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تنها با پرداخت 70 هزارتومان حق اشتراک سالانه به متن مقالات دسترسی داشته باشید و 100 مقاله را بدون هزینه دیگری دریافت کنید.

برای پرداخت حق اشتراک اگر عضو هستید وارد شوید در غیر این صورت حساب کاربری جدید ایجاد کنید


فهرست مطالب mohammadjavad ghanei bafghi

  • هاجر سادات آل داود، محمدجواد قانعی بافقی*، اکرم نشاط، مهدی تازه

    با توجه به فراوانی مناطق کویری و بیابانی در ایران لزوم شناخت قابلیت های اساسی این مناطق برای از بین بردن محدودیت ها، جلوگیری از مهاجرت مردم و دستیابی به توسعه پایدار آن ها امری ضروری است. منطقه خور و بیابانک قطب گردش گری کویر مرکزی ایران محسوب می شود. پژوهش حاضر با هدف شناسایی مناسب ترین مکان برای بوم گردی در شهرستان خوروبیابانک و پتانسیل یابی قابلیت های منطقه در زمینه ی انجام فعالیت های مختلف بوم گردی انجام شده است. تعداد 30 پرسش نامه توسط صاحب نظران و خبرگان این حوزه تکمیل شد و از نتایج آن و با استفاده از تحلیل سلسله مراتبی در نرم افزار Expert Choice جهت رسیدن به اهداف تعیین شده استفاده گردید. نتایج نشان داد شش معیار مورد بررسی به ترتیب اهمیت عبارتند از 1- محیط بیولوژیک، 2- ارزش های ویژه، 3- محیط فیزیکی (زمین شناسی و ژیومورفولوژی)، 4- محیط اقتصادی-اجتماعی و سیاسی، 5- محیط فیزیکی (آب و هوا و اقلیم) و 6- معیار محیط فرهنگی که گزینه های هر معیار به ترتیب عبارت است از روستای ایراج برای معیار اول، روستای مصر برای معیارهای دوم و سوم، شهر خور برای معیار چهارم، روستای ایراج برای معیار پنجم و مجددا شهر خور برای معیار ششم.

    کلید واژگان: بوم گردی, خوروبیابانک, توسعه پایدار, روش تحلیل سلسله مراتبی, expert choice}
    Hajarsadat Aal-E-Davoud, MohammadJavad Ghanei-Bafghi *, Akram Neshat, Mahdi Tazeh

    Given the abundance of desert and desert areas in Iran, it is necessary to recognize the basic capabilities of these areas to eliminate restrictions, prevent migration of people and achieve their sustainable development. KhoroBiyabank region is the tourism hub of the central desert of Iran. The aim of this study was to identify the most suitable place for ecotourism in Khorobiabank city and to identify the potential of the region in the field of various ecotourism activities. 30 questionnaires were completed by experts in this field and its results were used using hierarchical analysis in Expert Choice software to achieve the set goals. The results showed that the six criteria studied in order of importance are: 1- biological environment, 2- special values, 3- physical environment (geology and geomorphology), 4- socio-economic and political environment, 5- physical environment ( Climate and climate) and 6- Cultural environment criteria, the options of each criterion are Iraj village for the first criterion, Egypt village for the second and third criteria, Khor city for the fourth criterion, Iraj village for the fifth criterion and again Khor city for the sixth criterion.

    Keywords: Ecotourism, Khorobiabank, sustainable development, hierarchical analysis method, expert choice}
  • علی برزگر، سعیده کلانتری*، محمدرضا فاضل پور، محمدجواد قانعی بافقی، مهدی تازه

    اجرای طرح های بیابان زدایی را نمی توان جدای از اثرات اقتصادی-اجتماعی آنها دانست. در سال های گذشته، طرح های بیابان زدایی متعددی نظیر مالچ پاشی، کشت گونه های مقاوم و غیره در کشور، اجرا گردیده است. در استان یزد نیز طرح های بیابان زدایی زیادی از جمله طرح بیابان زدایی میبد-اشکذر اجرا شده است. بنابراین، هدف تحقیق حاضر، بررسی تاثیر اجرای عملیات طرح های بیابان زدایی از دیدگاه مردمی است. برای انجام این پژوهش، حجم نمونه با استفاده روش کوکران، 286 عدد محاسبه شد. پرسشنامه، بر اساس طیف پنج گزینه ای لیکرت طراحی و گویه های متعددی شامل 6 گویه اقتصادی، 5 گویه اجتماعی و 7 گویه مدیریتی در پرسشنامه در نظر گرفته شده و توسط مردم بصورت تصادفی تکمیل گردید. سپس اولویت هر یک از گویه ها با استفاده از آزمون ناپارامتریک فریدمن، بررسی شد. نتایج تحقیق نشان داد که از نظر معیارهای اقتصادی، تاثیر اجرای طرح های جنگلکاری و کانال باد میبد بر کاهش خسارت به اراضی کشاورزی و محصولات با میانگین رتبه ای 82/4 به عنوان اولین اولویت ارزیابی مردمی قرار گرفت. در رتبه های بعدی، کاهش خسارت به اراضی مسکونی و صنعتی و افزایش تولید کشاورزی و باغی در واحد سطح، با میانگین رتبه ای 06/4 و 77/3 ارزیابی شد. در خصوص نگرش مردم نسبت به طرح، نتایج نشان داد که تمایل مردم نسبت به مشارکت در نگهداری طرح با میانگین رتبه ای 30/3 در اولویت اول قرار گرفته است. از نظر معیارهای مدیریتی، کاهش هجوم ماسه های روان، کاهش تولید گردوغبار و طوفان های محلی و کاهش آفات محصولات کشاورزی با میانگین رتبه ای 52/5، 37/5 و 43/4 در اولویت بعدی ارزیابی مردمی قرار گرفت. بنابراین، اثر مثبت طرح های بیابان زدایی توسط ساکنان منطقه، به خوبی احساس شده است و شایسته است به جهت حفاظت بهتر از منابع طبیعی، اقداماتی برای نزدیکی بیشتر مسیولان این بخش و جامعه محلی صورت گیرد.

