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تنها با پرداخت 70 هزارتومان حق اشتراک سالانه به متن مقالات دسترسی داشته باشید و 100 مقاله را بدون هزینه دیگری دریافت کنید.

برای پرداخت حق اشتراک اگر عضو هستید وارد شوید در غیر این صورت حساب کاربری جدید ایجاد کنید


فهرست مطالب marjan beigi

  • Mahsa Naderi Beni, Parvaneh Mousavi, Seyed Mahmood Latifi, Marjan Beigi, Zahra Abbaspoor

    Prolonged labor is associated with various maternal and neonatal complications. This study aims to investigate the relationship between 25‑hydroxyvitamin D3 levels and pain intensity and duration of labor stages in primiparous women.

    Materials and Methods

    This cross‑sectional study was conducted in Iran from November 2021 to January 2022 and comprised primiparous women who were in active labor after a term pregnancy (37–42 weeks). Five milliliter of blood was taken from each subject and centrifuged for the measurement of vitamin D level using the enzyme‑linked immunosorbent assay method. The High‑Performance Liquid Chromatography (HLPC) method was used to measure 25‑OH vitamin D. In addition, through history, examination, and investigations, the subjects were evaluated according to the pain intensity and duration of the first (active phase) and second stages of labor.


    The results of the Pearson correlation test indicated a significant relationship between vitamin D and active phase duration (r = 0.64, p </em>= 0.012), second stage duration (r = 0.73, p </em>= 0.001), pain intensity of the active phase (r = 0.61, p </em>= 0.022), and pain intensity of the second stage (r = 0.65, p </em>= 0.026). According to the analysis of variance table, based on vitamin D, there were statistically significant differences between the groups in terms of the active phase duration, second stage duration, pain intensity of the active phase, and that of the second stage of labor (p </em>< 0.05).


    Low levels of vitamin D may influence the progress of labor and increase the rate of prolonged labor.

    Keywords: Mahsa Naderi Beni, Parvaneh Mousavi, Seyed Mahmood Latifi, Marjan Beigi, Zahra Abbaspoor}
  • Elahe Mohammadi, Mahshid Abdi Shahshahani, Mahnaz Noroozi, Ali Zade Mohammadi, Marjan Beigi *
    Background & aim

    As one of the most influential factors of marital life, sexual satisfaction can significantly lead to peace and compatibility of couples. The present study investigated the effect of Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) on the level of sexual satisfaction in women of reproductive age.


    In this parallel cluster-randomized trial which was conducted from Feb. 2019 to Apr. 2020, 72 women of reproductive age (two groups of 36 subjects) who had moderate or undesirable sexual satisfaction were sampled. The guided imagery music was presented for the intervention group for 6 weeks as twice a week. No intervention was performed for the control group.  The data collection tool included fertility characteristics and Larson questionnaires, which was completed before, immediately and one month after the intervention. Data were analyzed by SPSS software (version 20) using independent t-test, chi-square, Mann-Whitney and variance analysis with repeated measurements.


     There was no statistically significant difference between the two groups in the sexual satisfaction score before the intervention. The mean sexual satisfaction score in the intervention group had a statistically significant difference between the baseline (91.1±9.1), immediately after intervention (112±4.46) and one month later (102±9.24) (P< 0.001). However, there was no significant difference between the changes in the sexual satisfaction of women in the control group between three times.


    GIM technique improves women's sexual satisfaction. It is recommended to health care providers to use this behavioral technique to enhance the level of sexual satisfaction in women of reproductive age.

    Keywords: Music, Guided imagery, Sexual Satisfaction Reproductive Age, Sexual function}
  • حدیث سوری نژاد، فریبا حقانی، مرجان بیگی، الهام ادیب مقدم*

     شناسایی عوامل موثر در یادگیری یکی از مقوله های مهم و مد نظر محققان است. یکی از این عوامل مهم و تاثیرگذار در یادگیری سبک یادگیری دانشجویان است. سبک های یادگیری غالب استفاده شده دانشجویان دانشگاه های مختلف در ایران متفاوت است.


     این مطالعه با هدف مروری بر سبک های یادگیری دانشجویان مامایی در ایران انجام شد.
    مواد و روش ها: در این مطالعه کلیدواژه های سبک های یادگیری، دانشجویان مامایی و نظریه کلب به فارسی و انگلیسی در پایگاه های گوگل اسکولار، پاب مد، پایگاه علمی جهاد دانشگاهی، اسکوپوس و مگ ایران در محدوده سال 2000 تا 2020 جست وجو شد. از بین 28 مقاله یافت شده، در نهایت 9 مقاله مرتبط را بررسی کردیم.

