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تنها با پرداخت 70 هزارتومان حق اشتراک سالانه به متن مقالات دسترسی داشته باشید و 100 مقاله را بدون هزینه دیگری دریافت کنید.

برای پرداخت حق اشتراک اگر عضو هستید وارد شوید در غیر این صورت حساب کاربری جدید ایجاد کنید


فهرست مطالب m khanavi

  • مهناز خانوی، شیما قدمی، غزل صدقیانی تبریزی، محمدرضا دلنوازی*

    گیاه کلوس (Kelussia odoratissima Mozaff.) از تیره چتریان، گیاهی است علفی و پایا که به صورت انحصاری در غرب ایران می روید. مردم بومی از بخش های هوایی معطر این گیاه به صورت سنتی به عنوان عطر و طعم دهنده در تهیه بعضی غذاهای محلی و همچنین در درمان بیماری های مختلف استفاده می کنند.


    مطالعه حاضر با هدف جداسازی و شناسایی ترکیبات فنولی و همچنین آنالیز ترکیبات اسانس میوه های گیاه کلوس طراحی شده است.

    روش بررسی

    ترکیبات فراکسیون بوتانولی نرمال بدست آمده از عصاره هیدروالکلی میوه گیاه با استفاده از کروماتوگرافی روی ستون های فاز نرمال و سفادکس ال اچ-20 مورد جداسازی و خالص سازی قرار گرفت. ترکیبات اسانس بدست آمده از نمونه نیز با استفاده از تکنیک کروماتوگرافی گازی متصل به طیف سنج جرمی آنالیز شد.


    مطالعه فیتوشیمیایی روی میوه های گیاه کلوس به جداسازی و شناسایی پنج گلیکوزید فلاونولی با نام های ایزورامنتین 3-ا- گلوکوزید (1)، کویرستین 3-ا- گلوکوزید (ایزوکویرستین) (2)، ایزورامنتین 3-ا- روتینوزید (نارسیسین) (3)، ایزورامنتین 3-ا- گلوکورونید (4) و کویرستین 3-ا- گلوکورونید (مکوییلینانین) (5) انجامید. تعداد سی و شش ترکیب نیز در نتیجه آنالیز اسانس حاصل از میوه های گیاه شناسایی شد که از این میان ترکیبات (Z) -لیگوستیلید (15/93 درصد)، دلتا- کادینن (12/26 درصد) و جرماکرن دی (12/18 درصد) ترکیبات عمده بودند.

    نتیجه گیری

    نتایج این مطالعه، میوه های گیاه کلوس را به عنوان منبعی از گلیکوزیدهای فلاونوییدی و مشتقات فتالات معرفی می کند. حضور این ترکیبات که خواص بیولوژیک و اثرات سودمند آنها بر سلامتی در مطالعات پیشین نشان داده شده است، میوه های این گیاه را به عنوان گزینه مناسبی برای مطالعات مرتبط بیشتر مطرح می کند.

    کلید واژگان: کلوس, تیره چتریان, فلاونوئید, اسانس, (Z)- لیگوستیلید}
    M Khanavi, Sh Ghadami, Gh Sadaghiani-Tabrizi, MR Delnavazi*

    Kelussia odoratissima Mozaff. from Apiaceae family is a perennial herbaceous plant endemic to the west of Iran. The aromatic aerial parts of this species are traditionally used by indigenous people to flavor some local foods, as well as for various therapeutic purposes.


    The present study was designed to analyze phenolic compounds and essential oil constituents of K. odoratissima fruits.


    The n-butanol fraction obtained from hydroalcoholic extract of K. odoratissima fruits was investigated by chromatography on normal phase and Sephadex LH-20 columns. Chemical structures of the isolated compounds were clarified by ¹H-NMR and ¹³C-NMR spectral analyses. Essential oil constituents of the fruits were also analyzed using GC-MS.


