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برای پرداخت حق اشتراک اگر عضو هستید وارد شوید در غیر این صورت حساب کاربری جدید ایجاد کنید


فهرست مطالب mahdi saeidi

  • مهدی سعیدی

    شاهنامه‌خوانی و نقالی در شب‌های زمستان، از دیرباز یکی از آیین‌های رایج عامه ی مردم ایران بوده‌است و بخت و اقبالی که شاهنامه در این شب‌ها داشته، هرگز هیچ شاه کار دیگری نداشته‌است. تاکنون به این پرسش که چرا اقبال شاهنامه در این شب ها، از شاه کارهای دیگر بیشتر بوده‌است، پاسخ‌هایی داده شده‌است که مبرهن ترین آن ها این است؛ چون آغاز فصل سرما (زمستان) مصادف با آغاز فصل بیکاری عوام کشاورز پیشه و دامداراست و از طرفی دیگر چون زبان ساده شاهنامه و خیال انگیز بودن داستان‌های آن خوراک مناسبی برای زبان ساده و طبع خیال‌پرور و ذهن ساده‌اندیش عوام است، لذا شاهنامه خوانی در شب های زمستان، همواره مورد توجه عامه –ی مردم بوده است. در کنار این دلایل، که عمدتا دلایلی زیستی و روان‌شناختی اند، یک علت دیگر نیز می‌توان در جذب و اقبال شاهنامه در شب‌های زمستان نام برد و آن دلیلی اسطوره شناختی است؛ به این معنی که چون شاهنامه بافتی اساطیری دارد و اساطیر از نظر عامه مردم روایات مقدس و مینوی اند، لذا در شب‌های زمستان-که نموداری از زمان‌های مقدس و مینوی است- شاهنامه‌خوانی همواره مورد توجه این طیف گسترده از مردم بوده‌است. هدف این مقاله واکاوی و بررسی این دلیل اسطوره شناختی است.

    Mahdi saeidi

    Reading Shahnameh and narration in winter nights, has always been a popular tradition among people of Iran. It had never been the same opportunity of being read for the other Iranian masterpieces as like as Shahnameh in these nights. The question that “why Shahnameh has more chance to be read compare with the other masterpieces in the winter nights” got answered that the most reasonable answers are: Because the start of season of cold coincides with beginning of unemployment season for farmers and pastoralists. In the other hand simplicity of the language of Shahnameh and its fantastic stories are the good feeds for folk and their simple-minded and dreamer minds. Therefor reading Shahnameh has always been noticed by community in the winter nights. In addition of the above reasons which mostly are categorized in biological and psychological reasons, another reason is countable and it is mythological reason. It means that because of mythical context of Shahnameh and in the point of view of people who conceptualize myths as holy and Incorporeality narrations, so in the winter nights that are visibility of holy times, reading Shahnameh has always been noticed by the wide range of people. The purpose of the paper is discovering and analysis of the mythological reason.

    Keywords: myths, reading Shahnameh, holy times, folk}
  • مازیار حسینی*، مجید طارمی، مهدی سعیدی، وحید سلیمانی، مهدی سلطانی

    توسعه شهری در کلان شهر تهران باعث شده که برای ساخت سازه های بلند، بزرگ راه ها، تونل ها و سایر تاسیسات شهری، حفاری هایی با عمق و حجم زیاد انجام گیرد. آبرفت های شرق تهران (سری A)، نهشته های درشت دانه، همگن و سیمانته هستند. در این پژوهش تاثیر درجه سیمانتاسیون بر پارامترهای مقاومتی و سرعت موج برشی خاک بر اساس پژوهش‌های انجام شده در بزرگراه شرق تهران انجام شده است. به‌منظور تعیین خصوصیات ژیوتکنیکی و سرعت موج برشی خاک، از آزمون های برجا همانند بارگذاری صفحه، برش برجا، پرسیومتری و لرزه ای درون‌گمانه ای، برداشت های صحرایی و آزمون های آزمایشگاهی استفاده شده است. هم‌چنین تجزیه شیمیایی برای شناسایی نوع کانی ها و جنس مواد سیمانته انجام شده است. نتایج آزمایش ها نشان داد که سیمانتاسیون این آبرفت ها متوسط تا زیاد است و جنس مواد سیمانی در این خاک ها عموما کربناتی و به‌ویژه کلسیتی است. جمع بندی نتایج نشان داد که با افزایش درجه سیمانتاسیون، مدول تغییر شکل حدود 25 درصد، چسبندگی حدود 55 درصد و سرعت موج برشی حدود 30 درصد افزایش می یابد. افزایش ها این پارامترها با عمق رابطه مستقیم دارد. این در حالی است که درجه سیمانتاسیون تاثیری قابل توجهی روی زاویه اصطکاک داخلی خاک ندارد.