    کلید واژگان: ارزیابی مردمی, اکوسیستم بیابان, مشارکت, استان یزد, اقتصادی, اجتماعی}
    Ali Barzegar, Saeideh Kalantari *, MohammadReza Fazelpour, MohammadJavad Ghaneibafghi, Mahdi Tazeh

    The implementation of combating desertification projects can not be considered apart from their socio-economic impacts. In recent years, many combating desertification projects such as mulching, planting resistant species and etc., have been implemented in the country. Many combating desertification projects have been implemented in Yazd province, including Meybod-Ashkezar. The purpose of this research is to investigate the impact of the implementation of combating desertification projects from the peoples’ point of view. To conduct the present research, the sample size was calculated using Cochran’s method, 286 samples. The questionnaire was designed based on the five-choice Likert scale and several items including 6 economic items, 5 social items and 7 management items were considered in the questionnaire and were randomly completed by people. Then, the priority of each item was checked using Friedman’s non-parametric test. The research results showed that the economic criteria, the effect of the implementation of afforestation and Meybod wind canal projects, reducing damage to agricultural lands and products with an average rating of 4.82, was placed as the first priority of people’s evaluation. In the next ranks, the reduction of damage to residential and industrial lands and the increase of agricultural and horticultural production per unit area were evaluated with an average 4.06 and 3.77, respectively. Regarding the people’s attitude towards the plan, the results showed that the people’s willingness to participate in the maintenance of the plan with an average rating of 3.30 is the first priority. Regarding the Peoples’ point of view to projects, the results showed that the people’s willingness to participate in the maintenance of the plan with an average rating of 3.30 is the first priority. Regarding the management criteria, reducing the influx of sands, reducing the production of dust and local storms, and Reduction of agricultural crop pests with average 5.52, 5.37, and 4.43 were placed in the next priority of public evaluation. Therefore, the positive effect of desertification projects has been well felt by the residents of the region, and it is appropriate to take measures to bring closer the officials of this sector and the local community for the purpose of better protection of natural resources.

    Keywords: People’s evaluation, Desert ecosystem, Participation, Yazd province, Social, economic}
  • لاله شریفی پور، محمدجواد قانعی بافقی*، محمدرضا کوثری، ساسان شریفی پور

    خشک سالی یک اختلال موقتی است که خصوصیات آن از منطقه ای با منطقه دیگر متفاوت است، از این رو نمی توان تعریف جامع و مطلق برای خشک سالی بیان نمود.در تحقیق حاضر، به منظور معرفی یک روش مناسب جهت پیش بینی خشکسالی برای یک ماه آتی، چهار روش هوش مصنوعی شامل یادگیری عمیق (Deeplearning) (از شبکه الکس نت که یکی از شبکه های کانولوشن می باشد استفاده شده است)، الگوریتم K نزدیک ترین همسایه (KNN)، ماشین برداد پشتیبان چند طبقه (SVM-MultiClass) و درخت تصمیم (Decision Tree) در نظر گرفته شد. داده های بارندگی 11 ایستگاه سینوتیک استان یزد طی دوره آماری 29 ساله (1988 تا 2017) به صورت ماهانه به عنوان داده های آزمایشی مورد استفاده قرار گرفتند. شاخص بارش استاندارد شده (SPI) برای نشان دادن وضعیت خشکسالی از نظر شدت و مدت در مقیاس های زمانی 1، 3، 6، 9، 12 و 24 ماهه محاسبه گردید. در ابتدا داده های بارش به عنوان ورودی شبکه های عصبی و کلاس بندی SPI  به عنوان خروجی شبکه ها قرار داده شد. 80 درصد داده ها برای آموزش و20 درصد داده ها برای تست شبکه ها به کار گرفته شد. نتایج نشان داد که تمامی شبکه ها توانایی پیش بینی خشکسالی را داشته اند، بر اساس معیار ارزیابی macro-f1 شبکه Deeplearning در مقیاس زمانی 1 ماهه با 71/22 درصد، ناکارآمدترین روش و  Decision Tree با 65/64 درصد، کارآمدترین روش بوده اند، اما با افزایش مقیاس زمانی، شبکه Deeplearning عملکرد خود را بهبود بخشید، به طوریکه در مقیاس زمانی 24 ماهه با 35/65 درصد، بهترین عملکرد مربوط به شبکه Deeplearning و بعد از آن، شبکه SVM-MultiClass با 40/57 درصد، قرار گرفت.

    کلید واژگان: خشک سالی, شاخص بارش استاندار شده, هوش مصنوعی, یادگیری عمیق, الکس نت, ریکارنس پلات}
    Laleh Sharifipour, Mohammad-Javad Ghanei-Bafghi*, Mohammad Reza Kousari, Ssan Sharifipour
    Problem statement

    Drought is a temporary disorder whose characteristics vary from region to region, therefore, it is not possible to define a complete and absolute definition of drought. Drought is one of the most important natural disasters that can occur in any climate regime. Since drought is unavoidable, it is important to know it in order to optimally manage water resources. Drought prediction can play an important role in managing this phenomenon. In other words, recognizing and predicting this phenomenon is one of the topics of interest for scientists who are interested in solving the problem of water shortage. More than 80% of Iran's area is covered by arid and semi-arid regions and lack of rain is a predominant phenomenon in this region. So far, several methods have been proposed to predict drought. Each method offers different results in specific conditions.  Therefore, identifying the best method for predicting drought in the climatic conditions of central Iran is essential. 

