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تنها با پرداخت 70 هزارتومان حق اشتراک سالانه به متن مقالات دسترسی داشته باشید و 100 مقاله را بدون هزینه دیگری دریافت کنید.

برای پرداخت حق اشتراک اگر عضو هستید وارد شوید در غیر این صورت حساب کاربری جدید ایجاد کنید


فهرست مطالب mohsen zare

  • اسماعیل محبوبی مقدم*، احمد نیکوبخت، محسن زارع

    برنامه های پاسخگویی بار نقشی کلیدی در بهبود عملکرد سیستم های برق موجود ایفا می کنند. لذا، قابلیت های گوناگون و موانع چنین برنامه هایی می بایست مورد ارزیابی قرار گیرد. در این مقاله، یک مدل تصمیم گیری موثر برای تامین کنندگان سرویس انرژی با هدف چگونگی حضور در بازار روز بعد، و اختصاص توان در شبکه توزیع پایین دست ارایه شده است. به منظور در نظر گرفتن اثرات متقابل پاسخگویی بار و قیمت های برق، یک چارچوب تکراری دو مرحله ای پیشنهاد گردیده است. در این چارچوب، در یک مرحله، بازار برق شبکه بالادست تسویه گردیده تا مقادیر قیمت های حاشیه ای محلی تعیین گردد، و سپس مسیله پاسخگویی بار با هدف کاهش هزینه کل تامین انرژی در شبکه توزیع اجرا می گردد و این روند ادامه می یابد. مدل سازی بارهای منعطف با در نظر گرفتن انواع مختلف وسایل خانگی پاسخگو در یک شبکه توزیع انجام می شود. نتایج بدست آمده نشان می دهد که استفاده از چارچوب پیشنهادی منجر به پاسخ های بهینه تر و نیز قابل اعتمادتری گردیده، و مزایای قابل توجهی برای تامین کنندگان سرویس انرژی فرآهم می آورد.

    کلید واژگان: پاسخگویی بار, تامین کنندگان سرویس انرژی, بازار روز بعد, شبکه توزیع هوشمند, شبکه انتقال}
    Esmaeil Mahboubi Moghaddam*, Ahmad Nikoobakht, Mohsen Zare

    The concept of demand response (DR) continues to evolve, and its various capabilities are being investigated to enhance the efficiency of nowadays electric power industries. To this end, the barriers that limit DR capabilities should be resolved. This paper provides a new efficient decision model for energy service providers in smart distribution networks to make the maximum use of DR potential as the most cost-effective solution. The correct and proper application of the DR problem provides special capabilities for these entities and can lead to more profit. On the other hand, participating in the upstream market and demand allocation in the downstream network are two main tasks of energy providers. These two tasks affect each other, and simultaneous attention to them is needed for more efficiency. Generally, conservative participation in the upstream market is the main problem of these entities due to the uncertainty of load forecasting, especially considering that the DR problem will aggravate this uncertainty. In these conditions, the interactions between the load curve and price changes should also be considered. To better understand, suppose that an energy provider wants to reduce its energy purchase cost by applying DR. This entity initially forecasts its load consumption and participates in the electricity market. After market clearing, the values of locational marginal price (LMP) are determined for the next 24 hours. Now, applying DR and moving the load consumption to the less expensive hours will reduce the final purchase cost. However, moving the load consumption leads to changes in the LMP values in the substation bus of the distribution network. It is due to the dependencies between the load consumption and the prices. Disregarding these dependencies will limit DR capabilities. Therefore, a new two-step sequential framework is proposed in this paper to enhance the performance of the energy providers in the smart distribution network. The main problem is the optimization of the power purchase cost for the downstream network using DR. The subsidiary problem includes electricity market modeling. The load curve is determined in the main problem, and the amounts of the energy price under different conditions are determined in the subsidiary problem recursively. This framework guides the energy provider to analyze how market clearing affects DR and vice versa. To model load flexibility, a residential distribution network with different types of responsive appliances is utilized, and the model is studied using two case studies. The results demonstrate that applying the proposed framework leads to more reliable and optimal results and has significant benefits for the strategic performance of energy service providers.

