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تنها با پرداخت 70 هزارتومان حق اشتراک سالانه به متن مقالات دسترسی داشته باشید و 100 مقاله را بدون هزینه دیگری دریافت کنید.

برای پرداخت حق اشتراک اگر عضو هستید وارد شوید در غیر این صورت حساب کاربری جدید ایجاد کنید


فهرست مطالب masoud mirmoezzi

  • زهرا زکائی، زهره اسکندری*، مسعود میرمعزی، ماندانا سنگاری

    هدف از تحقیق حاضر، بررسی فعالیت بدنی و وضعیت تغذیه در کودکان دارای بلوغ زودرس و کودکان با بلوغ طبیعی بود.

    روش شناسی: 

    پژوهش حاضر از نوع توصیفی- همبستگی بوده و جامعه پژوهش حاضرکودکان 7 تا 11 سال ساکن در شهر قزوین بودند که از بین آنها تعداد 100 نفر(70نفر دختر و30 نفر پسر) به روش غیر احتمالی در دسترس به عنوان شرکت کنندگان پژوهش انتخاب شدند. به منظور گردآوری داده ها از پرسشنامه های یادآمد غذایی 24 ساعته خوراک، رفتار تغذیه ای و پرسشنامه فعالیت بدنی IPAQ استفاده شد.

    یافته ها

    یافته های پژوهش نشان داد، میزان فعالیت بدنی و خواب کودکان با بلوغ طبیعی از کودکان دارای بلوغ زودرس بیشتر بود (001/0=p). وضعیت تغذیه شامل مصرف میوه (0/006=p)، سبزیجات (0/009=p)، شیر (0/001=p) در کودکان با بلوغ طبیعی بیشتر از کودکان با بلوغ زودرس بود، در حالی که مصرف فست فود (0/037=p) و تنقلات (0/009=p) بالعکس بود. مصرف گوشت (0/124=p) و نان و غلات (0/564=p) دردو گروه تفاوت معناداری نداشت. وزن (0/005=p) و قد کودکان (0/022=p) دارای بلوغ زودرس از کودکان با بلوغ طبیعی بیشتر و بلندتر بود. استفاده از وسایل الکترونیکی در بین کودکان با بلوغ طبیعی وکودکان دارای بلوغ زودرس تفاوت معناداری نداشت (0/189=p).

    نتیجه گیری

    وضعیت فعالیت بدنی، تغذیه (مصرف میوه، سبزیجات و شیر) و خواب در کودکان با بلوغ طبیعی بهتر از کودکان با بلوغ زودرس بود. کودکان با بلوغ طبیعی زندگی سالم تری داشتند.

    کلید واژگان: بلوغ زودرس, فعالیت بدنی, وضعیت تغذیه, کودکان}
    Zahra Zokaei, Zohreh Eskandari *, Masoud Mirmoezzi, Mandana Sangari

    The aim of this study was to investigate physical activity and nutritional status in children with precocious puberty.


    The current research was of a descriptive-correlation type. The present research population was children aged 7 to 11 years living in Qazvin city, from which 100 people (70 girls and 30 boys) were selected as research participants in a non-probabilistic way. In order to collect data, 24-hour food recall questionnaires, nutritional behavior and IPAQ physical activity questionnaires were used.


    The findings of the research showed that the amount of physical activity and sleep of children with normal puberty was higher than children with premature puberty (p=0.001). The nutritional status including the consumption of fruit (p=0.006), vegetables (p=0.009), milk (p=0.001) in children with normal puberty was more than children with precocious puberty, while the consumption of fast food (p=0.037) and snacks (p=0.009) was the opposite. The consumption of meat (p=0.124) and bread and cereals (p=0.564) was not significantly different in the two groups. Weight (p=0.005) and height (p=0.022) of children with precocious puberty were more and taller than children with normal puberty. There was no significant difference in the use of electronic devices between children with normal puberty and children with premature puberty (p=0.189).


    The status of physical activity, nutrition (consumption of fruits, vegetables and milk) and sleep in children with normal puberty was better than children with precocious puberty. Children with normal puberty had healthier lives.

    Keywords: precocious puberty, Physical activity, Nutritional status, Children}
  • Mahdi Ashouri, Morteza Taheri *, Khadijeh Irandoust, Masoud Mirmoezzi
    The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in global home confinement and quarantine, leading to the vaccination of societies worldwide. However, some elite athletes have negative views toward vaccination.
    This study aimed to compare the lifestyle of vaccinated versus unvaccinated international elite athletes during the COVID-19 pandemic.
    Materials and Methods
    From March to October 2021, an online survey was conducted, including socio-individual information of athletes, the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), the Rapid Eating Assessment for Participants (REAP-S), and the Petersburg Sleep Quality Questionnaire (PSQI). A total of 581 elite athletes from 4 continents (Europe, Asia, Africa, and America) and different countries, aged 18-35 years, were voluntarily recruited. Data analysis was performed using U-Mann-Whitney and Wilcoxon signed-rank tests, with the level of significance set at alpha P<0.05.
    The results indicated that there was a significant difference between the level of physical activity and eating behavior of vaccinated versus unvaccinated elite athletes (P<0.001). However, no significant difference was found between the quality of sleep among vaccinated and unvaccinated elite athletes (P=0.270).
    It was shown that, despite the unvaccinated status of some elite athletes (49.9%), their physical activity levels were higher than those of vaccinated elite athletes during the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, the eating behavior of vaccinated elite athletes was better than that of unvaccinated elite athletes during the COVID-19 pandemic, but there was no significant difference in the quality of sleep between the groups.
    Keywords: Covid-19, dietary behaviors, elite athletes, sleep quality, Vaccination, Physical Activity}
  • Fateme Yagmaee, Morteza Taheri *, Kahdijeh Irandoust, Masoud Mirmoezzi

     The COVID-19 pandemic has put immense pressure on global health systems, especially developing countries with weaker health systems.


     In the present study, we were looking to see if lifestyle behaviors could predict the severity and recovery duration of COVID-19.


     A total of 1 192 participants between the ages of 18 and 70 years participated voluntarily in a web-based survey. Food pattern and physical activity levels were respectively evaluated using the Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) and the Rapid Assessment of Physical Activity (RAPA). The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) was also used to evaluate sleep disorders. Analysis of variance, chi-square test, and multinomial logistic regression were used to analyze the data. The significance level was P ≤ 0.05.


     The findings suggested that patients with lower levels of physical activity, sleep disorders, and unhealthier dietary patterns were affected by more severe COVID-19 and longer recovery time (P ≤ 0.05). We found that physical activity and sleep quality predicted the severity of COVID-19, and physical activity and dietary patterns predicted the recovery time from COVID-19 (P ≤ 0.05).


     In conclusion, lifestyle behaviors, such as unhealthy diets, inactivity, and sleep quality disturbance, affect the severity and duration of COVID-19.

    Keywords: Eating Disorder, Sleep Disorder, COVID-19 Pandemic, Exercise, Lifestyle}
  • Fateme Yagmaee, Morteza Taheri *, Kahdijeh Irandoust, Masoud Mirmoezzi

     The COVID-19 pandemic has put immense pressure on global health systems, especially developing countries with weaker health systems.


     In the present study, we were looking to see if lifestyle behaviors could predict the severity and recovery duration of COVID-19.


     A total of 1 192 participants between the ages of 18 and 70 years participated voluntarily in a web-based survey. Food pattern and physical activity levels were respectively evaluated using the Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) and the Rapid Assessment of Physical Activity (RAPA). The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) was also used to evaluate sleep disorders. Analysis of variance, chi-square test, and multinomial logistic regression were used to analyze the data. The significance level was P ≤ 0.05.


     The findings suggested that patients with lower levels of physical activity, sleep disorders, and unhealthier dietary patterns were affected by more severe COVID-19 and longer recovery time (P ≤ 0.05). We found that physical activity and sleep quality predicted the severity of COVID-19, and physical activity and dietary patterns predicted the recovery time from COVID-19 (P ≤ 0.05).


     In conclusion, lifestyle behaviors, such as unhealthy diets, inactivity, and sleep quality disturbance, affect the severity and duration of COVID-19.