    Material and methods

    In this research, in order to introduce a suitable method for predicting drought for the next month, four methods of artificial intelligence including Deeplearning (using the Alexnet network, one of the convoluted networks), K nearest neighbor algorithm (KNN), multi-class Support vector machines (SVM-MultiClass) and decision tree have been used. Monthly rainfall data from 11 syntactic stations of Yazd province during the 29-year statistical period (1988 to 2017) were used as experimental data. Standardized precipitation index (SPI) was calculated to indicate drought status in terms of severity and duration on 1, 3, 6, 9, 12 and 24 month time scales. Precipitation data was used as neural network input and SPI classification as network output and 80 percent of the data was used for training and 20 percent for testing the networks.In this study, the Recurrence Plot method was used to interpret the time series to convert these series into images and RG and B pages were created. To convert rainfall data into photos at 1, 3, 6, 9, 12 and 24 month time scales, photo layers were created using a standardized rainfall formula, and by merging these three output layers into colored photos and black and white photos were obtained. Using three pages created in MATLAB software and merging them, the output was in the form of a photo, which was placed as the input of the Alexnet network. Combination of Recurrence Plot to create images and deep learning network for classification of drought data has been used for the first time in this research. To evaluate the effectiveness of the classification strategy, standard criteria of accuracy, micro-F1 and macro-F1 were used.

     Results Description and interpretation

    The results showed that all networks were able to predict drought. However, on short time scales such as 3 and 9 months, the accuracy assessment criteria for some classes are zero and the methods of learning from these classes are practically ignored due to their lack of data. But on a larger time scale, this issue has been addressed and the data of those classes are well categorized. Deep learning network with image input could not predict well in the short term due to lack of data, but in the long term due to increased data has improved its performance and had the best performance. The SVM method at different time scales has shown unreliable and variable behaviors that can not be said to be a suitable method for predicting drought at different time scales. Decision Tree and KNN methods have been able to predict drought better in the short term than in the long term. The two methods have been closely related. .Based on the Deeplearning network macro-f1 evaluation criterion, the one-month time scale with 22.71% was the most inefficient method and the Decision Tree with 64.65% was the most efficient method, But with the increase in time scale, the Deeplearning network improved its performance, so that at the 24-month time scale with 65.35%, the best performance for the Deeplearning network followed by the SVM-MultiClass network with 57.40%. For future research, it is suggested that Decision Tree and KNN methods be used to predict short-term drought. In this study, with increasing the time scale and increasing the data used, these two methods have lost their effectiveness compared to the short term.

    Keywords: Drought, Standardized Precipitation Index, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Alexent, Recarence Plot}
  • مینا بهنود، مریم مروتی*، محمدجواد قانعی بافقی
    زمینه و هدف

    در دنیای امروز افزایش جمعیت و سیر صنعتی شدن بدون در نظر گرفتن توان سرزمین ها، فشار هایی را بر محیط زیست اعمال کرده و باعث بر هم زدن توازن طبیعت، ایجاد چالش های محیط زیستی و تاثیر بر کیفیت زندگی بشر امروز شده است. بادروبی فرآیندی پیچیده است که به شکل های مختلف چون کنده شدن، انتقال، دانه بندی، سایش و در نهایت رسوب انجام می گیرد. یکی از مهم ترین بحران های محیط زیستی در مناطق خشک و نیمه خشک، پدیده مخرب بیابان زایی و بادروبی هست که وقوع طوفان های گرد و غبار و حرکت ریز گردها از پیامدهای آن محسوب می شود. هدف از این تحقیق ارزیابی اثرات بادروبی در شهرستان ریگان در بخشهای اقتصادی، اجتماعی و محیط زیستی با استفاده از مدل DPSIR است. از آنجایی که بادروبی یکی از مشکلات اساسی در منطقه ریگان است، لذا برای چاره اندیشی و رفع این مشکل لازم است که زنجیره ای از روابط علت-معلولی دخیل در سه محیط اقتصادی، اجتماعی و محیط زیست منطقه ترسیم گردد.

    روش بررسی

    به منظور اجرای این تحقیق ابتدا سه شاخص از سه محیط، اقتصادی، اجتماعی و محیط زیست انتخاب شد سپس اطلاعات مورد نیاز از سازمان های مربوطه جمع آوری گردید در مرحله بعد اطلاعات هر یک از آن شاخص ها در چارچوب DPSIR قرار گرفتند و زنجیره ای از روابط علت-معلولی در ارتباط با آن شاخص ها نشان داده شد.

    یافته ها

    نتایج تحقیقق حاکی از آن است که خسارات وارده به بخش کشاورزی ناشی از پدیده گردوغبار از سال 1386 تا 6 ماه اول سال 1397 روند صعودی داشته است. در بخش اجتماعی با توجه به دستگاه سنجش ذرات معلق (pm) در دو ماه فروردین و اردیبهشت سال 1397 روز های پاک انگشت شمار بودند و بر اساس آمار مرکز بهداشت میزان مراجعه افراد ناشی از مشکلات تنقسی به مراکز درمانی زیاد بوده است . هم چنین در بخش محیط زیست، در منطقه ریگان وسعتی بالغ بر 158200هکتار کانون بحرانی با شدت زیاد شناسایی شد و تنوع زیستی منطقه را به ویژه درختان کهور ایرانی، تحت تاثیر قرار داده است.

    بحث و نتیجه گیری

    نتایج تحقیق نشان می دهد، که پدیده ی بادروبی در منطقه ریگان با مدیریت نادرست انسان و بهره کشی از محیط همانند یک پس خور مثبت به این پدیده دامن زده است و آثار نامطلوبی را از جمله طوفان های گردوغبار را ایجاد کرده است.

    کلید واژگان: بادروبی, مدلDPSIR, محیط اقتصادی, محیط اجتماعی, زیست محیطی}
    Mina Behnood, Maryam Morovati *, Mohammad Javad Ghanei Bafghi
    Background and purpose

    In today's world, population growth and industrialization, regardless of the potential of the lands, have put pressures on the environment, upsetting the balance of nature, creating environmental challenges and affecting the quality of human life today.  Wind breaking is a complex process that takes place in various forms such as excavation, transfer, granulation, abrasion and finally sedimentation. One of the most important environmental crises in arid and semi-arid regions is the destructive phenomenon of desertification and windfall, the occurrence of which is the occurrence of dust storms and the movement of fine dust. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of wind in Reagan County on economic, social and environmental sectors using the DPSIR model. Since wind is one of the major problems in the Reagan area, it is necessary to draw a chain of cause-and-effect relationships involved in the three economic, social and environmental environments of the region.