    Keywords: Demand response, Energy service provider, Day-ahead market, Smart distribution network, Transmission network}
  • Mohsen Zare, Hamed Barjesteh *, Reza Biria
    The present study is part of a Ph.D. program that explores the possible effect of critical thinking-oriented dynamic assessment (CT-DA) on learners' learning potential in reading comprehension skills. 21 Iranian language learners who were homogenized in terms of their language proficiency, reading comprehension, and critical thinking abilities participated in this study. Learners were divided into three groups of CT-DA, dynamic assessment (DA), and Control group. While learners in CT-DA received mediation loaded with critical thinking techniques, learners in DA group received dynamic assessment mediation, and learners in the Control group did not receive any mediation. The analysis of the results revealed that DA and CT-DA significantly improve learners' reading potential scores. Moreover, significant differences between the Learning Potential Score (LPS) of DA and CT-DA groups were found, denoting the better performance of participants who received a critical thinking-oriented dynamic assessment. Finally, the qualitative analyses led to the detection of eleven mediational strategies which nurtured the development of the reading comprehension ability of L2 learners during CT-DA. The article concludes with suggestions for further research on dynamic assessment and critical thinking in second/foreign language development.
    Keywords: critical thinking, dynamic assessment, Learning Potential Score, mediation, Reading comprehension, ZPD}
  • Ehsan Azad Farsani *, Mohsen Zare

    Distribution Network Reconfiguration (DNR) is an important challenge in the operation of distribution networks which may be influenced by factors such as Wind Turbine Generators (WTG). In this paper, a novel policy is implemented to solve the DNR problem in presence of WTGs. The objectives of proposed DNR policy are minimization of active power losses, total electrical energy costs, and total emissions of the network. To solve the problem, an improved version of Honey Bee Mating Optimization (IHBMO) algorithm is implemented. Moreover, a stochastic scenario-based model is considered to meet the uncertainty of WTGs and loads. The bases of proposed stochastic model are generation of stochastic scenarios using the roulette wheel mechanism, and a scenario reduction technique to decrease the computation burden of the problem. For each scenario, a multi-objective mechanism is employed to save non-dominated solutions extracted by IHBMO. A decision-making procedure based on fuzzy clustering technique is used to rank the obtained non-dominated solutions according to the decision-maker preferences. Finally, an 84-bus distribution test network is considered to evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method. Obtained results show that proposed method can be a very promising potential method for solving the stochastic multi-objective reconfiguration problem in distribution systems.

    Keywords: Optimization Algorithm, Multi-objective problems, Distribution Network Reconfiguration (DNR), Wind Turbine Generator (WTG), Distributed Generation (DG)}
  • مطالعه حاضر با هدف بررسی تاثیر احتمالی ارزیابی پویای بر اساس تفکر انتقادی (CT-DA) بر عملکرد درک مطلب زبان آموزان انجام شد. 21 زبان آموز ایرانی که از نظر مهارت زبان ، درک مطلب و توانایی تفکر انتقادی همگن بودند ، در این مطالعه شرکت کردند. فراگیران به سه گروه CT-DA ، ارزیابی پویا (DA) و گروه کنترل تقسیم شدند. در حالی که فراگیران در CT-DA میانجیگری مملو از تفکر انتقادی را دریافت می کردند ، فراگیران در DA میانجیگری ارزیابی پویا را دریافت می کردند و فراگیران در گروه کنترل هیچ میانجیگری ای دریافت نمی کردند. تجزیه و تحلیل نتایج نشان داد که گروه CT-DA و DA از گروه کنترل بهتر عمل می کنند. نتایج حاکی از تاثیر نوع میانجیگری است که از طریق روش ارزیابی پویا در افزایش میزان خواندن زبان آموزان ارایه شده است. علاوه بر این ، مقایسه نتایج ارزیابی پویا بر اساس تفکر انتقادی و ارزیابی پویا هیچ تفاوتی آماری نشان نداد(05/>0(p، که نشان می دهد هر دو نوع میانجیگری به عنوان مثال CT-DA و DA تاثیر مشابهی بر پیشرفت درک خواندن زبان آموزان داشتند. پیشنهاداتی در جهت تحقیقات بیشتر در مورد ارزیابی پویا و تفکر انتقادی در پیشرفت زبان دوم / خارجی ارایه می گردد.

