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تنها با پرداخت 70 هزارتومان حق اشتراک سالانه به متن مقالات دسترسی داشته باشید و 100 مقاله را بدون هزینه دیگری دریافت کنید.

برای پرداخت حق اشتراک اگر عضو هستید وارد شوید در غیر این صورت حساب کاربری جدید ایجاد کنید


فهرست مطالب mahmoud khodadoost

  • Mahmoud Khodadoost, Marefat Siahkuhian, Leila Fasihi *
    The activity of plasma liver enzymes is intensified under the influence of sports activities, which is affected by the duration, intensity, type and method of training. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of a special endurance training session on the activity of serum alkaline phosphatase and aspartate aminotransferase liver enzymes in inactive young men.
    In this semi-experimental study, 16 young inactive men were purposefully selected and examined in two groups (experimental and control). The experimental group performed Bruce's protocol after preliminary warm-up. Blood samples were collected before the test, immediately after the test, 24 hours and 48 hours after the test from both groups at the same time, and the amount of serum ALP (Alkaline Phosphatase) and AST (Aspartate Transaminase) enzymes were measured using an Auto analyzer. Statistical analysis of the data, independent T-test was used to compare the results of two groups and Bonferroni's post hoc test was used to determine the difference between different stages of sampling with a minimum significance level (P≥0.05).
    The results of the independent T-test in the comparison between the groups showed that there is a significant difference between the two groups in the amount of ALP enzyme in the time intervals immediately after the activity (P≥0.020), but in the time intervals of 24 (P≥0.177) and 48 hours (P≥0.136), there is no significant difference between the two groups after the activity. The results of the independent T test did not show any significant changes in the amount of AST enzyme in any of the time intervals in the comparison between groups.
    Fatigue-inducing sports activity leads to an increase in the amount of enzymes, ALP, this increase can be a sign of damage to liver cells or heart muscle. Considering the role of recovery in liver damage, it seems that by considering enough rest time, it is possible to help improve the adaptation process while preventing the occurrence of muscle and liver damage
    Keywords: Bruce test, Aspartate Aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, inactive men}
  • مژگان تن‫ساز، مریم بهمن، محمود خدادوست، سید شمس الدین اطهاری، سعادت غفارزاده، حانیه کشف رودی، رسول چوپانی*

    سندرم تخمدان پلی کیستیک در 10-5% زنان سنین باروری وجود دارد و با اختلال قاعدگی، هیپرآندروژنیسم و کیست تخمدان مشخص می گردد. فرآورده های طب سنتی ایرانی می تواند در درمان این سندرم، موثر باشد. مطالعه حاضر با هدف بررسی اثر شربت ماءالعسل مرکب بر سندرم تخمدان پلی کیستیک القایی توسط استرادیول والرات در موش صحرایی ماده انجام شد.

    روش کار: 

    در این مطالعه تجربی که توسط مرکز تحقیقات طب سنتی و مفردات پزشکی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی شهید بهشتی و در سال 1396 در آزمایشگاه حیوانات دانشگاه علوم پزشکی شهید بهشتی بر روی موش های صحرایی ماده انجام شد، از شربت ماءالعسل مرکب (عسل، دارچین، زعفران، خولنجان، زنجبیل، هل، جوزبوا، بسباسه، مصطکی) استفاده شد. 30 سر موش صحرایی ماده به 5 گروه 6 تایی کنترل منفی، کنترل مثبت و سه گروه درمانی (دریافت کننده ماءالعسل با دوز 1 میلی لیتر/کیلوگرم، ماءالعسل با دوز 2 میلی لیتر/کیلوگرم و متفورمین) تقسیم شدند. سندرم تخمدان پلی کیستیک با تزریق استرادیول والرات القاء شد. در پایان مداخله موش ها یوتانازی شده و اندازه گیری هورمون ها و بررسی بافت شناسی تخمدان انجام شد. تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها با استفاده از نرم افزار آماری SPSS (نسخه 24) و آزمون های کروسکال-والیس و آزمون تعقیبی دان-بونفرونی انجام شد. میزان p کمتر از 05/0 معنادار در نظر گرفته شد.

