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تنها با پرداخت 70 هزارتومان حق اشتراک سالانه به متن مقالات دسترسی داشته باشید و 100 مقاله را بدون هزینه دیگری دریافت کنید.

برای پرداخت حق اشتراک اگر عضو هستید وارد شوید در غیر این صورت حساب کاربری جدید ایجاد کنید


فهرست مطالب majid kiavarz moghaddam

  • غدیر عشورنژاد، فرشاد امیراصلانی*، مجید کیاورز مقدم، آرا تومانیان
    منطقه ویژه اقتصادی انرژی پارس بزرگ‏ترین منطقه ویژه اقتصادی صنایع نفت و گاز و پتروشیمی در جهان است. در این تحقیق با استفاده از تصاویر لندست تغییرات کاربری/ پوشش اراضی این منطقه پیش از تاسیس (1377-1364) و بعد از آن (1377-1397) محاسبه شد. با تلفیق مساحت به‏دست‏آمده از هر کلاس با ارزش اقتصادی خدمات اکوسیستمی آن‏ها، روند تغییرات ارزش خدمات اکوسیستمی منطقه مقایسه شد. نتایج نشان‏دهنده آن است که پیش از تاسیس این منطقه در بین سال‏های 1364 تا 1377 اراضی کشاورزی و نخلستان‏ها به میزان 79/308 و 48/852 هکتار (56/75 و 100درصد) افزایش و جنگل‏های مانگرو به میزان 68/67 هکتار (45/36درصد) کاهش یافته‏ است. با تاسیس این منطقه در سال 1377 شاهد افزایش اراضی انسان‏ساخت و جنگل‏های مانگرو به میزان 61/2756 و 40/113 هکتار (100 و 11/96درصد) و کاهش اراضی کشاورزی و نخلستان‏ها به میزان 53/397 و 33/579 هکتار (41/55 و 21/34درصد) تا سال 1397 بوده‏ایم. کاهش تالاب نای‏بند به میزان 4000 هکتار (79/46درصد) مهم‏ترین تغییرات انجام‏گرفته در این منطقه است که ارزش اقتصادی خدمات اکوسیستمی این میزان از تالاب نابودشده برابر با صد میلیون دلار در سال است.
    کلید واژگان: خدمات اکوسیستم, سنجش از دور, کاربری, پوشش اراضی, لندست, منطقه ویژه اقتصادی انرژی پارس}
    Qadir Ashournejad, Farshad Amiraslani *, Majid Kiavarz Moghaddam, Ara Toomanian
    Introduction Ecosystem services are the benefits people get from ecosystems and human always needs ecosystem services and products for survival (MEA, 2005). These services are divided into the four categories of productive, regulatory, cultural and life support services; the first three categories are directly affecting people, and the fourth one is critical for the continuation of other services provided by ecosystems (Ayanu et al, 2012). Each of these four categories comprises a wide range of services. Since ecosystem services are not fully tradable in commercial markets or are not quantifiable in a way comparable to economic services and capital production, they are often being ignored in policy making and spatial planning (Costanza et al, 1997; Gowan, 2006). Assessing the impacts of landuse/landcover changes on the ecosystem service values is required for the special economic zones that are experiencing rapid changes in land use/land cover. Pars Special Economic Energy Zone (PSEEZ) located in southern Iran is considered as an example of these areas which has become a national and transnational zone within a short period of time due to activities related to the extraction, exploitation, refining and exporting of gas resources. This zone is one of the areas where extensive industrial investment has been made in less than 10 years (Talebian et al, 2008). This area was established in 1998 to extract oil and gas resources from the South Pars oil field with economic activities carried out in the city of Assaluyeh, Bushehr province. The Nayband national marine park is located in the PSEEZ (Davoodi et al., 2017). Nayband Bay along with a part of Nayband's headland with an area of 19,500 hectares was designated as Nayband Protected Area in Iran. This area, along with parts of Persian Gulf waters, with an approximate area of 49,815 hectares, were registered as the first Iranian marine national park in 2003. The presence of coral reefs, mangrove forests, rocky beaches, and real estuaries make this area one of the most diverse and beautiful coastal ecosystems in the world. There are also various aquatic species, marine mammals such as dolphins and whales, endangered reptiles, such as the green and eagle tip turtle and various kinds of aquatic birds in the area. The construction of PSEEZ has led to the development of petrochemical refineries, which in turn resulted in an increase of population (from 2000 to 60,000) and the expansion of human settlements. On the other hand, the development has led to the expansion of land, sea, and air transport infrastructure. Due to the rapid changes in this region, assessing the impacts of landuse/landcover changes on the ecosystem service values is required. In this regard, remote sensing, as the most important way of obtaining the spatial data, allows the quantification and mapping of these services. This technology brings practical benefits to biodiversity conservation and promotes the sustainable utilization of natural resources within the arena of ecosystem services (Cord