    Phytochemical investigation of the K. odoratissima fruits resulted in the isolation of five flavonol glycosides; isorhamnetin 3-O-glucoside (1), quercetin 3-O-glucoside (isoquercetin) (2), isorhamnetin 3-O-rutinoside (narcissin) (3), isorhamnetin 3-O-glucuronide (4) and quercetin 3-O-glucuronide (mequilianin) (5). GC-MS analysis of the fruits essential oil led to the identification of the thirty six compounds, of which (Z)-ligustilide (15.93 %), δ-cadinene (12.26 %) and germacrene D (12.18 %) were the main compounds.


    The results of this study introduce K. odoratissima fruits as a source of flavonoid glycosides and phthalate derivatives. The presence of these compounds with known biological properties and health beneficial effects provides more medicinal potentials for the fruits of K. odoratissima and suggest it an appropriate option for further studies.

    Keywords: <i>Kelussia odoratissima<, i>, Apiaceae, Flavonoid, Essential oil, (Z)-Ligustilide}
  • مهناز خانوی، طاهره حسنلو، هما حاجی مهدی پور*
    گیاهان Melia indica (چریش) و M. azedarach (زیتون تلخ) در طب سنتی مصرف فراوان دارند. این دو گیاه به عنوان حشره کش طبیعی معروف هستند. ماده عمده موجود در آنها آزادیراختین بوده که شاخص کنترل کیفیت این گیاهان محسوب می شود.
    در این تحقیق، میزان آزادیراختین موجود در برگ و میوه (میوه کامل، پوست میوه، پالپ و دانه) دو گیاه مذکور به روش HPLC تعیین شده است.
    روش بررسی
    برگ ها و میوه های گیاه چریش از بندرعباس و گیاه زیتون تلخ از گرگان جمع آوری و شناسایی شدند. قسمت های پوست، پالپ و دانه میوه از یکدیگر جدا شده و آسیاب شدند. 1000 میلی گرم از پودر توسط متانول عصاره گیری شد. میزان آزادیراختین موجود در نمونه ها توسط دستگاه HPLC با ستون C18، فاز متحرک استونیتریل: آب 60:40، سرعت جریان ml/min 1، طول موج nm 227 و به مدت 6 دقیقه اندازه گیری شد.
    نتایج نشان دادند که میزان آزادیراختین موجود در میوه کامل دو گیاه به طور قابل توجهی بیشتر از برگ می باشد. در میان میوه های دو گیاه، میوه چریش حدود دو برابر آزادیراختین بیشتری از زیتون تلخ داشت. میزان این ماده لیمونوئیدی در دانه چریش بیشتر از پالپ و پوست میوه بوده در حالی که در مورد زیتون تلخ در پوست میوه بیشتر و در دو قسمت دیگر تقریبا ناچیز بود.
    نتیجه گیری
    برای استفاده از گیاه جهت اثرات حشره کشی باید از پوست میوه زیتون تلخ استفاده نمود در حالی که در مورد چریش بهتر است عصاره گیری از میوه کامل انجام شود.
    کلید واژگان: آزادیراختین, چریش, زیتون تلخ, HPLC}
    M Khanavi, T Hasanloo, H Hajimehdipoor*
    Melia indica and M. azedarach (Meliaceae) are widely used in traditional medicine. These species are considered as natural pesticides. Their major compound is azadirachtin (AZD) which is considered as the marker for quality control of these species.
    In the present investigation, AZD content of the leaves and fruits (comprising the whole fruit, peel, pulp and seeds) of M. indica and M. azedarach have been determined.
    The leaves and fruits of M. indica and M. azedarach were collected from Bandar Abbas and Gorgan, respectively and identified. The peel, pulp and seeds were separated from each other. One gram of each sample was extracted using methanol. AZD content of each extract was determined by HPLC with following condition: C18 column, mobile phase: acetonitrile: H2O (60:40), flow rate: 1 mL/min, wave length: 227 nm and run time: 6 min.
    The results revealed that the fruits of the species contained higher amounts of AZD compared to the leaves. Comparing the species, AZD content of M. indica fruits was about two folds in comparison with M. azedarach fruits; also, the content of AZD in the seeds of M. indica was more than peel and pulp of the plant fruits. AZD content was high in peel of M. azedarach and was trace in pulp and seeds of the plant fruits.
    It is concluded that M. azedarach peel could be suggested to be used regarding pesticide properties while it is better to use the whole fruits of M. indica for insecticidal effects.
    Keywords: Melia azedarach, Melia indica, Azadirachtin, HPLC}
  • F. Farjadmand, M. Khanavi, M. Eftekhari, A. Hosseinsalari, T. Akbarzadeh, M. Safavi, R. Asatouri, M. Mirabzadeh, M.R. Shams Ardekani*
    Background and objectives