    یافته ها

    با توجه به بررسی مقالات، مشاهده شد که یادگیری در دانشجویان مامایی معمولا با استفاده از چندین سبک انجام می شود و بیشترین سبک هایی که استفاده می شوند، به ترتیب سبک یادگیری هم گرا و جذب کننده است.

    نتیجه گیری

    با توجه به اینکه سبک یادگیری غالب در دانشجویان مامایی هم گرا و جذب کننده است، ضمن در نظر گرفتن تفاوت های فردی، باید برنامه ریزی آموزشی و انتخاب روش تدریس به نحوی باشد که متناسب با سبک های یادگیری مختلف دانشجویان بوده و از روش های متنوع و نوین آموزشی استفاده شود.

    کلید واژگان: سبک های یادگیری, نظریه کلب, دانشجویان مامایی}
    Hadis Sourinejad, Fariba Haghani, Marjan Beigi, Elham Adibmoghaddam*

     Identifying the factors that contribute to learning is one of the most important research goals. Learning style is one of these important and effective factors. The predominant learning styles of students in different universities of Iran are different. 


     This study aimed to review the learning styles of midwifery students in Iran based on Kolb’s learning theory.

    Materials and Methods

    In this review study, a search was conducted in Scopus, PubMed, Google Scholar, SID, and MagIran databases on articles published during 2000-2020 by using the keywords: Learning styles, midwifery students, and Kolb’s theory in Persian and English. Out of 28 eligible articles, 9 articles were finally reviewed.


     Learning in midwifery students is usually done by using different styles, the most common of which was convergent style followed by assimilative style.


     The predominant learning styles of midwifery students in Iran are convergent and assimilative styles. While considering individual differences, educational planning and selection of teaching method should be done in a way that is appropriate for different learning styles of midwifery students and a variety of new and innovative teaching methods should be used.

    Keywords: Learning styles, Kolb’s learning theory, Midwifery students}
  • Marjan Beigi, Fahimeh Khorasani, Shahnaz Kohan

    Reporting medical errors is one of the common methods for identifying and preventing mistakes in-hospital care. This study was conducted to identify the status of reporting and related factors in two groups of midwives and midwifery students.


    This research was analytic correlational; it was conducted among all the midwives working in the midwifery and labor departments and midwifery students in Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. The data collection tool included a checklist of errors and the researcher-construed questionnaires of awareness and attitude toward reporting errors. The results were examined using descriptive and inferential statistics (ANOVA, Pearson and Spearman correlation coefficient, and independent t-test) by SPSS software version 20.


    In this research, the error reporting in midwifery staff was 79.1% and the most frequent error was related to the patient's process of testing; the error reporting among the students was 90% and the most frequent error occurred in the labor processes. The present study also showed that there was a direct relationship between awareness and attitude toward reporting medical errors (P < 0.001), while there was not a significant relationship between the midwifery students' awareness and attitude toward reporting the medical errors (P = 0.31).


    According to the study, hospital midwives reporting is less than midwifery students. Accordingly, it is recommended to focus on the error and risk management committee to strengthen the reporting system.

    Keywords: Attitude, awareness, medical error, midwife, midwifery students, reporting}
  • Elham Sadat Hoseini, Raziyeh Rahmati, Fatemeh Shaghaghi, Marjan Beigi, Zahra Mohebbi-Dehnavi

    Prenatal care refers to proper and principled implementation aimed at maintaining a healthy pregnancy in terms of physical health and favorable psychological outcomes for the mother, infant, and family. The adequacy of prenatal care is an important indicator in predicting infant and maternal mortality. Mental health components such as hope and happiness can influence the quality of prenatal care. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between hope and happiness with prenatal care.


    This is a cross‑sectional study that was performed on 200 pregnant mothers referred to Isfahan, Iran, comprehensive health centers in 2018 using an available sampling method. The research instrument was a questionnaire of hope, happiness, and quality of prenatal care that was completed by qualified people. The data were analyzed by descriptive and analytical statistical methods (Pearson correlation).


    The results of this study showed that there is a significant relationship between the adequacy of care and overall hope score (P = 0.032). There was also a positive and significant relationship between the adequacy of care and the subscales of hope (thinking [P = 0.002] and path [P = 0.004]). There was a positive and significant relationship between the adequacy of prenatal care and overall happiness score (P = 0.03). Positive emotion subscale (P = 0.033) had a significant positive correlation and negative emotion subscale (P = 0.001) had a significant negative relationship with the adequacy of prenatal care.


    According to the results, mental health can affect the quality of prenatal care. As a result, health providers to pregnant mothers can improve the adequacy of prenatal care by examining pregnant women in terms of these two issues, thereby improving the health of themselves and their children, and ultimately, community health.