et al, 2017; Araujo-Barbosa et al, 2015). Methodology This research emphasises on landuse/landcover changes as the basis of the evaluation of ecosystem services. In assessing the status of changes in the PSEEZ, a surface area of 300,000 hectares (3000 square kilometres) were reviewed over a period of 32 years. Those images of 1986 and 1998 were considered to show the trend of regional changes before the establishment of the PSEEZ, and the image of 2018 was used to show the current changes. In selecting Landsat images, we considered climate conditions as well as the characteristics of the Persian Gulf tide and its effects on mangrove forests. The weather condition of the region is suitable for farming during the winter season, so crop fields in the months of January, February and March, had better resolution than other months of the year captured by remote sensing images. To classify the images of area changes, Random Forests technique was used due to the higher classification accuracy and processing speed compared to the other two methods (Inglada et al, 2016). In assessing the economic value of the ecosystem services in the PSEEZ, landuse/landcover changes and global estimations of ecosystem services are integrated (Costanza et al., 2014). Results and discussion The results indicate that agricultural lands and palm groves had a significant increase of 308.79 and 852.48 hectares before the establishment of the PSEEZ and the mangroves forests decreased by 67.68 hectares. With the establishment of the PSEEZ, human built-ups and mangrove forests were increased by 2756.61 and 113.4 hectares, while Barren lands, agricultural lands and palm groves decreased by 4651.92, 397.53 and 579.33 hectares. The drying of wetlands for the construction of roads and airports has greatly reduced the size of the wetland area with an estimated loss of economic value of ecosystem services of 100 million dollars. The results also indicate that the economic value of the ecosystem services of the the PSEEZ for the years 1986, 1998 and 2018 is equal to 570.02, 393.92 and 463.52 million dollars, respectively. The service function and its changes indicate that erosion control, recreation, nutrient cycling, waste treatment and food production are of the highest value in the study area. In contrast, pollination, gas regulation, soil formation, water supply and biological control have shown the lowest value. It was revealed that during these years, water regulation, habitat/refugia, disturbance regulation, erosion control and recreation had the most changes at 22.772, 12.445, 11.89, 10.791 and 9.192 million dollars in the study area. Conclusion Based on the findings of this research, we conclude: - The status of the Nayband wetland is in a state of warning, and human built-ups in its remaining space should be avoided. - The potential of the recreation ecosystem service of this region should be given more attention and planned to be preserved. - Since it is not possible to classify coral reefs in the region (Haleh and Asaloyeh) with these images, studies are recommended to review their ecosystem services' value and services.
    Keywords: ecosystem services, landuse, landcover, remote sensing, Landsat, PSEEZ}
  • محمد جوانبخت، مجید کیاورز مقدم *، نجمه نیسانی سامانی، لعبت زبردست، علی درویشی بلورانی
    کیفیت محیط زیست شهری معیار سنجش و اندازه گیری درجه مناسب بودن محیط زیست انسان است. درواقع میزان توان محیط برای شکل گیری نیازهای افراد جامعه و پاسخگویی به آن محسوب می شود و از عوامل مختلفی تاثیر می پذیرد. با توجه به تغییرات شاخص های محیطی در مناطق شهری، هدف اصلی این پژوهش مدل سازی تغییرات مکانی-زمانی کیفیت محیط زیست شهری است. به منظور مدل سازی هریک از شاخص ها از داده های میدانی مکان مبنا و تصاویر ماهواره ای استفاده شد. شاخص ها شامل دو بعد طبیعی و انسان ساخت است. برای تلفیق شاخص ها و مدل سازی کیفیت محیط زیست شهری با توجه به ماهیت مباحث کیفی و محیطی که با عدم قطعیت همراه است، از منطق فازی استفاده شد. در شهر تهران به دلیل تراکم بالای جمعیت و فعالیت، محیط زیست شهری اهمیت زیادی دارد. بدین منظور مناطق 3، 6 و 11 شهر تهران انتخاب شدند. این مناطق در امتداد شمالی-جنوبی شهر تهران قرار دارند. نتایج نشان می دهد تغییرات کیفیت محیط زیست شهری در منطقه موردمطالعه روندی شمالی-جنوبی دارد. کیفیت محیط زیست شهری نیز از شمال به جنوب کاهش می یابد. از نظر تغییرات زمانی در دو فصل بهار و تابستان در مقایسه با دو فصل پاییز و زمستان کیفیت محیط زیست شهری وضعیت بهتری دارد؛ بنابراین تابعی از زمان و مکان محسوب می شود. نتایج تحلیل حساسیت نشان می دهد تاثیر تغییر ورودی ها بر نتیجه مدل در همه متغیرها بین 2 تا 17 درصد است. نتایج مدل سازی نیز از یک یا چند متغیر خاص تاثیر نمی پذیرد؛ بنابراین می توان نتیجه گرفت نتایج مدل سازی قابل اعتماد است.
