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فهرست مطالب h. sadrnia

  • ندا تجری، حسن صدرنیا*، فرشته حسینی

    پلی لاکتیک اسید پلیمری زیست تخریب پذیر است که خواص مکانیکی آن می تواند تحت تاثیر زمان تغییر کند. در این تحقیق ویژگی های مکانیکی شش نوع فیلم تولیدشده بر پایه پلی لاکتیک اسید با ترکیبات مختلف (پلی اتیلن گلیکول 400، تویین 80 و نانو ذرات اکسید روی) در بازه زمانی 14 ماهه (ماه های اول، دوم، سوم، چهارم و چهاردهم) مورد بررسی قرار گرفت و نتایج با مقادیر استاندارد گزارش شده برای پلی اتیلن با چگالی کم مقایسه شدند. به منظور بررسی ساختار اولیه فیلم ها جذب نور و زاویه تماس اندازه گیری شد و ریزساختارها به کمک میکروسکوپ الکترونی روبشی مورد مطالعه قرار گرفت. نتایج آنالیز واریانس نشان داد که تاثیر زمان نگهداری و نوع فیلم بر استحکام کششی و کرنش نقطه شکست معنادار بود. بیشترین استحکام کششی، مدول الاستیسیته و کرنش نقطه شکست به ترتیب برای فیلم های پلی لاکتیک اسید خالص در ماه چهارم (94.08 مگاپاسکال)، پلی لاکتیک اسید خالص در ماه چهارم (2855.79 مگاپاسکال) و پلی لاکتیک اسید/پلی اتیلن گلیکول 400/نانو ذرات اکسید روی در ماه اول (76.82 درصد) به دست آمد. مقادیر کرنش نقطه شکست بسیار کمتر از استاندارد بود. با توجه به استحکام کششی و مدول الاستیسیته بسیار بالا پلی لاکتیک اسید می توان با استفاده از نرم کننده های مختلف با درصد بیشتر یا ترکیب کردن پلی لاکتیک اسید با سایر پلیمرها شکنندگی را کاهش داد.

    کلید واژگان: استحکام کششی, رفتار مکانیکی, فیلم بسته بندی, کرنش نقطه شکست, مدول الاستیسیته}
    N. Tajari, H. Sadrnia *, F. Hosseini

    Polylactic acid (PLA) is a biodegradable polymer that can replace petroleum-based materials in packaging films due to its unique properties. However, sometimes the degradability of polymers can be considered a negative factor, such as when significant changes in the mechanical properties of the polymer occur during use. Another notable issue is the brittleness of polylactic acid, which can be modified to some extent by adding other materials. The addition of materials such as nanoparticles and plasticizers can improve the flexibility and mechanical properties of polymer films. Polymer films must possess acceptable physical, mechanical, thermal, and other relevant characteristics for use in the packaging industry. The acceptable level of these properties can be obtained by comparing them with the established standards for commonly used polymers in the industry. Low density polyethylene (LDPE) is a polymer widely used in the packaging industry, making it a good benchmark for comparison. This research focused on studying various factors affecting the quality of the produced films, including mechanical properties, light absorption, contact angle, and microstructures. Investigating the mechanical properties of the PLA films is crucial due to the polymer’s degradability over time. Polylactic acid films with different compounds containing PEG 400 and Tween 80 as plasticizers and ZnO nanoparticles were investigated for 14 months (in the first, second, third, fourth, and fourteenth months) in terms of mechanical properties. Finally, the obtained values were compared with standard values for packaging and their mechanical behavior was analyzed.