    Keywords: Happiness, hope, prenatal care}
  • Sepideh Zhali, Shahnaz Kohan, Azar Danesh Shahraki, Marjan Beigi

    Investigating severe maternal morbidity and near‑miss cases are applied internationally as a new indicator to examine the quality of maternal care and as an effective strategy to reduce maternal mortality. This study aimed to determine the root causes of severe maternal morbidity in order to improve maternal health.


    The present research is a descriptive case series study. The data was obtained from the hospital and health records of mothers admitted to hospitals affiliated to Isfahan University of Medical Sciences due to severe morbidity in the first 6 months of 2018, which were selected randomly. The data collection was completed by interviews with the mentioned mothers and 14 related health‑care staffs and that led to the development of the morbidity story. The compiled story of each case was evaluated by the root analysis team’s opinion. Causes of morbidity were determined according to a root cause analysis checklist composing of factors such as health‑care services (human and structural factors), family‑social status, and disease status of maternal morbidity.


    The findings indicated that human factors related to the health system led to severe maternal morbidity more than any cause. Inadequate knowledge and skills of service providers, disregard for guidelines and protocols, lack of teamworking, and lack of considering competency were the most important human factors. Disease condition, family, and social status were the other related factors, respectively.


    Human factors are the most important cause of maternal morbidity based on the results of this study. Therefore, modifying the health structure can be one of the most important reducing factors for maternal mortality in order to improve the services for these individuals.

    Keywords: Iran, maternal near‑miss, root cause analysis, severe maternal morbidity}
  • Maryam Kiani-Sheikhabadi, Marjan Beigi, Zahra Mohebbi-Dehnavi

    Mental health is very important during pregnancy, and perfectionism, body image, and eating disorder are three important factors in mental health. Given that eating disorders are very dangerous in pregnancy, the aim of this study was to determine the relationship between perfectionism and body image with eating disorder in pregnancy.


    This descriptive study was performed on 200 pregnant women referred to Isfahan Health Centers in 2017. The research units, if met the inclusion criteria, completed the Eating Attitudes Questionnaire, Multidimensional Relationships of their Body Questionnaire, and Perfectionism Questionnaire. Finally, the data were analyzed by SPSS software version 22, with a significance level of 0.05.


    The results showed that there was a significant negative relationship between positive perfectionism with symptoms of eating disorder, anorexia nervosa, and nervous longing to eat. There was a significant positive correlation between negative perfectionism with symptoms of eating disorder, anorexia nervosa, and nervous longing to eat. The results also showed a significant negative relationship between body image and its dimensions with symptoms of eating disorder, anorexia nervosa, and neurasthenia.


    Perfectionism and body image and its dimensions are psychological problems related to eating disorder in pregnancy. For this reason, it seems that taking classes for pregnant women and their spouses can reduce the incidence of this disorder.

    Keywords: Body image, eating disorder, perfectionism, pregnancy}
  • Foruzandeh Sabaghpoor, Shahnaz Kohan, Pejman Aghdak, Marjan Beigi

    The healthcare program has opponents and supporters with its multiple policies and also its difficult implementation, which requires that its barriers and problems be addressed comprehensively and extensively. This study was conducted aimed to determine the service provision challenges by healthcare providers, from their point of view, in selected comprehensive health centers of Isfahan.


    The present study is a descriptive‑analytic one. One‑hundred and ninety‑seven healthcare providers were selected by census sampling method from the population of female healthcare providers in Isfahan comprehensive health centers in 2017. The data collection tool was a researcher‑made questionnaire in the field of individual–professional, managerial–organizational, and executive challenges. Data analysis was done by repeated measures ANOVA and post hoc test.


    The findings indicated that there was a significant difference between the mean score of individual–professional, managerial–organizational, and executive challenges (P < 0.001) from the point of view of healthcare providers. According to least significant difference post hoc test, the mean score of individual challenges was significantly lower than that of managerial and executive challenges (P < 0.001). However, there was no significant difference between the mean score of managerial–organizational and executive challenges (P = 0.46).


    Based on the results, healthcare providers have put forward several challenges during the implementation of the healthcare program. Meanwhile, executive and managerial challenges have been considered more than individual challenges. Considering that this could lead to improper service provision to the clients, the role of policymakers in this program to remove obstacles and to provide satisfaction to healthcare providers is emphasized.

    Keywords: Challenges, healthcare providers, health services, Iran, midwifery, pregnancy, public health}
  • Fatemeh Ghorbani Marghmaleki, Zahra Mohebbi Dehnavi, Marjan Beigi

    Mental health is one of the focuses of the health assessment of different communities and plays an important role in ensuring the dynamism and efficiency of each community. Pregnancy is one of the most sensitive periods, in which mental health is effective. The mental health of individuals is the result of the interaction of cognitive‑emotional ordering strategies and proper evaluation of stressful situations. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between cognitive emotion regulation and the health of pregnant women.


