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تنها با پرداخت 70 هزارتومان حق اشتراک سالانه به متن مقالات دسترسی داشته باشید و 100 مقاله را بدون هزینه دیگری دریافت کنید.

برای پرداخت حق اشتراک اگر عضو هستید وارد شوید در غیر این صورت حساب کاربری جدید ایجاد کنید


فهرست مطالب mohammad bagher tavakoli

  • مهدی فاضلی، اشکان حری*، محمدباقر توکلی

    یک حسگر فیبر بلور فوتونیکی مبتنی بر تشدید پلاسمون سطحی طراحی شد که طلا به عنوان یک لایه پلاسمونیک حساس در آن مورد استفاده قرار گرفت. عملکرد این حسگر با استفاده از روش دامنه زمانی تفاضل محدود برای ضریب شکست 39/1 تا 43/1 بررسی شد. این حسگر برای ضریب شکست های تعریف شده دارای حساسیتی از 5/39365 تا 67315 (nm/RIU) در طول موج ‎های 850 تا 2650 نانومتر و همچنین دارای بالاترین وضوح، بهترین رقم شایستگی (FOM) و حساسیت دامنه به ترتیب با مقادیر 1/486×10-6، 524/825 RIU-1 و 2300/57 RIU-1 می باشد. بنابراین با توجه به ساختار ساده این حسگر و عملکرد مطلوب آن، می توان از آن به عنوان یک ابزار تشخیصی مفید برای مواد بیولوژیکی با ضریب شکست های مختلف استفاده کرد.

    کلید واژگان: حسگر زیستی, فیبر بلورفوتونیک, تشدید پلاسمون سطحی, پلاسمونیک}
    Mahdi Fazeli, Ashkan Horri *, MohammadBagher Tavakoli

    A surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensor based on photonic crystal fiber (PCF) was designed and gold was used as a sensitive plasmonic layer. The performance of this sensor was investigated using the finite element method (FEM) for the refractive indices (RIs) of 1.39 to 1.43. This sensor had a sensitivity for the defined RIs ranging from 3936.5 to 67315 nm/RIU at the wavelength of 850 to 2650 nm and had the highest resolution, the best figure of merit (FOM), and amplitude sensitivity with the values of 1.486×10-6 RIU, 524.825 RIU-1, and 2300.57 RIU-1, respectively. Therefore, due to the simple structure of this sensor and its favorable performance, it can be used as a beneficial diagnostic tool for biological materials with different RIs.

    Keywords: Biosensor, photonic crystal fiber, Surface Plasmon Resonance, plasmonics}
  • سمیرا هادی نژاد، محمدباقر توکلی*، علی اخوان، ایرج عابدی

    سرطان کولورکتال، شایع ترین سرطان دستگاه گوارش و همچنین چهارمین دلیل مرگ در جهان است. این مطالعه، با هدف بررسی و مقایسه ی تفاوت های دزیمتریک در پرتودرمانی سرطان رکتوم در دو موقعیت طاقباز و دمر انجام گردید.

    روش ها

    در یک مطالعه ی مقطعی در بیمارستان میلاد شهر اصفهان، اطلاعات سی تی اسکن 30 بیمار کاندید پرتودرمانی مبتلا به سرطان رکتوم به نرم افزار طراحی درمان ارسال شد. حجم هدف (Planning target volume) PTV و اعضای در معرض خطر شامل باول بگ (حجم روده) و مثانه توسط رادیوانکولوژیست کانتور گردید. طراحی درمان پرتودرمانی تطبیقی سه بعدی (Three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy)  3D_CRTبا استفاده از دو روش 3 و 4 فیلد و انرژی 18 مگا ولت طراحی شد. در آخر، با استفاده از منحنی توزیع دز-حجم (Dose- volume histogram) DVH متغیرهای دزیمتری حجم هدف و اندام های در معرض خطر استخراج و با یکدیگر مقایسه گردید.

    یافته ها

    میانگین دز دریافتی باول بگ و مثانه در موقعیت دمر در روش 3 فیلد به طور معنی داری کمتر از سایر روش های مورد مطالعه بود. علاوه بر این موقعیت 3 فیلد طاقباز دز بالاتری را نسبت به 3 فیلد دمر به اندام های در معرض خطر می رساند. با این حال اندام ها در چهار فیلد موقعیت طاقباز در مقایسه با سایر فیلدها دز بالاتری را دریافت خواهند کرد.

    نتیجه گیری

    در پرتودرمانی سرطان رکتوم، به دلیل بهبود پوشش حجم هدف و توزیع دز بهتر استفاده از طراحی درمان با روش 3 فیلد در موقعیت دمر پیشنهاد می شود.

    کلید واژگان: پرتودرمانی, سرطان رکتوم, وضعیت طاقباز, وضعیت دمر, الگوی درمان}
    Samira Hadinezhad, Mohammadbagher Tavakoli *, Ali Akhavan, Iraj Abedi

    Colorectal cancer is the most common gastrointestinal cancer and the fourth leading cause of death in the world. This study aimed to investigate and compare dosimetric differences in radiation therapy for rectal cancer in two supine and prone positions.


    In a cross-sectional study in Milad Hospital in Isfahan, the CT scan data of 30 patients who are candidates for radiation therapy for rectal cancer were sent to the treatment design software. The target organ PTV (Planning Target Volume) and the organs at risk including the bowel bag and the bladder were contoured by the radio-oncologist. The design of three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy (3D_CRT) was designed using 3 and 4 field methods and 18 megavolt energy. Finally, using the dose-volume distribution curve dose-volume histogram (DVH), the dosimetry of the target organs and the organs at risk were discovered and converted by assimilation.


    The average dose that will receive by the bowel bag and bladder in the prone position in the 3-field method was significantly lower than the other studied methods. In addition, the position of the 3-fields supine delivers a higher dose to the organs at risk than the 3-fields prone. However, organs of the four fields in supine position will receive a higher dose compared to the other fields.


    In radiation therapy of rectal cancer, due to the improvement of the coverage of the target volume and better dose design, it is suggested than the treatment with the 3-field in position prone.

    Keywords: Clinical protocols, prone position, Radiotherapy, Rectal neoplasms, Supine position}
  • حسین رست، سیمین همتی، ناهید شامی، محسن صائب، محمدباقر توکلی*

    مقدمه :

    سرطان سر و گردن (Head and neck cancer) جزء ده سرطان شایع در سراسر جهان است. به دلیل پیچیدگی آناتومی سر و گردن، در هنگام پرتودرمانی اندام های زیادی دوز دریافت می کنند. هدف این مطالعه، مقایسه ی دوز رسیده به حلزون گوش در دو روش (Three-Dimensional Conformal Radiotherapy) 3D-CRT و (Helical Tomotherapy) HT بود.

    روش ها

    مطالعه ی حاضر کاربردی و مقطعی است. 28 بیمار که دارای سرطان نازوفارنکس بوده و به بیمارستان سیدالشهدا (امید) برای درمان بین سال های 1399-1401 مراجعه کرده و کاندید درمان با یکی از دستگاه های 3D-CRT و یا HT می باشند؛ در این مطالعه قرار گرفتند. طرح درمانی برای هر بیمار در دو دستگاه، شبیه سازی شده و سپس متغیرهای مطالعه مانند حداکثر و میانگین دوز و شاخص های همگنی و انطباق مورد بررسی قرار گرفتند.

    یافته ها

    با مقایسه ی طرح های درمانی HT و 3D-CRT، میانگین دوز قابل دریافت حلزون گوش و سایر اندام های در معرض خطر در روش HT نسبت به روش 3D-CRT کاهش یافته و تفاوت قابل توجهی داشته اند، که نشان می دهد اختلاف معنی داری بین دو روش وجود دارد.

    نتیجه گیری

    طبق داده های مطالعه ی ما روی بیماران مبتلا به سرطان نازوفارنکس، نتایج نشان داد که HT از همگنی و انطباق هدف بهتری برخوردار است و دوز تحویلی به (Organ At Risk) OARها را در مقایسه با 3D-CRT معمولی کاهش می دهد.

    کلید واژگان: سرطان سر و گردن, نازوفارنکس, پرتودرمانی تطبیقی, توموتراپی, حلزون گوش}
    Hossein Rast, Simin Hemmati, Nahid Shami, Mohsen Saeb, MohammadBagher Tavakoli *

    Head and neck cancer (HNC) is among the ten most common cancers worldwide. Due to the complex head and neck anatomy, many organs receive radiation during treatment. The aim of this study is to compare the cochlea dose in two different treatment methods, 3D-CRT (Three-Dimensional Conformal Radiotherapy) and HT (Helical Tomotherapy).