    یافته ها

    در پایان مطالعه، وزن تخمدان در گروه متفورمین و ماءالعسل 2 بالاتر از گروه بدون درمان بود. در وزن بدن و چربی دور شکمی تغییری حاصل نشد. افزایش میزان پروژسترون در هر سه گروه درمانی (002/0=p) و کاهش میزان استروژن در گروه متفورمین نسبت به بدون درمان (021/0=p)، به طور معناداری مشاهده شد. در بررسی نمونه های بافتی تخمدان، کاهش تعداد کیست های تخمدان در گروه ماءالعسل 1 (001/0=p)، و افزایش تعداد جسم زرد و فولیکول های انترال در گروه های ماءالعسل 1 و 2 نسبت به گروه بدون درمان معنادار بود (010/0=p). تعداد فولیکول گراف در گروه ها تفاوت معناداری نداشت (083/0=p).

    نتیجه گیری

    ماءالعسل مرکب در بهبود وضعیت هورمونی و بافت شناسی در سندرم تخمدان پلی کیستیک به اندازه متفورمین و در مواردی بیشتر از آن موثر است.

    کلید واژگان: سندرم تخمدان پلی کیستیک, سندرم متابولیک, طب سنتی ایران, ماءالعسل}
    Mojgan Tansaz, Maryam Bahman, Mahmoud Khodadoost, Seyyed Shamsadin Athari, Saadat Ghafarzadeh, Hanieh Kashafroodi, Rasool Choopani *

    Polycystic ovary syndrome affects 5-10% of women of reproductive age and is characterized by irregular menstruation, hyperandrogenism, and ovarian cysts. Iranian traditional medicine products can be effective in treatment of this syndrome. This study was performed with aim to evaluate the effect of compound honey syrup on the polycystic ovary syndrome induced by estradiol valerate in female rats.


    In this experimental study conducted by traditional medicine and matria medica research center of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences in animal laboratory of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences on female rats in 2017, the compound honey syrup (Ma-ol-asal) (containing honey, cinnamon, ginger, saffron, cardamom, galangal, nutmeg, mace and mastic) was used. Thirty female rats were classified into five groups of cases: negative control, positive control, and three treatment groups (receiving two doses of compound honey syrup (1ml/kg and 2ml/kg) and metformin). Polycystic ovary syndrome was induced by injection of Estradiol valerate. At the end of intervention, the rats were euthanized, hormones were measured, and the ovarian histology was examined. Data were analyzed by SPSS software (version 24) and Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn-Bonferroni tests. p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.


    At the end of the study, weights of ovaries in the metformin and Ma-ol-asal 2 groups were higher than the untreated group. There was no change in body weight or abdominal fat. There was a significant increase in levels of progesterone in three treatment groups (P=0.002) and significant reduction of estrogen in the metformin group compared to the untreated group (P=0.021). There was significant reduction of number of ovary cysts in Ma-ol-asal 1 group (P=0.001), and significant increase in the number of Corpus luteum, and antral follicles in Ma-ol-asal 1 and 2 groups compared to the untreated group (P=0.010). The number of graph follicles did not differ significantly in the groups (P=0.083).


    Compound honey syrup was effective in improving hormonal and histological status in polycystic ovary syndrome as much as metformin and was more effective in some cases.

    Keywords: Compound honey syrup, metabolic syndrome, Polycystic ovary syndrome, Traditional Persian Medicine}
  • Mahmoud Khodadoost, Zahra Niknam, Masoumeh Farahani*, Mohammadreza Razzaghi, Mohsen Norouzinia

    The present study aimed to identify human protein–host protein interactions of SARS-CoV-2 infection in the small intestine to discern the potential mechanisms and gain insights into the associated biomarkers and treatment strategies.


    Deciphering the tissue and organ interactions of the SARS-CoV-2 infection can be important to discern the potential underlying mechanisms. In the present study, we investigated the human protein–host protein interactions in the small intestine.