    This is a descriptive and cross‑sectional study that was carried out on 200 pregnant women who were covered by Navab, Amir Hamzeh and Motahari centers in Isfahan in 2017 by available sampling method. The instrument was the Beck Depression Inventory, Goldenberg Health, and Emotional Cognitive Order. Finally, the data were analyzed using the SPSS software.


    The mean age of pregnant mothers participating in the study was 26.66 ± 6.09 years. The results of data analysis showed a significant positive correlation in relation to blaming others and disaster with physical health, blaming others and rumination and catastrophes with anxiety, disaster with social health, blaming others and rumination and catastrophes with depression, and also blaming others and rumination, catastrophizing, and positive re‑focusing have a significant positive correlation with total health score.


    Regarding the relationship between mental health and cognitive dysmenorrhea during pregnancy, pregnant women carers can help with pregnant women by conducting educational programs on health promotion and strive to maintain mental health and improve their quality of life. Consequently, they will ensure the mental health of their future children.

    Keywords: Cognitive emotion regulation, pregnancy, pregnancy health}
  • Fatemeh Mahmoodi, Mahnaz Noroozi, Leili Adineh Mehr, Marjan Beigi*
    Breastfeeding is an important issue in postpartum period and critical to the  infant’s health, but childbirth interventions such as childbirth analgesia may affect the onset and duration of the process. This study aimed to determine the status of breastfeeding in women receiving epidural analgesia.
    Materials and Methods
    This cohort study was conducted on 393 mothers in the postpartum period that had vaginal delivery with or without using epidural analgesia (with their own choice) between December 2017 and September 2018. After selecting the convenient samples, the researcher‑made outcome breastfeeding checklists were completed in selected hospitals in Isfahan, Iran, Within 24 hours and 4 weeks after delivery. Data were analyzed using statistical methods (Independent t test, Mann‑Whitney, ANCOVA, and Chi‑square). The significance level of the tests was less than 0.05.
    According to the results, most of the subjects in the two groups began breastfeeding during the first hour after childbirth. There was no significant difference between the two groups in the beginning of breastfeeding while controlling the number of labors. There was no significant difference between the two groups in comparison to the type of milk given to the infant Within 24 hours after birth and 4 weeks after birth, either. There was no significant difference between the two groups in comparison to breastfeeding problems at either time.
    According to the results, saying that there is no negative effect by epidural analgesia on the breastfeeding process, using this analgesia is recommended to promote natural childbirth.
    Keywords: Breastfeeding, childbirth, epidural analgesia, Iran, onset of lactation}
  • Somaye Khoram, Marzieh Loripoor, Masoume Pirhadi, Marjan Beigi

    Hypertension in pregnancy is one of the most important unsolved problems in midwifery, and since it is the main cause of maternal death, preventive intervention measures are essential to control this serious complication. This study aimed to determine the effect of walking on gestational hypertension disorders in women prone to hypertension.


    This randomized clinical trial was conducted on 72 pregnant women susceptible to gestational hypertension who were randomly (through a random number table) assigned into two groups of 36. The pregnant women in the experimental group had walking program for 20–30 min from weeks 14–34, four times a week. Data were analyzed, via independent t‑test, Fisher’s exact test, and Chi‑square test.


    The results indicated that in the experimental group, 2 cases with transient gestational hypertension and 1 case of preeclampsia existed, and in the control group, 9 pregnant women were with gestational hypertension and 4 pregnant women were with preeclampsia. Therefore, the incidence of these two complications in the experimental group was significantly lower than the control group (P < 0.05). Moreover, the mean systolic and diastolic blood pressures in the experimental group were significantly lower than the control group (P < 0.05).


    Based on the results, the moderate walking, as an easy physical activity, is recommended for pregnant women susceptible to pregnancy hypertension.

    Keywords: Hypertension in pregnancy, physical activity, preeclampsia, walking}
  • Shahrzad Tavakolipour, Marjan Beigi *, Nafiseh Nekuei, Fariba Shafiei
    Background & aim

    Gestational hypertension is the leading cause of maternal mortality. The most effective ways to prevent this complication are the prediction and prevention of the factors accounting for the incidence of this condition. Regarding this, the present study aimed to investigate the prevalence of gestational hypertension and its associated factors.


    This comparative descriptive study was performed on 2,477 pregnant women referred to four secondary and tertiary care hospitals in Isfahan, Iran in 2016 using the census method. Out of 2,477 referral cases, 148 cases were found to be suffering from various types of gestational hypertensive disorders. 200 mothers who had no pregnancy complication were also randomly selected from the 2,477 referral cases. The demographic, clinical, and therapeutic data of these mothers were collected using self-structured questionnaires through making regular visits to the maternity and obstetrics wards of the hospitals under study. Data analysis was performed in SPSS (version 18) using inferential statistical methods, including Chi-square test and independent t-test.