    The current study is applied and cross-sectional. 28 patients who had nasopharyngeal cancer and were referred to Seyed al-Shohada Hospital (Omid) for treatment between 2020-2022 and are candidates for treatment with one of the 3D-CRT or HT devices; were included in this study. The treatment plan for each patient was simulated in two devices and then study variables such as maximum and average dose and homogeneity and conformity index were investigated.


    Upon comparing the treatment plans of Helical Tomotherapy (HT) and Three-Dimensional Conformal Radiation Therapy (3D-CRT), it was found that the average dose received by organs at risk, such as the cochlea, was significantly lower in the HT method compared to the 3D-CRT method. This indicates a significant difference between the two treatment methods.


    Our study on patients with nasopharyngeal cancer revealed that Helical Tomotherapy (HT) treatment led to better target homogeneity and compliance compared to conventional Three-Dimensional Conformal Radiation Therapy (3D-CRT). Additionally, HT was found to reduce the dose delivered to organs at risk (OARs) in comparison to 3D-CRT.

    Keywords: Head, neck cancer, nasopharynx, Conformal radiotherapy, Tomotherapy, cochlea}
  • محمدباقر توکلی*
    زمینه و هدف

    سلامت روانی دانش آموزان یکی از مهمترین شاخص های رشد و پیشرفت نظام آموزش و پرورش یک کشور محسوب می شود که اضطراب و انگیزش تحصیلی در تغییرات سطح سلامت روانی اثرگذار هستند؛ لذا هدف پژوهش بررسی رابطه اضطراب حالت رقابتی و انگیزش تحصیلی با سلامت روانی در دانش آموزان بود.

    روش کار

    پژوهش حاضر از نظر روش توصیفی و از نوع همبستگی بوده و جامعه آماری آن شامل کلیه دانش آموزان پسر دوره دوم متوسطه شهر مریوان بود که در سال تحصیلی 1401-1400 مشغول به تحصیل بودند. تعداد جامعه آماری بنا بر استعلام از واحد آمار اداره آموزش و پرورش شهرستان سنندج برابر با 850  نفر بود. حجم نمونه طبق جدول کرجسی و مورگان 265 نفر از طریق روش نمونه گیری تصادفی ساده انتخاب شدند. ابزار تحقیق شامل سه اضطراب رقابتی بشارت و همکاران (1390)، انگیزش تحصیلی هارتر (1981) و سلامت روان گلدبرگ (1972) بود. از روش آماری پیرسون برای تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها استفاده شد.

    یافته ها

    نتایج تحقیق نشان داد که بین مولفه های اضطراب حالت رقابتی با سلامت روانی در دانش آموزان رابطه منفی و معنادری وجود دارد، در حالی که بین مولفه های انگیزش تحصیلی با سلامت روانی در دانش آموزان تیزهوش رابطه مثبت و معنادری وجود دارد.

    نتیجه گیری

    به طور کلی می توان نتیجه گرفت که بین اضطراب حالت رقابتی و انگیزش تحصیلی با سلامت روانی رابطه معناداری وجود دارد لذا نیاز است برنامه ریزان و نیز مدیران آموزش و پرورش جهت افزایش سلامت روانی در دانش آموزان، اضطراب حالت رقابتی و انگیزش تحصیلی را مورد توجه قرار دهند.

    کلید واژگان: اضطراب حالت رقابتی, انگیزش تحصیلی, سلامت روانی}
    Mohammad Bagher Tavakoli*
    Background & Aims

    Success and progress in learning is the goal of all educational systems and the degree of benefit from educational environments requires students' sense of energy and mental health. One of the most important variables in the health of the educational context of any country's educational system is mental health, which is an internal sense to ensure mental health, and in fact, researchers have called it a useful and simple way to understand the concept of students' well-being. In their daily academic life, students face various challenges, obstacles, and special pressures during their studies, which are a threat to their self-confidence, motivation, and, as a result, their academic performance. Some students are successful in dealing with them and others are not successful in this field. Therefore, educational researchers should pay serious attention to understanding and how to adapt to academic challenges. Mental Health Mental health is an issue beyond the absence or absence of mental illness. The positive dimension of mental health, which the World Health Organization relies on, is included in the definition of health: "Health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being, not just the absence of disease or disability". Therefore, mental health is a state of well-being in which a person recognizes his abilities and can adapt to the normal stresses of life and be useful and productive in terms of work. Competitive anxiety and academic motivation can be mentioned among the factors affecting mental health. Anxiety, as a negative feeling, affects a person's perception and leads to a decrease in performance. Of course, many students experience anxiety. Competitive anxiety is an issue that almost every student faces from time to time. When the demands on a student exceed their perceived ability, their stress level rises. Motivation is the most important condition for learning. Interest in learning is the product of factors related to a student's personality and ability, task characteristics, incentives, and other environmental factors. What factors make students' motivation (due to its long-term effects on learning and self-fertility in students) valuable for parents and teachers? Motivated students are easily identified. They are eager to learn, interested, curious, hardworking, and serious. These students easily overcome obstacles and problems, spend more time studying and completing school assignments, learn more, and continue their education after finishing high school. Motivation can be seen as an intervening process with an internal state of an organism that forces or motivates it to act, in other words, it can be said that motivation is a force that gives force to behavior and guides it. Slow and is an effective factor in mental health. Like other topics, there has been a lot of research on the relationship between competitive anxiety, academic motivation, and mental health, but there is no integrated research among school students. Considering the review of past research and the understanding of the relationship between research variables, the lack of integrated research in this field, as well as the importance of competitive anxiety and academic motivation and mental health, the research question of the current research is whether there is a relationship between competitive anxiety and motivation. Is there a relationship between education and mental health in students?


    The present research is descriptive and correlational in terms of method, and its statistical population included all male student in the second year of high school in Marivan city who were studying in the academic year 2021-2022. The statistical population was 850 people according to the inquiry from the Statistics Unit of the Sanandaj Education Department. According to the table of Karjesi and Morgan, 265 people were selected through a simple random sampling method. Research tools included three competitive anxiety of Besharat et al. (2021), Harter's academic motivation (1981), and Goldberg's mental health (1972). Pearson's statistical method was used for data analysis.


    The research results showed that there is a negative and significant relationship between the components of competitive anxiety and mental health in students, while there is a positive and significant relationship between the components of academic motivation and mental health in gifted students.


    In general, it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between competitive anxiety and academic motivation with mental health, so there is a need for planners and education managers to increase mental health in students, competitive anxiety and academic motivation. Pay attention the current research, like any other research, has limitations that can clarify the findings and suggestions of the research and help future researchers to adopt effective measures to deal with the threat of internal and external validity of research projects. to give The basic limitations of the current research are as follows: the bias of people towards answering the questions of the questionnaires, which reduces the accuracy of the results to some extent, the presence of unwanted variables that affect the results of the research, and the lack of use of other research tools such as observation and interview. It has been associated with the subjects and only using the questionnaire. It is recommended to educational managers to take appropriate motivational measures such as innovation and creativity in creating a competitive and encouraging educational environment with appropriate and up-to-date educational facilities, suitable educational buildings, and preparing students as best as possible for their future jobs. , make regular visits and scientific trips, and use teachers with high scientific knowledge and skills. It is suggested that the scientific and academic interests and tastes of the students be identified and these interests come to the fore through centers, associations, and scientific organizations. Providing a suitable atmosphere in terms of group work, creating innovation in teaching methods, using sincere and friendly spoken literature, and using students in teaching discussions are among the things that can be done by teachers in order to increase the academic motivation of students.

    Keywords: Competitive Anxiety, Academic Motivation, Mental Health}
  • Hamed Mohammadian, Mohammad Bagher Tavakoli *, Farbod Setoudeh, Ashkan Horri
    The share of static power from the total consumed power in deep submicron circuits is rapidly rising due to short channel effects. The present paper examines the recent techniques introduced for reducing leakage power and proposes a novel technique based on switched-capacitor (SC) circuits for this purpose. The central concept consists of using two SCs on the route to PUN and PDN up to the output. Very high temperature stability and the ability to control the SC circuits using the clock frequency (〖 f〗_c) are among the benefits of the proposed concept. The introduced technique was implemented on NAND, NOR, and XOR logic gates and the C17 standard circuit. Next, the proposed model was simulated in HSPICE software with 32-nm BSIM4 (level-54 parameters) CMOS technology to investigate its leakage power, delay, surface area, and PDP factors. The results indicate the excellent leakage power reduction performance of this technique compared to previously introduced techniques. Implementing the presented circuit in various corners of the process and a subsequent temperature stability analysis demonstrated the high reliability of the proposed technique.
    Keywords: Leakage Power, Switch Capacitor, Low Power Design, Deep Nanometer}
  • احمد معماری نژاد، محمدعلی محمدی*، محمدباقر توکلی