    Keywords: Eating Disorder, Sleep Disorder, COVID-19 Pandemic, Exercise, Lifestyle}
  • Arash Khaledi, Behrooz Imeri, Mehdi Gheitasi *, Masoud Mirmoezzi

     Despite the many therapeutic benefits of swimming, there is still conflicting evidence about its benefits for bone health and osteoporosis prevention, especially in elite swimmers according to their sex. It is known that sex differences can affect the acquisition of minerals by the bone.


     The aims of this study were to compare the bone mineral density (BMD) of swimmers with that of non-athletes (NA) and compare the corresponding values in male (MS) and female swimmers (FS).


     This cross-sectional study was performed on young athletes (18 - 24 years old) of the Iranian national swimming team, who were training for at least 11 hours per week and NA. To this end, 56 swimmers (14 males, 14 females) and NA (14 males, 14 females) were enrolled in 4 groups. The DEXA device was used to assess BMD (g/cm2) and T-scores of the proximal femur and lumbar spine.


     All the swimmers had significantly higher BMD of the femur neck, trochanter, Ward’s triangle, and lumbar spine than NA (males/females) (P < .05). Also, the BMD of FS (except in trochanter and Ward’s triangle) was significantly higher than MS (P < .05). Finally, T-scores of FS in lumbar spine and femur neck areas were significantly higher than MS and NA (P < .05).


     Unexpectedly, BMD relatively improved by performing competitive swimming. Meanwhile, FS, especially in the femur neck, seemed more adaptable to swimming-related loads and BMD acquisition in comparison to MS. Further studies are needed to determine the definitive response to bone acquisition by sex, given the limitations of the present study.

    Keywords: Swimming, Exercise, Bone Mineral Density, Osteoporosis, Sex}
  • مسعود مرادی، زهره اسکندری، مسعود میرمعزی*، مریم لشگری
    مقدمه و اهداف کاهش حجم و قدرت عضلانی به دلیل روند پیری، می تواند به اختلال در سیستم عصبی عضلانی، افتادن و کاهش عملکرد در فعالیت های روزانه و استقلال در افراد سالمند منجر شود. هدف از تحقیق حاضر، بررسی اثر 8 هفته تمرینات عملکردی معلق تی آر ایکس بر قدرت اندام تحتانی، تحرک پذیری و تعادل عملکردی و ترس از سقوط مردان سالمند است.مواد و روش ها مطالعه حاضر از نوع نیمه تجربی بود. 30 سالمند با میانگین سنی 4/3±67/9 سال به طور داوطلبانه در این مطالعه شرکت کردند و به صورت تصادفی در 2 گروه تمرینات تی آر ایکس (16=n) و گروه کنترل (14=n) قرار گرفتند. در پیش آزمون، قدرت اندام تحتانی با آزمون 30 ثانیه نشست و برخاست روی صندلی، تعادل عملکردی با آزمون تعادلی برگ، میزان تحرک پذیری عملکردی با آزمون برخاستن و راه رفتن زمان دار و میزان ترس از سقوط افراد با استفاده از پرسش نامه مقیاس بین المللی کارآمدی ترس از سقوط اندازه گیری شد. گروه تمرین 8 هفته تمرینات عملکردی تی آر ایکس را 3 جلسه در هفته، به مدت 1 ساعت اجرا کردند. در طی این مدت از گروه کنترل خواسته شد که فعالیت های روزانه خود را ادامه دهند. پس از اجرای تمرینات از 2 گروه پس آزمون به عمل آمد. برای مقایسه گروه ها از آزمون های کوواریانس و تعقیبی بونفرونی به کمک نرم افزار SPSS نسخه 19 و سطح معنی داری 0/05=P استفاده شد.یافته ها نتایج مطالعه نشان داد تمرینات عملکردی تی آر ایکس، قدرت اندام تحتانی، تعادل و تحرک پذیری عملکردی را به طور معنی داری در سالمندان بهبود می بخشد (100>P). تمرینات عملکردی تی آر ایکس بر میزان ترس از سقوط سالمندان تاثیر معنی داری نداشت (0/05<P).نتیجه گیری با توجه به تاثیر مثبت تمرینات عملکردی تی آر ایکس بر مولفه های قدرت اندام تحتانی، تحرک پذیری و تعادل عملکردی به نظر می رسد استفاده از این شیوه تمرینی معلق در بهبود عملکرد فرد و کاهش برخی مشکلات دوران سالمندی موثر است.
    کلید واژگان: تی آر ایکس, تعادل, تحرک پذیری, ترس از سقوط, سالمند}
    Masoud Moradi, Zohreh Eskandari, Masoud Mirmoezzi *, Maryam Lashgari
    Background and Aims Decreased muscle strength due to aging can lead to neuromuscular disorders, increased risk of falling, decreased function in daily activities, and reduced independence in the elderly. The present study aims to investigate the effect of eight weeks of TRX suspension training on lower limb muscle strength, balance, mobility, and fear of falling in older men.Methods This is a quasi-experimental. Participants were 30 elderly men with a mean age of 67.9±4.3 years who were assigned into two groups of TRX (n=16) and control (n=14). In the pre-test phase, lower limb strength was measured by the 30-second chair stand test, functional balance by the Berg balance scale, functional mobility by the timed up & go test, and fear of falling by the falls efficacy scale -international. Then, the TRX group performed the functional training for eight weeks, three sessions per week, each for about one hour. After performing the exercises, post-test assessments were performed in two groups. To compare the groups, the analysis of covariance and Bonferroni post hoc test were used in SPSS software, version 19. The significance level was set at 0.05.Results The TRX functional training significantly improved lower limb strength, balance, and functional mobility of the elderly (P≤0.001); however, it had no significant effect on their fear of falling (P>0.05).Conclusion Given the positive effects of TRX functional training on lower limb strength, functional balance, and mobility of elderly men, it seems that this suspension training can be used to improve lower limb muscle strength, functional balance, and mobility of older men.
    Keywords: TRX, Balance, Mobility, Fear of Falling, Elderly}
  • الناز مقدم، زهره اسکندری، محمدرضا شیری شاهسوار، مسعود میرمعزی*

    افزایش وزن و چاقی یکی از مسایل عمده ی تندرستی و از جدی ترین مشکلات سلامت عمومی محسوب می شود. هدف از تحقیق حاضر بررسی تاثیر 10 هفته تمرینات تناوبی شدید و مینی ترامپولین با محدودیت کالری بر ترکیب بدن و ظرفیت هوازی زنان دارای اضافه وزن و چاق بود.

    مواد و روش ها

     48 زن دارای اضافه وزن و چاق (سن 11/4±71/32 سال و وزن 86/4±19/75 کیلوگرم) بر اساس معیارهای تعیین شده و داوطلبانه در مطالعه حاضر شرکت کردند. آزمودنی ها به ‏صورت تصادفی به چهار گروه مساوی (12 نفر): گروه تجربی 1: تمرین مینی ترامپولین با محدودیت کالری، گروه تجربی 2: تمرینات تناوبی شدید با محدودیت کالری، گروه تجربی 3: محدودیت کالری و گروه کنترل: بدون محدودیت کالری تقسیم شدند. نمایه توده بدنی، نسبت دور کمر به باسن، نسبت دور کمر به قد ایستاده، جرم عضله اسکلتی و درصد چربی به کمک دستگاه تحلیل ترکیب بدنی بوکا مدل X1 اندازه گیری شد و ظرفیت هوازی به کمک آزمون کوپر ارزیابی شد. محدودیت کالری (کسر 500 کالری از انرژی دریافتی روزانه افراد) به مدت 10 هفته انجام شد. تمرینات تناوبی شدید و مینی ترامپولین سه جلسه در هفته و هر جلسه، تمرین یک ساعته با شدت بالا انجام شد. از گروه کنترل خواسته شد که فعالیت های روزانه خود را ادامه دهند و رژیم معمول خود را حفظ کنند.

    یافته ها

     یک دوره 10 هفته ای تمرین مینی ترامپولین با محدودیت کالری منجر به بهبود نمایه توده بدنی (001/0=P)، دور کمر به قد یستاده (004/0=P)، توده و درصد چربی (001/0>P) شد. اما تمرین تناوبی شدید تاثیری بر ترکیب بدن نداشت (05/0<P). رژیم با محدودیت کالری بر نمایه توده بدنی (001/0=P)، دور کمر به قد یستاده (009/0=P)، توده چربی (044/0=P) زنان دارای اضافه وزن و چاق تاثیر مثبت داشت. تمرین تناوبی شدید با محدودیت کالری (001/0>P) و تمرین مینی ترامپولین با محدودیت کالری (001/0>P) منجر به بهبود ظرفیت هوازی شد و در این میان تمرین تناوبی شدید تاثیر بیشتری بر ظرفیت هوازی داشت (001/0>P).