    کلید واژگان: تحلیل حساسیت, ضریب هم بستگی, کیفیت محیط زیست شهری, مدل سازی, منطق فازی}
    Mohammad Javanbakht, Majid Kiavarz Moghaddam*, Najmeh Neisany Samani, Lobat Zebardast, Ali Darvishi Boloorani
    This research modeling of the Urban Environmental Quality (UEQ) of districts of 3, 6 and 11 of Tehran using an integrated Geographic Information System and remote sensing approach. The identified indicators in this study contain both natural and artificial aspects in order to model the quality of urban environments. The current study aims to develop a method for spatiotemporal modelling of UEQ. For this purpose fuzzy logic method is used. The results show the existence of a fairly regular pattern as an increase in desirability of UEQ from south to north of the area. The seasonal changes of UEQ show the improvement of environmental condition in spring and summer compared to autumn and winter.
    Fast growth of the urban population and increasing demands for high living standards, have intensified the pressure on natural resources and made it more difficult to answer every need. Regardless to the fact of the environmental capacity, population and economy would effect on the fundamental functions of the environment. So, analysis of the environmental quality can help us to understand the exact need for natural resources in any urban areas along with considering its economy and social development scale. The quality of urban environment is recognized as an indicator for assessing and measuring the degree of suitability in urban settlements. It is also a rate for meeting the needs of individuals and society which can be affected by several factors such as air, noise and etc. All these factors would vary by any changes in time and space. Previous studies have mainly focused on spatial changes, but in this paper we decided to consider seasonal changes in addition to spatial ones. Also, we tried to use more complete set of indicators. So, the main purpose of this study is modeling the quality of urban environment based on a set of spatio-temporal factors.
    We used satellite imagery and some geospatial data such as NDVI index maps, land surface temperature, Land Surface moisture, Land Surface Albedo, Solar radiation, air pollution, Urban Heat Island, Building height, population density, Enhanced Built-Up and Bareness Index and also noise pollution. Landsat 8 (OLI) is used to calculate NDVI indices, land surface temperature, land surface moisture, Land Surface Albedo, Urban Heat Island, and Enhanced Built-Up and Bareness Index. A digital elevation model (DEM) used to extract solar radiation. Finally, we used based location field data to enhance Air pollution, Building height, population density and noise pollution. Because of the uncertain nature of quality measurements, we used Fuzzy logical approach to model the quality of urban environments. One of the most important fuzzy operators for overlapping indices is the GAMMA. Gamma operator is the general mode of multiplication and addition. In other words, the gamma fuzzy function is the product of the algebraic multiplication of two functions of collect and multiply fuzzy. This function is the result of the compatibility between the incremental effect of the fuzzy sum function and the decreasing effect of the fuzzy multiplication function. Therefore, districts of 3, 6 and 11 of Tehran municipality have been selected to be measured for the quality of urban environment in Tehran along with northern-southern line.
    Results and discussion
    The results show a northern-southern trend in the quality of urban environment which is reducing from north to south. The environmental quality conditions of the three defined urban areas are categorized into five classes, moderate, ‘very good’, ‘good’, ‘very low’ and ‘low’. As the results show, region number three has a better environmental condition than the regions of six and eleven. We can also realize that the most of the selected indicators have shown seasonal changes within a year in our study area. This is due to the existance of more parks and less air pollution in the northern regions. Also, time intervals show a better quality situation in spring and summer than in autumn and winter. To investigate seasonal changes, the total area of each class was compared in a different season and the urban environmental qualities were devised into five categories: very good, good, medium, low and very low. In the spring, a large partial of the region has a modest and good quality, and a small part of it has a very good situation. In the summer, most of the area has a middle class situation and a small part with a very low level, which indicates the region's good status on this season. In the fall, we have maximum of the area with the lowest quality and the minimum of it with a very good level that indicates the worst condition for the urban environmental quality. In the winter, the situation is a little better. most parts of the area are in middle levels and small parts of it is in the lowest class. therefore, the quality of urban environments changes dramatically within a year. At the next step, we studied the Pearson correlation coefficient of indicators and the results showed that the greenness is the most effective indicator of quality in urban environments. One-At-A-Time (OAT) Sensitivity Analysis were used to analyze the sensitivity of the model. Results show that the effect of 30% increasement on all inputs is between 2% and 17%. By considering the fact that all the changes in model outcome is less than the total percentage of input change (30% increase) for all the variables, it can be concluded that the results of the gamma fuzzy model are reliable and not affected by one or more specific variables.
