Amini, Behbahani, Roshanak Ghods, Mahsima Abdoli
    Abstract Some symptoms of heart illness can be due to diseases originating from other organs. In Persian medicine (PM), this state is called participatory heart diseases. Current medical findings have found an important association between symptoms of psychiatric disorders and chest pain. Some of the other organs such as the lungs, liver, stomach, intestines and uterus have a proven effect on the heart. This relationship between the heart and other body organs has been considered by different ancient medical doctrines during a long historical period. In this article participatory heart diseases are explained from the viewpoint of Avicenna.
    Keywords: Avicenna, Heart, History of medicine}
  • Fataneh Hashem, Dabaghian*, Shahram Agah, Maryam Taghavi, Shirazi, Ali Ghobadi
    Gastric Helicobacter pylori is extremely common worldwide.
    The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of combination of Nigella sativa and honey (Dosin) in eradication of gastric H. pylori infection.
    Patients and
    Nineteen patients who had positive result for H. pylori infection by urea breath test (UBT) without a past history of peptic ulcer, gastric cancer or gastrointestinal bleeding, were suggested to receive one teaspoon of the mixture of Dosin (6 g/day of N. sativa as ground seeds and 12 g/day of honey) three times a day after meals for two weeks. The second UBT was used to detect the presence of H. pylori four weeks after completion of the test. In addition, symptoms of dyspepsia were scored before and after the study and analyzed with Wilcoxon signed-rank test
    Fourteen patients completed the study. Negative UBT was observed in 57.1% (8/14) of participants after intervention. The median and interquartile range (IQR) of total dyspepsia symptoms was significantly reduced from 5.5 (5 - 12) to 1 (0 - 4) (P = 0.005). All the patients tolerated Dosin except for one who was excluded due to mild diarrhea. No serious adverse events were reported.
    Dosin was concluded to be an anti H. pylori and an anti-dyspeptic agent. Further studies are recommended to investigate the effect of Dosin plus antibiotics (concurrently or following another) on gastric H. pylori infection.
    Keywords: Honey, Medicine, Traditional, Phytotherapy, Nigella sativa, Helicobacter pylori}
  • محمد یوسف پور، زهرا کاشی، نجیبه احمدی ثانی، مریم تقوی شیرازی، فتانه هاشم دباغیان
    سابقه و هدف
    هدف این مطالعه بررسی میزان استفاده از روش های مکمل/ جایگزین در بیماران مبتلا به دیابت مراجعه کننده به درمانگاه های دیابت شهر ساری و عوامل موثر و بررسی نگرش و رضایتمندی آن ها از این روش ها بود.
    مواد و روش ها
    در این مطالعه مقطعی، میزان به کارگیری روش های طب مکمل/ جایگزین، روش آشنایی بیماران با این روش ها، نگرش و رضایتمندی آن ها از این روش ها در 270 بیمار مبتلا به دیابت توسط پرسشنامه ای مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. هم چنین عوامل موثر با استفاده از آزمون های تی تست وکای مربع و رگرسیون لجستیک تحلیل شد.
    یافته ها
    99 نفر (6/36 درصد) از شرکت کنندگان، در یک سال قبل از مطالعه حداقل از یکی از روش های طب مکمل/ جایگزین استفاده کرده بودندکه به ترتیب فراوانی گیاهان دارویی (85 نفر)، حجامت (14 نفر)، طب سوزنی (11 نفر)، فصد (5 نفر) و ماساژ (1 نفر) بود. فراوان ترین گیاهان استفاده شده گزنه، شنبلیله، زرشک، دارچین و چای سبز بودند. بیش از
    51 درصد از افراد، از اثرات این روش ها ابراز رضایت و بیش از 67 درصد تمایل به استفاده مجدد داشتند. نگرش مثبت نسبت به این روش ها در 47 نفر (4/17 درصد) از افراد شرکت کننده وجود داشت. ارتباط معنادار آماری میان استفاده از روش های مذکور با تاهل (02/0=p)، مدت ابتلا به دیابت (01/0=p) و مدت درمان (02/0=p) مشاهده شد.
    استنتاج: نتایج این مطالعه نشان دهنده شیوع بالای استفاده از روش های غیر رایج در بیماران دیابتی و ارتباط آن با مدت ابتلا و درمان دیابت بود. لذا مطالعات بیش تری جهت ارزیابی میزان اثر، عوارض و تداخلات این روش ها با درمان های رایج توصیه می شود.
    کلید واژگان: دیابت, طب مکمل, طب جایگزین, فراوانی}
    Mohammad Yousofpour, Zahra Kashi, Najibeh Ahmadi Sani, Maryam Taghavi, Shirazi, Fataneh Hashem, Dabaghian
    Background and
    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the use of complementary/alternative medicine (CAM) and related factors in diabetic patients attending diabetes clinics in Sari and their attitudes and satisfaction.
    Materials And Methods
    In this cross-sectional study, the use of CAM methods, attitude and satisfaction of 270 diabetic patients, were assessed by a questionnaire. The t-test, chi-square test and logistic regression were used to analyze the related factors.
    Among the participants 99 (36.6%) had used at least one of the CAM methods in the year before the study. The most commonly used CAM were medicinal plants (n= 85 patients), cupping (n= 14), acupuncture (n= 11), bloodletting (n= 5), and massage (n= 1). The most common herbs were nettle, fenugreek, barberry, cinnamon, and green tea. More than 51% of patients expressed their satisfaction with the effects of these methods and over 67% were willing to use them again. There was a positive attitude towards CAM methods in 47 patients (17.4%). A significant correlation was observed between the use of these methods and marriage (P= 0.02), duration of disease (P=0.01) and duration of treatment (P=0.02).
    In our study, the use of non-conventional methods in diabetic patients was found to be common which was related to duration of diabetes and its therapy. More studies are needed to evaluate the effects, side effects and interactions of these methods with conventional methods in treatment of diabetes.
    Keywords: diabetes, complementary medicine, alternative medicine, frequency}
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  • همه مقالات ترجمه فارسی یا انگلیسی ندارند پس ممکن است مقالاتی باشند که نام نویسنده مورد نظر شما به صورت معادل فارسی یا انگلیسی آن درج شده باشد. در صفحه جستجوی پیشرفته می‌توانید همزمان نام فارسی و انگلیسی نویسنده را درج نمایید.
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