    نتیجه گیری

     نتایج نشان داد که تمرین مینی ترامپولین به تنهایی و با محدودیت کالری منجر به بهبود ترکیب بدن زنان دارای اضافه وزن و چاق می شود. هم چنین تاثیر تمرینات تناوبی شدید بر افزایش ظرفیت هوازی بیش تر است.

    کلید واژگان: تمرین, محدودیت کالری, تمرین تناوبی شدید, اضافه وزن, چاقی}
    Elnaz Moghadam, Zohreh Eskandari, Mohammad Reza Shiri Shahsavar, Masoud Mirmoezzi*

    Weight gain and obesity are one of the most important health issues and one of the most severe public health problems. This study aimed to determine the effect of 10 weeks of High-Intensity Interval training (HIIT) and Mini-Trampoline training (MTT) with calorie restriction (CR) on body composition and aerobic capacity in overweight and obese women.

    Materials and Methods

    Forty-eight overweight and obese women with a mean (age: 32.71±4.11 yrs, weight: 75.19±4.86 kg) participated in the present study based on the inclusion criteria and voluntarily. Subjects were randomly divided into four equal groups (12 subjects): Experimental group 1: MTT with CT, Experimental group 2: HIIT with CR, Experimental group 3: CR, and Control group: No restriction calories were divided. Body mass index (BMI), waist-to-hip ratio (WHR), waist-to-height ratio (WHTR), skeletal muscle mass (SMM), and body fat percent (PBF) were analyzed using the Boca Model X1 body composition analyzer, and for aerobic capacity, the Cooper test was used. CR (deduction of 500 calories from the daily energy intake of individuals) was for 10 weeks. HIIT and MTT have performed three sessions per week and each session was one hour of high-intensity exercise. The control group was asked to continue their daily activities and maintain a normal diet.


    A 10-week period of MTT with CR improved BMI (P=0.001), WHR (P=0.004), BF and PBF (P<0.001), but HIIT had no effect on body composition (P<0.05). CR diet had a positive effect on BMI (P=0.001), WHR (P=0.009), BF (P=0.044). HIIT with CR (P<0.001) and MTT with CR (P<0.001) improved aerobic capacity and among these, HIIT had a greater effect on aerobic capacity (P<0.001).


    The results showed that MTT with CR improves the body composition in overweight and obese women. Also, the effect of HIIT on increasing aerobic capacity was greater.

    Keywords: Exercise, Caloric Restriction, High-Intensity Interval Training, Overweight, Obesity}
  • زهرا گودرزوندچگینی، زهره اسکندری*، مسعود میرمعزی، مصطفی سلطانی

    هدف پژوهش حاضر تاثیر هشت هفته ورزش در آب و مصرف دمنوش گیاهی بر ترکیب بدنی و کیفیت زندگی زنان دارای اضافه وزن و چاق می باشد.

    مواد و روش ها

    در این مطالعه تجربی، 48 نفر زن بزرگسال چاق و دارای اضافه وزن با میانگین شاخص توده بدنی 16/31 انتخاب و به صورت تصادفی ساده در 4 گروه؛ دمنوش گیاهی (13 نفر)، ورزش در آب (12 نفر)، دمنوش گیاهی و ورزش در آب (12 نفر) و کنترل (11 نفر)؛ قرار گرفتند.  مصرف دمنوش گیاهی به مدت هشت هفته، دو بار در روز بعد از مصرف ناهار و شام بود. تمرینات ورزش در آب به مدت هشت هفته، سه جلسه در هفته و هر جلسه 60 دقیقه انجام شد. ترکیب بدنی با دستگاه بادی کامپوزیشن و کیفیت زندگی از طریق پرسشنامه قبل و پایان مطالعه اندازه گیری شد. برای تحلیل داده ها از آزمون آنکووا و آزمون تعقیبی بونفرونی استفاده شد.

    یافته ها

    طبق نتایج، در گروه ورزش در آب و گروه ورزش در آب به همراه مصرف دمنوش پس از هشت هفته، وزن و BMI زنان دارای اضافه وزن و چاق کاهش یافت (05/0>P). دور سینه، دور شکم، درصد چربی بدن و چربی احشایی در گروه ورزش در آب به همراه مصرف دمنوش کاهش داشت (05/0>P). همچنین کیفیت زندگی (سلامت جسمانی و نمره کل) در هر دو گروه ورزش بهبود داشت (01/0>P).

    نتیجه گیری

    نتایج بیانگر تاثیر مفید ورزش در آب بر ترکیب بدنی و کیفیت زندگی زنان دارای اضافه وزن و چاق می باشد. در حالیکه مصرف دمنوش گیاهی تنها تاثیر نداشت.

    کلید واژگان: ورزش در آب, دمنوش گیاهی (چای اولانگ, قهوه سبز, زنجبیل و لیمو), ترکیب بدنی, چاق و اضافه وزن}
    Zahra Goodarzvand Chegini, Zohreh Eskandari*, Masoud Mirmoezzi, Mostafa Soltani

    The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of eight weeks of waterexercise and the consumption of herbal tea on body composition and quality of life in overweight and obese women.

    Materials and Methods

    In this experimental study, 48 obese and overweight adult women with an average body mass index of 31.16 were selected and randomly divided into 4 groups: herbal tea (n=13), water exercise (n=12), herbal tea, and exercise in water (n=12) and control (n=11). Herbal tea was consumed twice a day after lunch and dinner for eight weeks. Water exercises were performed for eight weeks, three sessions a week, and each session lasted 60 min. Body composition was measured using a body composition instrument, and quality of life was measured through a questionnaire before and after the study. ANOVA and Bonferroni post hoc tests were used for data analysis.


    The results showed that the weight and BMI of overweight and obese women decreased in the   water exercise group and the group of water exercise group with tea consumption after eight weeks (P<0.05). Chest circumference, abdominal circumference, percentage of body fat, and visceral fat decreased in the water exercise group along with the consumption of tea (P<0.05). In addition, the quality of life (physical health and total score) improved in both exercise groups (P<0.01).


    The results show the beneficial effect of water exercise on the body composition and quality of life of overweight and obese women. The consumption of herbal tea only had no effect.

    Keywords: Exercise in water, herbal tea (Oolong tea, green coffee, ginger, lemon), body composition, obese, overweight}
  • زهرا یارمحمدی، مرتضی طاهری*، خدیجه ایران دوست، مسعود میرمعزی، فاطمه میراخوری
    زمینه و هدف

    بیماری کووید-19 با شیوع گسترده در سال 2019 در سراسر دنیا و به عنوان بزرگ ترین تهدید کننده سلامتی طبق تعریف سازمان جهانی بهداشت به ویژه برای کودکان معرفی شده است. از طرف دیگر اختلالات تغذیه و دو این پاندمی از پیامدهای این بیماری نوظهور است. هدف از این تحقیق، بررسی اختلالات تغذیه و خواب کودکان فعال و غیرفعال در طول پاندمی کووید-19بود.

    روش کار

     از نمونه گیری خوشه ای چندمرحله ای تصادفی در چهار منطقه جغرافیایی ایران (شمال، جنوب، غرب و شرق) در این پژوهش استفاده شد. سال انجام این مطالعه 1400 بوده که پرسشنامه ها از شهرهای در این مطالعه حجم نمونه 194 نفری بر اساس نرم افزار G-Power 3.1 با اطمینان 95 درصد و توان آماری 80 درصد، تعیین شد (ارزیابی از طریق شبکه های مجازی و پرسشنامه تحت وب). از پرسشنامه نگرش نسبت به تغذیه EAT-26، پرسشنامه عادات خواب کودک CSHQ و پرسشنامه بین المللی سطح فعالیت بدنی IPAQ استفاده شد. جهت مقایسه دو گروه کودکان فعال و غیرفعال از آزمون یومن ویتنی و تی استیودنت استفاده شد. سطح خطا پنج درصد در نظر گرفته شد.