    The prevalence of hypertension was obtained as 6%, with preeclampsia as the most prevalent type (4.2%). The incidence of gestational hypertension showed a significant relationship with the mean number of prenatal care visits (P=0.01), type of care providers delivering preconception and prenatal care (P=0.01 and P<0.001), underlying diseases (P<0.001), and number of previous abortions (P=0.01). However, there was no significant relationship between the frequency of preconception care visits and this complication (P=0.42).


    Despite the current policies targeted toward the promotion of maternal health, in the present study, the prevalence of gestational hypertension was notably higher than the rates reported in the literature. Therefore, it is highly recommended to plan for the standardization of referral hospitals and enhancement of care services to prevent this complication.

    Keywords: Gestational hypertension, Preconception care, prenatal care, Prevalence}
  • Hadis Sourinejad, Ziba Raisi Dehkordi, Marjan Beigi, Elham Adibmoghaddam, Mohammad Hadian
    Background & aim
    Flaxseed is the richest source of lignan which is one of the main categories of phytoestrogens. In addition to the estrogenic and anti-estrogenic properties of lignan, it has non-hormonal properties as well. The treatment of menopausal hot flashes and cyclic mastalgia, the reduction in vasomotor symptoms and tumor cell growth and recurrence, the prevention of breast and ovarian cancer,  and the improvement of the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome are some of the indications of this plant. Therefore, the current study aimed to review the effect of flaxseed on the control of menopausal symptoms, premenstrual syndrome as well as breast and ovarian cancers.
    In this study, English keywords of mastalgia, mastodynia, ovarian neoplasm, ovarian cancer, breast neoplasm, breast cancer, hot flashes, premenstrual syndrome, flax, flaxseed, lignan, phytoestrogen, and linum usitatissimum along with their Persian equivalents were searched through databases incluing PubMed, Proquest, Scopus, Science Direct, Google Scholar, SID, and Magiran. All the selected articles were the clinical trials and case-control studies performed from 1991 to 2017. Finally, 30 English and 8 Persian studies were reviewed in this study.
    The results obtained from most studies on this plant showed its positive effects on menopausal symptoms, breast cancer, mastalgia, and premenstrual syndrome.
    According to the results, it can be concluded that due to the high properties of this plant (i.e., the negligible side effects and safe use of it in recommended amounts), it can be used within the field of obstetrics and gynecology.
    Keywords: Flaxseed, Breast Neoplasm, hot flashes, Mastodynia, Ovarian neoplasm, Premenstrual Syndrome}
  • شهرزاد توکلی پور، نفیسه سادات نکویی، مرجان بیگی
    خونریزی های مامایی، علت شایع مرگ مادران در اغلب کشورهای جهان و کشور ایران است. از این رو، بررسی عوامل بروز آن، جهت ارایه به سیاست گذاران در این زمینه، می تواند مهم ترین راهبرد بهبود سلامت مادران باشد. این مطالعه، با هدف تعیین شیوع خونریزی های بارداری و عوامل مرتبط با آن انجام شد.
    روش ها
    این پژوهش به صورت توصیفی- تحلیلی بر روی 2477 مادر باردار انجام شد. جمع آوری اطلاعات با مراجعه ی پژوهشگر به بخش های زایشگاه، مامایی و بستری مادران پر خطر در بیمارستان های سطح 2 و 3 دانشگاه علوم پزشکی اصفهان در سه ماهه ی دوم سال 1395 به دست آمد. تحلیل داده ها، با استفاده از نرم افزارSPSS و روش های آماری توصیفی و استنباطی انجام شد.
    یافته ها
    شیوع کلی خونریزی های بارداری 8/7 درصد بود و بین انجام مراقبت بارداری، فرد عامل مراقبت و بیماری های زمینه ای با انواع خونریزی ها رابطه ی معنی داری وجود داشت (05/0 > P)؛ در حالی که بین مراقبت پیش از بارداری با این عارضه، رابطه ی معنی داری وجود نداشت (05/0 < P). همچنین، Logistic regression نشان داد که مراقبت های بارداری و بیماری های زمینه ای نسبت به دیگر متغیرها، پیش بینی کننده ی معنی دارتری برای ایجاد خونریزی هستند (01/0 > P).
    نتیجه گیری
    نتایج این مطالعه مبنی بر نزدیک بودن شیوع خونریزی های بارداری به کتب رفرنس با وجود انجام پژوهش در مراکز ارجاعی، اگر چه نشان دهنده ی امکان مدیریت این عارضه در کلیه ی بیمارستان های استان اصفهان می باشد، اما نظر به قابل پیش گیری بودن بسیاری از موارد خونریزی های دوران بارداری، بر استفاده ی هر چه بیشتر از فرصت های موجود به ویژه در زمینه ی ارتقای کیفیت مراقبت ها و کنترل بیماری های زمینه ای تاکید می گردد.
    کلید واژگان: شیوع, خونریزی, بارداری, مراقبت بارداری, مراقبت پیش از بارداری}
    Shahrzad Tavakolipoor, Nafiseh Sadat Nekuei, Marjan Beigi
    Obstetrics hemorrhage is a common reason of mortality among all of countries and also the country of Iran. Therefore, assessment of its incidence could be one of the most important strategies for the policy makers to improve mothers’ health. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of obstetric hemorrhage and its related factors in the second- and third-level hospitals affiliated to Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Iran, during the third quarter of year 2016.
    This descriptive-analytic study was conducted on 2477 pregnant mothers. Data were collected by daily visiting of the labor, and gynecology and high-risk pregnant mothers’ wards. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics via SPSS software.
    Findings: The prevalence of obstetric hemorrhage was 7.8%, and significant relation was between performing and the number of prenatal care (P 0.05). Logistic regression showed that prenatal care and underlying disease were more predictable for hemorrhage than other variables (P