    Materials and Methods

    Experiments were performed in the post-harvest and central laboratories of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran. The films were prepared using the solvent casting method. First, PLA granules were dried for 24 hours at 60 °C and then 1 g of PLA in 50 ml of dichloromethane was dissolved at room temperature by magnetic stirring for 12 hours. ZnO nanoparticles, PEG 400 and Tween 80 were incorporated into PLA and DCM solution, 1 wt% PLA, 20 wt% PLA, and 0.25 wt% solution, respectively. To prepare films containing nanoparticles, nanoparticles and dichloromethane were sonicated with an ultrasonic probe for 10 minutes and then added to the base solution and stirred for one hour.Mechanical properties of the samples were determined based on the ASTM D882-02 standard method. A texture analyzer (H5 KS, Manchester, U.K.) was used for this test. Light absorption was studied using a spectrophotometer (CAMSPECM550, UK). The contact angle of the samples was measured using a goniometer (model 200-00, Ramé-Hart Instrument Co, Succasunna, USA) in accordance with the ASTM D5946-04 standard. The surface morphology of the samples was visualized using scanning electron microscope (LMU TESCAN BRNO-Mira3, Czech Republic). The results were analyzed using Minitab software version 18 (Minitab Inc, USA) and the graphs were created in Microsoft Excel 2013.

    Results and Discussion

    The neat PLA film has a smooth surface, and with the addition of nanoparticles or plasticizers, the surfaces become uneven. The addition of nanoparticles and plasticizers caused more opacity of the film and better protection against ultraviolet rays. The presence of plasticizers, especially Tween 80, increased the hydrophilicity of the films. Packaging films should be flexible and have ductile behavior and the addition of plasticizers caused ductile behavior. However, Tween 80 was not able to create stable ductile behavior. The stress-strain diagram shows that most samples displayed ductile behavior over 14 months, except for the neat PLA film and the film containing Tween 80 and nanoparticles. The values of tensile strength, elastic modulus, and elongation at break for low density polyethylene have been reported as 11.7 MPa, 260.4 MPa, and 225%, respectively. The lowest value of tensile strength (18.56 MPa) and elastic modulus (1114.68 MPa) were related to P400/T80 film. This difference shows the acceptability of polylactic acid in the packaging industry. The elongation value is much lower than the standard, indicating the need to modify this parameter.


    The research findings revealed a significant effect of film type on mechanical properties, as well as a remarkable impact of storage time on tensile strength and elongation at break. The effect of various factors such as changes in the texture of the film due to the presence of plasticizers or non-uniform distribution of nanoparticles makes it impossible to determine a consistent trend for the effect of time on the films. The elongation at break for the produced films was much lower than the standard, which still needs to be modified due to the importance and sensitivity of this parameter in packaging. Polylactic acid has high tensile strength and high elastic modulus. Therefore, it can be combined with other polymers, various plasticizers, or nanoparticles at higher percentage to improve flexibility. The presence of plasticizers and nanoparticles in the film substrate increased opacity and enhanced protection against ultraviolet rays. The produced films were more hydrophilic compared to low density polyethylene.

