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فهرست مطالب fatemeh ghasemi adkan

  • علی یوسفی، فاطمه قاسمی ادکان
    شخصیت مجموعه ای از احساسات، تمایلات و الگوهای رفتاری معین است که چگونگی درک و پاسخ افراد به حوادث و رویدادها را مشخص می کند. رویکرد و رفتار رانندگی نیز تحت تاثیر شخصیت راننده قرار دارد و برخی از ویژگی های شخصیتی، رانندگان را به سمت رفتارهای پرخطر رانندگی سوق می دهند. مدعای نوشتار حاضر این است که تحریک جویی با دو ویژگی شدت هیجان و تنوع طلبی، رفتار پرخطر رانندگی را با سه مشخصه خطا، لغزش و تخلف، تحت تاثیر قرار می دهد. نتایج تحقیق پیمایشی بر روی رفتار رانندگی 160 نفر از رانندگان (خودرو سواران) 18سال و بالاتر ساکن شهر مشهد در سال 1390 که به روش نمونه گیری چندمرحله ای برگزیده و مورد مصاحبه قرار گرفته اند، نشان داد که اگرچه به طور کلی میزان تحریک جویی آزمودنی ها در حد متوسط و رفتارهای پرخطر رانندگی آن ها در حد پایین است، بین دو مجموعه متغیر تحریک جویی و رفتارهای پرخطر رانندگی هم بستگی نسبتا بالا (53/0=ρ) وجود دارد و در ایجاد این هم بستگی، از مجموعه تحریک جویی، متغیر شدت هیجان و از مجموعه رفتار پرخطر، متغیر خطای رانندگی بیشترین سهم را بر عهده دارند.
    کلید واژگان: تحریک جویی, رفتار پرخطر رانندگی, خطا, لغزش, تخلف, شدت هیجان, تنوع طلبی}
    Ali Yousofi, Fatemeh Ghasemi Adkan
    IntroductionA driver's personality traits have a significant influence on his driving behavior. In Tillman and Hobbes (1994, cited in Jonah, 1997) words, people drive as the same way they live. Sensation seeking is a personality trait whose role in risky driving behavior has been of interest. Zuckerman (1994, cited in Jonah, 1997) defines sensation seeking as varied, novel, complex, and intense sensations and experiences and the willingness to take risks for the sake of such experiences. The high rate of driving violations in Mashhad requires a nuanced study of the factors leading to risky driving behavior in this city. The present study, through emphasizing and accentuating sensation seeking, aims to analyze risky driving behavior in Mashhad and reveal their interdependence.
    Theoretical FrameworkElander, West, and French (1993, cited in Özkan & Lajunen, 2005) consider driving as a behavior which is chosen by drivers as a pattern for their driving, such as the speed, degree of focus, and keeping a safe distance between cars. Such behaviors include two types of positive and negative behaviors. In driving, negative behaviors are referred to as aggressive or negative driving. Sensation seeking, or individual’s willingness for novel experiences and sensations, is a major personality trait influencing dangerous driving behavior.
    The main hypothesis of the research, based on Zuckerman's (1994) definition of sensation seeking, which consists of the two aspects of thrill-seeking and variety-seeking, and also the definition of risky driving behavior provided by Reason, Manstead, Stradling, Baxter, and Campbell (1990), which consists of error and driving violation, is as follows: While a driver’s sensation seeking is in itself a function of both thrill-seeking and variety-seeking in driving and risky driving behavior is a function of errors and driving violation, the two functions are interdependent and changes in one necessitates changes in the other.
    MethodThe data used for this study is based on a survey conducted in 2010 in Mashhad on 160 drivers who were at least18 years old, and were chosen using multistage sampling prior to the interview. The scale used for measuring risky driving behavior is based on the Manchester Driver Behavior Questionnaire, which includes the three factors of lapse, errors and violations. To measure sensation seeking in the present study, the Arnett Inventory of Sensation Seeking was used. This scale includes two factors of thrill-seeking and variety-seeking.
    To test the main hypothesis of the research (i.e., the relationship between sensation seeking and risky driving behavior), canonical correlation analysis was used. This technique is used to measure the association among two sets of variables (i.e., functions). In the present study, sensation seeking is a function of excitement-seeking (X1) and variety-seeking (X2) and risky driving behavior is a function of straying and loss of orientation (Y1), error (Y2), and violation (Y3), and the objective is to reveal the association between the two functions. Canonical correlation analysis makes identification of linear combinations of these sets of variables that have the highest possible correlation.
    FindingsThe results of the canonical correlation analysis revealed a covariation of roughly 0.53 between the canonical variables of sensation seeking and risky driving behavior. The square root of this coefficient (0.28) denotes a covariation between these two sets of variables (linear combination). Accordingly, canonical variable of sensation seeking predicts 28 percent of the variation in the canonical variable of risky driving behavior.
    As for the weight of the canonical variables, which reveals the share of each main variable in the canonical correlation, the findings showed that among the functions of risky driving behavior, the biggest weight (-0.71) belongs to the error variable and in the function of sensation seeking, the biggest weight belongs to the intensity of driving excitement (- 0.63).
    In this analysis, canonical weights reveal the share of each main variable in formation of their respective canonical variable. Therefore, the findings of the research revealed that in forming the canonical variable of risky driving behavior, the biggest weight belongs to violations (-0.89) and in the forming canonical variable of sensation seeking, the biggest weight belongs to the drivers’ excitement-seeking (-0.92).
    Discussion and ConclusionPersonality is a combination of feelings, thoughts, and specific behavioral patterns which determine the way people perceive events and incidents and reply to them. While driving, a driver's personality affects his driving approach and behavior. Sensation seeking is among the personality traits influencing risky driving behavior. The three aspects of risky driving behavior that are lapse, errors, and violations are influenced by sensation seeking, which itself is comprised of excitement-seeking and novelty-seeking.