    The prevalence of obstetric hemorrhages was close to the reference textbooks in the referral hospitals affiliated to Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, which indicated the possibility of managing this incidence in all of the hospitals of Isfahan Province. Since obstetric hemorrhages are mostly preventable, it has been emphasized to benefit from all of the opportunities, especially in promotion of prenatal care and controlling of underlying disease.
    Keywords: Prevalence, Hemorrhage, Pregnancy, Prenatal care, Preconception care}
  • Leila Asadi, Marjan Beigi*, Mahbube Valiani
    Maternal and neonatal health indicators have the important role in evaluating community development.
    In this study, we examined the effects of maternal and fetal complications leading to midwifery errors in referred cases to the Iranian Legal Medicine Organization and Medical Council of Forensic Medicine from 2006 - 2011 in Isfahan, Iran.
    In this cross - sectional study, we evaluated all midwifery cases that were referred to the Isfahan Legal Medicine organization and Medical Council of Forensic Medicine from 2006 - 2011 that had at least one warrant issued by the outcome of the Disciplinary Board. The data were collected by a checklist and analyzed by SPSS - 18. Research data were qualitative and quantitative (discrete and continuous variables).
    A total of 206 cases were reviewed. In 66 cases, 32% of them the malpractice verdict in midwifery services was approved. According to our findings, the most maternal and fetal errors led to the complaint include: fetal or neonatal death (29.4%), maternal mortality (18.1%), and neurological disorders (15.3%). In addition, the highest rates of maternal medical malpractice were maternal mortality (56.8%) and in infant complications, infant mortality with 28.8% frequency (P = 0.03).
    It seems the maternal health program effort is impaired in our country. The maternal mortality is unacceptable, due to the fact that many of them are preventable. Taking strategies to prevent replication errors within the care of pregnant women is recommended.
    Keywords: Keywords: Fetal Complication, Complaint, Midwifery, Iran}
  • Fahimeh Khorasani, Marjan Beigi
    Recently, evaluation and accreditation system of hospitals has had a special emphasis on reporting malpractices and sharing errors or lessons learnt from errors, but still due to lack of promotion of systematic approach for solving problems from the same system, this issue has remained unattended. This study was conducted to determine the effective factors for reporting medical errors among midwives.
    Materials And Methods
    This project was a descriptive cross‑sectional observational study. Data gathering tools were a standard checklist and two researcher‑made questionnaires. Sampling for this study was conducted from all the midwives who worked at teaching hospitals affiliated to Isfahan University of Medical Sciences through census method (convenient) and lasted for 3 months. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics through SPSS 16.
    Results showed that 79.1% of the staff reported errors and the highest rate of errors was in the process of patients’ tests. In this study, the mean score of midwives’ knowledge about the errors was 79.1 and the mean score of their attitude toward reporting errors was 70.4. There was a direct relation between the score of errors’ knowledge and attitude in the midwifery staff and reporting errors.
    Based on the results of this study about the appropriate knowledge and attitude of midwifery staff regarding errors and action toward reporting them, it is recommended to strengthen the system when it comes to errors and hospitals risks
    Keywords: Medical errors, midwife, reporting errors}
  • Nafiseh Shams Nateri, Marjan Beigi, Ashraf Kazemi, Fatemeh Shirinkam
    Paying attention to sexual dysfunction and its coping strategies is essential owing to its impact on mental health in postmenopausal women and their families. This study aimed to determine the relationship between women coping strategies toward the process of menopause and sexual dysfunction in menopausal women
    Materials And Methods
    This is a cross‑sectional study in which 233 married menopausal women were sampled in the first 5 years after cessation of menstrual cycle using health records in the health centers in Isfahan in 2015. The method of data collection was a demographic characteristics form, sexual function questionnaire of Rosen et al., along with a researcher‑made coping strategies questionnaire. The validity and reliability of these instruments were assessed, and the resulting data were analyzed utilizing inferential statistical tests (t‑test and Chi‑square test) and SPSS 16 software.
    According to the results of this study, the relative frequency of sexual dysfunction in menopausal women is 67.42%. The mean score of the avoidance strategy in people with overall sexual dysfunction was significantly higher than the group without disorder (P
    In line with the findings of this study, problem‑oriented strategies such as social support, problem solving, and target replacement are the best strategies for decreasing sexual dysfunction or increasing sexual satisfaction. These results emphasize the reinforcement of health personnel skills in teaching approach of these strategies to this group of women.
    Keywords: Coping strategies, menopause, sexual dysfunction}
  • Leila Asadi, Marjan Beigi, Mahbube Valiani, Fardin Mardani