    یک شبکه سلولی تمام دوبلکس (FD) فراسو را در نظر می گیریم، که در آن ارسال های فراسو و فروسو به طور همزمان در یک باند فرکانسی با استفاده از تکنیک دسترسی چندگانه غیر متعامد (NOMA) انجام می شود. با استفاده از شکل دهی پرتو اجبار به صفر (ZF) در ایستگاه پایه چند آنتنی FD، خودتداخلی حذف می شود و نرخ مجموع لحظه ای سیستم بیشینه می شود. به طور خاص، ما دو طرح شکل دهی پرتو مبتنی بر ZF را در ایستگاه پایه پیشنهاد می کنیم: طرح دریافت ZF (RZF) و انتقال ZF (TZF)، که به ترتیب از آنتن های دریافت و ارسال در BS برای لغو خودتداخلی در BS استفاده می کنند. بیان فرم بسته برای احتمال قطعی کاربران دور و نزدیک NOMA به عنوان تابعی از پارامترهای مختلف سیستم استخراج می شود. در نهایت دقت نتایج را با استفاده از نتایج شبیه سازی گسترده بررسی می کنیم. نتایج عددی ما نشان می دهد که برای هر دو طرح TZF و RZF، افزایش تعداد آنتن های ارسال و دریافت برای بهبود عملکرد قطع DL نزدیک کاربر مفید است، در حالی که افزایش تعداد آنتن های ارسال و دریافت به طور قابل توجهی عملکرد قطع کاربر دور را با طرح RZF را بهبود می بخشد.

    کلید واژگان: دسترسی چندگانه نامتعامد, دوسویه, پرتودهی, احتمال قطع}
    Ahmad Memarinejad, Mohammadali Mohammadi *, MohammadBagher Tavakoli

    We consider a full-duplex (FD) cellular network, where uplink (UL) and downlink (DL) transmissions are performed at the same time over the same frequency band by using the non-orthogonal multiple-access (NOMA) technique. By leveraging the zero-forcing (ZF) beamforming at the FD multi-antenna base station, self-interference is mitigated, and the instantaneous sum rate of the system is maximized. More specifically, we propose two ZF-based beamforming designs at the base station, namely receive ZF (RZF) and transmit ZF (TZF) scheme, which respectively utilize the receive and transmit antennas at the BS to cancel out the SI at the BS. We derive closed-form expression for the outage probability of the NOMA near and far users as a function of different system parameters. Finally, we examine the accuracy of the results by using extensive simulation results. Our numerical results show that for both TZF and RZF scheme, increasing the number of transmit and receive antenna is beneficial to improve the outage performance of the DL near user, while increasing the number of transmit and receive antenna significantly improve the outage performance of the DL far user with RZF scheme.

    Keywords: Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA), full-duplex (FD), beamforming, Outage probability}
  • Masoud Moradi, Masoud Moradkhani, MohammadBagher Tavakoli

    With the development of IoT, the devices connected to this platform, can exchange data and share their data in social networks. Although this possibility provides advantage, but is has some security challenges like preserving privacy, confidentiality, accessibility, and data integrity in the social networks. In the existing studies, a type of encoding has been used for preserving security. In this paper for improving the security, we introduce a Markov process for describing a security attack model based on Markov transmission matrix. By applying the Markov transmission in blockchain infrastructure we will enhancing security in blockchain‐based social networks. A security threat is a random process. Therefore, we can modelled it as a Markov chain. First the proposed method is compared to SHA1, and results show that the complexity is improved 215% and 240% in terms of hash length, and internal state size, respectively. In this study, nine hash functions, including SHA, four families of SHA2, and four families of SHA3, including SHA3-512, SHA3-384, SHA3-256, and SHA3-224 are simulated ten times. The results indicate a security improvement of 206.59% of SHA3-512 compared to other functions.

    Keywords: IoT, security, blockchain, markov chain, SHA1}
  • Mohammad Edalatifar, MohammadBagher Tavakoli *, Farbod Setoudeh

    The flow and heat transfer of a novel type of functional phase change nanofluids, nano-‎encapsulated phase change suspensions, is investigated in the present study using a deep neural ‎networks framework. A deep neural network was used to learn the natural convection flow and ‎heat transfer of the phase change nanofluid in an enclosure. A dataset of flow and heat transfer ‎samples containing 3290 samples of the flow field and temperature distributions was used to ‎train the deep neural network. The design variables were fusion temperature of nanoparticles, ‎Stefan number, and Rayleigh number. The results showed that the proposed combination of a ‎feed-forward neural network and a convolutional neural network as a deep neural network could ‎robustly learn the complex physics of flow and heat transfer of phase change nanofluids. The ‎trained neural network could estimate the flow and heat transfer without iterative and costly ‎numerical computations. The present neural network framework is a promising tool for the design ‎and prediction of complex physical systems‎.

    Keywords: Nanoencapsulated phase-change suspension, deep convolutional neural networks, Natural ‎convection heat transfer, deep ‎learning‎}
  • علی صالحی، فتاح استوار، محمدباقر توکلی، کامران شورانگیز*
    زمینه و هدف

    هدف از این پژوهش مقایسه اثربخشی روش های تدریس بارش مغزی و حل مساله بر خودکارآمدی تحصیلی، انگیزش پیشرفت و احساس تعلق به مدرسه در دانش آموزان پایه ی دهم مدارس دولتی شهرستان اراک بود.

    روش کار

    این پژوهش ازنظر هدف کاربردی و ازنظر روش شناسی نیمه آزمایشی با طرح پیش آزمون و پس آزمون با گروه کنترل بود. این پژوهش در سه مرحله پیش آزمون، مداخله و پس آزمون اجرا شد. در مرحله پیش آزمون کلیه افراد نمونه به پرسشنامه های استاندارد پژوهش پاسخ دادند. بعد از انتخاب گروه آزمایش 1 و 2، در گروه یک از روش تدریس بارش مغزی و در گروه دو از روش تدریس حل مسئله استفاده شد. گروه کنترل بدون انجام مداخله باقی ماند. در مرحله پس آزمون افراد نمونه مجدد به پرسشنامه های پژوهش پاسخ دادند.

    یافته ها

    جامعه آماری این پژوهش کلیه دانش آموزان پایه ی دهم مدارس دولتی شهرستان اراک بود که ازاین بین تعداد 45 دانش آموز به روش دردسترس انتخاب و به صورت کاملا تصادفی در 2 گروه آموزش و 1 گروه کنترل تقسیم شدند. افراد نمونه در مرحله پیش آزمون به پرسشنامه های احساس تعلق به مدرسه موتون و همکاران (1996)؛ خودکارامدی تحصیلی جینکز و مورگان (1999)؛ انگیزش پیشرفت هرمانز (1980) پاسخ دادند. بر روی گروه اول آزمایش روش بارش مغزی و بر گروه دوم آزمایش پروتکل روش حل مسئله در 8 جلسه اجرا شد. در مرحله پس آزمون مجدد افراد نمونه به پرسشنامه های پژوهش پاسخ دادند داده های حاصله به روش تحلیل کوواریانس در نرم افزار SPSS24 تحلیل شد.

    نتیجه گیری

    نتایج این مقاله حاکی از تاثیر هر دو روش های تدریس بارش مغزی و حل مساله بر خودکارآمدی تحصیلی، انگیزش پیشرفت و احساس تعلق به مدرسه بود و مقایسه اثربخشی حاکی از تاثیر بیشتر بارش مغزی بر متغیرهای پژوهش می باشد. ازاین رو می توان به معلمان و برنامه ریزان آموزشی توصیه کرد از این روش در تدریس دانش آموزان بهره گیری کنند.

    کلید واژگان: روش های تدریس بارش مغزی, روش حل مساله, خودکارآمدی تحصیلی, انگیزش پیشرفت, احساس تعلق به مدرسه}
    Ali Salehi, Fatah Ostovar, Mohammadbagher Tavakoli, Kamran Shoorangiz*

    Background &


    Education is an important part of every student's life and students are considered the most important pillar of the education system of any country as they have outstanding psychological needs. Meeting the psychological needs of students is one of the biggest challenges in education. In the past decades, belonging to educational fields has been of interest. Researchers emphasize the importance of a school environment that facilitates a sense of community and belonging among students. The sense of belonging to the school has several benefits for the psychosocial development of students. Belonging to the school is "the extent to which students are personally accepted, respected, included and supported by others in the social environment of the school". This feeling is related to student's well-being, and having a sense of belonging to school is positively related to student performance, achievement motivation, social-emotional functioning, classroom behavior, and academic success, and it is also negatively related to school dropout. Students who have a sense of belonging to the school have social adaptation and academic success and are more successful in achieving higher educational degrees; Therefore, having a sense of belonging to the school is understood as a prerequisite for the overall performance of the school, and the relationship between the student and the school is of great importance. The feeling of belonging to school is a factor in increasing students' academic self-efficacy. Students who have academic self-efficacy show different characteristics, the most obvious of which is the feeling of belonging to the school, which has many effects on the personal and academic aspects of students. Academic self-efficacy refers to personal beliefs about one's abilities to organize and implement academic courses to achieve set standards and academic performance. This construct is known as a key predictor of student's academic performance and is one of the main areas of learning. Improving academic self-efficacy beliefs in students can improve their academic motivation. One of the new methods that can be effective in improving academic self-efficacy is motivation for progress.This study compared the effectiveness of brainstorming and problem-solving teaching methods on academic self-efficacy, motivation to progress, and sense of belonging to a school in tenth-grade students of public schools in Arak city. This research was applied in terms of purpose and semi-experimental in terms of methodology with a pre-test and post-test design with a control group.