    کلید واژگان: تفکر انتقادی, ارزیابی پویا, میانجیگری, خواندن, حیطه ی تقریبی گسترش}
    Mohsen Zare, Hamed Barjesteh *, Reza Biria

    This study aimed to explore the possible effect of critical thinking-oriented dynamic assessment (CT-DA) on learners' reading comprehension performances. 21 Iranian language learners, who were homogenized in terms of their language proficiency, reading comprehension and critical thinking abilities, participated in this study. Learners were divided into three groups of CT-DA (n=7), dynamic assessment (DA) (n=7) and Control group (n=7). While learners in CT-DA received mediation loaded with critical thinking, learners in DA received dynamic assessment mediation, and learners in the control group did not receive any mediation. A paired sample t-test, effect size and ANOVA were run. The results of analyses revealed that CT-DA and DA groups outperformed the control group. The results signified the efficacy of the type of mediation, which was presented through dynamic assessment procedure on enhancing the learners' reading achievement. Moreover, comparing the results of critical thinking-oriented dynamic assessment and dynamic assessment revealed no statistical difference (p >.05), which indicates that both types of mediations (i.e., CT-DA and DA) had a similar impact on the learners' reading achievement. The article concludes with suggestions for further research on dynamic assessment and critical thinking in second/foreign language development.

    Keywords: critical thinking, Dynamic assessment, Mediation, Reading, ZPD}
  • Zohreh Zare Toofan*, Reza Vaseghi, Mohsen Zare
    Assessment has been taken to demonstrate that learning is aligned with external standards which is almost related to students’ goals in a curriculum in English language teaching and it plays an integral role in the success of language learning program that is following by so many EFL teachers. Consistency in scoring (mid-term and final exams) highly depends on the way of conducting paper assessment, validation of the process, reliability, experience of teachers, and different interpretation of assessors to make justified decision. Hence, the present study was an attempt to probe Iranian EFL learners’ perceptions toward paper assessment in mid-term and final exams in a language institute. To this end, a total of 100 participants (50 males and 50 females) between ages of 15 to 28 at intermediate level, were selected based on Nelson Proficiency Test. Data were collected through scores of two sequential semesters and a Likert scale questionnaire. The findings of this study indicated that there is a direct positive relation between learners’ viewpoints on paper assessment and their progress. Generally speaking, paper assessment in both formative and summative assessment would be a great progress among female and male English language learners.
    Keywords: perception, mid-term exam, final exam, EFL learners, assessment}
  • Mohsen Zare *, Associate Professor Dr. Reza Biria
    The present study aimed to investigate the possible relationship between ESP learners’ critical thinking abilities and their reading comprehension. For this purpose, from the population of students studying in different fields of engineering at Amol Islamic Azad University, a sample of 202 ESP participants were selected based on a purposive sampling method. A critical thinking questionnaire was then given whereby the targeted respondents answered the prompts underlying the critical thinking construct. Subsequently, a valid reading comprehension test with an acceptable reliability index was administered and the data were analyzed using the related descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings revealed that there was a robust and positive correlation between ESP learners’ levels of critical thinking ability and their reading comprehension. Moreover, it was found that ESP students regarded as high critical thinkers significantly outperformed those with lower levels of critical thinking on the reading comprehension test. Notably, the results may offer useful implications to both language teachers and English learners indicating that critical thinking strategies play a pivotal role in the reading comprehension process.
    Keywords: academic text, critical thinking, ESP students, reading comprehension}
  • Mohsen Zare *, Hamed Barjasteh Dr
    It is widely accepted that today’s technological world is moving in a much more speed than the past, which requires the skill of keeping up with the pace of change. This change and innovation is a must for all organizations. According to Shen (2008, p. 73), this change is trickier in the educational context, where "the nature of the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of those involved and the way that these are expressed in action" is of much significance. The need for innovation in education derives from the fact that they are, according to a study of the European :::::union::::: reported in Popescu and Crenicean (2012, p. 3982), "among the most important skills that employers seek." Therefore, the book under review in this paper is about a topic that needs constant attention.
    Keywords: innovation, education, change}
  • Pejman Hamouzadeh, Shokofe Darkhor, Parisa Aboie, Mohsen Zare, Serajaddin Gray*