    یافته ها

    نتایج آزمون تی استیودنت نشان داد که در طول پاندمی کووید-19، گروه کودکان فعال ازنظر سطح فعالیت بدنی (مصرف انرژی) وضعیت بهتری در مقایسه با کودکان غیرفعال داشتند (0/001≥p). همین طور، نتایج آزمون یومن- ویتنی نشان داده شد دختران در مقایسه با پسران از اختلالات تغذیه ای بیشتری برخوردار بودند (0/05≥p)، اما اختلاف معنی داری بین اختلال در خواب بین پسران و دختران در آزمون تی استودنت مشاهده نشد و همین طور نتایج آزمون یومن- ویتنی نشان از اختلالات معنی دار تغذیه ای بین کودکان فعال و غیرفعال نداشت.

    نتیجه گیری

     به طور خلاصه می توان بیان داشت که در دوران پاندمی کووید-19، تفاوتی در اختلالات تغذیه ای و خواب کودکان فعال و غیرفعال مشاهده نشد، درحالی که جنسیت با اختلالات تغذیه ای کودکان در پاندمی کووید-19رابطه داشت و در دختران بیشتر از پسران بود. پیشنهاد می شود که والدین در قرنطینه خانگی به فعالیت بدنی و اختلالات تغذیه ای کودکان دختر نگاه ویژه تری داشته باشند.

    کلید واژگان: اختلال تغذیه, اختلال خواب, پاندمی کووید-19, کودکان}
    Zahra Yarmohammadi, Morteza Taheri*, Khadijeh Irandoust, Masoud Mirmoezzi, Fatemeh Mirakhori
    Background & objectives

    Covid-19 disease with widespread prevalence in 2019 worldwide has been identified as the biggest health threat, according to the definition of the World Health Organization (WHO), especially for children. In addition, sleep disorders are one of the consequences of this emerging disease; the aim of this study was to investigate the nutrition and sleep disorders of active and inactive children during the corona pandemic.


    Random multistage cluster sampling was used in four geographical regions of Iran (north, south, west and east) in this research. This study was conducted in 2021 which the questionnaires were gathered from the cities and the sample size (194 people) was determined based on G-Power 3.1 software with 95% confidence and 80% statistical power (evaluation through virtual networks and web questionnaire). The Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26) Questionnaire, the Children's Sleep Habits Questionnaire (CSHQ), and the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) were used. Mann-Whitney U and T-Student tests were used to compare the two groups of active and inactive children. The significance level was considered at p≤0.05.


    The results showed that in the Covid-19 pandemic, the group of active children had a better level of physical activity (energy consumption) and status compared to the inactive children (p≤0.001). Also, it was shown that girls had more nutrition disorders than boys (p≤0.05), but there was no significant difference between sleep disorders between boys and girls, and there was no significant difference between nutrition disorders in active and inactive children.


    In summary, during the Covid-19 pandemic, there was no difference in eating and sleeping disorders in active and inactive children, while gender is associated with nutrition disorders in children during Corona disease and was higher in girls than boys. It is suggested that parents pay more attention to physical activity and nutrition disorders in girls during home quarantine

    Keywords: Nutrition Disorder, Sleep Disorder, Covid-19 Pandemic, Children}
  • Fatemeh Shokri, Morteza Taheri *, Khadijah Irandoust, Masoud Mirmoezzi

    Suspension of sports activities during the covid-19 pandemic led to unhealthy lifestyles such as harmful eating habits, low physical activity levels, and mood changes.


    We examined the effects of the covid-19 pandemic on the mood states, physical activity levels, and eating habits of athletes and non-athletes during the pandemic in Iran.


    A total of 257 elite athletes (n = 82) and non-athletes (n = 175) (29.95 ± 9.1 years) voluntarily participated in a web-based survey. Eating disorder symptoms and physical activity levels were evaluated using the Eating Attitudes Test-26 (EAT-26) and the International Physical Activity Questionnaire-Short Form (IPAQ-SF). Brunel Mood Scale (BRUMS) was used to evaluate the mood status of the participants. The Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare differences between groups. The significance was set at P ≤ 0.05.


    It was demonstrated that the physical activity levels of athletes were superior to that of the non-athlete controls (P = 0.001), but non-athletes revealed healthier dietary habits than elite athletes (P = 0.049). It was also observed that the mood status of elite athletes was not significantly different from non-athletes (P = 0.71).


    As shown in the results section, athletes had more favorable levels of physical activity during the COVID-19 pandemic than their fellow non-athletes, but this superiority had no positive effect on their moods. Moreover, non-athletes had healthier dietary habits than non-athletes. 

    Keywords: Athletes, Nutrition Status, Physical Activity, Mood Disorder, COVID-19}
  • محمد حیدری نیا، بیژن گودرزی، مسعود میر معزی*
    سابقه و هدف

    عدم بازگشت مناسب به حالت اولیه پس از فعالیت ورزشی، سبب آسیب و تخریب‌ در بافت عضلات می‌شود. هدف از این مطالعه، بررسی تاثیر بازگشت به حالت اولیه از طریق غوطه‌وری در آب سرد بر برخی شاخص‌های آسیب عضلانی در حین انجام چند مسابقه شبیه‌سازی‌شده متوالی تکواندو بود.

    روش‌ بررسی

    مطالعه به روش نیمه تجربی انجام شد. 21 نفر از تکواندوکاران شهر قزوین در رده سنی 19- 17 سال با سابقه تمرینی 8- 6 سال به‌صورت در دسترس انتخاب شدند. آزمودنی‌ها به سبک مسابقات المپیک در طبقه‌بندی وزنی خود قرار گرفتند و مسابقه شبیه‌سازی‌شده‌ای را اجرا کردند. در زمان‌های بازگشت به حالت اولیه نخستین، پیش از مسابقه دوم، سوم و چهارم، غوطه‌وری پس از مسابقه دوم، سوم و چهارم، و 12 ساعت پس از مسابقه پایانی، خون‌گیری برای ارزیابی آنزیم‌های کبدی و کراتین کیناز انجام گرفت. تکواندوکاران به صورت تصادفی، در دو گروه غوطه‌وری در آب سرد (10 نفر) و کنترل (11 نفر) قرار گرفتند. غوطه‌وری به‌صورت غوطه‌وری موضعی پاها در آب سرد با دمای 11 درجه سانتی‌گراد و به مدت 11 دقیقه انجام شد. از روش آماری تحلیل واریانس دوطرفه با اندازه‌گیری تکراری در سطح معنی‌داری 0.05 استفاده شد.


    مسابقه شبیه‌سازی‌شده تکواندو منجر به افزایش معنی‌دار در میزان شاخص‌های آسیب عضلانی در گروه غوطه‌وری در آب سرد نسبت به گروه کنترل‌شده است (p<0.01). درکل مراحل پژوهش، میانگین شاخص‌های کراتین کیناز (P=0.001)، لاکتات دهیدروژناز (P=0.001)، آسپارتات آمینوترانسفراز (P=0.001) و آلانین آمینو ترانسفراز (P=0.001) گروه غوطه‌وری در آب سرد به‌طور معنی‌داری کمتر از گروه کنترل بود.


    غوطه‌وری در آب سرد نسبت به بازگشت به حالت اولیه غیرفعال پس از چند مسابقه متوالی تکواندو، دارای اثربخشی بیشتری است.

    کلید واژگان: غوطه وری پا, کراتین کیناز, آنزیم, ورزشکاران}
    Mohammad Heidarinia, Bijan Goodarzi, Masoud Mirmoezzi*
    Background and Objectives

    Lack of proper recovery after exercise causes damage and destruction to muscle tissue. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of cold water immersion recovery on some muscular damage indices during several consecutive simulated Taekwondo competitions.

    Methods and Materials

    Twenty-one taekwondo practitioners in Qazvin in the age group of 17-19 years with a training experience of 6-8 years were randomly selected. The participants were placed in their weight classification in the style of the Olympics and performed in a simulated competition. Blood samples were taken to assess liver enzymes and creatine kinase at baseline recovery periods, before the second, third, and fourth races, immersion after the second, third, and fourth races, and 12 hours after the final race, blood sampling for evaluation of liver enzymes and creatine kinase in two groups of cold water immersion (n = 10) and control (n = 11) was performed. Immersion was performed as local immersion of feet in cold water at 11 ° C for 11 min. Two-way repeated-measures ANOVA was used at a significance level of 0.05.