    This research was conducted in three stages: pre-test, intervention, and post-test. In the pre-test stage, all the samples answered the standard research questionnaires. After selecting experiment groups 1 and 2, the brainstorming teaching method was used in group one and the problem-solving teaching method in group 2. The control group remained without intervention. In the post-test stage, the sample answered the research questionnaires again.


    The statistical population of this research was all tenth-grade students of public schools in Arak city, of which 45 students were selected using the available method and were randomly divided into 2 training groups and 1 control group. Sample people in the pre-test stage to Mouton et al.'s school belonging questionnaires (1996); Jinks and Morgan's academic self-efficacy (1999); Achievement motivation Hermans (1980) answered. The brainstorming method test was performed on the first group, and on the second group, the problem-solving method protocol test was performed in 8 sessions. In the post-test stage, the sample answered the research questionnaires. The resulting data were analyzed using the covariance analysis method in SPSS24 software.


    The present study was conducted to compare the effectiveness of brainstorming and problem-solving teaching methods on academic self-efficacy, progress motivation, and sense of belonging to the school in the tenth-grade students of public schools in Arak city. This research sought to answer the question that which of the teaching methods of brainstorming and problem-solving are more effective on academic self-efficacy, motivation to progress, and sense of belonging to the school of the student. The obtained results showed that the brainstorming method is the implementation of a group method to solve a problem, especially by presenting all the ideas of the students, because they freely express all the materials that come to their minds about the subject, and unconsciously and quickly from the findings and knowledge. They use their previous ones and present them to the class, so it can be effective in increasing the feeling of belonging to the school. Teaching students, with this method, increases the possibility of solving problems creatively, in this teaching method, they learn to facilitate the communication between solutions and ideas, new solutions that are proposed by their friends, and New ideas become familiar and they can use these ideas and solutions when necessary, for this reason, a sense of empathy is created between students, which is an example of a sense of belonging to the school. In this method, the class comes out of the state of stagnation and laziness, and in general, the classroom comes out of the state of being repetitive and brings diversity and relief from fatigue and happiness, this point can make the school and learning environment pleasant for students, and students are able Extra energy to be present in the classroom. It indicated the effect of both brainstorming and problem-solving teaching methods on academic self-efficacy, progress motivation, and sense of belonging to the school, and the comparison of effectiveness indicates the greater effect of brainstorming on the research variables. Therefore, teachers and educational planners can be advised to use this method in teaching students.

    Keywords: Brainstorming Teaching Methods, Problem-Solving Method, Academic Self-Efficacy, Motivation To Progress, Sense Of Belonging Toschool}
  • Mohammad Bagher Tavakoli *, Seyed Peyman Faghir Mirnezami, Farbod Setoudeh, Ashkan Horri, Reza Eskandari

    While most balanced multiband band-pass-filters have some remarkable properties, they provide a trade-off between design goals. Also, few of them have provided a structure capable of satisfactory harmonic suppression. Stepped Impedance resonators (SIR) are famous and widely utilized to relocate or cancel high order harmonics, and they provide advantages when used in designing bandpass filters. They have shown benefits in achieving common mode (CM) suppression along with compact size and wide stopband. To design a tri-band balanced bandpass filter, a Ring-SIR structure is used as the main building block of the filter, the SIR is first analyzed and the design formulas are presented and based on that, design graphs are extracted. Using the graphs, it is possible to design a tri-band filter and have the ability to control its pass-bands’ center frequencies. To achieve high pass-band selectivity, coupled feeding configuration is chosen and external quality factor is analyzed and respective graphs are presented. Results show more than 20dB isolation with pass-bands centering at 1.7, 2.55, and 4.48 GHz, and insertion losses of 1.44, 1.77 and 2.11 dB respectively. The corresponding FBWs are 3.95%, 4.10% and 1.56% respectively. Great out-of-band performance is achieved with a wide stop-band stretching from 4.8 to 8.76 GHz. The CM rejection for three pass-bands are better than 12.9, 18.9 and 43.5dB, respectively.

    Keywords: microstrip balanced BPF, stepped-impedance resonator, stopband, tri-band filter}
  • خاتون اسماعیل پور، محمد باقر توکلی*، علی رکنیان زاده
    زمینه و هدف

    : خانواده یک نهاد اجتماعی است که از پیوند زناشویی زن و مرد شکل می گیرد. این پژوهش باهدف مقایسه اثربخشی زوج درمانی هیجانی بر خود متمایزسازی و سازگاری زناشویی ورزشکاران متاهل انجام گردید.

    روش کار

    مقاله حاضر، از نظر هدف کاربردی بوده و از نظر روش از نوع نیمه آزمایشی با طرح پیش آزمون و پس آزمون با گروه کنترل است. جامعه آماری این پژوهش شامل کلیه ورزشکاران متاهل در باشگاه های ورزشی شهر تهران در سال 1401 بود که 45 نفر به شیوه نمونه گیری در دسترس انتخاب و به طور تصادفی یک گروه در انتظار درمان و دو گروه آزمایش (هر گروه 15 نفر)  به صورت تصادفی جایگزین شدند. یک گروه آزمایش 12 جلسه 90 دقیقه ای با روش زوج درمانی شناختی رفتاری و یک گروه آزمایش 10 جلسه 90 دقیقه ای با روش زوج درمانی هیجان مدار آموزش دید و گروه در انتظار درمان آموزشی دریافت نکرد.

    یافته ها

    نتایج نشان داد که میانگین نمره خود متمایزسازی درگروه آزمایش زوج درمانی شناختی رفتاری و در گروه آزمایش زوج درمانی هیجان مدار تفاوت معنی دار بود و این میزان در گروه کنترل تفاوت معنی داری نداشتند. همچنین نتایج بیانگر این بود که زوج درمانی هیجان مدار نسبت به زوج درمانی شناختی رفتاری در بهبود و افزایش سازگاری زناشویی ورزشکاران متاهل دارای اثربخشی و ماندگاری بیشتری بوده است.

    نتیجه گیری

    نتایج این مقاله بر اهمیت کاربرد زوج درمانی شناختی رفتاری و زوج درمانی هیجان مدار در افزایش خود متمایزسازی و سازگاری زناشویی ورزشکاران متاهل اذعان دارد. می توان از این دو رویکرد برای کاهش آسیب های موجود در روابط زناشویی استفاده کرد.

    کلید واژگان: سازگاری زناشویی, زوج درمانی هیجانی خود متمایزسازی, سلامت جسمانی}
    Khatoon Esmailpour, Mohammadbagher Tavakoli*, Ali Roknianzadeh

