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فهرست مطالب نویسنده:

j.s. rana

  • D. Singh, J.S. Rana*, J.Y. Tungoe

    Regional study on the status of fish communities facilitates assessment procedures and conservation measures of fishes. Therefore, the present study investigated the impact of prevailing factors on the distribution pattern and status of freshwater fish fauna from River Song in the Lower Himalaya. In nine sampling sites under three sections (upper, middle, and down), 268 fish specimens were collected, 20 fish species belonging to 4 orders, 6 families and 12 genera were identified. Barilius bendelisis and Noemacheilus rupicola (upstream), B. bendelisis (midstream), and Glyptothorax pectinopterus (downstream) section constituted a high percentage of fish composition. The upper section was a relatively less disturbed section than other sections of the River Song. The upper section had good water quality, ample riparian vegetation, and a sufficient amount of food may affect the fish communities. However, many fish populations were declined in middle and down sections due to the disturbance through anthropogenic activities (i.e., channelization, construction, and municipal wastewater) removal of vegetation in the riparian zone by local people affect the abundance and distribution of fish species. 80% of fish species have been forced into decline and need to protect their natural habitats, execute policies, and motivate people for management and conservation.

    Keywords: Fish diversity, Snow-fed stream, Water quality, Anthropogenic activities, Habitats alteration, CAMP status
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