    According to an extensive review of the literature, this study selects a wide range of factors in both natural and artificial environments to assess the urban environmental quality (UEQ) of Tehran. It is hoped that this study provides a useful basis for a more researches in the field of UEQ, combining both natural and built-up parts of urban zones. Further work will focus on validation and verification of the UEQ indices.
    Keywords: Modeling, Quality of urban environmental, fuzzy logic, Pearson Correlation Coefficient, Sensitivity analysis}
  • کیوان عزی مند، عطاءالله عبدالهی کاکرودی*، مجید کیاورز مقدم
    در پی شهرنشینی بی سابقه در دهه های گذشته و افزایش جمعیت شهرها، چشم اندازهای طبیعی در حال تبدیل شدن به چشم اندازهای انسانی است و فضاهای باز شهری به اراضی ساخته شده مبدل شده است. در این بین، تغییرات کاربری اراضی مدیران شهری را مجاب می کند که همواره اطلاعات به روزی از این تغییرات داشته باشند تا بتوانند درباره مدیریت شهری سریع تر تصمیم گیری کنند. هدف از انجام این مطالعه طبقه بندی اراضی ساخته شده و شناسایی میزان تغییرات این اراضی در شهر تهران است. همچنین این مطالعه به بررسی و عملکرد هفت شاخص طیفی به منظور طبقه بندی و تشخیص تغییر اراضی ساخته شده با استفاده از تصاویر ماهواره لندست 7 سنجنده ETM + و تصاویر ماهواره لندست 8 سنجنده OLI / TIRS می پردازد. محدوده مورد مطالعه در این تحقیق شهر تهران با وسعت 68995 هکتار است. روش انجام این تحقیق نیز بدین گونه است که ابتدا برای جداسازی سطوح دارای آب از سطوح بدون آب بر روی تصاویر، از شاخصMNDWI و روش آستانه گذاری اتسو استفاده شده است. پس از آن به منظور توجه مطلق بر مناطق بدون آب، یک ماسک آب تولید، و برای پوشاندن آب در تمام تصاویر به کار رفته است. درنهایت با استفاده از روش اتسو برای تمامی شاخص ها اراضی ساخته شده و ساخته نشده از یکدیگر جدا و طبقه بندی شده اند. دقت طبقه بندی نیز با استفاده از 3500 نقطه مرجع برای هر تصویر بررسی شده است. نتایج نشان می دهد شاخص VbSWIR1-BI با دقت کلی 88/92 درصد (لندست 7) و 68/92 درصد (لندست 8)، دقت کلی بیشتری دارد. همچنین نتایج تغییرات اراضی ساخته شده شهر تهران براساس شاخص VbSWIR1-BI در بازه زمانی 2001 تا 2015 به میزان 38/6 درصد بوده است. گفتنی است بیشترین تغییرات مکانی اراضی ساخته شده در بخش های غربی و جنوب غربی شهر تهران دیده می شود.
    کلید واژگان: تصاویر لندست 7 و لندست 8, شاخص های طیفی, شناسایی تغییرات, طبقه بندی, گسترش شهری}
    Keyvan Ezimand, Ataollah Abdolahi Kakroodi *, Majid Kiavarz Moghaddam
    this study examines and compares the performance of seven spectral indices in the classification and change detection of built-up lands from Landsat-7 ETM (Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus) and Landsat-8 OLI/TIRS (Operational Land Imager/Thermal Infrared Sensor) imageries. The Study site with an area of 68,995 hectares in this study in the Tehran It includes three mid-infrared (MIR)-based indices, i.e. the urban index (UI), the normalized difference built-up index (NDBI), and the index-based built-up index (IBI), two proposed visible (Vis)-based indices, i.e. the VrNIR-BI and VgNIR-BI or the visible red/green-based built-up indices, ,one thermal infrared (TIR)-based index, i.e. the normalized difference impervious surface index (NDISI) and visible blue/ mid-infrared (SWIR1) based built-up indices (VbSWIR1). In addition, a water index, i.e. the modified normalized difference water index (MNDWI), was also derived. Otsu’s method was used to separate water from the non-water areas on the MNDWI map. Subsequently, a water mask was produced and used to mask all the built-up index maps, leaving only the non-water areas. Using the same thresholding method, the non-water areas of all the built-up index maps were classified into built-up and non-built-up classes. The classification accuracy was assessed using 3500 reference points for each image The results show that the VbSWIR1-BI, with an overall accuracy of 92.88% (Landsat-7) and 91.68% (Landsat-8), were more robust and superior. The results also show indications that the detected spatiotemporal urban LULC changes based on the VbSWIR1-BI were also the most accurate.
