germain hubert ben-bolie
Pollution, Volume:9 Issue: 1, Winter 2023, PP 222 -242
This study presents a new approach to solve the one-dimensional solute transport equation with variable coefficients and two input sources in a finite porous media. The medium is divided into m-layers porous media with constant averages coefficients in each transport problem. The transport equations in layer i-1 and i are coupled by imposing the continuity of solute concentration and the dispersive flux at the interfaces of the layers. Unknown functions representing the dispersive flux at the interfaces between adjacent layers are introduced allowing the multilayer problem to be solved separately on each layer in the Laplace domain before being numerical inverted back to the time domain. The obtained solution was compared with the Generalized Integral Transform Technique (GITT) and numerical solutions for some problems of solute transport with variables coefficients in porous medium present in the literature. The results show a good agreement between both solutions for each of the studied problem. An example of application considering an advective-dispersive transport problem with a sinusoidal time-dependent emitting rate at the boundary was study in order to illustrate the effect of sinusoidal frequency on solute concentration.
Keywords: advection-dispersion, Multilayer model, Laplace transform, Two sources, finite domain -
Pollution, Volume:8 Issue: 4, Autumn 2022, PP 1398 -1417
This study derives an analytical solution of a one-dimensional (1-D) Advection-Dispersion Equation (ADE) for solute transport with two contaminant sources incorporating the source term. Groundwater velocity is considered as a linear function of space while the dispersion as a nth power of velocity and analytical solutions are obtained for , and . The solution is derived using the Generalized Integral Transform Technique (GITT) with a new regular Sturm-Liouville Problem (SLP). Analytical solutions are compared with numerical solutions obtained in MATLAB pedpe solver and are found to be in good agreement. The obtained solutions are illustrated for linear combination of exponential input distribution and its particular cases. The dispersion coefficient and temporal variation of the source term on the solute distribution are demonstrated graphically for the set of input data based on similar data available in the literature. As an illustration, model predictions are used to estimate the time histories of the radiological doses of uranium at different distances from the sources boundary in order to understand the potential radiological impact on the general public for such problem.
Keywords: Advection, Dispersion, Groundwater, analytical solution, Two sources
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