    Material and Methodology

    In order to conduct this research, three indicators were selected from three environments:  economic, social and environmental. Then, the available information was collected from relevant organization of each indicator, they were placed in the DPSIR framework. And then was shown a chain of cause-and-effect relationships in relation to those indicators.


    The results of the research indicate that the damage to the agricultural sector due to the dust phenomenon has had an upward trend from 2007 to the first 6 months of 2018. In the social sector, according to the suspended particle measuring device (pm) in the two months of April and May 2018, there were few clean days and according to the statistics of the health center, the number of people referring to medical centers due to respiratory problems has been high. Also in the field of environment, in Reagan area, an area of 158,200 hectares of critical hotspots was identified with great intensity and has affected the biodiversity of the region, especially Persian Kahour trees.

    Discussion and Conclusion

    The result of the research showed that the wind phenomenon in Reagan area with improper human management and exploitation of the environment as a positive feedback has fueled this phenomenon and has created adverse effects such as dust storms.

    Keywords: Wind Erosion, DPSIR model, economic environment, social environment, environmental}
  • فاطمه ثقفی، محمدجواد قانعی بافقی*، مصطفی شیرمردی

    بیوچار ماده‏ای غنی از کربن شناخته می شود که شرایط پیرولیز، سطح ویژه بالایی در آن ایجاد کرده و عملکردهای ویژه ای در خاک از خود نشان می دهد. در این پژوهش که با هدف بررسی تاثیر بیوچار خرما بر خاک شور انجام شد، بیوچار مورد نیاز از ضایعات هرس خرما در دمای 500 درجه سانتی‏گراد با شرایط اکسیژن محدود به دست آمد. این آزمایش در قالب طرح کاملا تصادفی با سه تکرار انجام گرفت. بیوچار خرما با درصد وزنی صفر، 5/0، 1، 5/1 و 2 به صورت یکنواخت با خاک شور مخلوط گردید و به مدت 90 روز با رطوبت ظرفیت مزرعه نگهداری شد. پس از این مدت، نمونه‏ها هوا خشک شده و ویژگی‏های شیمیایی و فیزیکی خاک تعیین گردید و مقایسه میانگین‏ داده ها با استفاده از آزمون دانکن در سطح 5% انجام شد. نتایج نشان داد که افزودن بیوچار شاخ و برگ خرما به خاک به طور معنی‏داری مقدار هدایت الکتریکی خاک، کربن آلی، کلسیم، منیزیم، سدیم، پتاسیم خاک و تخلخل را افزایش داد. درحالی که SAR و وزن مخصوص ظاهری کاهش معنی دار پیدا کرد و بر پارامترهای pH، فسفر، رطوبت ظرفیت مزرعه و چگالی حقیقی تاثیر معنی‏داری نداشت. کاربرد اصلاح کننده های آلی مانند بیوچار می تواند به دلیل داشتن عناصر مختلف و همچنین سطح ویژه بالا تاثیر مثبتی بر خصوصیات فیزیکی و شیمیایی خاک داشته باشد.

    کلید واژگان: پیرولیز, خاک شور و قلیا, خصوصیات فیزیکوشیمیایی, زغال زیستی}
    Fatemeh Saghafi, MohammadJavad Ghanei Bafghi*, Mostafa Shirmardi

    Salinity is an important environmental stressor that affects plant growth. In saline soils, plants are subjected to some toxic ions and water shortages. Crop residues are considered major organic agricultural wastes that can be useful for the soil and the plants. Organic matter has positive effects on the soil's physical and chemical properties. Converting agricultural wastes to Biochar is an appropriate way to achieve a valuable amendment. Biochar is a carbon-rich decomposition-resistant product obtained by heating biomass in an oxygen-free chamber, being used for carbon sequestration by applying large amounts of carbon.Moreover, as a highly stable residue in the soil, it has been proven to store atmospheric carbon for hundreds to millions of years. According to different studies' findings, the application of Biochar can increase the soil's water-holding capacity, microbial activity, and nutrient availability. However, its effect on soil properties depends on its source and the extent of its application.  As the dependency of Biochar's effects on saline soils' properties in such soils has been under-researched, this study attempted to investigate the effect of palm-tree residues' Biochar on the physical and chemical properties of saline soils.

    Materials and Methods

    the required Biochar was prepared from palm trees' residues at 500°C under limited oxygen conditions. This experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design with three replications. Biochar was mixed at 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, and 2% rates with saline soils and incubated with humidity at field capacity for 90 days. Then, the samples were air-dried, and some physicochemical characteristics of the soil were determined. Moreover, the comparison of the means was performed using Duncan's test at a confidence level of 95%.


    The results showed that applying the Biochar obtained from palm trees to the soil significantly increased the soil's chemical properties such as electrical conductivity (EC), organic carbon, calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium while decreased the sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), and the sodium/potassium ratio. Moreover, while adding Biochar to the soil increased the porosity by 10% and reduced the bulk density by 4%, treatments did not significantly affect pH, available phosphorus, field capacity, and the soil's particle density. Furthermore, adding 2%, Biochar increased calcium concentration in soil by 2.08 times compared to that of the control treatment. It was also found that the changes in the soil's magnesium calcium were similar and that using more Biochar increased magnesium concentration by 2.88 times compared to what was observed in the control treatment (more than the control treatment). Therefore, the study's findings indicated that the available potassium concentration in soil increased significantly following the application of different biochar levels. It was also found that compared to the control treatment, the amount of potassium increased about 12.33 and 18.79 times, respectively, with an increase of bio-dates in 1.5 and 2% treatments. Moreover, the highest increase in sodium was related to applying a 2% biochar date, which was 49.35% more than that of the control treatment. Finally, using 2% biochar reduced the sodium adsorption ratio by 7.6%.