    Background &


    One of the important factors that has been paid attention to in recent years and has an effect on marital satisfaction is the person's early experiences with their parents or the type of emotional relationship a person has with his parents during childhood. Some researchers have tried to answer the question of how a person's early experiences in childhood can affect him in adulthood. One of the characteristics of a person that has an important effect on interpersonal relationships as a result of early child-parent experiences in adulthood is the level of self-differentiation. The concept of self-differentiation is the most basic concept of Boinset's theory. Families and other social groups have a great influence on how people think, feel, and behave. The environment and family determine the level of differentiation of a person in childhood. Bowen defined self-differentiation as the ability of individuals to be flexible and act wisely, especially in the face of anxiety. Self-differentiation is the ability of a person to separate his intellectual and emotional processes and his intimacy and autonomy from others. The concept of self-differentiation is the process of the emergence of an individual whose "self" boundaries are well and clearly defined. The level of differentiation of a person mutually affects the environment social life and the future of the person, including his marital relations. The four important predictors of self-differentiation are as follows: Emotional reactivity refers to excessive sensitivity in responding to environmental stimuli. My position refers to a clear feeling of standing up for one's beliefs when pressured to act in a different way. Emotional disconnection is fear of intimacy and feeling vulnerable in relationships with others. Blending in with others refers to triangulation and intense identification with others. Bowen believed that a person's level of self-differentiation is achieved in his family of origin and influences his future. According to Bowen, all mental and physical illnesses, social problems, and especially marital problems are related to self-differentiation. People who have a high level of self-differentiation are able to thoughtfully assess the situation behave independently and show less emotional reaction. They have a clear definition of themselves and their beliefs and maintain their peace in interpersonal relationships. Theoretically, low self-differentiation leads to problems such as marital dissatisfaction, triangulation, physical and mental helplessness, emotional reactivity, chronic anxiety, and choosing a spouse with a similar level of self-differentiation.In the field of couple therapy, there are various approaches to improve the marital satisfaction of couples, and much research has been conducted regarding the effectiveness of these methods. One of the approaches that focuses on both behavior control and emotion control and ultimately leads to couples' satisfaction with life is the emotion-oriented approach. This treatment, which is a combination of experiential and systemic treatment, is closely related to the reduction of psychological problems in couples applying for divorce. The emotional therapy process is determined by three stages of connection and awareness, recall and discovery, and emotional reconstruction in eight steps. These three stages overlap, and throughout the treatment, the client is viewed as an expert on his experience and the therapist as a guide and facilitator for the client's goals. In this therapy, it is believed that each couple organizes and processes emotional experiences and reinforces the interaction patterns they have created, which leads to marital helplessness. Emotion-oriented therapy, by creating constructive interactions between people and identifying safe attachment patterns, causes satisfaction reduces cognitive distortions in them, and focuses on changing attachment behaviors as a tool to improve disturbed relationships. Therefore, the goal of this therapy is to help couples access unexpressed feelings and process positive interaction, which increases the couple's communication and trust. The effectiveness of emotion-oriented couple therapy on marital variables has been confirmed in studies. The effectiveness of any intervention approach compared to other treatment approaches to provide awareness and effective help to conflicted couples is one of the concerns of therapists. The prevalence of marital incompatibility and its impact on the physical and mental health of couples and children has caused mental health professionals to pay special attention to the field of couple therapy. Therefore, this research was conducted to compare the effectiveness of emotional couple therapy on self-differentiation and marital adjustment of married athletes.


    This paper is practical in terms of its purpose, and in terms of method, it is a semi-experimental type with a pre-test and post-test design with a control group. The statistical population of this research included all married athletes in sports clubs in Tehran in 1401, 45 people were selected by available sampling one group waiting for treatment and two experimental groups (each group 15 people) replaced an experimental group that received 12 sessions of 90 minutes with cognitive-behavioral couple therapy and an experimental group received 10 sessions of 90 minutes with emotion-oriented couple therapy, and the waiting group did not receive educational treatment. The groups completed the Spanier marital adjustment questionnaire and the Skorn and Friedlander self-differentiation questionnaire as pre-test and post-test. Analysis of variance with repeated measurements was used to analyze the data.


    The results showed that the average score of self-differentiation in the experimental group of cognitive-behavioral couple therapy and the experimental group of emotional-oriented couple therapy was significantly different (p<0.01). This amount was not significantly different in the control group. Also, the results indicated that emotion-oriented couple therapy has been more effective and durable than cognitive-behavioral couple therapy in improving and increasing the marital adjustment of married athletes.


    In explaining the results of the present article regarding the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral couple therapy, it can be said that the cognitive-behavioral approach emphasizes cognition, emotions, interactions, and interpersonal behaviors that cause marital problems and how the couple's cognition and behavior interact in creating these problems. Therefore, in cognitive-behavioral couple therapy, the emphasis is on how couples interpret each other's behavior, how a person's cognitive processes, such as a filter, evaluate the spouse's behavior by finding causes and giving meaning, and how it predicts the spouse's future behavior. By focusing on these issues, the treatment makes the couple more realistic about the issues, and correcting irrational and unrealistic beliefs, thoughts, and attitudes towards themselves and their spouse provides them with an opportunity to increase life satisfaction and marital compatibility. The results of this article acknowledge the importance of cognitive behavioral couple therapy and emotional couple therapy in increasing the self-differentiation and marital adjustment of married athletes. These two approaches can be used to reduce the damage in marital relationships.

    Keywords: Marital Compatibility, Emotional Couple Therapy, Self-Differentiation, Physical Health}
  • حسام الدین باقری، محمدباقر توکلی*، ایرج عابدی، علیرضا عموحیدری

    این مطالعه، با هدف مقایسه ی دزیمتریک بین توزیع دوز جذبی پروستات و ارگان در معرض خطر، در دو روش کلی پرتودرمانی با شدت تعدیل شده (Intensity-modulated radiotherapy) IMRT و پرتودرمانی سه بعدی تطبیقی (Three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy) 3D-CRT با استفاده از نرم افزار طراحی درمان و با استفاده از دزیمتری ترمولومینسانس (Thermoluminescence dosimetry) TLD انجام شد.

    روش ها

    در این مطالعه، 35 بیمار مبتلا به سرطان پروستات تحت درمان با پرتودرمانی در بیمارستان میلاد اصفهان گنجانده شده اند. پروستات به عنوان هدف و راست روده، مثانه و سر استخوان ران به عنوان بافت های سالم در معرض خطر (Organ at risk) OAR طبق معیار های (Radiation Therapy Oncology Group) RTOG کانتور شدند. برای هر بیمار، دو برنامه ی دزیمتریک جداگانه IMRT و 3D-CRT ایجاد شده است تا بتوان وضعیت دزیمتری هر دو روش به طور مقایسه ای ارزیابی شود. این نتایج با نتایج حاصل از فانتوم نیز مقایسه شد.

    یافته ها

    دوز مثانه، راست روده و سر استخوان ران در روش IMRT به ترتیب 3/50، 6/58 و 4/16 و در 3D-CRT به ترتیب 6/59، 8/68 و  8/34 بود. دوز اندازه گیری شده توسط TLD در تمام ارگان ها در فانتوم بیش از دوز محاسبه شده توسط نرم افزار TPS در فانتوم به دست آمد.

    نتیجه گیری

    روش IMRT نسبت به 3D-CRT به دلیل پوشش بهتر حجم هدف و کاهش دوز تجمعی ارگان های در معرض خطر (OAR) روش بهتری می باشد. دوز اندازه گیری شده توسط TLDها بیش از دوز محاسبه شده توسط سیستم طراحی درمان بود که این اختلاف می تواند ناشی از این باشد که سیستم طراحی درمان سهم پرتوهای پراکنده را در دز جذبی ارگان ها محاسبه نمی کند.

    کلید واژگان: پرتودرمانی, سرطان پروستات, پرتودرمانی با شدت تعدیل شده, پرتودرمانی سه بعدی تطبیقی}
    Hesameddin Bagheri, Mohammad Bagher Tavakoli *, Iraj Abedi, Alireza Amouheidari

    The goal of this study was to make a dosimetric comparison between the absorbed dose distribution of the prostate and the organ at risk (OAR) using two different approaches: three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy (3D-CRT) and Intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT), assesed via treatment planning system (TPS) and thermoluminescence dosimetry (TLD).


    In this study, 35 patients with prostate cancer undergoing radiation therapy at Milad Hospital in Isfahan were included. Prostate as target and rectum, bladder and femoral head as healthy organ at risk (OAR) were contoured according to Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) criteria. Two separate dosimetry programs IMRT and 3D-CRT have been developed for each patient in order to evaluate the dosimetric status of both methods comparatively. These results were then compared with those of the phantom.


    The doses to the bladder, rectum, and femoral head were 50.3, 58.6, and 16.4 in IMRT and 59.6, 68.8, and 34.8 in 3D-CRT, respectively. The dose measured by TLD in all organs in the phantom was higher than the dose calculated by TPS software in the phantom.


    The IMRT method is a better method than 3D-CRT due to better coverage of the target volume and reduction of the cumulative dose of organs at risk (OAR). The dose measured by TLDs was higher than the dose calculated by the treatment planning system, which may be due to the fact that the treatment planning system does not calculate the share of scattered radiation in the absorbed dose of organs.

    Keywords: Prostate cancer, Intensity-modulated radiotherapy, Three-Dimensional conformal radiotherapy}
  • Hossein Taheri, Ali Akhavan, Mohammadbagher Tavakoli *, Reza Moghareabed, Mahsa Kianinia

     The aim of this study was to evaluate the dose distribution, as well as tumor control probability (TCP) and normal tissue complications probability (NTCP) models for females with left-sided breast cancer for 3D-CRT, 6, and 9 fields intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) and hypofractionated tangential plans.


     Eighty females with left-sided breast cancer (N1T1 – N3T3) were included in this study. The patients were divided into breast conserving surgery (BCS) (n= 50) and mastectomy (n=30) patients. CT simulation images of the patients were imported on the treatment planning software (TiGRT, LinaTech, China) and the tangential treatment plans of the mentioned methods were done, using TPS. Dose assessments were performed, employing the TPS, and TCP-NTCP models of stated modalities were done, using Poisson linear-quadatric (PLQ) and Lyman-Kutcher-Burman (LKB) models on MATLAB and R software.