    Variety of extraction methods coupled with definite solvents could increase the removal rate ofmajor constituents from plants. This research has been conducted to evaluate the effect of extraction methods on the main group of compounds, cytotoxicity, anti acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and antioxidant activity of Trachyspermum ammi fruits.


    To compare the quality of extracts earned from maceration and reflux techniques, the amounts of total phenolics, flavonoids and antioxidant property of T. ammi’s fruits extracts were determined; moreover, the cytotoxic activity against Human acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) cell lines (NALM-6) was conducted using MTT assay. Anti-acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE) activity of both extracts were also examined by Ellman’s method.


    The extraction yield of the plant was significantly higher for maceration compared to reflux extraction. Also, both antioxidant activity and total flavonoid contents (IC50=132.95 µg/mL and 140.15 mg catechin/g dry extract, respectively) showed higher amounts considerably in the maceration extraction. In reverse, the content of phenolic compounds (147.28 mg gallic acid/g dry extract and 16.6 mg thymol/g dry extract) was elevated in the refluxed extract. The result exerted moderate inhibition on butyrylcholinesterase activity (IC50= 394.161 µg/mL) and cytotoxicity (IC50 =166.92±1.76 μg/mL for NALM-6 cell line) of the extract using maceration.


    The maceration method could provide additional amounts of major constituents and greater biological properties compared to the reflux technique.

    Keywords: Biological effect, Extraction, maceration, reflux, Trachyspermum ammi}
  • N. Samadi, S. Shahani, H. Akbarzadeh, S. Mohammadi-Motamed, E. Safaripour, F. Farjadmand, M. Eftekhari, H.R. Monsef-Esfahani, M. Khanavi*
    Background and objectives

    Ferula assa-foetida (asafoetida) is a native Iranian species which grows in different regions and climates in Iran. The plant is well known in Iranian Traditional Medicine as well as folk medicine for treatment of diseases. Several studies have been carried out on the essential oil of this species collected from different areas of Iran. This study is the first report about the essential oil of the plant collected from Neishabour mountains that is a potent area for growing this valuable plant species.


    Essential oil of the aerial part of Ferula assa-foetidawhich wascollected from Neishabour, Iran, was analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy (GC/MS). The minimum inhibitory concentrations of the essential oil was investigated against both Gram-positive (Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis) and Gram-negative (Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumonia) bacteria using microdilution method.


    Twenty three components representing 97.06% of the total oil were identified. (E)-1-propenyl sec-butyl disulfide (53.77%), (Z)-1-propenyl sec-butyl disulfide (35.6%) and α-pinene (3.4%) were identified as major components. The MICof the essential oil ranged from 12-24 mg/mL against all tested bacteria.


    The results indicated that among various compounds identified in the essential oil of F. assa-foetida L. from Neishabour mountains, disulphide compounds were the major constituents of the oil. In comparison to other reports of this plant around the country, disulphide compounds could be the reason of its moderate antibacterial effect.

    Keywords: Antibacterial Activity, Essential oil, Ferula assa-foetida, GC, MS}
  • M. Khanavi, A. Baghernezhadian, F. Golfakhrabadi, M. R. Abai, H. Vatandoost*, A. Hadjiakhoondi
    Background and objectives

    Malaria is a remarkable cause of death in the world. Several ways are used by researchers to control or to decrease the detrimental effects of the disease, in which natural insecticides with less malaria vectors resistance and lower environmental damages are considered in last decades.The objective of this study was to assess the larvicidal activity of the whole flowering samples of Ferulago carduchorum Boiss. & Haussknagainst the main malaria vector Anopheles stephensi.