    An analysis of the relationship among sensation seeking and risky driving behavior in Mashhad revealed that firstly, subjects’ overall sensation seeking is in the middle range (49.6) and their risky driving behavior is in the lower range (21.9). Secondly, a high (ρ = 0.53) and statistically significant correlation exists between the two sets of variables pertaining to sensation seeking and risky driving behavior. In the formation of this correlation, the variable of intensity of excitement in sensation seeking and that of driving error in risky behavior have the major shares. Thirdly, in the main (canonical) variable of sensation seeking, intensity of excitement has a higher share than variety-seeking and in the main variable of risky driving behavior, the biggest share belongs to variable of violation, followed by error, and lapse, respectively.
    Keywords: Sensation seeking, Risky driving behavior, Error, Lapse, Violation, Intensity of excitement, Variety-seeking}
  • علی یوسفی، فاطمه قاسمی ادکان، حسین تقوی گرجی
    هدف مقاله حاضر ارائه توصیفی واقع نگار از رفتارهای پرخطر رانندگی در شهر مشهد و شناسایی فرآیندهای تشدید یا تضعیف این رفتارها با تکیه بر چهار ویژگی شخصیتی راننده شامل تحریک جویی، خشم، پرخاشگری و سلامت روان است. نتایج پژوهش حاضر بر روی 160 پاسخگوی خودرو سوار که به روش نمونه گیری چند مرحله ای در مشهد برگزیده و مورد مصاحبه قرار گرفته اند نشان داد که اگرچه در مجموع میل به انجام رفتارهای پرخطر رانندگی در بین پاسخگویان پایین است، اما تحریک جویی، پرخاشگری و خشم باعث تشدید و سلامت روان باعث تضعیف آن می گردد. در این میان، بیشترین اثرگذاری مربوط به پرخاشگری است و متغیرهای تحریک جویی، سلامت روان و خشم در مراتب بعدی قرار می گیرند. به علاوه پرخاشگری و تحریک جویی عمدتا به طور مستقیم و سلامت روان و خشم به طور غیر مستقیم بر رفتارهای پرخطر رانندگی تاثیرگذارند.
    کلید واژگان: رفتارپرخطر رانندگی, تحریک جویی, خشم رانندگی, پرخاشگری, سلامت روان}
    Ali Yousofi, Fatemeh Ghasemi Adkan, Hossein Taghavi Gorji
    One of the most important public health threats in the world today، is driving accidents and Iran is among the countries that in driving accidents and loss of life is huge. While 90 to 95 percent of road accidents are caused by human factors. Risky driving behaviors، the second leading cause of death and the first cause of years of life lost due top re-mature death and disability in iran considered. Meanwhile، some of the driver personality characteristics have an important share in intensifying or weakening of risky driving behaviors that most important of them are sensation seeking، angry، aggressive and has -mental health. The purpose of this paper is to present the realism descriptive of risky driving behavior in Mashhad، with a focus on the four personality characteristic، identify processes of risky driving intensifying or weakening. Study Area: The study area in this research is the city of Mashhad which includes 13 regional and 40 urban areas.
    Material And Methods
    Present study is a survey research. Research population included all 18years old and older individuals living in the city of Mashhad. Samples selected using «multi-stage cluster sampling» and a sample of 160 respondents were interviewed face to face in 2012. Manchester Driving Behavior Questionnaire is used to assess risky driving behaviors. This questionnaire consists of 24 items that made and was used by Straddling and Meadows (2000) and is regulated in three parts of lapse، errors and driving violation. For assessing driving anger used Deffenbacher Driving anger-scale (1994) that is a 14-item questionnaire. Driving Anger Expression Inventory was used to measure the aggression. This 49-item questionnaire is a self assessment tool that evaluate of people anger-express when driving. Annett Sensation Seeking Scale was used to measure sensation seeking. Annett Sensation Seeking Scale contains two sub-scales of Novelty and emotional intensity. Also، mental health questionnaire of 12 questions (GHQ-12) is used in order to assess psychiatric disorders and mental health of drivers. To verify the theoretical analysis model of risky driving behavior in which has been identified that has an influence on sensation seeking، anger، aggression and mental health variables on risky behavior، path analysis technique was used.
    Results And Discussion
    By calculating the direct and indirect effects as well as the overall impact of each factors، four influencing risky driver behaviors are found by using path analysis techniques. The results showed that anger and mental health effects on risky driving behavior are indirect، and aggression effect is direct. However، both direct and indirect sensation seeking effect. Also، results showed that sensation seeking، aggression and anger intensified and the mental health weaken /reduce risky driving behavior show the most impact on drivers risky behaviors associated with aggression (0. 35) and variables of sensation seeking (0. 26)، mental health (-0. 18) and anger (0. 09) stand on the second and third places.
    Driver behavior is recognized in the majority of traffic accidents in the world and Iran، as the main cause of the accident. While driver behavior is quite influenced by the personality. Theoretical claim of present paper is that risky driving behavior consists of errors، lapses and driving violations، under the influence of a set of four features of important personalities including anger، aggression، sensation seeking، and mental health. The results of this claim examines through survey research conducted on 160 drivers in Mashhad showed that: First، willingness to perform risky driving behaviors is low and in this respect responsibility is in a situation of more or less similar. While the extent of divers anger and mental health are more than moderate، sensation seeking is moderate and aggression is lower than average. Second، sensation seeking، aggression and anger intensified and mental health weaken/reduce the risky driving behavior and maximum influence is related to aggression and sensation seeking. The mental health and anger variables are stand in the next places.
    Keywords: risky driving behavior, sensation seeking, driving anger, aggression, mental health}
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