     For the BCS and post-mastectomy patients, 6FIMRT imposed lower doses to ipsilateral lung, heart, LAD, RCA, and contralateral breast compared to 9FIMRT, hypofractionated RT, and 3D-CRT (P < 0.005). Also, the NTCPs of the mentioned normal tissues for 6FIMRT were lower than other methods for both BCS and post-mastectomy groups. Moreover, it was found that the V20Gy for Ipsilateral lung and the V25Gy for heart, LAD, and RCA of 6FIMRT, 9FIMRT, and hypofractionated RT was significantly lower compared to 3D-CRT (P < 0.005) for both BCS and mastectomy groups, while there were no significant differences among them for the 6FIMRT and 9FIMRT with hypofractionated RT (P > 0.005). The TCP values of 9FIMRT, 6FIMRT, and hypofractionated RT were not considerably different; however, the TCP values of 3D-CRT were lower compared to other stated methods.


     6FIMRT is a suitable choice for RT of patients with left-sided breast cancer compared to other mentioned modalities, as a result of providing adequate PTV dose coverage and TCPs. Also, it may impose lower doses and NTCPs for OARs. Hypofractionated RT is a good alternative to reduce treatment time for patients with breast cancer.

    Keywords: Cardiovascular Structures, Lung Heart, Radiotherapy, Breast Cancer}
  • محمد عبدالملکی، مسعود دوستی*، محمدباقر توکلی

    یکی از زمینه های تحقیقاتی در پدافند نوین، سامانه های رادیویی بی سیم با توان مصرفی کم است که به طور خاص منجر به تقاضا برای فیلترهای با عملکرد بالاتر می شود. فیلترهای Gm-C به دلیل عملکرد فرکانس بالا و قابلیت مجتمع شدن در سال های اخیر مورد توجه قرار گرفته اند. در این مقاله یک فیلتر پایین گذر مرتبه چهار Gm-C با مدار تنظیم فرکانس خودکار روی تراشه ارایه شده است. هسته این فیلتر یک تقویت کننده ترارسانایی عملیاتی (OTA) فرکانس بالای ولتاژ پایین بر پایه معکوس کننده های CMOS است. برای افزایش خطینگی OTA، مدار پس خور مد مشترک (CMFB) جدیدی ارایه شده که با مدار پیش خور مد مشترک (CMFF) ترکیب شده‏ است. همچنین در این مقاله مدار تنظیم فرکانس خودکار جدیدی ارایه شده تا از طریق تنظیم ولتاژ بالک ترانزیستورها اثرات عدم تطبیق در المان ها و تغییرات دمایی بر OTA و درنتیجه فرکانس قطع فیلتر را جبران کند، درحالی که این مدار بخش کمی از توان مصرفی فیلتر را به خود اختصاص می دهد. مدارها با استفاده از فناوری CMOS nm 90 TSMC و با منبع تغذیه V 1 در نرم افزار Cadence طراحی و شبیه سازی شده است. نتایج شبیه سازی پس از جانمایی نشان می دهد بهره تفاضلی DC، بهره مد مشترک، فرکانس قطع dB 3  و فرکانس بهره واحد OTA به ترتیب برابر با dB 7/34، dB 26 ، MHz 237 و GHz 8/13 است. فرکانس قطع فیلتر GH 1 است و با اعمال ولتاژهای ورودی VP-p 2/0 دو تن، مقدار مدولاسیون داخلی مرتبه سوم (IM3) فیلتر در فرکانس قطع فیلتر برابر با dB 38  می باشد. توان مصرفی و مساحت اشغالی فیلتر به ترتیب mW 8/4 و mm2 038/0×043/0 می باشد. همچنین شبیه سازی مونت کارلو مقاومت خوب فیلتر پیشنهادی را در برابر خطاهای فرآیند ساخت نشان می دهد.

    کلید واژگان: فیلترهای Gm-C, تقویت کننده ترارسانایی عملیاتی, مدار تنظیم خودکار, معکوس کننده های CMOS}
    Mohammad Abdolmaleki, Massoud Dousti *, Mohammad Bagher Tavakoli

    The study of low power wireless radio systems is an area in modern defense that especially deals with higher performance filters. In recent years, Gm-C filters have drawn attention due to their high frequency performance and integrability. In this paper, a fourth-order low-pass Gm-C filter with on-chip automatic tuning circuit is presented. The core of this filter is a low-voltage high-frequency CMOS inverter-based operational transconductance amplifier (OTA). To improve the linearity of the OTA, a new common-mode feedback (CMFB) circuit is presented that is combined with a common-mode feedforward (CMFF) circuit. Moreover, a new automatic tuning circuit is presented. By tuning the bulk voltage of transistors, this circuit compensates the effects of mismatches and temperature changes on the OTA, and therefore, on the filter cutoff frequency. Furthermore, this circuit consumes small portion of the power consumed by the filter. The circuits are designed and simulated in Cadence using TSMC 90nm CMOS technology and a 1 V power supply. The post-layout simulation results show that the DC differential gain, common-mode gain, -3 dB cutoff frequency and unity-gain frequency of the OTA are 34.7 dB, -26 dB, 255 MHz and 13.8 GHz, respectively. The cutoff frequency of the filter is 1 GHz, and by applying 0.2 Vp-p input voltages, the third-order intermodulation (IM3) of the filter at the cutoff frequency is -38 dB. The power consumption and the area of the filter are 4.8 mW and 0.043 × 0.038 mm2, respectively. Moreover, Monte Carlo simulations show the good robustness of proposed filter against the process errors.

    Keywords: Gm-C filter, operational transconductance amplifier, automatic tuning circuit, CMOS inverters}
  • فاطمه عظیمی راویز*، زینب قطور، محمدباقر توکلی، سحر پورکاوه، جعفر شریفی، مرضیه حبیبی

    والدین دارای فرزند دچار اختلال کاستی توجه- فزون کنشی به خاطر مشکلات فراوان این کودکان، از تنش ها و فشار و اختلال های روانی زیادی رنج می برند. ازاین رو، پژوهش حاضر با هدف بررسی تاثیر گروه درمانی شناختی-رفتاری بر اضطراب اجتماعی مادران دارای فرزند دچار اختلال کاستی توجه- فزون کنشی انجام شد. روش پژوهش نیمه آزمایشی همراه با طرح پیش آزمون - پس آزمون و گروه کنترل بود. جامعه آماری پژوهش شامل 48 نفر از مادران دارای فرزند دچار اختلال کاستی توجه- فزون کنشی (12-7 ساله) منطقه 2 شهر کرمان در سال 1397 بودند. به روش نمونه گیری در دسترس 32 نفر از آن ها به عنوان نمونه پژوهش انتخاب و به صورت تصادفی در دو گروه آزمایش (16 نفر) و کنترل (16 نفر) گمارش شدند. پروتکل درمان شناختی-رفتاری بر روی گره آزمایش به مدت 9 جلسه 90 دقیقه ای به صورت گروهی اجرا شد؛ گروه کنترل به مدت دو ماه در لیست انتظار قرار گرفت. از پرسشنامه اضطراب اجتماعی نجاریان و داودی (1380) در دو مرحله پیش آزمون و پس آزمون جهت جمع آوری اطلاعات استفاده شد. به منظور تجزیه وتحلیل داده های پژوهش از تحلیل کوواریانس یک متغیره استفاده شد. یافته های حاصل از پژوهش نشان داد که با کنترل اثر پیش آزمون، بین میانگین نمرات پس آزمون اضطراب اجتماعی در بین افراد گروه آزمایش، تفاوت معناداری وجود داشت؛ بنابراین می توان گفت، درمانی شناختی-رفتاری بر کاهش اضطراب اجتماعی مادران دارای فرزند دچار اختلال کاستی توجه- فزون کنشی موثر بود (19/ 158=F و 001/0 >P). با استناد به نتایج این پژوهش، پیشنهاد می شود در مراکز مشاوره و روان درمانی در جهت ارایه افق های جدید در مداخلات بالینی این مادران و فرزندان آن ها از نتایج سودمند گروه درمانی شناختی-رفتاری بهره برد.