    The partition fractions of ethyl acetate, chloroform, methanol, and the total 80% methanol extract from Ferulago carduchorum were examined for larvicidal activity against late 3rd and early 4th instar larvae of malaria vector Anopheles stephensi. The LC50 and LC90 values were calculated by probit analysis.


    The LC50 of the total extract, chloroform, ethyl acetate and methanol fractions were 0.4799, 0.2361, 0.7437 and 3.7017 ppm, respectively. The LC90 of the total extract, chloroform, ethyl acetate and methanol fractions were 1.5090, 0.4547, 1.8918 and 10.8857 ppm, respectively.


    On the basis of the presence of nonpolar compounds in the chloroform fraction, we can propose that the larvicidal activity of this fraction would be due to these compounds. The extract might be useful for improvement of new natural insecticides.

    Keywords: Anopheles stephensi_Ferulago carduchorum Boiss. & Hausskn_Larvicidal activity}
  • M. Shekarchi, F. Ramezany, M. R. Shams Ardekani, M. Lamshöft, H. Rastegar, M. Eftekhari, M. Khanavi*
    Background and objectives

    Colocynthin is the major active secondary metabolite of colocynth, Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad, which has been used in traditional and ethno medicine of many countries.  It could be considered as an active marker for quality control of colocynth and its herbal products. Analysis and standardization of colocynth and its herbal preparations are a critical issue for their safe applications in phytotherapy and traditional medicine. In the present work, a simple and efficient sample preparation was developed and optimized through combination of matrix solid phase dispersion and ultrasonic assisted extraction. In addition, analytical reversed-phase HPLC method was optimized for analyzing the concentration of colocynthin in colocynth pulp.


    Powdered colocynth pulp was grinded with diatomaceous earth to obtain a homogenous mixture. The blend was mixed with methanol and extracted by sonication, followed by centrifugation and filtration. The analytical chromatographic separation was carried out using Luna C18 in isocratic elution with methanol: isopropanol: water: triflouroacetic acid (30:10:60:0.1 v/v). The method was validated as well. 


    The validation parameters were determines as follows, linear range (r2 = 0.999, 75-500 μg/mL), precision (intra-day < 2.7%, inter-day = 4.4%) and accuracy measured via determination of recovery (90-107%). The limit of detection and quantization were calculated 8.5 and 25.7 μg/mL, respectively.


    Regarding the relatively high content of colocynthin in colocynth pulp, the validated HPLC method could be applied for quality control of colocynth pulp used in Traditional Persian Medicine.

    Keywords: Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad, Colocynthin, HPLC, matrix solid phase dispersion, ultrasonic assisted extraction}
  • M. Vazirian, S. Alehabib, H. Jamalifar, M. R. Fazeli, A. Najarian Toosi, M. Khanavi*
    Background and objectives

    Food poisoning has been always a major concern in health system of every community and cream-filled products are one of the most widespread food poisoning causes in humans. In present study, we examined the preservative effect of the cinnamon oil in cream-filled cakes.


    Antimicrobial activity of Cinnamomum verum J. Presl (Cinnamon) bark essential oil was examined against five food-borne pathogens (Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Candida albicans, Bacillus cereus and Salmonella typhimurium) to investigate its potential for use as a natural preservative in cream-filled baked goods. Chemical constituents of the oil were determined by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. For evaluation of preservative sufficiency of the oil, pathogens were added to cream-filled cakes manually and 1 μL/mL of the essential oil was added to all samples except the blank. 


    Chemical constituents of the oil were determined by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and twenty five components were identified where cinnamaldehyde (79.73%), linalool (4.08%), cinnamaldehyde para-methoxy (2.66%), eugenol (2.37%) and trans-caryophyllene (2.05%) were the major constituents. Cinnamon essential oil showed strong antimicrobial activity against selected pathogens in vitro and the minimum inhibitory concentration values against all tested microorganisms were determined as 0.5 μL/disc except for S. aureus for which, the oil was not effective in tested concentrations. After baking, no observable microorganism was observed in all susceptible microorganisms count in 72h stored samples.  


