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فهرست مطالب hasan khaleghi zavareh

  • سیاوش غلامی، سرمد قادر*، حسن خالقی زواره، پروین غفاریان
    در این پژوهش عملکرد مدل WRF برای میدان باد سطحی و حساسیت این مدل نسبت به شرایط اولیه و مرزی و طرح واره های لایه مرزی سیاره ای در طول چندین تاریخ منتخب به صورت موردی روی خلیج فارس ارزیابی می شود. به دلیل وجود رویکردهای متفاوت در تولید و توسعه داده های تحلیل و بازتحلیل (مانند سامانه داده گواری) و به کارگیری روش های مختلف پارامترسازی در طرح واره های لایه مرزی سیاره ای، این تحقیق برای شناسایی مناسب ترین انتخاب از بین شرایط اولیه و مرزی متنوع و طرح واره های مختلف لایه مرزی هدف گذاری شده است. برای این منظور سه مجموعه داده (دو بازتحلیل و یک تحلیل) شامل ERA-Interim، NCEP-R2 و NCEP-FNL و شش طرح واره لایه مرزی سیاره ای (دو غیر محلی و چهار  محلی) به همراه طرح واره های سطحی مرتبط ب آنها انتخاب شده است. برای ارزیابی مدل از 22 ایستگاه هواشناسی همدیدی واقع در منطقه و مشاهدات دو ماهواره QuikSCAT و ASCAT استفاده می شود. یافته های این مطالعه نشان می دهد وقتی شبیه سازی باد مدل با ایستگاه های هواشناسی همدیدی مقایسه می شود، صرف نظر از نوع طرح واره لایه مرزی، دو مجموعه داده ERA-Interim و NCEP-FNL که به عنوان شرایط اولیه و مرزی استفاده می شوند، عملکرد بهتری نسبت به NCEP-R2 دارند. با درنظرگرفتن طرح واره ها، بهترین نتایج از ترکیب طرح واره YSU با داده های شرط اولیه ERA-Interim برای سرعت باد و NCEP-FNL برای جهت باد استخراج می شود. مقایسه خروجی مدل با داده های باد دو ماهواره QuikSCAT و ASCAT نشان می دهد تفاوت فاحشی بین پیکربندی های مختلف دیده نمی شود. باوجوداین، طرح واره های YSU و ACM2 به ترتیب منجر به تولید سرعت و جهت باد نزدیک به مشاهدات QuikSCAT می شوند. همه پیکربندی های مدل حاصل از تمام طرح واره ها، تقریبا نتایج مشابهی در مقایسه با مشاهدات ASCAT دارند به جز طرح واره YSU که میدان باد را اندکی بهتر از سایر طرح واره ها شبیه سازی می کند.
    کلید واژگان: میدان باد, مدل WRF, شرایط اولیه, داده های بازتحلیل, خلیج فارس}
    Siavash Gholami, Sarmad Ghader *, Hasan Khaleghi Zavareh, Parvin Ghafarian
    In this work‎, ‎sensitivity and performance of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model for surface wind field simulations are evaluated under several initial and‎ boundary conditions‎, ‎along with‎ ‎different planetary boundary layer (PBL) schemes during several dates over the Persian Gulf region‎. Since there are differences between production approaches and development periods of analysis and reanalysis data (namely‎, ‎assimilation system) on the one hand‎, ‎and‎ differences in applied method for PBL parameterization by any scheme on the other hand‎, ‎this paper aims to identify a suitable set up among the whole configurations which‎ are under examination‎. ‎To this end‎, ‎three datasets (two reanalyses and one analysis) including‎, ‎ERA-Interim‎, ‎NCEP-R2‎, ‎and NCEP-FNL and six PBL‎ schemes (two local and four nonlocal) including ACM2‎, ‎BouLac‎, ‎MYJ‎, ‎MYNN‎, ‎QNSE‎, ‎and YSU accompanied by their relevant surface-layer schemes are used‎. To assess the WRF model wind simulations, available observational wind data including 22 synoptic weather stations located in the region and‎ observations of QuikSCAT and ASCAT satellites are employed‎. Findings of this study indicate that when the wind simulations are compared with synoptic weather stations observations‎, ‎irrespective of the type of PBL scheme‎, ‎ERA-Interim and‎ NCEP-FNL datasets exhibit better performance in comparison with the NCEP-R2 and ‎when PBL schemes are also considered‎, ‎results show that combination of YSU scheme and‎ ERA-Interim reanalysis data leads to a better estimate of wind speed and combination of YSU and NCEP-FNL data generates less error for wind direction‎. Moreover‎, ‎comparison of model wind simulations and observations of QuikSCAT and ASCAT satellites shows that there are no substantial differences between various‎ configurations‎. ‎However‎, ‎using YSU and ACM2 scheme‎s, ‎WRF model generates speed and direction of the wind close to the observations of QuikSCAT‎. Although all tests have almost similar results as ASCAT satellite observations‎, ‎YSU scheme estimates are slightly better than other schemes. Overall, the results of this study revealed that the major difference between WRF wind simulations and measured winds arises from the choice of initial conditions data and it does not depend on different PBL schemes. Consequently, changing initial and boundary conditions data has a noticeable impact on the model wind results. Thus, in future studies, emphasis must be more on reanalysis and analysis datasets and the option of WRF PBL parameterization schemes should be the second priority. Due to the fairly good similarity of the model surface wind with QuikSCAT and ASCAT observations, the choice of WRF model simulations as offshore wind database can be a valid available alternative instead of QuikSCAT and ASCAT wind, particularly when meeting their limitation in spatial resolution (swath data) or temporal sampling.