    Keywords: Elastic Modulus, Elongation At Break, Mechanical Behavior, Packaging Film, Tensile Strength}
  • آتنا پاسبان، محبت محبی*، حسن صدرنیا، سید احمد شهیدی
    یکی از جنبه های مهم فناوری خشک کردن به خصوص در فرآیندهای صنعتی، مدل سازی و شبیه سازی فرآیند خشک کردن می باشد. در این پژوهش با استفاده از روش عددی شبه طیفی معادلات انتقال جرم مربوط به فرآیند خشک کردن سیب حل گردید. جهت بررسی صحت و دقت مدل ارائه شده نتایج حاصل از حل عددی مدل با نتایج آزمایشگاهی مورد مقایسه و ارزیابی قرار گرفت. جهت تایید بیشتر دقت روش شبه طیفی، مثال عددی دارای جواب دقیق حل گردیده و مقدار خطا محاسبه شد. نتایج حاصل از مقایسه داده های مدل با نتایج گزارش شده توسط سایر محققین دارای ضریب همبستگی بالاتر از 997/ و ریشه میانگین مربعات خطا کمتر از 1561/0 می باشد که بیانگر دقت بالای روش عددی شبه طیفی ارائه شده برای حل معادله انتقال جرم خشک شدن سیب می باشد.
    کلید واژگان: حل عددی, خشک کردن سیب, روش شبه طیفی, مدل سازی}
    A Pasban_M Mohebbi *_H Sadrnia_S. A Shahidi
    Convective air drying is one of the oldest and most popular drying methods. Designing and controlling the convective air drying needs the mathematical description of the moisture transfer during the drying process, known as drying kinetics. Fick’s second law of diffusion can be used for modelling the moisture distribution inside the moist object during drying process.
    Mathematical modeling of drying process is a very important tool, as it contributes to understand better moisture distributions inside the product which helps designing, improving and controlling drying operation in the food industry.
    Implementation of the partial differential equations subject to the correspondent initial and boundary conditions is one of the main methods of mathematical modeling to describe the physical phenomena such as moisture transfer during drying. In the recent decades, considerable number of research works have been devoted to numerical solution of mass transfer phenomena during convective drying of food products by using the common numerical solution such as FDMs, FEMs and FVMs.
    The spectral collocation (pseudospectral) methods is a powerful tool for the numerical solutions of smooth PDEs like mass transfer equations. Pseudospectral methods are able to achieve the high precision with using a small number of discretization points compared to FDMs and FEMs and with low computational time and computer memory.
    The objective of present research is to simulate the mass transfer phenomena in one dimension during convective drying of apple slices. The validation of the presented numerical model was done by comparing experimental drying data taken from Kaya et al. (2007) and Zarein et al. (2013). For more confirming the numerical approach, a numerical example with the exact solution is provided and the related errors were evaluated.
    Materials and Methods
    Estimation of mass transfer coefficients
    The convective mass transfer coefficient in the surface of the apple slice was obtained according to the relationship presented by Paitil (1988) and Janjai et al. (2008).
    Estimation of effective moisture diffusivity coefficient
    Fick’s second law of diffusion was applied to obtain the effective moisture diffusivity coefficient of the apple slices. The analytical solution of this equation can be written as follows (Crank, 1975): (2)
    In this study, we consider the Pseudospectral methods for solving 1D mass transfer equation. In order to develop the model, the following common assumptions are considered: negligible heat changes during drying process, moisture is transferred inside the slices by diffusion, one-dimensional mass transfer in apple slices, non-shrinkage and non-deformation of the slice.
    Results and Discussion
    In the field of numerical analysis, the main advantage of pseudospectral methods compared to others such as FDMs and FEMs are exponential convergence and sufficient accuracy (Sun et al., 2012). The values of parameters and coefficients of mathematical model are summarized in Table 1. The comparisons between the predicted average moisture content and the experimental data are shown in Fig. 1 & 2. It can be seen, the numerical results are in good agreement with the experimental data. The values of the correlation coefficient and the root mean square error from comparison of numerical result with experimental data taken from Zarein et al. (2013) and Kaya et al. (2007) were 0.9996, 0.0729 and 0.997, 0.1561 respectively. Moreover, the running time for solving 1D mass transfer equations was about 3 seconds. This result is the evident that the presented model is successful for predicting the moisture content history during drying process.
    Moreover, by using the considered numerical method the approximate solutions of defined numerical example for different discretizing points was evaluated and the associated error history are shown in Figure 3. It can be seen that the values of errors are very low and about 10-3 and 10-5, that confirms the high accuracy, robustness and efficiency of the suggested numerical approach.
    Spectral collocation (pseudospectral) method is presented to solve mass transfer equation in one dimensional in during convective drying process approximately. The model was validated by the reported experimental data from convective drying of apple slices. Also, a numerical example, which had an exact solution in a closed form, was provided to illustrate the high accuracy of the proposed method. The results of statistical computations ( and ) and numerical example showed the efficiency, applicability and robustness of the presented approach.
    Keywords: Apple drying, Modeling, Numerical solution, Pseudospectral method}
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