    It was concluded that by analysing the sensory quality of the preserved food, cinnamon oil may be considered as a natural preservative in food industry, especially for cream-filled cakes and pastries.

    Keywords: Antimicrobial, Cinnamomum verum, Essential oil, food-borne pathogens, preservative}
  • N. Kahkeshani, A. Hadjiakhoondi, N. Maafi, M. Khanavi*
    Background and objectives

    Dairy companies always try to increase the quantity and quality of milk production. According to the positive impact of different plants on milk production of cattle, this study was carried out to standardize a galactogogue herbal mixture based on its total phenol and flavonol contents and antioxidant activity.  


    A mixture of Galega officinalis L. and Nigella sativa L. powders (4:1 w/w), which had shown milk stimulating activity on Holstein cows in a previous study, was extracted with hydro alcoholic solvent (80% aq. methanol) and its 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity and total phenol and total flavonol contents were measured according to standard methods.


    The inhibition concentration 50% (IC50 ) value of radical scavenging activity in DPPH test and the total phenol and total flavonol contents were found to be 154.29 µg/mL, 77.720±0.104 µg of gallic acid equivalent (GAE) and 0.231±0.018 µg of quercetin equivalent (QE) per mg of dry extract, respectively.


    This herbal extract can be standardized based on its antioxidant activity or total phenol and total flavonol contents and the standardized extract can be formulated as a veterinary galactogogue supplement.

    Keywords: Antioxidant activity, Galega officinalis L, Nigella sativa L, total flavonol, Total Phenol}
  • N. Khosravi Dehaghi, S. N. Ostad, N. Maafi, S. Pedram, Y. Ajani, A. Hadjiakhoondi, M. Khanavi*

    Salvia is one of the largest genera of  Lamiaceae family. Several species of this genus are perfumed and wealthy in essential oils. Some of them are used in industry, pharmacy and aromatherapy. They have shown different biological effects such as antibacterial and antioxidant activity. For the present study, Salvia verticillata L. was collected from Shahrestanak, Mazandaran, Iran. Hydrodistilled essential oil from the aerial parts of this plant was obtained with a Clevenger type  apparatus  and was analyzed by GC and GC/MS. Moreover, the cytotoxic activity of the essential oil was investigated against HT-29 (colon adenocarcinoma), Caco-2 (colorectal adenocarcinoma), T-47D (breast ductal carcinoma) and NIH-3T3 (Swiss mouse embryo fibroblast) cell lines by MTT test. 59 components were characterized from the oil with trans-caryophyllene (24.40%), β-phellandrene (9.08%), α-humulene (8.61%), bicyclogermacrene (6.32%), spathulenol (5.89%) and β-pinene (5.00%) as the major constituents. These compounds represented 97.67% of the essential oil and included monoterpenes (34.83%) and sesquiterpens (61.84%). The results of the cytotoxicity assay demonstrated that the essential oil of S. verticillata showed higher cytotoxic effect on Caco-2 cell line.

    Keywords: Cytotoxic activity, Essential oil, MTT, Salvia verticillata}
  • A. Manayi, S. Saeidnia, M. Shekarchi, A. Hadjiakhoondi, M.R. Shams Ardekani, M. Khanavi*