    کلید واژگان: آبرفت های شرق تهران, آزمون های برجا, تجزیه شیمیایی, سیمانتاسیون, مقاومت}
    Maziar Hosseini*, Majid Taromi, Mahdi Saeidi, Vahid Soleimani, Mehdi Soltani Negar

    Series A of coarse-grained alluvial deposits of Tehran are extended in eastern and north-eastern areas of Tehran. Analyzing and studying of these alluvial deposits from a geological point of view as well as their creation time and general characteristics such as the deposits’ mineral types, their source, and formation conditions, gives a better point of view to geotechnical engineers about exploring their characteristics as well as geotechnical aspects in underground structure design, excavations, and foundation design processes. On the other hand, in order to analyze stability, estimating the factor of safety and the seismic design of these structures, considering their location, which is in Tehran with a high seismic hazard area, the necessity of knowing the exact mechanical and dynamic properties of Tehranchr('39')s alluvium is felt more than ever.

    Material and methods

    Due to the grain size of Tehran’s coarse-grained alluviums (series A) as well as high level of cementation of them, it is impossible (or maybe so difficult) to make undisturbed samples in order to do experiments. Such that it is excavated 23 boreholes with 30 to 140 meters depth as well as 17 test wells with 20 meters depth in an area which was extended in 10 kilometers in long which were located in Tehran’s No. 13 and No. 14 districts (as it can be seen in Figure 1). During the excavation of the entrance ramp and tunnel of eastern highway of Tehran, in-situ tests have been done in different sequences. Since it was important to investigate real behavior of these alluviums, different in-situ tests such as plate load test, in-situ shear test, pressuremeter test, and downhole test have been done as well as many laboratory and field tests. Furthermore, (1) X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and (2) X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) as well as (3) Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) methods, have been used to explore the type of minerals and those used in cementation.Figure 1. a) Geological plan and the location of boreholes and test wells in the alignment of East Tehran Freeway

    Results and discussion

    Based on the results of XRD tests, it is quite clear that the largest weight percentages of tested samples are lime and silica.Calcium and magnesium levels-as the high-power cations in flocculation process-in soil sample No. 1 (soil with high cementation level) are much more than soil sample No. 2 (soil with moderate cementation level).This is the cause of high cementation level of soil sample No. 1 comparing with soils sample No. 2. A rapid increase in stress level can be seen in in-situ shear test results, in low shear displacements, up to reaching a maximum of τp (peak point) and afterwards reduction in shear stress with softening behavior.  Cohesion and shear strength levels also increase by increasing the depth. According to the plate load tests results, an increase in soil modules changes can be seen in different depths by depth increasing.Large tendencies to increase in volume and dilation can be seen in under shear load cemented soils, after applying a primary compression on them. A brittle behavior with the occurrence of a certain peak can be seen in cemented samples. The significant increase in strength is directly related to the severe dilation rate, which can be seen in cemented samples results.  The shear strength would be decreased, if this cement is broken during the particles’ displacements.The results of downhole tests are shown in Figure 2. According to this figure, it has been explored that Vs,30 is about 600 m/s in moderate cemented soils while it is about 850 m/s in highly cemented soils.  Because of the homogeneity and uniformity of sedimentary deposits, shear wave velocity is increasing due to the higher density of the layers and high level of cementation in both of the soil types. However, this increase is not significant at depths above 25 meters.


    Based on the results, cementation level of the eastern coarse-grain-alluvium of Tehran is moderate to high and minerals used in cementation of this type of soil are generally carbonated and especially calcite.Investigating the level of cementation of soil as well as the results of chemical analysis and in-situ tests, it can be found that the strength and deformation parameters of the soil are directly related to the degree of its cementation.Based on the obtained results, the deformation modulus increases by about 25%, the cohesion by about 55% and the shear wave velocity by about 30% with increasing the degree of cementation (Table 1).Increases of these parameters are directly related to depth. However, the cementation level does not significantly affect the internal friction angle of the soil.

    Keywords: Tehran eastern alluviums, In-situ tests, Chemical analysis, Cementation, Shear wave velocity}
  • ابوالفضل علیشاهی قلعه جوقی*، مهدی سعیدی

