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برای پرداخت حق اشتراک اگر عضو هستید وارد شوید در غیر این صورت حساب کاربری جدید ایجاد کنید


فهرست مطالب maryam rezae

  • مریم رضایی*

    براساس تحقیقات و تلاش دانشمندان آمار و حتی حوزه های خارج از آمار، روش های متفاوتی جهت انجام تحقیقات آماری، تحلیل یافته ها و توصیف نتایج مرتبط ایجاد شده است. روش های مختلف آزمونهای آماری رویکردهایی متفاوت و مبتنی بر علم آمار هستند که برای انجام روش های پژوهش علمی در علوم مختلف کاربرد فراوانی دارند. معمولا براساس نظریه و شیوه کار تحقیق، آن ها را به دو دسته «تحقیق کیفی» و «تحقیق کمی» تقسیم می کنند. معمولا در تحقیقات کیفی براساس یک یا چند مشاهده سعی در توصیف و تشخیص رابطه علت و معلولی هستیم و خصوصیت در نظر گرفته شده را به جامعه نسبت می دهیم. این کار معمولا به وسیله نمونه گیری و استفاده از استنباط آماری و روش استقرایی انجام می شود و نتیجه این تحقیقات منجر به فرضیه یا نظریه ای خاص می شود. در حالیکه در روش های کمی ابتدا قصد اثبات یا در نظریه ای را داریم و به کمک نمونه گیری از جامعه آماری این نظریه را رد یا تایید می کنیم. این کار به کمک استنباط قیاسی صورت می گیرد. بمنظور درک بهتر مساله و ایجاد یک شمای تحلیلی، در این مقاله بررسی در زمینه روش های تحقیق آماری بنیادین و مقایسه خصوصیات آنها بیان شده است.

    کلید واژگان: توزیع آماری, روشهای تحقیق آماری, ارزیابی, تابع احتمال, تحقیق کیفی, تحقیق کمی}
    Maryam Rezae *

    Based on the research and efforts of statistical scientists and even non-statistical fields, different methods have been developed to conduct statistical research, analyze findings and describe related results. Different methods of statistical tests are different approaches based on statistics that are widely used to conduct scientific research methods in different sciences. Usually, based on the theory and method of research, they are divided into two categories: "qualitative research" and "quantitative research". Usually in qualitative research, based on one or more observations, we try to describe and diagnose the cause-and-effect relationship and attribute the considered characteristic to the society. This is usually done by sampling and using statistical inference and inductive method, and the result of this research leads to a specific hypothesis or theory. Whereas in quantitative methods, we first intend to prove or disprove a theory, and by sampling from the statistical population, we reject or confirm this theory. This is done with the help of deductive inference. In order to better understand the problem and create an analytical schema, in this article, a review of basic statistical research methods and a comparison of their characteristics is presented.

    Keywords: statistical distribution, Statistical research methods, Evaluation, Probability function, Qualitative Research, quantitative research}
  • Eshagh Lasemi, Mohammad Hossain Kalantar Motamedi *, Fina Navi, Maryam Rezae, Niousha Homay Nikfar, Zahra Danial, Roojan Azizpour
    Due to the importance of disinfectant and sterilization of dental instruments, in total, 14%–28% of dentists, 13% of assistants, and 17% of healthcare workers (HCWs) have been subjected to the hepatitis B virus (HBV), and more than 200 healthcare providers (HCPs) pass away annually in the United States from HBV infection catched from their work place.
    This study examined the effects of glutaraldehyde 2% on Bacillus subtilis spores in the Surgery and Microbiology Department of the Dental Branch of Islamic Azad University.
    This experimental research evaluated a total of 58 samples, one called first evidence (pure glutaraldehyde not exposed to spore suspension), one called second evidence (spore suspension not exposed to glutaraldehyde), and 40 samples including a suspension with a normal turbidity of 1×108 CFU/mL according to 0.5 McFarland with exposure to glutaraldehyde 2%. Experiments were done in time intervals of 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, and 60 minutes with 8 repeats. In all times, a B. subtilis spore suspension was used as evidence and also as a case.
    This research was done on 58 samples. The results showed that in the 10th minute there were 102 colonies, 18.6 ± 3.4 in the 15th minute, 6.2 ± 1.4 in the 20th minute, 2.1 ± 0.8 in the 25th minute, and no colonies after 30 minutes. In an overall observation, it was seen that there were more colonies in the first 10 minutes, and from 15 to 20 minutes, this amount significantly decreased; after 30 minutes in each 8 repeats, the growth of colonies had stopped completely, while in the evidence samples, B. subtilis spores grew.
    It seems that the density of 2% glutaraldehyde in 30 minutes time was enough to destroy the spores of B. subtilis.
    Keywords: Glutaraldehyde, Bacillus subtilis Spores, Disinfection}
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