    Essential oils are considered as very complex natural mixtures containing numerous components at quite various concentrations. Lythrum salicaria has not been previously subjected to examination of its volatile oil. The present study was carried out to evaluate the essential oil composition of the flowering aerial parts of the plant by using conventionally hydro-distillation (HD) and microwave assisted hydro-distillation (MAH) methods along with the aromatic water obtained by hydro-distillation. Components of these three samples were recognized by GC/MS. Identification of components resulted in recognition of 14 (98% oil), 32 (98.4%), and 10 (95.5%) compounds for HD, its hydrolate, and MAH samples, respectively. The predominant constituents in the HD oil were bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (29.2%), n-hexadecanoic acid (22%), and pentacosane (9.5%). The major constituents of the hydrolate were elucidated as 2(4H)-benzofuranone-5,6,7,7a-tetrahydro-4,4,7a-trimethyl (6.4%), neryl acetone (6%), pentanoic acid (5.7%), nonanoic acid (5.6%), and octanoic acid (5.5%). Accordingly, bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (43.2%), methyl-cyclopentane (36.5%), and pentacosane (4.7%) were assessed as the main components of MAH oil. Comparing the three samples compositions, it was concluded that the extraction procedure led to variations in quality and quantity of volatiles. Besides, bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate, the common plasticizer, was identified as the main pollutant in both HD and MAH oils. The presence of this substance in the oils provided the evidence of contaminations that was absorbed from water into the plant suggesting GC/MS as a suitable method for its detection in plant materials.

    Keywords: hydro-distillation, hydrolate, Lythraceae, Lythrum salicaria, Microwave, phthalate contamination}
  • S.N. Ostad, M. Vazirian, A. Manayi, A. Hadjiakhoondi, M. Khanavi*

    The genus Stachys belongs to Lamiaceae family with about 300 species and worldwide distribution. In the present study, the cytotoxic activity of four fractions of different Satchys species (S. byzatina C. Koch., S. inflata Benth., S. setifera Ten. and S. persica Gmel.), has been investigated against HT-29 (colon carcinoma), Caco-2 (colorectal adenocarcinoma), T-47D (breast ductal carcinoma) and NIH-3T3 (Swiss mouse embryo fibroblast) cell lines by MTT test. The samples were extracted by percolation method with four solvents; petroleum ether (60-80 ºC), chloroform, ethyl acetate and 80% aqueous methanol, susseccively. All cell lines were cultured in proper medium. Concentrations of 62.5-750 μg/mL from partition fractions of all samples, dissolved in 1% (v/v) DMSO were tested on each cell line. Cells with no treatment and methotrexate were examined as negative and positive controls, respectively. Cell viability was determined by MTT assay. Some fractions showed good cell inhibitory activity with IC50S. setifera was the most cytotoxic sample with high selectivity toward cancerous cell lines, and it could be investigated for its pharmaceutical active components in future studies.

    Keywords: Cytotoxic activity, Lamiaceae, MTT assay, Stachys spp}
  • غلامرضا امین*، سید احمد امامی، عباس حاجی آخوندی، محبوبه خاتم ساز، مهناز خانوی، روجا رحیمی، سید جمال الدین سجادی، ابوالقاسم سلطانی، محمد رضا شمس اردکانی، میثم شیرزاد، امید صادقپور، امیرمهدی طالب، یونس قاسمی، مهرداد کریمی، عبدالعلی محقق زاده، محمود مصدق، فریبرز معطر، محسن ناصری، فرزانه نقیبی، محسن نورزی نیا

    نعنا (Nana) یک جنس از گیاهان گل‌دار معطر متعلق به تیره نعناعیان است که اکثرا چند ساله و به ندرت یک‌ساله هستند. از این جنس و خواص آن در بسیاری از متون طب سنتی یاد شده است. ولی از آن‌جایی که گونه های این جنس از خواص طبی متفاوتی برخوردارند و تشخیص هر یک با توجه به مشخصات ذکر شده در متون سنتی دشوار است، لذا بر آن شدیم تا نام‌های متناظر در متون طب سنتی و مشخصات مربوط به 4 گونه بومی موجود در ایران: Mentha spicata, Mentha longifolia , Mentha pulegium ,Mentha aquatica و یک گونه دورگه از آن × Mentha piperita را به دقت شرح دهیم. نتایج این کار می‌تواند راه‌گشای محققین طب سنتی برای تشخیص خواص آن‌ها در متون طب سنتی برای هر یک از گونه‌های مذکور باشد.