    Superficial radiation therapy is a low energy radiation therapy that is penetrated only within a short distance under theskin surface, and widely used by dermatologists. This study aimed at investigating the safety and effectiveness of superficial radia-tion therapy versus other conventional treatments in the treatment of skin diseases.


    The following databases were searched systematically from March 31st, 2017: PubMed, and the Cochrane Library. MeSHterms and free-text were used for searching the databases. Additional studies were retrieved from a manual search and referencelists of included studies. Only studies written in English were considered and there was no time limit in the inclusion criteria. Thequality of included studies was assessed using the Oxford centre for evidence-based Medicine (OCEBM) levels of evidence criteria.


    In total, 12 studies were included in this review. In total, 1985 patients were examined. Most of the eligible studies (11 out of12 with 1795 patients) compared the effectiveness outcomes (efficacy, improvement rate, failure rate, clinical improvement, time ofuse, recurrence rate, and cosmetic consequences). About half of them (5 out of 12 with 530 patients) compared the safety outcomes(side effects and the severity of symptoms).


    Based on the available evidence, which was not up to date and generalizable, it could be concluded that superficialradiation therapy had no side effect on the treatment of hand eczema and also had better treatment results and could be used forhand eczema, yet for other indications, further studies need to be performed. The use this technology along with other methodsmay have better consequences for the patients. In order to make better decisions in this area, new studies must be carried out invarious contexts. However, if superficial radiation therapy is licensed to be used in a country, in order to prevent low but seriousside effects, there must be a coherent system with the aim of recording its use for each patient.