    کلید واژگان: اضطراب اجتماعی, اختلال کاستی توجه- فزون کنشی, درمان شناختی-رفتاری}
    Fatemeh Azimi Raviz*, Zeinab Gator, MohammadBagher Tavakoli, Sahar Pour Kaveh, Jafar Sharifi, Marzieh Habibi

    Parents with children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder suffer from a lot of stress and stress and mental disorders due to the many problems of these children. Therefore, the present study was conducted to investigate the effect of cognitive-behavioral therapy on the social anxiety of mothers of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The research design was based on a semi-experimental with a pre-test-post-test approach and control group. The research population included all the mothers of Children with ADHD (7-12 years old) in district 2 of Kerman City in 2018. A total number of 32 participants were selected as a research sample by convenience sampling and were randomly assigned to an experimental group (16 participants) and a control group (16 participants). The cognitive-behavioral therapy was conducted on the experimental group for nine 90-minute sessions. The control group was in line for two months. The Najarian & Davoodi Social Anxiety Questionnaire (2001) used in two stages of pre-test and post-test for data collection. ANCOVA used for data analysis. Research findings showed that an investigation of the effect of the pre-test indicates a significant difference between the average scores of post-test social anxiety in the experimental group. Therefore, it can state that cognitive-behavioral therapy is influential in reducing the social anxiety of the mothers of children with ADHD (P<0.001, F= 158/19). Considering the research results, it is recommended that the beneficial effects of cognitive-behavioral therapy are used in counseling and psychotherapy rehabilitation centers to present new horizons in clinical interventions of these mothers and their children.

    Keywords: cognitive behavioral therapy, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, social anxiety}
  • Salman Jafari *, MohammadBagher Tavakoli, Ali Zarrabi

    This study aimed to improve delivery of lomustine as a chemotherapeutic agent and to increase its uptake by U87-MG cancer cells via synthesizes LN-FA-PG-SPIONs (lomustine loaded polyglycerol coated superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles conjugated with folic acid). Nanoparticles were synthesized by thermal decomposition method and characterized using TEM (transmission microscope), FTIR (Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy), and VSM (vibrating sample magnetometer). Lomustine release from nanoparticles was determined by dialysis-bag diffusion technique. Nanoparticles cytotoxicity was evaluated by MTT assay. Mean size of SPIONs and FA-PG-SPIONs (PG-SPIONs conjugated with folic acid) were 7.1 ± 1.13 nm and 25.1 ± 3.94 nm, respectively. Based on FTIR spectra SPIONs were successfully coated by polyglycerol and conjugated with folic acid. Lomustine encapsulation efficiency was 46 ± 6.8 %. SPIONs were cytotoxic on U87-MG cells at concentration above 100 ug/ml (p <0.05) but PG-SPIONs do not reduce viability significantly (p > 0.05). Conjugation of folic acid with PG-SPIONs increased nanoparticles uptake by U87-MG cells (p < 0.05). We concluded that however FA-PG-SPIONs are proposed as a useful tracer for diagnostic and treatment of GBM but their drug delivery properties for lomustine is not satisfactory and more researches are necessary with this regard.

    Keywords: Polyglycerol coated SPIONs, Folic Acid, Drug delivery, Lomustine, U87- MG cell line}
  • ShabnamNasr Esfahani, Majid Delshad*, Mohammad Bagher Tavakoli

    n this paper, a novellossless snubberis introduced that provides ZVS conditions forbothOn and Off instant of converter switches. On one hand, the energy of the snubberis optimally transmitted to the output so that no significant losses are imposed on the converter. Since the converter diodes are switched off as ZCS, the reverse recovery problem is reduced. Inthis paper, the proposed snubbercircuit is applied to a conventional boost converter and an 80W sample is constructed in the laboratory to prove the performance andtheoreticalanalysis. Furthermore, in order to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed snubberon the reduction of Electromagnetic Interference (EMI), the EMI value of the boost converter with the proposed snubberhas been compared with the conventional boost converter, which shows a decrease of 10dBμV.

    Keywords: LosslessPassive Snapper, Zero Current SwitchingCondition(ZCS), Zero Voltage SwitchingCondition(ZVS), Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)}
  • Saviz Ebrahimi, FarbodSetoudeh*, Mohammad Bagher Tavakoli

    Thispaper presents a modified model to calculate the fractal dimension of digital images. Theestimation of fractal dimensions is crucial to fractal analysis and is popularly carried out through methods based on box counting. The problem with these approaches is that, most of them do not remove the potential effects of noise on fractal dimensions properly. Accordingly, this study examines the effects of three different type of noises on fractal dimensions using different images taken from Background image database. The examination shows thatthe fractal dimensions change significantly, after noise adding,so we put forward a noise-robust and efficient fractal dimension calculation methodwhichis a combination of two methods,the gray-level co-matrix algorithm and improved box counting method. Theresults of experiments on the Background image dataset confirm the robustness and efficiency of the proposed method.

    Keywords: Box-CountingAlgorithm, Fractal Dimension, Gray-Level Co-Matrix, Image, Noise}
  • Seyed AmirHossein Foroutan, Reza Sabbaghi Nadooshan *, Majid Mohammadi, MohammadBagher Tavakoli

    Today, the use of CMOS technology for the manufacture of electronic ICs has faced many limitations. Many alternatives to CMOS technology are offered and made every day. Quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA) is one of the most widely used. QCA gates and circuits have many advantages including small size, low power consumption and high speed. On the other hand, using special digital gates called reversible gates, a series of reversible circuits can be built that have their own advantages and applications in digital design. Reversible circuits can be implemented by QCA gates. One of the most important reversible gates implemented by QCA gates is QCA1 gate. In this paper we proposed a reversible full adder using QCA1 gates. Then, proposed reversible full adder is improved to the fault-tolerant structure. This structure has better indexes such as area and latency than similar ones. Reversible circuits are a kind of intelligent systems; because the possible system error can be distinguished by the output values.

    Keywords: Reversible gate, QCA1 gate, intelligent system, Fault-tolerant}
  • Reyhaneh NasrAzadani*, Akram Mehvari, Mohammadbagher Tavakoli

    Optical spectrum is a set of wavelengths which is created by a light source. Radiation of each element or composition can be absorptive or reflective and unique. For measurement of these spectra, an apparatus known as spectrometer can be used. In reality, spectrophotometer is a machine which measures the intensity of the absorbed light as a function of wavelength. Owing to the extensiveness of the radiational energy amplitude, various spectrophotometers are used for different purposes. The main purpose of this research is to use spectrophotometer and design of a spectrometer for diagnosis and evaluation of icterus in children and measurement of blood sugar in people suffering from diabetes. Statistical population of research includes 80 newborns suffering from icterus and 160 diabetic people in Al-Zahra hospital which are selected randomly. In this method, all of the samples are evaluated with regard to the absorbed light. Results imply to the 78% accuracy for diabetes and 84% accuracy in newborns.

    Keywords: Icterus, Diabetes, Spectrophotometer, Accuracy}
  • Mahsa Abdemanafi, Mohammad Bagher Tavakoli*, Ali Akhavan, Iraj Abedi

    Three‑dimensional 3D‑CRT: conformal radiation therapy is a selective modality in many radiotherapy centers for the treatment of breast cancer. One of the most common side effects of this method is radiation lung injury. Considering such an injury, lung dose deserves to be studied in depth.


    Computed tomography scan of a node‑positive left‑sided breast cancer woman was used for generating a thorax phantom. Ten thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) were distributed evenly in the left lung of the phantom, and the phantom was scanned. The optimal plan, including supraclavicular and tangential fields, was created by the treatment planning system (TPS). The results of TLD dose measurements at the selected points in the phantom were compared to TPS dose calculations.


    Lung doses calculated by TPS are significantly different from those measured by the TLDs (P = 0.007). The minimum and maximum differences were −0.91% and 4.46%, respectively. TLDs that were on the inner margin of the lung and breast tissue showed higher dose differences than the TLDs in the lung.


    The results of this study showed that TPS generally overestimated doses compared to TLD measurements due to incorrect beam modeling caused by contaminated electrons in the lung.

    Keywords: Left‑sided breast cancer, lung dose, phantom, three‑dimensional conformal radiation therapy}
  • مهدی اکبری، محمد باقر توکلی*، محمد حسین ایزدپناهی، ایرج عابدی، سعید خان باباپور

     پیشرفت های اخیر در تصویربرداری جدید مولکولی و زیست شناسی سلولی سرطان پروستات از جمله تصویربرداری وزن دیفیوژنی، باعث پیشرفت روش های بررسی سرطان شده است. نشانگرهای زیستی Ki-67 در پیش آگهی، تشخیص و درمان سرطان پروستات نقش مهمی دارد. هدف از انجام این مطالعه، بررسی همبستگی شاخص ضریب انتشار ظاهری تصویربرداری وزن دیفیوژنی با عامل Ki-67 بود.

    روش ها

     پژوهش حاضر، یک مطالعه ی مقطعی و آینده نگر بود که بر روی 36 بیمار مبتلا به سرطان پروستات، که تحت عمل جراحی رادیکال پروستاتکتومی قرار گرفته بودند، انجام شد. همه ی بیماران قبل از عمل جراحی، تحت تصویربرداری وزن دیفیوژنی قرار گرفتند و عامل Ki-67 به دنبال عمل جراحی، به روش Immunohistochemistry (IHC) ارزیابی شد. در نهایت، اطلاعات جمع آوری شده وارد نرم افزار SPSS شد. تجزیه و تحلیل آماری به منظور واکاوی ارتباط بین ضریب انتشار ظاهری و عامل Ki-67 انجام گردید.