    Keywords: Landsat 7_Landsat 8 images_Classification_spectral indices_change detection_urban grow}
  • نعیم میجانی، محمد کریمی فیروزجایی، مجید کیاورز مقدم *
    در سال های اخیر به دلیل برتری از نظر هزینه و زمان نسبت به سایر روش ها شاهد پیشرفت روزافزون کاربرد پرنده های بدون سرنشین در کاربردهای متنوعی از جمله علوم زمین، منابع طبیعی، مطالعات محیطی، برنامه ریزی شهری می باشیم. در کنار این مزایا، استفاده از پرنده های بدون سرنشین با چالش هایی مانند هندسه ناپایدار تصویربرداری، عدم استفاده از دوربین های متریک و متغیر بودن پارامترهای تصاویر همراه است. در این پژوهش تکنیک های علم بینایی کامپیوتر برای پردازش تصاویر تهیه شده توسط هواپیمای بدون سرنشین بررسی و کارایی این تصاویر و تکنیک ها برای تولید مدل رقومی ارتفاع با قدرت تفکیک مکانی بالا بررسی شده است. بدلیل وجود شرایط ذکر شده برای تصویربرداری و عدم وجود پارامترهای توجیه داخلی و خارجی از عملگر SIFT برای استخراج نقاط گره ای در مناطق مشترک تصاویر استفاده شده است. توجیه نسبی و مطلق تصاویر به ترتیب با استفاده از نقاط گره ای و نقاط کنترل زمینی انجام شده است. از الگوریتم تناظریابی سه بعدی متراکم، ابر نقاط متراکم ایجاد و با درونیابی به روش مثلث بندی نامنظم، سطح رقومی منطقه تشکیل شده است. در نهایت با استفاده از نقاط چک زمینی، دقت زمین مرجع کردن و مدل رقومی سطح نهایی ارزیابی شده است. تعداد 5853 نقطه گره ای به صورت اتوماتیک توسط عملگر SIFT استخراج و تصاویر با دقت مسطحاتی 12/21 سانتی متر زمین مرجع شدند. سپس با تولید میلیون ها نقطه و مثلث بندی نامنظم، مدل رقومی ارتفاعی با دقت ارتفاعی 25/19 سانتی متر تولید شد. نتایج این پژوهش نشان می دهد که بدلیل هندسه ناپایدار تصویربرداری و متغیر بودن پارامترها برای تصاویر، تلفیق الگوریتم SIFT با تکنیک های بینایی کامپیوتر در پردازش تصاویر پهباد برای استخراج نقاط گره ای و توجیه دقیق تصاویر ضروری است.
    کلید واژگان: بینایی کامپیوتر, تناظریابی, SIFT, پهباد, مدل رقومی سطح}
    Majid Kiavarz Moghaddam *
    Recently, due to the predominance in terms of the time and the cost, the drones are dramatically developing and their applications getting more widespread in various fields such as earth science, natural resources, environmental studies and urban planning. However, applying such drones suffers from several disadvantages, inter alia, the imaging unstable geometry, not using metric cameras as well as images’ variable parameters. In this study, computer vision science techniques for processing prepared images of the drone were precisely investigated and the performance of these images and techniques for producing a surface Elevation model with a high spatial resolution was investigated. Due to mentioned problems for the imaging and the absence of internal and external justifying parameters, the SIFT operator was used in order to extract nodal points in the shared areas of images. The relative and absolute justification of images are performed by using nodal points and land control points, respectively. The cloud of dense points was created through a dense three-dimensional matching algorithm and by using triangulated irregular interpolation methods area digital surfaces are formed. Finally, by using land checkpoints, the accuracy of the georeferencing and the final surface digital model were assessed. 5853 nodal points were automatically extracted by the SIFT operator and images were georeferenced with a surface accuracy of 21/12 cm. Then, by creating millions of points and triangulated irregular network, the height digital model with a height accuracy of 19/25 cm was created. Results of the current study indicate that due to the imaging unstable geometry and variable parameters for images, the combination of the SIFT algorithm with computer vision techniques in processing the UAV images in order to extract nodal points and to precisely justify images, are necessary.
    Keywords: computer vision, matching, SIFT, UAV, DSM}
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