    Keywords: Superficial Radiation Therapy, Safety, Effectiveness, Systematic Review}
  • Amin Ahmadpour*, Mohsen Zare, Milad Behjoomanesh, Majid Avazpour
    Environmental contamination, which is growing around the world, is a serious problem can not to be neglected. Among all contaminations, water pollution is a major problem. Azo dyes are one of the largest groups of pollutants found in the drinking water, coming from, and the food and textile industries. TiO2/Fe3O4 and TiO2/Fe2O3 nanocomposites with various ratios were synthesized by an ultrasonic-assisted deposition-precipitation method and their UV-light decolorization of methyl orange (MO) dye was investigated. The effect of Fe3O4/TiO2 and Fe2O3-TiO2 nanocomposites ratio on the photocatalytic activity and magnetic property of the nanocomposites was studied by comparing their decolorization curves and magnetism in the presence of magnet, respectively. The results revealed that the decolorization efficiency of 1 wt% Fe3O4/TiO2 nanocomposite reached about 40% within 60 min UV irradiation at room temperature. However, this sample showed the least magnetism. Also, the ability of synthesized nanocomposites in holding the adsorbed methyl orange dye on their surface and the effect of pH were investigated.
    Keywords: TiO2, Fe3O4, TiO2, Fe2O3 nanocomposites, Ultrasonic, assisted deposition, precipitation method, Photocatalytic activity, Methyl orange}
  • محسن زارع، ونوس قره باغی*
    جاسوسی در پرتو حقوق بشر اهمیت بسیار زیادی دارد و این اهمیت زمانی آشکار می شود که افراد در لوای حقوق بشر مرتکب جاسوسی می شوند یا آنکه حکومت ها به بهانه جلوگیری از جاسوسی حقوق بشر را نادیده می گیرند. کاوش حقوقی در این موضوع ضمن رفع نکات مبهم می تواند راهگشای تعارضات حاکم نیز باشد، به نحوی که نه به حقوق اساسی افراد لطمه ای وارد شود و نه آنکه امنیت ملی دولت ها خدشه دار شود. التزامات حقوق بشری به دلیل داشتن سنگ بنایی استوار، محوریت بشر و بهره گیری از پشتیبانی جدی و سازوکارهای نظارت و کنترل در کنار ضمانت اجرای منحصر به فرد آن، تحرک سریع تر و هدفمندتری را نسبت به شکل گیری و توسعه سایر قواعد حقوقی می پیماید و بخش اعظم این فرایند را نیز به واسطه تحدید اختیارات و حاکمیت دولت ها و ایجاد ارکان نظارتی، موظف به کنترل اعمال دولت های عضو و ارکان و کارگزاران و نمایندگان آنان در داخل و خارج محقق ساخته است.
    کلید واژگان: آزادی, امنیت, جاسوسی, حقوق بشر, راهبرد, صلح}
    Mohsen Zare, Venus Ghare Baghi *
    Espionage is one of the most important challenges in human rights field and such importance shows itself more egregiously when intelligence agencies commit spying under the aegis of human rights or circumvent human rights under the cover of fighting against espionage. A legal study on this subject may clarifies vague points and solves the existing conflicts in a way which neither individuals’ fundamental rights nor national security of states is breached. Since a solid cornerstone, its serious supervisory mechanism and its enforcement, human rights obligations, travers more quickly and more purposeful than any other areas of law and a huge part of such traversing has been caused by restricting states’ sovereignty and establishing observing organs which observe activities of states and their institutions and organs.
    Keywords: espionage, freedom, guideline, Human Rights, peace, Security}
  • Mohsen Zare, Baghbidi, Saeid Homayouni, Kamal Jamshidi, A. R. Naghsh, Nilchi
    Anomaly Detection (AD) has recently become an important application of hyperspectral images analysis. The goal of these algorithms is to find the objects in the image scene which are anomalous in comparison to their surrounding background. One way to improve the performance and runtime of these algorithms is to use Dimensionality Reduction (DR) techniques. This paper evaluates the effect of three popular linear dimensionality reduction methods on the performance of three benchmark anomaly detection algorithms. The Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) as DR methods, act as pre-processing step for AD algorithms. The assessed AD algorithms are Reed-Xiaoli (RX), Kernel-based versions of the RX (Kernel-RX) and Dual Window-Based Eigen Separation Transform (DWEST). The AD methods have been applied to two hyperspectral datasets acquired by both the Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) and Hyperspectral Mapper (HyMap) sensors. The evaluation of experiments has been done using Receiver Operation Characteristic (ROC) curve, visual investigation and runtime of the algorithms. Experimental results show that the DR methods can significantly improve the detection performance of the RX method. The detection performance of neither the Kernel-RX method nor the DWEST method changes when using the proposed methods. Moreover, these DR methods increase the runtime of the RX and DWEST significantly and make them suitable to be implemented in real time applications.
    Keywords: Hyperspectral Image Processing, Anomaly Detection, Dimensionality Reduction}
  • Ehsanollah Habibi *, Mohsen Zare, Azam Haghi, Peymaneh Habibi, Akbar Hassanzadeh

     The aims of present study is to determine the level of exposure to physical risk factors of work related repetitive movements in the upper limbs among the artisans in Isfahan, using occupational repetitive actions index and the Nordic Questionnaire. 