    The simulated taekwondo competition resulted in a significant increase in the rate of muscle damage indices in the cold water immersion group compared to the control group (p<0.01). In all stages of the study, the mean indices of Creatine Kinase (CK; P=0.001), Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH; P=0.001), Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST; P=0.001), and Alpha-Ketoglutaric Acid (ALT; P=0.001) of immersion group in cold water it was significantly lower than the control group.


    Immersion in cold water is more effective than inactive recovery after several consecutive Taekwondo competitions.

    Keywords: Immersion Foot, Creatine kinase, Enzymes, Athletes}
  • محمد حیدری نیا، مسعود میرمعزی*، مهدی یوسفی
    زمینه و هدف

    گردن درد مزمن مشکلی شایع است و اغلب با تغییرات در عملکردهای حسی- حرکتی مانند کاهش حس عمقی گردن، تغییر هماهنگی عضلات گردنی و افزایش نوسانات وضعیتی همراه است. هدف از این مطالعه اثربخشی تمرین درمانی در بهبود گردن درد مزمن غیراختصاصی ورزشکاران شهرستان خرم آباد است.

    مواد و روش ها

    مطالعه حاضر از نوع کار آزمایی بالینی به صورت پیش آزمون_ پس آزمون با یک گروه مداخله و یک گروه کنترل بود. 30 ورزشکار مبتلابه گردن درد مزمن، به صورت هدفمند انتخاب و به صورت تصادفی به دو گروه تمرین درمانی (14=n) و کنترل (15=n) تقسیم شدند. ارزیابی درد و ناتوانی گردن، قبل و بلافاصله بعد از هشت هفته 3 جلسه ای (30 دقیقه ای) تمرینات توان بخشی، به ترتیب به وسیله مقیاس بصری درد و مقیاس ناتوانی درد از دو گروه مداخله و کنترل صورت گرفت. داده ها با استفاده از آزمون های کوواریانس در سطح 05/0=α مورد تجزیه وتحلیل قرار گرفت.

    یافته ها

    نتایج نشان داد که شدت درد (001/0 P≤) و ناتوانی عملکردی  (001/0 P≤) در گردن پس از هشت جلسه تمرین درمانی در ورزشکاران با گردن درد مزمن غیراختصاصی کاهش معنی داری داشته است.

    نتیجه گیری

    مداخله تمرینات توان بخشی شامل تمرینات ثبات دهنده و تقویتی گردن باعث بهبود درد و ناتوانی در ورزشکاران دارای گردن درد مزمن می شود، بنابراین پیشنهاد می شود که تمرینات توان بخشی، به عنوان یک روش مناسب و کاربردی در بهبود ورزشکارانی با گردن درد مزمن غیراختصاصی مورداستفاده قرار گیرد.

    کلید واژگان: تمرینات درمانی, گردن درد, درد مزمن, ورزشکار}
    Mohammad Heidarinia, Masoud Mirmoezzi*, Mahdi Yousefi
    Aims and background

    Chronic neck pain is a common problem and is often associated with changes in sensory-motor functions such as decreased neck proprioception, altered neck muscle coordination, and increased postural fluctuations. The aim of this study was the effectiveness of exercise therapy in improving chronic non-specific neck pain in athletes in Khorramabad.

    Methods and Materials

    The present study was a pre-test-post-test clinical trial with an intervention group and a control group. Thirty athletes with chronic neck pain were purposefully selected and randomly divided into two groups of exercise therapy (n = 14) and control (n = 15). Evaluation of neck pain and disability was performed before and immediately after eight weeks of 3 sessions (15 minutes) of rehabilitation exercises by Visual Analog Scale (VAS) and Neck Disability Index from both intervention and control groups, respectively. Data were analyzed using covariance tests at the level of α = 0.05.


    The results showed that the pain intensity (P≤0.001) and functional disability (P≤0.001) after eight sessions of training in athletes with chronic nonspecific neck pain were significantly reduced.


    Rehabilitation exercises intervention including stabilizing and strengthening the neck improves pain in athletes with chronic neck pain and disability, so it is recommended that rehabilitation exercises be used as a suitable and practical method in treating athletes with chronic non-specific neck pain.

    Keywords: Exercise Therapies, Neck Pain, Chronic Pain, athletes}
  • Marzieh Eliassy, Daryoush Khajavi, Shahnaz Shahrjerdi, Masoud Mirmoezzi

    Social development is a fundamental aspect of motor development in children. It has been shown that children with learning disorders have different gross motor skills and physical activity compared to typically developing peers.


    Since developmental domains interact with each other and children with learning disabilities often have difficulties that go far beyond those in school homework, the purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between physical activity and gross motor skills with social development for children with learning disabilities.


    In children with learning disorder (n = 82; 49 boys, 33 girls), gross motor skills and physical activity were assessed respectively with the Test of Gross Motor Development-2 and Past Year Physical Activity Questionnaire. Vineland Social Maturity Scale was used to evaluate the social development of participants. The Pearson correlation coefficient is used to association between variables. The significance for test was set at P < 0.05.


    Locomotor and object-control were significantly associated with social development (r = 0.60, P < 0.001) and (r = 0.44, P = 0.003), respectively. Organized activities were significantly associated with social development (r = 0.69, P = 0.001). Also, gross motor skills and organized activities were able to predict the social development of children with learning disorder (R2 = 0.29, F = 15.78).


    Children with higher levels of organized activities and motor skills had higher social development. As a result, gross motor skills and organized physical activity are especially important for children with learning disabilities.

    Keywords: Child, Learning Disabilities, Exercise, Locomotion}
  • Marzieh Eliassy, Daryoush Khajavi, Shahnaz Shahrjerdi, Masoud Mirmoezzi *

    Social development is a fundamental aspect of motor development in children. It has been shown that children with learning disorders have different gross motor skills and physical activity compared to typically developing peers.


    Since developmental domains interact with each other and children with learning disabilities often have difficulties that go far beyond those in school homework, the purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between physical activity and gross motor skills with social development for children with learning disabilities.


    In children with learning disorder (n = 82; 49 boys, 33 girls), gross motor skills and physical activity were assessed respectively with the Test of Gross Motor Development-2 and Past Year Physical Activity Questionnaire. Vineland Social Maturity Scale was used to evaluate the social development of participants. The Pearson correlation coefficient is used to association between variables. The significance for test was set at P < 0.05.


    Locomotor and object-control were significantly associated with social development (r = 0.60, P < 0.001) and (r = 0.44, P = 0.003), respectively. Organized activities were significantly associated with social development (r = 0.69, P = 0.001). Also, gross motor skills and organized activities were able to predict the social development of children with learning disorder (R2 = 0.29, F = 15.78).


    Children with higher levels of organized activities and motor skills had higher social development. As a result, gross motor skills and organized physical activity are especially important for children with learning disabilities.

    Keywords: Child, Learning Disabilities, Exercise, Locomotion}
  • امیر شمس، مهدیه اسلامی نصرت آبادی، ماندانا سنگاری*، مسعود میرمعزی

     نقص توجه / بیش فعالی یکی از رایج ترین اختلالات عصبی در دوران کودکی است. هدف پژوهش حاضر بررسی تاثیر تمرین های توان بخشی شناختی، تمرین بدنی و تمرین های ترکیبی بر توجه پایدار، انتخابی و انتقالی کودکان بیش فعال است.

    مواد و روش ها

    نوع پژوهش، نیمه تجربی با طرح پیش آزمون پس آزمون با گروه کنترل بود. جامعه آماری شامل کلیه کودکان دختردوره ابتدایی مدارس شهر یزد با اختلال نقص توجه / بیش فعالی بودند. شرکت کنندگان پژوهش شامل 40 کودک 9 تا 12 سال بودند که به صورت تصادفی در چهار گروه تمرین های توان بخشی شناختی، تمرین بدنی، تمرین های ترکیبی (بدنی شناختی) و گروه کنترل قرار گرفتند. از پرسش نامه کانرز (فرم معلمان) جهت ارزیابی اولیه کودکان، از آزمون هوشی گودیناف هریس جهت همسان سازی نمره هوشی شرکت کنندگان، آزمون عملکرد پیوسته دیداری و شنیداری، به منظور سنجش نگهداری توجه، مراقبت، گوش به زنگ بودن و توجه متمرکز، برای سنجش توجه انتقالی از آزمون دسته بندی کارت ویسکانسین، همچنین برای سنجش توجه انتخابی از آزمون استروپ استفاده شد. برنامه توان بخشی شناختی مورداستفاده این پژوهش نرم افزار مغز من بود. شرکت کنندگان به مدت 16 جلسه (هر جلسه به مدت 60 دقیقه) به تمرین پرداختند. پس آزمون 24 و 72 ساعت بعد اجرا شد. به منظور تحلیل داده ها از آزمون آنالیز کوواریانس و روش آماری آنکووا یک طرفه استفاده شد. کلیه تحلیل ها با استفاده از نرم افزار SPSS نسخه 20، در سطح معناداری 0/05>P انجام شد. 