    کلید واژگان: طب سنتی, گیاهان دارویی, نامگذاری, نعنا}
    Gh.R. Amin *, A. Emami, A. Hjiakhoondi, M. Khatamsaz, M. Khanavi, R. Rahimi, J. Sajadi, A. Soltani, M.R. Shams ardekani, M. Shirzad, O. Sadeghpour, A.M. Taleb, Y. Ghasemi, M. Karami, A.A. Mohagheghzadeh, M. Mosaddegh, F. Moattar, M. Naseri, F. Naghibi, M. Norozi niya

    Mentha (Mint) is a genus of flowering plants in the Labiatae (Lamiaceae) family. Mints arearomatic, almost exclusively perennial, and rarely annual. Mint and its medicinal uses havebeen cited in many traditional manuscripts and since Mentha species have different medicalproperties and recognition of these species considering the characteristics mentioned intraditional manuscripts is difficult, we decided to elaborate the corresponding names intraditional medicine and characteristics of 4 native and one hybrid common species ofMentha in Iran including M. spicata, M. longifolia, M. pulegium, M. aquatica and M. ×piperita. The results of this work help the traditional medicine researchers to recognize themedicinal properties specified in traditional manuscripts for each Mentha species.

    Keywords: Medicinal Plants, Mentha, Nomenclature, Traditional Medicine}
  • مهناز خانوی، عباس حاجی آخوندی، غلامرضا امین، محمدرضا شمس اردکانی *

    استفاده از گیاهان دارویی در تسکین دردها و درمان بیماری‌های بشری، رابطه‌ای دیرین با ادوار زندگی انسان داشته است. در این میان، تمدن غنی ایران با پشتوانه‌ای از علم و فرهنگ، نقشی کلیدی در ایجاد و حفظ اندوخته‌های علمی و کاربردی گیاه درمانی داشته است. فلور ایران با حدود 8000 گونه گیاهی، جایگاه بسیار ارزشمندی در زمینه مواد موثر و اسانس‌های واجد اثرات درمانی دارد. در سال‌های اخیر، تمایل مردم جهان به مصرف گیاهان دارویی، بسیار چشمگیر بوده و مطالعات وسیع‌تر شرکت‌های جهانی بر مصرف گیاهان دارویی، شکل علمی و دانشگاهی گرفته است. این افزایش مصرف و توجه، به دلیل عوامل متعددی از جمله: تغییر در نوع مصرف و عرضه، افزایش مراکز فروش، ایجاد رقابت کارخانه‌ای و تشویق پزشکان به ترویج مصرف داروهای گیاهی است. به دلایل مختلف ایران از مصرف مناسب داخلی و بازارهای جهانی به دور مانده است. در این تحقیق، با نگاهی اجمالی، مصرف گیاهان دارویی در ایران و جهان مقایسه شده و راهکارهای صحیح برای ایجاد جایگاه مناسب محصولات گیاهی ایران در رقابت جهانی بررسی می‌شود.

    کلید واژگان: ایران, تجارت جهانی, گیاهان دارویی}
    M. Khanavi, A. Hadjiakhoondi, G.R. Amin, M.R. Shams Ardekani

    The use of herbal drugs as we know them today, began from early times in Iran. Thiscountry is blessed with the abundance of as many as 8,000 kinds of botanical species, alarge number of which are valued for their healing effects. In these days, people are tending to accept a natural life style as part of their heritage and some companies have developed an industry based on natural remedies. Increasing in herbal plant production and overseas sales is for some important reasons such as increasing high quality products, scientific validation for products in the market place, entering the mainstream companies in the market place and encouragement of physicians in recommending herbal medicines. Iran is a country with a rich plant flora but there is a specific shortage in usage and export of medicinal plants, amounting less than 0.5 percent of the global trade. This article will focus on the comparison of export and consumption of herbal medicine in the world and in Iran and theway of increasing them.

    Keywords: Iran, Medicinal Plants, World Trade}
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  • همه مقالات ترجمه فارسی یا انگلیسی ندارند پس ممکن است مقالاتی باشند که نام نویسنده مورد نظر شما به صورت معادل فارسی یا انگلیسی آن درج شده باشد. در صفحه جستجوی پیشرفته می‌توانید همزمان نام فارسی و انگلیسی نویسنده را درج نمایید.
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