    Discussion and Conclusion

    This study showed that palm trees' Biochar improved some saline soil parameters such as SAR, organic matter, and nutrients. Increased EC is due to increased sodium as a destructive factor and other cations such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium as helpful plant nutrients. On the other hand, the sodium to potassium ratio was decreased. Moreover, it was suggested that the potassium was increased more than sodium, and that was why the index was improved. According to the study's findings, Biochar increased porosity due to its high specific surface area.Moreover, using 2% biochar treatment increased the saline soil's organic carbon by approximately three times. Due to the Biochar's low specific gravity, it can be expected that the soil's density is decreased by applying Biochar in soil. However, the increase in Biochar did not significantly affect the soil's particle density, which is probably due to the low weight of biochar particles versus the high weight of the soil's minerals and the amount of Biochar applied. It seems that applying Biochar as an amendment can improve the saline soil's properties and that the size of biochar particles may have different effects on changing the soil's properties, which can be investigated in future researches.

    Keywords: Pyrolysis, Saline, Alkaline Soil, Chemical, Physical Characteristic, Biochar}
  • زهرا عرب بافرانی، محمدجواد قانعی بافقی*، مصطفی شیرمردی
    سابقه و هدف

    مدیریت و استفاده صحیح از ضایعات کشاورزی یکی از راهکارهای مهم توسعه پایدار بخش کشاورزی در ایران به حساب می آید. با توجه به اینکه بیشتر سطح کشور را اراضی خشک و نیمه خشک فرا گرفته و در این اراضی تجزیه سریع مواد آلی و کمبود آن در خاک یکی از مشکلات بخش کشاورزی و منابع طبیعی به حساب می آید، جلوگیری از سوزاندن و استفاده بهینه از این ضایعات هم کمبود مواد آلی خاک را جبران می کند و هم از آلودگی محیط زیست جلوگیری می نماید. با توجه به ماندگاری بالای بیوچار در خاک، استفاده از آن در زمین های کشاورزی جهت تامین مواد آلی برای رشد گیاه و به عنوان اصلاح کننده برای بهبود خصوصیات خاک، می تواند راهکار مفیدی برای مدیریت پسماندهای آلی باشد. با توجه به گسترش کشت پسته در مناطق مرکزی ایران سالانه از هرس سرشاخه های آن مقادیر متنابهی ضایعات حاصل می شود که معمولا به منظور جلوگیری از گسترش آفات سوزانده می شود. هدف از این تحقیق بررسی اثر بیوچار ضایعات پسته بر خصوصیات رشدی گیاه گلرنگ می باشد.

    مواد و روش ها: 

    به منظور بررسی اثر بیوچار بر خصوصیات رشدی گیاه گلرنگ، آزمایشی به صورت طرح کاملا تصادفی با سه تکرار، انجام شد. تیمار بیوچار که از چوب درخت پسته در دمای 500 درجه سانتی گراد در شرایط کم اکسیژن تهیه شده بود در چهار سطح صفر، 1، 2 و 4 درصد وزنی مورد پژوهش قرار گرفت. در پایان دوره رشد، گیاهان جمع آوری شد و صفات سطح، طول و عرض برگ، تعداد برگ زرد، سبز و مجموع آنها، فاصله میان گره، وزن تر و خشک بخش هوایی و ریشه، ارتفاع ساقه، مدت جوانه زنی از زمان کشت، محتوای نسبی آب برگ، درصد نشت یونی، شاخص کلروفیل برگ، غلظت سدیم، پتاسیم و فسفر و نسبت غلظت سدیم به پتاسیم اندازه گیری شد. داده ها در نرم افزار SAS آنالیز گردید و مقایسه میانگین ها با استفاده از آزمون دانکن در سطح احتمال 5 درصد انجام شد.

    یافته ها: 

    نتایج نشان داد که اثر تیمار بیوچار بر صفات سطح برگ، وزن تر و خشک گیاه، وزن خشک ریشه، ارتفاع گیاه، کلروفیل برگ، درصد نشت یونی، محتوای نسبی آب برگ، غلظت سدیم، فسفر و پتاسیم و نسبت غلظت سدیم به پتاسیم معنی دار بود اما اثر این تیمار بر شاخص های طول و عرض برگ، تعداد برگ سبز و زرد و مجموع آنها، وزن تر ریشه ، فاصله میان گره و مدت زمان جوانه زنی از زمان کاشت معنی دار نبود. مقایسه میانگین ها نشان داد که بالاترین میزان سطح برگ (25/413 میلی متر مربع)، وزن خشک ریشه (17/1 گرم)، وزن تر (79/3 گرم) و خشک گیاه (89/0 گرم)، ارتفاع گیاه (25/52 سانتی متر)، محتوای نسبی آب برگ (2/89)، غلظت پتاسیم (81/2 درصد) و فسفر (24/0 درصد) در بالاترین سطح بیوچار (4 درصد وزنی) به دست آمد. همچنین بالاترین شاخص سطح کلروفیل برگ (8/53) در تیمار یک درصد بیوچار و بالاترین درصد نشت یونی (75/81 درصد)، غلظت سدیم (35/3 درصد) و نسبت سدیم به پتاسیم (63/1) در تیمار شاهد مشاهده شد.

    نتیجه گیری: 

    این تحقیق نشان داد کاربرد بیوچار می تواند خصوصیات مرفوفیزیولوژیک و غلظت عناصر ضروری مانند فسفر و پتاسیم در اندام هوایی گیاه گلرنگ را بهبود بخشد و در این زمینه میزان مصرف بیوچار دارای اهمیت می باشد. با توجه به آنالیز بیوچار از نظر عناصر غذایی و محتوای کربن، به نظر می رسد که احتمالا کاربرد بیوچار با بهبود وضعیت تغذیه ای این عناصر در خاک و همچنین افزایش ظرفیت نگهداری رطوبت خاک به دلیل داشتن محتوای بالای کربن آلی بیوچار، بتواند محیط مناسب تری برای رشد گیاه فراهم آورده و از این طریق باعث بهبود شاخص های رشدی شود. بنابراین در صورت استفاده صحیح از ضایعات پسته و سایر محصولات کشاورزی به صورت بیوچار می توان ضمن جلوگیری از آلودگی محیط زیست، بخشی از کمبود مواد آلی خاک های مناطق خشک را از این طریق جبران کرد.