    یافته ها

    نتایج تحلیل کوواریانس نشان داد که توجه پایدار، انتخابی و انتقالی گروه تمرین ترکیبی (توان بخشی بدنی) به طور معناداری خطای کمتری نسبت به گروه های دیگر داشت. در متغیر پاسخ حذف، میانگین امتیاز پاسخ حذف در کودکان گروه تمرین ترکیبی به طور معناداری کمتر از گروه کنترل بوده است (0/05>P).

    نتیجه گیری

    به طور کلی نتایج این پژوهش نشان داد که توان بخشی شناختی و تمرین بدنی می توانند موجب بهبود توجه در کودکان مبتلابه اختلال بیش فعالی شوند. همچنین ترکیب تمرین بدنی با تمرین های توان بخشی منجر به بهبود انواع توجه در کودکان مبتلابه بیش فعالی می شود.

    کلید واژگان: اختلال کمبود توجه بیش فعالی (ADHD), توان بخشی, شناختی, توجه}
    Amir Shams, Mahdieh Eslami Nosratabadi, Mandana Sangari*, Masoud Mirmoezzi

     Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common mental disorders in childhood. This study aims to assess the effect of cognitive rehabilitation combined with physical exercise on sustained, selective and alternating attention in ADHD children.


    This is a quasi-experimental study with a Pre-test/posttest design. The study population consists of all primary school girls with ADHD in Yazd, Iran. Of these, 40 aged 9-12 years were selected and randomly divided into four groups of cognitive rehabilitation, physical exercise, combined (exercise + rehabilitation), and control. The Conners’ Teacher Rating Scale (CTRS) was used for initial assessment of children, Goodenough- Harris Drawing Test (GHDT) to measure intelligence score, Integrated Visual and Auditory-Continuous Performance Test (IVA-CPT) to assess sustained attention, Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) to measure alternating attention, and Stroop test to measure selective attention. For cognitive rehabilitation, My Brain application was used. The intervention was presented at 16 sessions, each for 60 minutes. Posttest assessment was performed 24 and 72 hours after the end of intervention. ANCOVA was used for data analysis. All analyses were performed in SPSS v. 20, considering a significance level of P<0.05.


     The results of ANCOVA showed that the combined group had significantly lower errors in sustained, selective and alternating attention tests compared to other groups. In the omission response variable, the mean score of the children in the combined group was significantly lower than in the control group (P<0.05).


     Cognitive rehabilitation combined with physical exercises can improve different types of attention in children with ADHD.

    Keywords: Attention Deficit, Hyperactivity Disorder, Rehabilitation, Cognitive, Attention}
  • Nesa Paryab, Morteza Taheri, Kahdijeh Irandoust, Masoud Mirmoezzi *

    Melatonin is one of the Supplements used to treat sleep problems such as insomnia and jet lag.


    Since sleep deprivation may affect athletic performance, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of melatonin on neurological function and maintenance of physical and motor fitness in collegiate student-athletes following sleep deprivation.


    Ten collegiate student-athletes participated in randomized, double‐blind crossover trial with placebo control. Subjects were divided into six experimental groups: without sleep deprivation (WSD), 4 hours sleep deprivation (4HSD) and 24 hours sleep deprivation (24HSD) with melatonin (MEL) or placebo (PLA). WSD were allowed to sleep eight hours per night. Six milligrams of melatonin was administered 30 min before the training protocols. Training protocols included the Wingate Anaerobic test, Good Balance test, Vienna reaction time with the Stroop test. Data were analyzed using repeated measures ANOVA. Significant difference was set at P ≤ 0.05.


    Six mg/day of MEL 30 min before training had no significant effect on anaerobic power, balance and reaction time in collegiate student-athletes WSD (P > 0.05). Although, 4HSD and 24HSD negatively affected balance function, MEL reduced its negative effects. Furthermore, 24HSD decrease neurological and physical performance in collegiate student-athletes and MEL improved anaerobic power and reaction time in collegiate student-athletes (P < 0.05).


    Pre-training MEL supplementation would alleviate neurological, physical and motor performance impairment in collegiate student-athletes following sleep deprivation. MEL appears to be more effective in athletes with longer sleep deprivation.

    Keywords: Reaction Time, Anaerobic Power, Balance, Sleep Deprivation}
  • Ali Khorjahani, Masoud Mirmoezzi *, Mina Bagheri, Mohammad Kalantariyan

    Functional ankle instability (FAI) is a common consequence of ankle sprain injury, especially in high-impact sports.


    To investigate the effect of six weeks of suspension training with total resistance exercises (TRX) on proprioception and muscle strength in female athletes with FAI.


    Thirty female athletes with FAI (age: 21.9 ± 2.2 years, height: 169.3 ± 4.2 cm, and weight: 59.8 ± 6.1 kg) were randomly assigned to two equally numbered groups: TRX training and controls based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. In the pre-test, the anthropometric variables and also proprioception accuracy and muscle strength of subjects were evaluated by joint angle reset test (JART) and manual muscle testing (MMT) in both dorsiflexion and plantarflexion motions. The training group completed three sessions per week with progressive load for six weeks, and each training session lasted 15 - 20 minutes, whilst control subjects continued with their normal activity without special sport activities. After six weeks of training, all tests performed in the pre-test phase were also performed in the post-test phase. The t-test was used for statistic analysis (α ≤ 0.05).


    The findings showed that TRX training significantly improved the proprioception accuracy (P≤0.001) and muscle strength (P ≤ 0.001) in the training group rather than the control group. No statistically significant difference was found in any of the tests between pre-test and post-test for the control group (P > 0.05).


    Six weeks of TRX suspension training had a positive effect on strength and proprioception accuracy in female athletes with FAI.

    Keywords: Resistance Training, Joint Instability, Rehabilitation, Sport Medicine}
  • Nesa Paryab, Morteza Taheri, Kahdijeh Irandoust, Masoud Mirmoezzi*

    Melatonin is one of the Supplements used to treat sleep problems such as insomnia and jet lag.


    Since sleep deprivation may affect athletic performance, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of melatonin on neurological function and maintenance of physical and motor fitness in collegiate student-athletes following sleep deprivation.


    Ten collegiate student-athletes participated in randomized, double-blind crossover trial with placebo control. Subjects were divided into six experimental groups: without sleep deprivation (WSD), 4 hours sleep deprivation (4HSD) and 24 hours sleep deprivation (24HSD) with melatonin (MEL) or placebo (PLA). WSD were allowed to sleep eight hours per night. Six milligrams of melatonin was administered 30 min before the training protocols. Training protocols included the Wingate Anaerobic test, Good Balance test, Vienna reaction time with the Stroop test. Data were analyzed using repeated measures ANOVA. Significant difference was set at P ≤ 0.05.


    Six mg/day of MEL 30 min before training had no significant effect on anaerobic power, balance and reaction time in collegiate student-athletes WSD (P > 0.05). Although, 4HSD and 24HSD negatively affected balance function, MEL reduced its negative effects. Furthermore, 24HSD decrease neurological and physical performance in collegiate student-athletes and MEL improved anaerobic power and reaction time in collegiate student-athletes (P < 0.05).


    Pre-training MEL supplementation would alleviate neurological, physical and motor performance impairment in collegiate student-athletes following sleep deprivation. MEL appears to be more effective in athletes with longer sleep deprivation.

    Keywords: Reaction Time, Anaerobic Power, Balance, Sleep Deprivation}
  • بیژن گودرزی، مسعود میرمعزی*، محمد حیدری نیا، یاسمن گودرزی

    یکی از شایع ترین آسیب لیگامانی زانو، پارگی لیگامان صلیبی قدامی است که با کاهش دامنه حرکتی همراه است. بنابراین هدف از این مطالعه، بررسی تاثیر یک دوره حرکت درمانی بر درد، دامنه حرکتی مفصل و قدرت زانوی مبتلایان به آسیب لیگامان صلیبی قدامی پیش از جراحی بود.