    Public databases and published works were used to collect data related to small intestine tissue and SARS-CoV-2 infection. We constructed a human protein-protein interaction (PPI) network and showed interactions of host proteins in the small intestine. Associated modules, biological processes, functional pathways, regulatory transcription factors, disease ontology categories, and possible drug candidates for therapeutic targets were identified.


    Thirteen primary protein neighbors were found for the SARS-CoV-2 receptor ACE2. ACE2 and its four partners were observed in a highly clustered module; moreover, 8 host proteins belonged to this module. The protein digestion and absorption as a significant pathway was highlighted with enriched genes of ACE2, MEP1A, MEP1B, DPP4, and XPNPEP2. The HNF4A, HNF1A, and HNF1B transcription factors were found to be regulating the expression of ACE2. A significant association with 12 diseases was deciphered and 116 drug-target interactions were identified.


    The protein-host protein interactome revealed the important elements and interactions for SARS-CoV-2 infection in the small intestine, which can be useful in clarifying the mechanisms of gastrointestinal symptoms and inflammation. The results suggest that antiviral targeting of these interactions may improve the condition of COVID-19 patients.

    Keywords: SARS-CoV-2, Small intestine, Interactome, Protein interaction network, Regulatory network, Drug targets}
  • Mohammadali Kamali, Mahmoud Khodadoost *, Mojtaba Heydari, Hamid Tavakoli, Homa Hajimehdipoor, Payman Adibi
    Tendency of patients toward diseases and their therapeutic responses are different based on their own temperament according to traditional Persian medicine.
    The aim of this study is to investigate the difference between therapeutic responses of hot and cold temperament patients (based on traditional Persian medicine) with ulcerative colitis to pomegranate peel extract.
    Seventy-eight patients with moderate ulcerative colitis based on the Lichtiger colitis activity index (LCAI) criteria were randomized to receive an aqueous extract of the Punica granatum peel (6 grams per day) or placebo for four weeks. They were assessed before and after the intervention, in terms of symptoms, by the LCAI scoring system. The results were compared in two therapeutic groups based on the patients’ temperament (cold and hot), which were diagnosed based on a previous validated questionnaire.
    Therapeutic response was significantly higher in patients with hot temperament compared to patients with cold temperament in the P. granatum group (1.916 ± 0.492 versus -0.500 ± 0.500, P = 0.029).
    This study showed the importance of considering syndrome differentiation and temperaments in interpreting the effect of P. granatum peels extract on ulcerative colitis.
    Keywords: Punicaceae, Ulcerative Colitis, Traditional Medicine}
  • محسن ناصری، محمود خدادوست، مهدی یوسفی، روشنک سالاری *
    درد مفاصل یکی از شایع ترین علل مراجعه بیماران به مراکز درمانی می باشد که علل متعددی برای آن مطرح شده است. از جمله این علل عبارتند از تغییرات تخریب کننده غضروف و استخوان و التهاب ساختمان های خارج غضروفی مانند لیگامان ها، کپسول مفصلی و تاندون. تلاش های فراوان دارویی و غیر دارویی رایج، اگرچه در تسکین موقتی درد و کاهش علائم موضعی کمک شایانی نموده، لیکن نتایج آن برای بیماران و پزشکان راضی کننده نیست. اغلب درمان های دارویی شامل داروهای ضد التهاب استروئیدی و غیر استروئیدی، داروهای سرکوب کننده سیستم ایمنی و داروهای موثر در جلوگیری دژنراسیون غضروف هستند. دیدگاه طب سنتی ایران در مورد سبب شناسی و روش های درمانی درد مفاصل قدری متفاوت با طب رایج است. در این مطالعه مروری، مهم ترین داروهای تسکین دهنده درد مفاصل با رویکرد درد مفصل مزمن و مادی، در منابع طب سنتی ایران، استخراج و رتبه بندی شده است.