    Keywords: Surface wind, WRF, Initial, Boundary conditions, Persian Gulf, PBL scheme}
  • سیاوش غلامی، سرمد قادر *، حسن خالقی زواره، پروین غفاریان
    در این مقاله عملکرد مدل میان مقیاس پیش بینی وضع هوای WRF با هسته دینامیکی ARW برای شبیه سازی میدان باد در منطقه خلیج فارس تحت شرایط مرزی و اولیه مختلف ارزیابی و بررسی شده است. برای این منظور از سه نوع مجموعه داده ERA-Interim، NCEP-FNL و NCEP-R2 برای تامین شرایط اولیه و مرزی مدل استفاده شده است. سه نوع شبیه سازی مختلف WRF در این مقاله انجام گرفت و برای مقایسه خروجی باد مدل تحت شرایط مرزی و اولیه متفاوت از مشاهدات ایستگاه های همدیدی در محدوده شمالی خلیج فارس، داده های ماهواره QuikSCAT و داده های ماهواره ASCAT استفاده شد. بر اساس ارزیابی های انجام گرفته در این تحقیق هم برای جهت و هم تندی باد مجموعه داده ERA-Interim در مقایسه با NCEP-FNL و NCEP-R2 می تواند شبیه سازی باد نزدیک تر به واقعیت داشته باشد. در رتبه دوم داده های NCEP-FNL قرار دارد که در غیاب ECMWF ERA-Interim می تواند جایگزین مناسبی برای تامین شرایط اولیه و مرزی مدل WRF باشد اما داده بازتحلیل NCEP-R2 خطای زیادی در تخمین باد به خصوص اندازه آن (تندی) ایجاد می کند.
    کلید واژگان: داده های بازتحلیل, شرایط اولیه, خلیج فارس, میدان باد, مدل WRF}
    Siavash Gholami, Sarmad Ghader *, Hasan Khaleghi Zavareh, Parvin Ghafarian
    The Persian Gulf with subtropical climate is located between latitudes of 23-30 degrees, whit its coast adjoiner to Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and United Arab Emirates from one side and to Iran from the other side. The Persian Gulf’s width in widest part is 370 km and its length is 990 km. For people living near the sea and the surrounding coastal area as well as construction of onshore and offshore structures, knowledge and understating of the wind field and its variability is essential. In addition, the most common effect of wind is seen in wind driven currents, swells, upwelling and down-welling systems. Moreover wind stress plays a key role in the modeling of air sea interaction phenomenon, e.g., determination of the drag coefficient. Although other factors such as wind palfern and oceanic current are also contributing to the in determination of this coefficient but the wind is the main governing factor. In other words, any inaccuracy in determination of the sea surface wind field could cause a large over or under estimations in atmospheric and oceanic estimations.
    This work is devoted to verify the effects of different initial and boundary condition in global data (using reanalysis and analysis datasets) on numerical simulations of WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting) model over the Persian Gulf area. The main obstacle in the verification and evaluation of a model simulation is the lack of observation data with fine spatial and temporal resolution, in particular for offshore areas. Fortunately, in onshore areas, the existence of weather stations has solved the problem somehow, and for offshore areas satellite data are found to be the best dataset considering the spatial coverage. In the present study, simulations of WRF model are compared with different type of observation data. In this research, two types of data are used for verifying the model, i.e. Synoptic stations data and Satellite data (QuikSCAT and ASCAT).
    The WRF model version 3.4.1 is employed with ARW dynamical core for simulating of sea surface wind field over the Persian Gulf region. Considering the connection and information exchange between the domains, a two way nesting method is applied in simulations. As the goal was just to verify the effects of different initial and boundary conditions on simulations, therefore, for all the simulations the number of domains and their analogous grid sizes are considered the same. For these simulations three domains are considered the main domain approximately covers the whole are of the Middle East, from West and some parts of Far East with 36km spatial grid spacing. First nested domain covers the southern half of Iran along with marginal countries of Persian Gulf, with a 12km spatial grid resolution and ultimately, the innermost domain of the Persian Gulf that also includes some parts of Oman Sea with 4km grid spacing. The time step for simulations is assumed 216seconds and the time period for each simulation is 30hours, from which the first 6 hours are assumed as spin-up time. To provide the initial and boundary conditions three datasets of ERA-Interim (ECMWF Re-Analysis Interim), NCEP-FNL and NCEP-R2 are employed.
    Along with lots of effective factors, results from this research show that one of the sources of error in the WRF model wind simulations is the selection of initial and boundary conditions (input data). The obtained results of this work reveal that for the surface wind hindcast simulations over the Persian Gulf using WRF model, the ECMWF ERA-Interim data is a more suitable dataset to provide the initial and boundary conditions, rather than the NCEP-FNL and NCEP-R2 data. However, the NCEP-FNL is an alternative data set when the ERA-Interim data has some lacks.
    Keywords: Wind field, WRF model, Initial condition, Reanalysis, Persian Gulf}
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