    مواد و روش ها

    درمجموع 20 بیمار مرد مبتلابه آسیب لیگامان صلیبی قدامی با دامنه سنی 17 تا 29 سال در دو گروه حرکت درمانی (11= n) و کنترل (9= n) قرار گرفتند. گروه حرکت درمانی سه جلسه در هفته برای 8 هفته تحت مداخله تمرینی قرار گرفتند. از آزمودنی ها قبل و بعد از سپری کردن دوره درمانی آزمون به عمل آمد. متغیرهای درد، قدرت ایزوکینتیکی عضلات بازکننده زانو و دامنه حرکتی مفصل زانو به ترتیب توسط شاخص مقیاس دیداری درد، گونیا متر و دستگاه دینامومتر بایودکس اندازه گیری شدند. داده ها با استفاده از آزمون تی استیودنت در سطح معنی داری 05/0>p مورد تحلیل قرار گرفتند.

    یافته ها

    پس از یک دوره حرکت درمانی، میانگین شاخص درد، حداکثر گشتاور عضله چهار سر رانی و دامنه حرکتی مفصل زانو در گروه حرکت درمانی بهبود یافت (05/0>p).

    بحث و نتیجه گیری

    به نظر می رسد، حرکت درمانی موجب کاهش درد، افزایش دامنه حرکتی مفصل زانو و قدرت عضلات چهار سر ران پیش از جراحی می شود. با توجه به نتایج این پژوهش، استفاده از برنامه های حرکت درمانی مناسب برای بهبود قدرت و دامنه حرکتی مفصل زانو، می تواند راهکاری سریع برای ورزشکارانی با پارگی لیگامان صلیبی قدامی قبل از جراحی باشد.

    کلید واژگان: حرکت درمانی, قدرت زانو, آسیب لیگامان صلیبی قدامی, قبل از جراحی}
    Bijan Goodarzi, Masoud Mirmoezzi*, Mohammad Heidarinia, Yasman Goodarzi

    One of the most common knee ligament injuries is anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) rupture which is associated with limited range of motion (ROM). Therefore, the aim aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of a course of kinesiotherapy on pain, joint range of motion and knee strength in patients with ACL injury before surgery.

    Materials and Methods

    A total of 20 male patients with ACL injury ranging in age from 17 to 29 years were divided into two groups of kinesiotherapy (n = 11) and control (n = 9). The kinesiotherapy group underwent three sessions per week for 8 weeks. Subjects were tested before and after the treatment. Pain variables, isokinetic strength of knee extensor muscles and knee joint ROM were measured by visual Analogue scale (VAS), goniometer and biodex dynamometer, respectively. Data were analyzed using Studentchr('39')s t-test at the significant level of p <0.05.


    After a period of kinesiotherapy, the mean pain index, maximum quadriceps muscle torque and knee joint ROM improved in the kinesiotherapy group (P <0.05).


    It seems that kinesiotherapy reduces pain, increases the knee joint ROM and strengthens the quadriceps muscles before surgery. According to the results of this study, the use of appropriate kinesiotherapy programs to improve the strength and knee joint ROM; can be a quick solution for athletes with ACL rupture before surgery.

    Keywords: Kinesiotherapy, Knee Strength, ACL injury, Preoperative}
  • مسعود میرمعزی، مهدی نمازی زاده*، حیدر صادقی، فریبا محمدی
    مقدمه و اهداف

     ازآنجا که انجام هم زمان راه رفتن و تکالیف دیگر، از روزمره ترین فعالیت های انسان به شمار می آید و با توجه به این که بخش عمده ای از زمین خوردن های سالمندان حین فعالیت دوتکلیفی اتفاق می افتد؛ هدف از تحقیق حاضر "بررسی تاثیر سرعت راه رفتن و بار شناختی بر ثبات گام برداری در سالمندان" بود.

    مواد و روش ها

    ده سالمند (5 مرد و 5 زن) سالم بدون سابقه زمین خوردن به صورت داوطلبانه در تحقیق حاضر شرکت نمودند. از شرکت کنندگان خواسته شد که سه تکلیف راه رفتن روی تردمیل با سرعت های ترجیحی، تند و کند را با/بدون اعمال بار شناختی انجام دهند. تکلیف شناختی با کم کردن 3 تایی از یک عدد سه رقمی تصادفی انجام شد. نسبت ثبات گام برداری (GSR) برای هر یک از شرایط محاسبه گردید. از روش آماری واریانس مکرر دوطرفه برای بررسی اختلاف میانگین ها در سطح معناداری 05/0 استفاده شد.

    یافته ها

    یافته های تحقیق حاضر نشان داد که نمره عملکرد شناختی با افزایش سرعت کاهش می یابد. در سرعت های تندتر از سرعت ترجیحی و بار شناختی مقدار GSR بیشتر است (01/0>p).

    نتیجه گیری

    نتایج نشان داد که سالمندان از طریق استراتژی های مختلف راه رفتن به ویژه فاز کوتاه شونده، حمایت دوگانه بیشتری را حین راه رفتن ایجاد می کنند تا با افزایش ثبات گام برداری کمتر سقوط کنند.

    کلید واژگان: سرعت راه رفتن, تکالیف دوگانه, ثبات, سالمندان}
    Masoud Mirmoezzi, Mahdi Namazizadeh *, Heydar Sadeghi, Fariba Mohammadi
    Background and Aims

    Since walking and other tasks are simultaneously among the most common human activities, and considering the fact that that a large part of the elderly falls are during two tasks, the purpose of the present study was to examine the effect of walking speed and cognitive load on gait stability in the elderly.

    Materials and Methods

    A total of 10 healthy volunteer elderly (5 males and 5 females) without a history of falls took part in the study. They were asked to perform 3 walking trails on a treadmill, including walking at 3 paces (preferred, fast, and slow) with/without cognitive load. Cognitive task was performed by subtracting 3's from a random three digit number. The gait-stability ratio (GSR) was calculated for each of the above conditions. Two-way repeated measures ANOVA was used to examine the mean differences at the significance level of 0.05.


    The findings showed that the cognitive performance score decreases with increasing speed and at faster speeds, compared with speed with cognitive load, GSR was found to be higher (p<0.01).


    The results showed that the elderly, through different walking strategies, especially the shorter phase, provide more dual support while walking, so that they will fall less with increasing steadiness.

    Keywords: Walking Speed, Dual-Task, Stability, Elderly}
  • Mojtaba Amini, Masoud Mirmoezzi *, Maryam Salmanpour, Davood Khorshidi

    Advancements in health care systems and technologies have lowered the rate of mortality leading to an accelerated increase of aged population in Iran and worldwide. Therefore, the aim of the study was to investigate the effect of aerobic exercises on quality of life in healthy aged sedentary men.


    In this randomized controlled trial, 26 healthy aged men living in Qazvin nursing home participated voluntarily and were randomly assigned in two experimental (n = 13) and control (n = 13) groups. The experimental group performed aerobic exercise protocol three sessions a week for two months. The quality of life was assessed Using SF-36 health survey before and after exercise intervention. The data were analyzed by paired and independent t-tests.


    The results suggested that quality of life was improved significantly after exercise program (P = 0.001), while no significant change was found in the quality of life in the control group (P = 0.34).


    Taken together, 8 Week of aerobic exercise program significantly improves the quality of life among the aged persons Additional research with a greater number of subjects and different exercise protocols are required to make crucial decisions regarding the effectiveness of similar exercise programs on aged persons.

    Keywords: Quality of Life, Aged, Health, Exercise}
  • Masoud Mirmoezzi, Mahdi Namazizadeh *, Heydar Sadeghi, Fariba Mohammadi
    The aim of this study is to examine the effect of walking speed and cognitive load on learning gait stability in younger and older adults.
    Materials and Methods
    Ten adults (five males and five females) and ten elderly (five males and five females) were healthy volunteers without a history of falls. He was asked to do three tasks on a treadmill with speed (preferred, fast, and slow) with/without cognitive load. The gait‑stability ratio (GSR) for each of the above conditions was calculated in terms of both younger and older adults. Two‑way repeated measures ANOVA was used to examine the mean differences at a significance level of 0.05.
    The results showed that the cognitive performance score decreases with increasing speed. Moreover, at faster and slower speeds than prefer speed with/without cognitive load, GSR is higher, and this value was observed more in elderly than in adults (P < 0.05).
    The elderly, through different walking strategies, especially the lowering phase, provide more double support while walking, so that they will fall less with increasing steadiness.
    Keywords: Dual-task, elderly, stability, walking speed}
  • Masoud Mirmoezzi, Mahdi Namazizadeh*, Heydar Sadeghi, Fariba Mohammadi

    As many older people fall during dual tasks, we aimed to examine the effect of different cognitive loads on learning gait stability in younger and older adults.