    با توجه به هدف مطالعه که استخراج داروهای موثر در تسکین درد مفاصل بود، جستجو با واژه کلیدی «تسکین دهنده درد مفاصل» در نسخه الکترونیکی پنج منبع معتبر از یک بازه زمانی یک هزارساله انجام شد. منابع مورد بررسی عبارت بودند از قانون در طب، اختیارات بدیعی، تحفه حکیم مومن، الحاوی و مخزن الادویه. تمام داروهایی که اثر مسکن درد مفاصل برای آن ها ذکر شده بود، به صورت جداگانه استخراج و سپس با توجه به توصیه حکما از آن دارو، نمرات 1 تا 5 به هر مفرده تعلق گرفت. امتیاز هر دارو از پنج منبع محاسبه و سپس جمع و در نهایت رتبه بندی صورت گرفت.
    یافته ها
    مفردات با خواص تحلیل ماده و تسکینی، پس از جمع امتیازات و رتبه بندی، به ترتیب شبت، حلتیت، اشق، حنظل، سداب، زرنباد و سقمونیا مشخص شدند.
    نتیجه گیری
    از آنجا که غالب دردهای مزمن مفاصل، با نوعی سوء مزاج مادی همراه هستند و تحلیل ماده می تواند در کاهش درد هم موثر باشد، استفاده از مفرده هایی که دارای خواص تحلیل ماده و تسکینی می باشند، بسیار موثر است. در منابع طب سنتی ایران، درمان کلی نگر، اولین قدم در مواجهه با بیمار مبتلا به درد مفاصل است، لیکن برای تکمیل درمان یا تسکین سریع تر می توان از داروهای موضعی مسکن درد نیز استفاده کرد. اثرات ادعایی می بایست در مطالعات بالینی مورد ارزیابی قرار گیرند.
    کلید واژگان: درد مفصل, مسکن درد موضعی, طب سنتی ایران, شوید, حلتیت, اشق, وجع, الم}
    Mohsen Naseri, Mahmoud Khodadoost, Mehdi Yousefi, Roshanak Salari *
    Joint pain is one of the most common causes of patient’s referral to health centers. There have been several reasons for joint pain such as degenerative changes in cartilage and bones, loss of articular cartilage and inflammations of cartilage external structures such as ligaments, joint capsules and tendons. Although drug and non-drug methods of treatment in conventional medicine were effective in temporary relief of pain and local symptoms but the results are not satisfactory for patients and physicians. Common medical treatments include steroidal and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, immunosuppressive drugs and cartilage repairing agents. Traditional view about the etiology and treatments of joint pain is somewhat different with conventional medicine. In this review, an overview of the most important analgesic plants for chronic arthritis pain relief in Iranian traditional medicine literatures were extracted and ranked.
    According to the aim of the study which was the investigation of plants in relieving joint pain in Iranian traditional medicine, searching by keyword of relieving joint pain in the electronic version of five main resources was performed. The references were consisting of Qanun fi al-Teb, Ekhtiarate Badiee, Tohfeh Hakim Momen, Al Havi and Makhzan-ol-Advieh. .All medications with joint pain relief effect were individually extracted. Due to their importance and potency; they were scored 1 to 5. Total scores of each plant were calculated and ranked based on above mentioned resources.
    Herbs with analgesic and humor reduction effects that gained the highest scores are Anethum graveolens, Ferula assa-foetida, Dorema ammoniacum, Citrullus colocynthis, Ruta graveolens, Zingiber zerumbet and Convolvulus scammonia, respectively.
    Discussion &
    Usually, arthralgia is associated with local humor accumulation in joints. Therefore reduction of these abnormal humors in joints with analgesic and reductive properties of herbs may lead to relieving arthralgia. Based on the Iranian traditional medicine resources, systemic therapy is the first step in dealing with a patient with joint pain but for treating or relieving pain faster, topical pain reliever drugs can be used. These claims must be evaluated by clinical trials.
    Keywords: Joint Pain, Topical Pain Reliever, Iranian Traditional Medicine, Anethum Graveolens, Ferula Assa-Foetida, Dorema Ammoniacum, Pain}
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