    Material and Methods

     In this cross-sectional study, the study population consisted of 94 males employed in Artisan production. The tools that be used for assessing physical ergonomic risk factors among artisans was Nordic Questionnaire and OCRA index. The different handicraft tasks and work activities included: Simple etching, embossing, reticular embossing, enameling, tiling, illumination, inlay, copper smithing and, miniature painting have been chosen for the study. The Study was carried out on the both left and right hands. The results were analyzed by statistical tests included Chi square, Kruskal Wallis and one-way variance analysis. 


     The highest OCRA index score was related to simple etching job, and the other tasks such as embossing, copper smithing, reticular embossing, tiling, miniature painting, and illumination were in lower risk category. Our finding showed that there are a significant difference between OCRA scores of the various jobs (P value < 0.001), and also the relationship between OCRA index and the type of jobs was statistically significant (P value < 0.001). Risk level in the right hand was significantly higher than the left hand (P value < 0.001). Moreover, in both right and left hands, OCRA index was different among several types of jobs (P value < 0.001). 


     Our assessment showed that in overall there are different physical risk factors among artisans which make them susceptible to musculoskeletal disorders.

    Keywords: Ergonomic assessment, Musculoskeletal disorders, Nordic questionnaire, occupational repetitive actions index}
  • Ehsanollah Habibi *, Navid Reza Amini, Mohsen Zare, Syamak Pourabdian, Masoud Rismanchian

     The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between macroergonomics score and job satisfaction among industrial employees. 

    Materials and Methods

     This cross-sectional study was done among 83 employees from a factory affiliated with Iran Khodro Company. Two questionnaires including Minnesota Job Satisfaction and Macroergonomics Condition have been used. Finally, the collected data was evaluated and analyzed through SPSS 10 software program. 


     The mean age of the subjects in this study was 30.8 and the work experience of 56.6% of them was between 4 and 7 years. The average macroergonomics score in the whole group in this study was 59.8. The maximum score given to this condition was 85, and the minimum score was 30. Also, the mean of job satisfaction score among the subjects was 60.5. The highest job satisfaction score was related to supervisors, which was about 69.2. There was a significant relationship between the general area of macroergonomics and job satisfaction. (r = 0.638, P-value <0.001). 


     This study showed the higher macroergonomic scores, the better the work conditions, and, therefore, the employee's job satisfactions improve.

    Keywords: Human factors, Job Satisfaction, macroergonomics}
  • Mohsen Zare
    Prevalence of chronic disease could be adversely having an effect on the capability of the driver. In addition, it must increase probability of accidents. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between chronic medical conditions and contribution in crashes among drivers. In this cross-sectional study, the populations were professional truck drivers. The numbers of 323 people were selected to participate in the study. All of information for this survey was gathered by self-repot questionnaire. Analyses were performed by binary Logistic Regression, Cochran''s and Mantel-Haenszel statistics and chi-square test. There was not a significant relationship between drivers who reported that they had heart disease and involved in crashes with divers without cardiovascular disorders involved in accidents. Drivers involved in crashes were further possible to have diabetes mellitus and respiratory disorders compared with drivers not involved in crashes. There was a significant relationship between vision complaint and driving accidents (p<0.05). The present study indicates that, several medical conditions were associated with the risk of crashes.
  • کمال الدین عابدی، محسن زارع، مرحوم محسن رحیمی نژاد، ابراهیم ولی پور، ابوالفضل برخورداری، غلامحسین حلوانی، سیدجلیل میرمحمدی
    زمینه و هدف

    با پیشرفت تکنولوژی و استفاده از هواپیما به عنوان یک وسیله عمده حمل و نقل، می توان به بیماری های مرتبط با شغل نظیر افت شنوایی ناشی از سر و صدای هواپیما اشاره نمود. این مطالعه به منظور تعیین میزان افت شنوایی کارکنان فرودگاه شهید بهشتی اصفهان انجام شد.