    Medical errors are the main concerns in health systems, which considering their ascending rate in the recent years, especially in the field of midwifery, have caused a medical crisis. Considering the importance of evidence‑based health services as a way to improve health systems, the aim of this study was to suggest a guideline for preventing malpractice in midwifery services.
    Materials And Methods
    In this cross‑sectional study that was conducted in 2013, we investigated 206 cases that were referred to the Isfahan Legal Medicine Organization and Medical Council of Forensic Medicine from 2006–2011. Data were collected by a checklist and were analyzed using SPSS‑16 software. Descriptive statistical tests (mean, maximum, minimum, standard deviation, frequency, and percentage agreement) were used to describe the data. Then, we used the Delphi technique with the participation from 17 experts in midwifery, gynecology, and legal medicine to provide an evidence‑based draft guideline for prevention of midwifery errors.
    A total of 206 cases were reviewed. In 66 cases (32%) the verdict for malpractice in midwifery services was approved. A practical draft guideline for preventing clinical errors for midwifery in the fields of pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum period was developed.
    This evidence‑based draft guideline can improve the attention of all the healthcare providers, especially midwives and physicians to prevent urgent problems and offer effective health services for mothers and infants.
    Keywords: Complaint, guideline, Iran, malpractices, medical council, midwifery}
  • Zahra Baghersad, Fariba Fahami, Marjan Beigi, Akbar Hasanzadeh
    High prevalence of sexual dysfunction results from inadequate knowledge or inappropriate attitude toward the natural phenomenon of sexual desire. This study aimed to define sexual knowledge and attitude among girls who were getting married and referred to Yas pre‑marriage counseling center.
    Materials And Methods
    This research was a descriptive analytical study. The information of 165 girls, who were about to get married, were collected through convenient sampling using a researcher‑made questionnaire. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 16 software. Inferential statistical method and Pearson correlation were used for data analysis.
    Results showed that the mean scores of sexual knowledge and attitude among the participants were 57.42 and 69.02, respectively. There was a significant association between the mean scores of sexual knowledge and sexual attitude (P
    Results showed that the participants had relatively appropriate knowledge and attitude toward sexual relationship.
    Keywords: Attitude, Iran, knowledge, pre-marriage counseling}
  • Marjan Beigi, Nafisehsadat Nekuei
    Religious orders are one of the educational needs of the postpartum period. This study was conducted to determine the educational needs of postpartum religious orders.
    Materials And Methods
    This cross‑sectional study was conducted among 421 postpartum women and 15 specialists. Quota random sampling was conducted from January to March 2014 in Isfahan, Iran. Data analysis was performed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences software and statistical methods.
    From the perspective of women and specialists, the results showed that the educational needs of women in postpartum religious orders is high.
    Considering the high educational need in the field of postpartum religious orders, it is necessary to integrate education in prenatal and postnatal health education programs.
    Keywords: Education, Iran, postpartum period, women's health}
  • Razieh Pourkazemi, Marjan Beigi, Shahnaz Kohan
    Despite the effects of midwives on the health of family and community through promotion of maternal and child health indicators, they are not in the position of professional decision making. Therefore, this study was aimed to determine the barriers to achieve professional management positions by midwives.
    Materials And Methods
    This study was a descriptive and cross‑sectional study. The members of board commission of midwifery and reproductive health, the academic members of midwifery department and midwives working at the adjutancy of health and treatment were selected from eight Iranian universities of medical sciences. Data was collected through demographic characteristics questionnaire, a researcher‑made questionnaire about administrative barriers, and management skills. Validity and reliability of this tool was confirmed through content validity and Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, and the results were analyzed using inferential statistics (analysis of variance and Kruskal–Wallis test).
    The results of this study showed that the barriers for midwives to achieve professional management positions in order of preference were organizational barriers (71.4%), cultural barriers (42.4%), and individual
    barriers (30.8%).
    Based on the findings of this research, organizational barriers are the most important obstacle to achieve professional management positions. Therefore, the role of the authorities is emphasized to eliminate organizational barriers and provide more resources to reduce this problem.
    Keywords: Barriers, Iran, managers, professional management, midwives, women}
  • Atefeh Salehi, Fariba Fahami, Marjan Beigi
    Childbirth is accompanied with enormous physical and emotional changes in mothers. Anxiety is the most common problem among these patients. This study was aimed to determine the effect of the presence of trained husbands beside their wives during childbirth on their anxiety.