    10 younger (Mean±SD age: 25.91±3.42 years) and 10 older adults (Mean±SD: 66.65±4.28 years) were healthy volunteers without a history of falls. They were asked to do three tasks on a treadmill with cognitive load (none, simple, and complex). The Gait-stability Ratio (GSR) was calculated in each condition. Two-way repeated-measures ANOVA was used to examine the mean differences at a significance level of 0.05.


    The findings showed that high cognitive load behavior during preferred speed walking in the younger and older adults decreases walking speed, and subjects learn to achieve greater stability. It was determined that by applying different cognitive loads (none, simple, and complex), the GSR value in older adults was higher than younger adults (P<0.01).


    The results showed that the older adults, through different walking strategies, especially the lowering phase, provide double support while walking so that they fall less with increasing steadiness. Also, walking exercises along with complex cognitive load can help older adults to better motor control.

    Keywords: Walking, Cognitive Function, Balance}
  • مرتضی طاهری*، خدیجه ایران دوست، مسعود میرمعزی، زینب طاهری
    زمینه و هدف

    سالمندی با افزایش محدودیت حرکتی و متعاقب آن سقوط همراه است. انجام دادن تمرین های بدنی معمولی برای سالمندان دارای محدودیت حرکتی دشوار است. بنابراین هدف از اجرای این مطالعه بررسی تمرین های ذهنی، یوگا و کوک سان دو (KSD) بر آزمون های عملکردی در سالمندان دارای محدودیت حرکتی بود.

    روش بررسی

    آزمودنی های تحقیق مشتمل بر هشتاد زن سالمند با محدودیت حرکتی و میانگین سنی 2٫92 ± 68٫46 بودند که داوطلبانه در این تحقیق شرکت کردند و به طور تصادفی به سه گروه آزمایشی و یک گروه گواه تقسیم شدند. گروه های آزمایشی در برنامه تمرینی KSD، ذهنی و یوگا به مدت چهار ماه، دو جلسه در هفته شرکت کردند. در هر چهار گروه، آزمون لک لک برای سنجش تعادل ایستا، آزمون زمان برخاستن و رفتن برای اندازه گیری تعادل پویا، آزمون نشستن و دسترسی برای سنجش اندازه گیری انعطاف پذیری، آزمون صندلی ایستاده برای سنجش قدرت عضلانی پایین تنه و پاها، قبل و بعد از دوره درنظرگرفته شده اندازه گیری شد. داده ها با استفاده از نرم افزار SPSS در سطح معنا داری 0٫05 تجزیه وتحلیل شدند.

    یافته ها

    نتایج تحقیق نشان داد که تمرین های KSD و یوگا تاثیر معناداری بر آزمون های عملکردی (تعادل ایستا، تعادل پویا، انعطاف پذیری و قدرت عضلانی پایین تنه و پاها داشت (0٫05≤p)؛ اما درباره تمرین های ذهنی، تاثیر معنی داری بر آزمون های عملکردی در سالمندان زن دارای محدودیت حرکتی مشاهده نشد.

    نتیجه گیری

    بر اساس یافته های این پژوهش، تمرین های منتخب یوگا و KSD توانسته تعادل، انعطاف بدنی و قدرت عضلات در اندام تحتانی زنان سالمند را بهبود ببخشد و احتمالا با افزایش کارایی سیستم حرکتی، عصبی و تقویت سازوکار گیرنده های عمقی عضلات و مفاصل، موجب بهبود تعادل و عملکرد سالمندان شود. با توجه به نتایج تحقیق حاضر، تمرین های بدنی منظم یوگا و KSD از راهکارهای مناسب برای افزایش تعادل سالمندان محسوب می شود.

    کلید واژگان: یوگا, ذهنی, سالمند, محدودیت حرکتی}
    Morteza Taheri*, Khadijeh Irandoost, Masoud Mirmoezzi, Zeinab Taheri
    Background & Objective

    Aging is a natural process concerning the physiological and psychological changes in humans over a period of time. Increasing prevalence of aging has recently been reported in Iran and it predicted to be increased tremendously by 2031. Aging affects the physiological systems associated with balance. The flexibility, strength and balance training program for the elderly can reduce the risk factors of falling with increasing muscle strength, flexibility, balance, coordination, reaction speed and deep sensation in walking, and enhance the performance of the elderly in daily life. Elderly people are not able to perform any kind of activity due to some physiological, physical and motor limitation. Meanwhile, Tai Chi, Pilates and Yoga are activities that good for the elderly. However, the main question is whether the Yoga, Kouk Sun Do (KSD) and mental exercises that result from any extreme physical exertion stress for the elderly can play a significant role in general health by promoting balance, muscular and flexibility, which is one of the main factors in improving the performance of elderly people with mobility limitation. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of mental practice, yoga and KSD exercises on functional tests in elderly with mobility limitation.


    A total of 80 elderly women (68.46 ± 2.92) with mobility limitation voluntarily participated in four groups (n=20 in each group). Experimental groups participated in the KSD, Mental and Yoga exercises for four months, two sessions a week. Stork test for static balance timed get up and go test for dynamic balance sit and reach test for flexibility, standing chair test for muscle strength of lower body and legs were performed before and after intervention. Inclusive criteria were women aged above 65 years, mobility limitation, no limitation of mobility due to amputation, score 7 and above in the abbreviated mental test (AMT) psychological health test, and lack of a regular exercise program in the past six months. Exclusive criteria were absence if subjects in training sessions. The survey of activities and fear of falling in the elderly (SAFE) were used to enter elderly with mobility limitation. In implementing the mental training protocol, participants first filled out the movement imagery questionnaire–revised (MIQ–R) to measure motion visual and visual imaging ability and the imaging scores were less than 1 omitted in the research. Levene test was used to determine the homogeneity of variances and two–way repeated–measures ANOVA was used to compare the groups at a significance level of 0.05.


    Based on the results of two–way repeated–measures ANOVA, there was a significant difference between KSD, mental, yoga and control groups (p≤0.05). There was also a significant difference in functional tests (static balance, dynamic balance, flexibility and muscular strength) of the elderly before and after intervention (p≤0.05). The results of Bonferroni test showed a significant difference in KSD and yoga groups compared to the control group. 


    Results of the study suggested that performing the yoga and KSD practice protocol improves the static balance, dynamic balance, physical flexibility and muscular strength of elderly women with mobility limitation. Elderly people can get profit from yoga and KSD training with no extra need to any special facilities.

    Keywords: Yoga, Mental, Elderly, Mobility Limitation}
  • Masoud Mirmoezzi, Morteza Taheri *

    As balance impairment induced by fatigue is implicated in injury occurrence, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of closed and open kinetic chain exercise-induced localized fatigue on static and dynamic balance in trained individuals.


    30 healthy boys with mean age of 19.75 ± 1.20 years, participated in this research. Static and dynamic balance were measured before and after open and closed chain fatigue protocol. Static and dynamic balance were measured respectively using the Balance Error Scoring System (BESS) and the Star Excursion Balance test (SEBT) in eight directions. The data was analyzed by two-way repeated measures ANOVA at the significance level of P ≤ 0.05.


    The results indicated that both static and dynamic balance changed significantly following the study intervention (P ≤ 0.05). In addition, a statistically significant difference was found after fatigue protocol in the static and dynamic balance between open (P = 0.003) and closed (P = 0.001) kinetic chains and respectively.


    Localized fatigue in both open and closed kinetic chain has affected the static and dynamic balance. Although, localized fatigue in the closed kinetic chain has a more devastating effect on static balance, in the open kinetic chain, the more deleterious effect influenced the dynamic balance.

    Keywords: Fatigue, Exercise, Static, Dynamic}
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    میرمعزی، مسعود
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