    کلید واژگان: بیوچار, گلرنگ, صفات مورفولوژیک, صفات فیزیولوژیک}
    Zahra Arab Bafrani, MohammadJavad Ghanei Bafghi *, Mostafa Shirmardi
    Background and Objectives

    Proper management and use of agricultural waste is one of the important strategies for sustainable development of agriculture in Iran. Given that most of the country is covered by arid and semi-arid lands, rapid decomposition of organic matter and its deficiency in soil is one of the problems of agriculture and natural resources, preventing the waste from being burnt and making optimum use of it can both compensate for the lack of soil organic matter and reduce environmental pollution. Considering the high durability of biochar in soil, a useful strategy for organic waste management is use of biochar on agricultural land to provide organic matter for plant growth and as a modifier to improve soil properties. Due to the expansion of pistachio cultivation in central Iran, pruning of its branches results in considerable amounts of waste annually, which is usually burned to prevent pest spread. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of pistachio waste on growth characteristics of safflower.

    Materials and Methods

    In order to investigate the effect of biochar on growth characteristics of safflower, an experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design with three replications. Biochar treatment prepared from pistachio wood at 500 ° C under low oxygen conditions was studied at four levels of 0, 1, 2 and 4%. by weight. At the end of the growth period, plants were collected and leaf area, leaf length and width, number of yellow, green leaves and total, internodes distance, fresh and dry weight of shoot and root, stem height, germination time from planting, relative leaf water content, Ion leakage percentage, leaf chlorophyll index, sodium, potassium and phosphorus concentration and sodium to potassium concentration ratio were measured. Data were analyzed in SAS software and mean comparisons were made using Duncan test at 5% level.


    The results showed that the effect of biochar treatment on leaf area, fresh and dry weight of plants, root dry weight, plant height, leaf chlorophyll, ion leakage percentage, leaf relative water content, sodium, phosphorus and potassium concentration and sodium to potassium concentration ratio were significant. However, the effect of this treatment on leaf length and width indices, number of green and yellow leaves and their total, root fresh weight, internodes distance and germination time was not significant. Mean comparison showed that the highest leaf area (413.25 mm 2), root dry weight (1.17 g), fresh weight (3.79 g) and plant dry weight (0.89 g), plant height (0.25 g). 52 cm), relative leaf water content (89.2%), potassium concentration (2.81%) and phosphorus (0.24%) were obtained at the highest biochar level (4% by weight). Also, the highest leaf chlorophyll index content (53.8%) was observed in one percent biochemical treatment and the highest ion leakage (81.75%), sodium concentration (3.35%) and sodium to potassium ratio (1.63) were observed in control treatment. .


    This study showed that the use of biochar can improve the morphophysiological properties and concentration of essential elements such as phosphorus and potassium in the aerial parts of safflower, and in this regard, the amount of biochar consumption is important. According to Biochar analysis in terms of nutrients and carbon content, it seems that Biochar application may improve the nutritional status of these elements in soil and also increase Soil moisture storage capacity due to high content of Biochar organic carbon, it Provide a more suitable environment for plant growth and thereby improve growth indicators. Therefore, if the pistachio and other agricultural products waste are used properly as biochar, compensates a part of the lack of organic matter in the soils of dry areas and environmental pollution can be prevented.

    Keywords: Biochar, Morphological traits, Physiological traits, safflower}
  • مینا بهنود، مریم مروتی*، محمدجواد قانعی بافقی

    گردوغبار محلی ناشی از فرسایش بادی از جمله بلایای طبیعی است که عمدتا در مناطق خشک و نیمه خشک ایران مرکزی مشاهده می شود و معمولا علت آن علاوه بر شرایط طبیعی حاکم، عدم مدیریت معقول روی منابع خاک است. هدف از این پژوهش، بررسی عوامل موثر بر گردوغبار محلی با استفاده از مدل DPSIR و اولویت بندی راهکار های ارایه شده با استفاده از تکنیک AHP و TOPSIS می باشد. گام اول بر اساس مرور منابع و بازدید میدانی از منطقه چرخه علت معلولی گردوغبار بسته شد و در گام دوم با استفاده از روش سلسله مراتبی معیار ها و شاخص های مشخص شده به وسیله پرسش نامه توسط خبرگان تایید و در نرم افزار اکسپرت چویس وزن دهی و در نهایت راهکار های ارایه شده در روش TOPSIS رتبه بندی گردید. معیار های انتخاب شده بر اساس مدل DPSIR هستند که به ترتیب 4 معیار اصلی نیرو محرکه، فشار، وضعیت و اثرات است. نتایج اوزان های به دست آمده در نرم افزار اکسپرت چویس به ترتیب عبارت اند از: نیرو محرکه (397/0)، فشار (275/0)، وضعیت (186/0) و اثرات (160/0) و همچنین از میان 33 شاخص شناسایی شده، سه شاخص رشد جمعیت (075/0)، افزایش تقاضای آب (067/0) و شاخص محیط زیست (059/0) به ترتیب در رده یک تا سه قرار گرفتند. رتبه بندی پاسخ ها بر اساس نتایج روش TOPSIS مدیریت منابع آبی (592/0)، جلوگیری از سدسازی (575/0) و ریگ پاشی (75/0) بوده که به ترتیب رتبه اول تا سوم را به دست آوردند. نتایج نشان داد که مدیریت صحیح منابع آبی در حوزه های مختلف و بهره گیری از عناصر طبیعت برای حفظ آن از اهمیت بالایی در منطقه برخوردارند.