    منافع مستوفات، منافعی هستند که شخص، پس از دستیابی بر مال دیگری، از آن بهره می برد. در فقه اسلامی راجع به ضمان اعیان اتفاق نظر وجود دارد اما نسبت به ضمان منافع، دوگانگی وجود دارد که آیا منافع مانند اعیان در زمره اموال به حساب می آیند؟ بیشتر فقها، منافع را مال انگاشته اند، چراکه تعریف مال بر منافع نیز صدق می نماید و اصولا مقصود از اموال منافع آن ها است و وجه معتبری برای اختصاص مال به اعیان وجود ندارد، چنان که عرف و لغت آن را اعم از عین و منفعت می داند. برخی به انگیزه اینکه منافع وجود مادی و محسوس ندارند، در شمول مال بر منفعت تردید نموده اند. طرفداران انگاره نخست نیز بر دو نگرش هستند. گروهی که اکثریت را تشکیل می دهند با ادله ای از قبیل قواعد فقهی اتلاف و ضمان ید و بنای عقلا، منافع مستوفات را مورد ضمان دانسته اند وانگهی نگره اقلیت که منتسب به ابن حمزه است با تمسک به قاعده الخراج بالضمان، منافع مستوفات را مورد ضمان نمی داند. اگرچه ادله موافقان، از اعتبار کافی برای اثبات ضمان برخوردار است اما مورد نقض و ابرام هایی نیز واقع گردیده، آنچه که در این زمینه بدون ایراد به نظر می رسد استناد به بنای عقلا است که متضمن ثبوت ضمان در منافع مستوفات است. از سوی دیگر، برخی فقها فقط مواردی چند را مد نظر قرارداده اند، ولی در این مقاله سعی گردیده وسعت و دامنه ادله به برخی مبانی دیگر نیز گسترانیده شود به گونه ای که دیدگاهی جامع در این زمینه باشد.

    کلید واژگان: ضمان, منافع, مال, مستوفات, فقه, قانون مدنی}
    Abolfazl Alishahi Galejooghi *, Mahdi Saeidi

    The used interests are the benefits that a person enjoys from them, after obtaining the property of another person. There is in Islamic jurisprudence a consensus of guarantee corpus of property but to the interests, there is a duality based on whether the interests such as corpus of property are they in the category of property, or are they not. The majority of jurists believe that the interests are the property because defining their interests is true as well as the purpose of property, their interests, and there is no valid reason for belonging to the corpus of property, also the custom and the word property include the corpus and usufruct. With reference to the fact that there are no tangible benefits, some jurists do not accept the inclusion of property on profit. The proponents of the first theory are on two attitudes. majority theory, for reasons such as legal formulas destruction, liability of unlawful possession, consistent usages law principles, have been guaranteed the benefits used, but the minority theory which is attributed to ibn Hamza by adhering to the advantages and interests of an object follows the risk rule does not guarantee the benefits used.

    Keywords: Guarantee, Interests, Property, Used, Jurisprudence, Civil Law}
  • Abbas Eftekhari, Majid Taromi, Mahdi Saeidi
    Slope stability analysis is a geotechnical engineering problem characterized by many sources of uncertainty. In slope stability computations, some of these sources are encountered, such as geological details missed in the exploration program, estimation of soil properties that are difficult to quantify and many other relevant factors. Therefore, accurate reproduction of the spatial variability in the field could be essential to decrease uncertainty. The Sabzkuh-Choghakhor water conveyance tunnel is currently under construction using the NATM and TBM tunnelling methods in the Zagros Mountains in south-western Iran. In the slope stability assessment of the Sabzkuh tunnel portal, despite adequate geotechnical investigations, field studies have not been performed with appropriate accuracy. A landslide and collapse has occurred in a part of the portal due to tunnel excavation. In this paper, the importance of having a precise and predetermined schedule for selecting site location, monitoring, complexities of the geological model, uncertainty and its effects on the stability of the trench were investigated and the necessity of comprehensive slope management was emphasized.
    Keywords: collapse monitoring, ground complexity, uncertainty, slope stability}
  • Mahdi Saeidi
    Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) is thought to have analgesic and biomodulatory effects. Our objective was to assess the pain-relieving effect of LLLT and possible changes in joint stiffness and disability of patients with knee osteoarthritis (KOA) and compare it to the more commonly used modality; therapeutic ultrasound (US).
    37 patients with mild or moderate KOA were randomized to receive either LLLT، placebo LLLT or US. All patients received a common treatment including acetaminophen (up to 2gr/d) and medical advices for lifestyle modification and exercise. Treatments were delivered 5 times a week over a period of 2 weeks. Active laser group was treated with a diode laser (wavelength 880 nm، continuous wave، power 50 mW) at a dose of 6 J/point (24 J/knee). The placebo control group was treated with an ineffective probe (power 0 mW) of the same appearance. The third group received pulsed ultrasound with an intensity of 1. 5-2 w/cm2، and for 5 minutes per knee. Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) and Western Ontario MacMaster (WOMAC) questionnaires were used for data gathering before،1 and 3 months after completing the therapy.
    Pain reduced in all 3 groups but laser was superior in comparison. Stiffness improved 1 mo after therapy in the laser group but not in the others. Disability decreased in both laser and US groups (more significantly in the laser group) but not in the placebo group.
    Our results show that LLLT reduces pain، joint stiffness and disability in KOA and is superior to placebo and US.
    Keywords: low level laser, knee, osteoarthritis}
سامانه نویسندگان
  • دکتر مهدی سعیدی
    سعیدی، مهدی
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