    یافته ها

     عامل ki-67 با ضریب انتشار ظاهری در کل نواحی (محیطی و بینابینی) (001/0 > P) و در ناحیه ی محیطی (001/0 > P) و ناحیه ی بینابینی (030/0 = P) رابطه ی معکوسی داشت، اما با درجه ی بدخیمی تومور رابطه ی مستقیم داشت (035/0 = P).

    نتیجه گیری

    ضریب انتشار ظاهری، می تواند به عنوان یک معیار غیر تهاجمی برای ارزیابی عامل Ki-67 و تهاجم تومور سرطان پروستات که برای تشخیص، درجه بندی و پیش بینی بقای بیماران مبتلا به سرطان پروستات اهمیت دارد، قابل استفاده باشد.

    کلید واژگان: سرطان پروستات, عامل MRI, ضریب انتشار ظاهری, تصویربرداری دیفیوژنیMRI}
    Mehdi Akbari, Mohammad Bagher Tavakoli*, Mohammadhoseyn Izadpanahi, Iraj Abedi, Saied Khanbabapour

    Recent advances in molecular imaging of prostate cancer, including diffusion-weighted imaging, have led to improved cancer screening methods. The Ki-67 biomarker plays an important role in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of prostate cancer. The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation between apparent diffusion coefficient of diffusion weight imaging with Ki-67 factor.


    This was a cross-sectional study on 36 patients with prostate cancer, who underwent radical prostatectomy. All patients underwent diffusion weight imaging before surgery, and Ki-67 factor was evaluated by immunohistochemistry (IHC). Statistical analysis was performed to investigate the relationship between apparent diffusion coefficient and Ki-67 factor using SPSS software.


    The ki-67 factor was inversely correlated with the apparent diffusion coefficient in peripheral (P < 0.001) and interstitial zone (P = 0.030). Nevertheless, it had a direct relationship with the degree of tumor malignancy (P = 0.035).


    Apparent diffusion coefficient can be used as a noninvasive criterion for assessing ki-67 and prostate cancer tumor invasion, which is important in diagnosing, grading, and predicting the survival of patients with prostate cancer.

    Keywords: Prostate cancer, Ki-67 antigen, Apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC), Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging}
  • Seyedeh Shokoofeh Mousavi Gazafroudi, Amirreza Sajjadieh Khajouei, Maryam Moradi, Seyedeh Shabnam Mousavi, Ghasem Yadegarfar, Mohammad Bagher Tavakoli*

    Coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA) is an important modality in diagnosis of coronary artery disease (CAD). Owing to the fact that computed tomography (CT) examinations are performed using ionizing radiation; applying radiation dose-reduction strategies seems to be necessary. Lowering tube voltage (in kV) according to the patient’s body mass index (BMI) or weight is an approach that is investigated by many researchers. The goal of this study was to evaluate the impact of low tube voltage CCTA on radiation dose and image quality in order to decrease radiation dose in selected patients who meet inclusion criteria of the introduced protocol.


    Patients with clinical indications of CCTA who met inclusion criteria were classified in two groups randomly. Imaging of two groups was performed using 120 kV and 100 kV, respectively. Subjective and objective parameters of image quality and radiation dose of two groups were measured. Afterward, data were analyzed by appropriate statistical tests using SPSS software.


    While differences in image quality between two groups were not significant, radiation dose of patients who underwent 100 kV CCTA was significantly lower than the other group. Effective doses (EDs) of first and second groups were 22.30 ± 5.48 mSv and 13.82 ± 2.00 mSv, respectively (P < 0.001).


    Lowering tube voltage in non-obese patients is an effective and practical approach to radiation dose reduction without missing image quality that should be considered especially for female patients.

    Keywords: Coronary Angiography, Computed Tomography Angiography, Radiation Dosage, Contrast Agent, X-Rays, Image Enhancement}
  • Mohsen Olyaee *, Mohammad Bagher Tavakoli, Abbas Mokhtari
    This paper proposes a full adder with minimum power consumption and lowloss with a central frequency of 1550nm using plasmonic Metal-Insulator-Metal (MIM)waveguide structure and rectangular cavity resonator. This full adder operates based onXOR and AND logic gates. In this full adder, the resonant wave composition of the firstand second modes has been used and we have obtained a high transmission coefficientin the states in which the output must be active. This full adder uses the AND and XORlogic gates to be designed with three inputs, which results in the design of a full adderwith lower complexity, lower cost and fewer losses than Other full adders in whichAND and XOR logic gates are combined to be designed with two inputs. The relatedsimulations were performed by FDTD. The obtained results presented a performancesimilar to the predicted models, while considering approximations with theoreticalrelations.
    Keywords: Cavity Resonator, MIM Waveguide, full-adder}
  • سیده مهسا عبدمنافی، محمدباقر توکلی *، علی اخوان، ایرج عابدی
    ایجاد عوارض ریوی ناشی از پرتودرمانی پستان هنوز به درستی مشخص نشده است. این عوارض، می تواند به طور موقت یا دایم به ریه آسیب وارد کند. هدف از انجام این مطالعه، بررسی تغییرات پارامترهای حجمی ریوی (Lung volume parameters یا LVP) و تعیین ارتباط آن ها با متوسط دز دریافتی و حجمی که 20 گری دریافت می کند (V20)، در لوب های فوقانی و تحتانی و کل ریه بود.
    روش ها
    23 بیمار مبتلابه سرطان پستان که تحت پرتودرمانی موضعی قرار گرفته بودند، انتخاب شدند. جهت بررسی صحت دز دریافتی حاصل از محاسبات سیستم طراحی درمان (Treatment planning system یا TPS)، از شش عدد Thermoluminescence dosimeter (TLD) که به طور یکنواخت داخل فانتوم قفسه ی سینه توزیع شدند، استفاده گردید. برای بررسی تغییرات LVP، روش Body plethysmography طی سه مرحله انجام شد.
    یافته ها
    تغییرات LVP 3 ماه بعد از درمان، روند کاهشی و 6 ماه بعد از درمان بهبود جزئی نشان دادند و متوسط درصد کاهش آن ها 3 ماه بعد از درمان به ازای هر گری افزایش متوسط دز دریافتی ریه، 64/0 درصد و به ازای هر درصد افزایش V20، 34/0 درصد به دست آمد. ارتباط معنی داری بین سن و مثبت یا منفی بودن گیرنده های هورمونی با تغییرات LVP یافت نشد. کمینه و بیشینه ی درصد خطای محاسبات توزیع دز، به کمک هیستوگرام دز- حجم و مقادیر اندازه گیری شده با TLD، 8/1 و 2/4 درصد بود.
    نتیجه گیری
    این مطالعه نشان داد که تغییرات LVP، 3 و 6 ماه بعد از درمان، بیمار را در معرض بیماری ریوی و کاهش برگشت ناپذیر حجم های ریوی قرار نمی دهد. همچنین، محاسبات توزیع دز سیستم طراحی درمان از دقت کافی برخوردار بوده است.
    کلید واژگان: آزمون های عملکردی ریوی, دز پرتودرمانی, سرطان پستان}
    Seyedeh Mahsa Abdemanafi, Mohammad Bagher Tavakoli *, Ali Akhavan, Iraj Abedi
    The development of pulmonary complications after breast radiotherapy is still controversial. These complications might result in temporary or permanent damage to the lung. The aim of this study was to evaluate changes in the lung volume parameters (LVP) and to assess their relation with mean dose and the percentage of the lung receiving 20 Gy (V20) in the upper and lower lobes of the lung.
    Twenty three patients with breast cancer who underwent locoregional radiotherapy were selected. Six thermoluminescence dosimeters (TLDs) were distributed uniformly throughout the chest phantom to assess the accuracy of lung dose was calculated using treatment planning system (TPS). Body plethysmography was performed before, and 3 and 6 months after radiotherapy.
    Changes in LVP showed a decrease 3 months, and a slight improvement 6 months after radiotherapy. The mean percentage decrease in LVP was 0.64% and 0.34%for each Gy increase in mean lung dose (MLD) and for each percentage increase of V20, respectively. There was no significant correlation between changes in LVP with respect to age and concurrent hormonal therapy. The minimum and maximum calculation errors of the TPS were 1.8% and 4.2%, respectively.
    This study showed that changes in LVP, 3 and 6 months after radiotherapy did not cause pulmonary disease, and the TPS dose distribution was reasonably accurate.
    Keywords: Respiratory function tests, Radiotherapy dosage, Breast cancer}
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