    Materials And Methods
    In a randomized control trial, 84 primiparous women were enrolled in childbirth educational classes. Anxiety score was compared among three groups; without accompaniment (control), with accompaniment (doula), and with trained husband’s support before hospitalization at the time of admission and during the 4th stage of delivery. Data was analyzed using one‑way analysis of variance and least significant difference tests.
    The level of anxiety before hospitalization was not significantly different among the three groups (38.6, 39.2, and 38.4, respectively, in without accompaniment, with accompaniment (doula), and with trained husband’s support groups). This level was significantly different among groups during hospitalization (36, 42.1, and 59.1, respectively, as per previous groups’ order). The level of anxiety in the intervention group at 4th stage of delivery was significantly lower than other groups (31.4 versus 43.3 and 69.2, respectively with P
    According to the results of this study presence of trained husbands beside their wives during delivery decreased mother’s anxiety. It is recommended to use this intervention during childbirth.
    Keywords: Anxiety, delivery, emotional support, Iran, primiparous women}
  • Mahboubeh Valiani, Jamileh Majidi, Marjan Beigi
    Committing an error is part of the human nature. No health care provider, despite the mastery of their skills, is immune from committing it. Medical error in the labor and obstetrics wards as well as other health units is inevitable and reduces the quality of health care, leading to accident. Sometimes these events, like the death of mother, fetus, and newborn, would be beyond repair. The purpose of this study was to investigate the perspective of gynecological ward providers about medical errors.
    Materials And Methods
    This was a descriptive–analytical study. Sample size was 94 participants selected using census sampling. The study population included all midwives of four hospitals (Al‑Zahra, Beheshti, Isa Ben Maryam, and Amin). Data were collected by a self‑administered questionnaire and analyzed using SPSS software.
    This study shows that three factors (human, structural, and managerial) have affected medical errors in the labor and obstetrics wards. From the midwifery perspective, human factors were the most important factors with an average score of 73.26% and the lowest score was related to structural factors with an average score of 65.36%. Intervention strategies to reduce errors, service training program tailored to the needs of the service provider, distribution of the tasks at different levels, and attempts to reform the system instead of punishing the wrongdoer were set in priority list.
    Based on the results of this study on the perspectives of participants, among the three factors of medical errors (human factors, structural factors, and management factors), human factors are the biggest threat in committing medical errors. Modification in the pattern of teaching by the midwifery professors and their presence in the hospitals, creating a no‑blame culture, and sharing of alerts in medical errors are among appropriate actions in the dimensions of human, structural, and managerial factors.
    Keywords: Health services, Iran, medical errors, midwives}
  • Marjan Beigi, Leila Asadi, Mahbube Valiani, Fardin Mardani
    Medical malpractices in obstetrics are one of the main health concerns since in addition to the mortalities and morbidities caused for the two susceptible groups of mothers and neonates, they may lead to difficulties for the accused gynecologists and midwives in returning to their routine medical career and giving services to the patients. Hence, this study was conducted to evaluate different types of malpractices in midwifery that were referred to the legal medical commission and medical council in Isfahan province.
    Materials And Methods
    In this cross‑sectional descriptive study, we evaluated the data from all midwifery cases referred to the forensic medicine commission and medical council in Isfahan province between 2006 and 2011, with at least one lawsuit confirmed by the jury.
    The results showed that in a total of 206 investigated cases at the medical council and forensic medicine commission in Isfahan, 66 cases of medical error sentences including 38 cases in medical council and 28 cases in forensic medicine commission were proved, which revealed 32% of malpractice in midwifery services in 2006–2011 in Isfahan. Negligence (39.2%), imprudence (23.5%), and disobedience of governmental regulations (19.6%) stood among the most commonly reported malpractices. Our findings also suggest that the most common malpractices happened in the postpartum period with a frequency of 44.7%; in addition, governmental hospitals were shown to have the most frequent malpractices with a frequency of 50%.
    Our results reveal that malpractices in midwifery services during and after delivery are so common, leading to irreversible complications to the mothers’ and neonates’ health in the society. On the other hand, considering the fact that most of these malpractices are preventable, related education, pertinent plans, and proper supervision sys.
    Keywords: Complaint, malpractices, medical council, midwifery, tems to prevent repetition of these malpractices are highly recommended 1Department of}
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