    کلید واژگان: بلایای طبیعی, نیروی محرکه, فشار, وضعیت, اثرات}
    Mina Behnood, Maryam Morovati*, MohammadJavad Ghanei Bafghi

    As a serious threat for human societies, especially in arid and semi-arid regions, dust storm is an irreversibly destructive phenomenon with irreparable effects. Being caused by dust storms and the movement of fine soil particles, desertification and wind erosion are two important environmental crises in arid and semi-arid areas which may bring about some social and economic consequences including an increase in migration of people, especially the elites, unemployment, sharp reduction of revenues in various urban and rural jobs, decrease of crops production, tourism downturn, disruption of air transportation, closure of training and recreation centers etc. In this regard, considering the detrimental effects incurred by dust storms on the health and economy of a society and the climate change, it should be noted that understanding the nature, origin and effects of dust storms could play an important role in identifying and setting its control methods. This study, therefore, sought to investigate the causal relationships between the influential factors on dust storms as identified by the DPSIR model, weighing the identified criteria and indices by the experts via the AHP technique, and ranking the specified strategies by TOPSIS in Rigan city, Kerman province.

    Materials and Method

    Based on the review of the related literature and the data collected form field observations, the cyclic causes of wind erosion were examined, using the DPSIR framework. The criteria and indices identified by administering a standard questionnaire were confirmed by experts (selected from those working in departments of Environment, Natural Resources, Agricultural-Jahad, Environmental Health, Urban Planning, and some University lecturers and faculty members). Validity and reliability of the data were measured by SPSS software. The criteria selected for analyzing the data are the same as the four main elements of the DPSIR model: the driving force, pressure, state, and effect, each containing a number of indices which are as follows: the driving force indices include the population growth, inward immigration, land use, natural resources management, increase in water demand, public awareness and, urban development; the pressure indices are health, security, immigration, employment status, income status, investment, agriculture, and the environment; the state indices comprise of the land use change,  environmental degradation, utilization of water resources, rising diseases, inward immigration, social welfare decline, destruction of agricultural products, soil degradation, and air pollution; the effect indices include Destruction of cities beauty, immigration from villages, rise of respiratory diseases, destruction of natural resources, expert migration, landform change, increase of Particulates, drought, and the downfall of agricultural productivity. The criteria and indices were then weighted by AHP method through Expert Choice Software and finally, the proposed strategies were ranked according to TOPSIS method.


    Having applied DPSIR model, the cycles of the influential factors on dust storms were examined, followed by the weighing of the identified criteria, and the indices confirmed by the experts, using AHP technique through the Expert Choice software. The results of the study indicated that the driving force with the weight of 0.379 was, from among the four criteria, ranked first, followed in turn by pressure with the weight of 0.257, the state with the weight of 186, and the effects with weight 160/0. On the other hand, the findings showed that out of the final indices weights, Population growth with the weight of 0.75 ranked the first, and increase of water demand, and the environment were ranked second and third with weights of 0.67 and 0.059 respectively. Finally, the TOPSIS method was used to rank the responses whose results were turned out to be as follows: 1-Proper management of water resources (592/0); 2- Preventing dam construction (5/175); 3-Pebble mulch (0, 75%); 4. Not applying inefficient models, especially in agriculture (519/0); 5. Enforcing existing laws regarding environmental protection (494/0); 6- conducting seedling operations (427/0); 7- Increasing public awareness (0.415); 8. Mulching (0.440) 9. Constructing sediment trap (0.339); 10. Using Biological wind-break systems (0.346).

    Discussion and Conclusion

    As a potential threat to human survival, dust phenomenon is considered as one of the most important environmental crises in arid and semi-arid regions. Kerman province includes more than 17.6 percent of the Iran’s desert lands, the most significant part of which are located in its eastern regions including Rigan, Fahraj, Norshshir, and Bam that comprise of 1302,000 hectares desert lands, accounting for more than 55 percent of the province's total desert areas. Due to such causes as frequent droughts, seasonal drying of rivers, lack of suitable vegetation, and high evaporation, Reagan city experiences a large number of dust storms annually. In present study, DPSIR model was found to be effective in identifying, from among the various factors suggested by the experts, the most important factors affecting local dust. It is consistent with the results found by Khatibi et al (2015) who emphasized the necessity of using this model in solving environmental problems. In the same vein, Salehi and Zebbardast (2016), with the cooperation of the Tehran environmental organization, identified and categorized the factors affecting air pollution in Tehran city in the current state of affair, using the causative-effect chain model (DPSIR). The findings of the current study showed that the driving force with the weight of 0.397 had the highest weight, followed by the pressure (0.275), state (0.186), and effects (0.160) respectively. In fact, it was found that accurate identification of the driving forces in each region could be a great help in solving their problems which is consistent with the results found by Jafarzadeh Haghighi Fard et al. (2013). As for the final weighting, the findings suggested that population growth with a weight of 0.5 was the most important index, a fact that corresponds with the findings reported by Shahi et al. (2018) and Nemati and Sardari Leather (2017). The results of this study also indicated that the proper management of water resources in different areas and the utilization of nature elements were of high importance.

    Keywords: Natural disasters, Driving forces, Pressures, State, Impacts}
  • سهیلا افراسیابی، مهدی تازه*، روح الله تقی زاده مهرجردی، محمد جواد قانعی بافقی، سعیده کلانتری
    زبری سطح خاک از جمله موانع در مقابل فرسایش بادی است. زبری با ایجاد مانع در مقابل جریان باد، باعث کاهش سرعت باد و پیرو آن کاهش میزان فرسایش بادی می شود؛ ازاین رو اندازه گیری آن در بحث فرسایش بادی حائز اهمیت است. از جمله روش های سنتی اندازه گیری زبری روش پین متر است. امروزه با توجه به پیشرفت تکنولوژی استفاده از ابزارهای الکترونیکی مانند فاصله یاب لیزری در حال گسترش است. هدف از این تحقیق، مقایسه شاخص زبری به دست آمده از طریق دو روش پین متر و فاصله یاب لیزری است. بدین منظور 10 نقطه تصادفی در دشت سرهای اپانداز و لخت در محدوده دشت یزد-اردکان انتخاب و نمونه برداری به هر دو روش صورت گرفت. مقادیر زبری با استفاده از شاخص زبری آلماراس و انحراف معیار مقادیر برجستگی ناشی از وجود سنگ فرش بیابان محاسبه شد. طول ترانسکت ها 50 سانتی متر، فواصل پین ها 2 سانتی متر در نظر گرفته شد. همچنین مقادیر زبری با استفاده از فاصله یاب لیزری از طریق دستگاه متر لیزری اندازه گیری شد. نتایج به دست آمده از زبری نقاط نمونه برداری با دو روش مذکور، با توجه به نرمال بودن داده ها از طریق آزمون t test بررسی شد. نتایج نشان داد بین دو روش مذکور در تمام نقاط نمونه برداری در سطح 95درصد، اختلاف معناداری وجود ندارد. بنابراین می توان گفت گرچه استفاده از روش فاصله یاب لیزری از تکنولوژی بالاتری بهره می برد، با توجه به هزینه بیشتر آن نسبت به روش پین متر، در نتایج تفاوتی با روش سنتی ندارد.
    کلید واژگان: زبری آلماراس, آزمون t test, سنگ فرش بیابان, فاصله یاب لیزری, پین متر}
    Soheila Afrasyabi, Mahdi Tazeh*, Rouhollah Taghizadeh Mehrjardi, Mohammad Javad Ghanei Bafghi, Saeideh Kalantari
    Wind erosion is one of the main factors of soil degradation and air pollution. Roughness by creating an obstacle to wind flow, decreases wind speed and consequently reduces the amount of wind erosion, hence its measurement in wind erosion is important. Roughness is one of the most effective factors. In soil erosion by water and wind by accuracy measurement of soil surface roughness, can be used by them as indicators of ecosystem healthMethods for measuring of soil surface roughness using Roughness meter can be classified into two large classes. Contact methods which mechanical devices are directly in contact with the soil. Non-contact methods that the measuring instruments are far away from the soil surface and do not touch with surface of the soil.
    Pin meter includes a row of pins with equal distances which is placed in a frame that can be placed according to high and low levels of roughness.
    Materials and methods
    Yazd - Ardakan Plain with a total area of 7,15950 square kilometers Is located in the northern part of Yazd province.and Is located in   Longitude 748337 to 296893 East and in latitude 3559572 to 3566743 North

    After determining the studied area, 10 randomly selected samples were selected in the Yazd-Ardakan Plain and the sampling was carried out in both methods. Roughness data of soil surface were taken randomly by using laser distance measuring and pin meter in 10 transects. In each transect, roughness height was measured of length 50 cm. The distance between the pins in pin meter method is 2 cm and measuring distance in Laser Distance Meter is 2 cm. Thus, the height of the points was recorded separately by both methods, in each transect,

    Methods for measurement of roughness index

    Pin meter
    In this way, with the help of pins on the soil surface, Height of pebbles, is measured at several points to the base level. That way, Roughness altitude information was recorded. According to the definition, this index (roughness) is the standard deviation of the height of the points, which is obtained using the following equation:That in, SD, , , and n are respectively, standard deviation of points Height, the height of each of the points (mm), Average height and the number of sample points in the transect

    This method, measures roughness using the laser meter model (X310) from the Leica Company. The laser meter is A small and handy device, that calculates the exact distance, by using laser technology and by calculating round-trip time of laser lightworking method is as follows: The laser beam is emitted to the target and the calculation is performed with an error of less than 3 mm. Thus, the height of the points is measured at 50 cm up to the base level

    The maximum amount of the calculated average by the method of the pin meter and laser distance meter is 2 and 1, respectively. The minimum amount of calculated average for both methods is in the point 10. The highest and lowest amount of standard deviation derived from laser distance meter and pin meter methods are for points 2 and 10 respectively.

    In Table 1, are presented the results of the comparison of the two methods of pin- meter and Laser rangefinder. As can be seen: 
    Table (1): Statistical comparison of roughness index of two methods at 2 cm distance


    Degrees of freedom

    Mean ± Invalid Criterion



    pin meter
    Point 1
    The roughness index


    pin meter
    Point 2


    pin meter
    Point 3


    pin meter


    pin meter


    pin meter
    Point 6


    pin meter
    Point 7


    pin meter
    Point 8


    pin meter
    Point 9


    pin meter
    Point 10


    Figure (1): shows the Matching charts, two methods of laser distance meter and pin meter.
    These two methods are Good match to all points, But this match, have more matches at points 2, 3, 5, and 6 Compared to other points.

    ure (1): Charts for the matching of the two methods at the sampling points.
    Discussion and Conclusion The Calculated Statistical indicators by the two methods, are almost the same at all harvested points. The results of the t- student test also showed that, the mentioned two methods, in all sampled points, there is no significant difference at 95% level. Which indicates the ability of two devices For measuring roughness Which, depending on the conditions, can replace each other.the results of this study, with the results of the studies of Zhang et al. (2012), that investigated the methods of measuring the roughness of the soil to provide a Universal and comprehensive method, and concluded that the best method for determining the roughness is laser scanning method and followed by it is pin meter method. labideh (2015), measuring the aerodynamic roughness length of the harvested soil using اa pin meter. It was concluded that a pin meter could be used to estimate aerodynamic roughness. Which is accommodation with the results of our studies.so it may be concluded that so it may be concluded that using the pin meter method as a traditional tool in pavement roughness measurement, similar results will be obtained using laser method. Therefore, according to the cost of laser distances, pin meter method can be used with similar results.
    Keywords: Almaras roughness, t test, desert pavement, laser distance meter, pin meter}
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