    روش بررسی

    این مطالعه کوهورت تاریخی روی 80 نفر از کارکنان فرودگاه شهیدبهشتی اصفهان در 4 گروه کاری متفاوت و دو گروه شاهد شامل 18 نفر از کارکنان اداری فرودگاه (گروه کم مواجهه) و 32 نفر از کارکنان یکی از مراکز اداری اصفهان (گروه عدم مواجهه) در تابستان 1384 انجام شد. تراز فشار صوت محل کار افراد گروه مواجهه یافته با سروصدای هواپیما اندازه گیری شد و براساس زمان مواجهه یا صدا، تراز معادل (Leq) محاسبه گردید. مواجهه قبلی افراد با سروصدای زیاد (نظیر سوابق جبهه) و همچنین عوامل مداخله گر همچون استفاده از داروها و سابقه بیماری های گوش نیز با استفاده از یک پرسشنامه برآورد شد. تقریبا هیچ یک از افراد مورد مطالعه از وسایل حفاظت شنوایی استفاده نمی کردند. ادیومتری در فرکانس های قراردادی (8-5/0کیلوهرتز) از طریق هوایی و استخوانی انجام شد.

    یافته ها

    میانگین سنی افراد در دو گروه مواجهه یافته و بدون مواجهه به ترتیب 75/9+-03/40 سال و 15/8+-85/37 سال برآورد شد. تراز معادل (Leq) برای کارکنان رمپ و ترافیک بیش از 95 دسی بل برآورد شد. 7/35درصد (10 نفر) از کارگران رمپ در گوش راست مبتلا به افت شنوایی ناشی از سروصدا بین 40-26 دسی بل و 1/32درصد (9 نفر) از آنان در گوش چپ به افت شنوایی ناشی از سروصدا بین 40-26 دسی بل مبتلا بودند. خطر نسبی ابتلاء به افت شنوایی ناشی از سروصدا در بین کارگران رمپ نسبت به گروه بدون مواجهه و اداری فرودگاه، در گوش راست و چپ به ترتیب 4/9 و 5/7 برابر بود. درصد بالایی از کارکنان ترافیک نیز در گوش راست (7/66 درصد) و گوش چپ (25 درصد) به افت شنوایی ناشی از سروصدا مبتلا شده بودند. آستانه شنوایی دو گروه مواجهه یافته و بدون مواجهه در تمامی فرکانس ها (8-5/0 کیلوهرتز) در گوش راست و در فرکانس های 8-2 کیلوهرتز در گوش چپ از لحاظ آماری اختلاف معنی داری داشت (P<0.05).

    نتیجه گیری

    نتایج این مطالعه نشان داد که مواجهه با سروصدا باعث افت شنوایی کارکنان فرودگاه شده است؛ لذا لازم است روش های ارزیابی و کنترل صوت به ویژه برنامه حفاظت شنوایی کارکنان مورد تاکید قرار گیرد.

    کلید واژگان: افت شنوایی, ادیومتری, صدا, کارکنان, فرودگاه}
    Kamaleddin Abedi, Mohsen Zare, Mohsen Rahiminezhad, Ebrahim Valipour, Abolfazl Barkhordary, Gholam Hossein Halvanee, Seyyed Jalil Mir Mohammady
    Background And Objective

    Aircraft as a safe means of transportation may cause occupational diseases and hearing loss. Prevention should be implemented for airport employee. This study was done to detemine the scale of hearing loss among Isfahan airport employees in 2005.

    Materials And Methods

    This historical cohort study was conducted among Isfahan International airport employees. 80 employees were selected in four different case groups, the control group consist of two sub-gourps. The sub-group I (18 subjects) including the adminstrative airport employees (low noise exposed) and the sub-group II (32 subjects) including non-airport employees (non-noise exposed). The sound pressure level was measured and equivalent level (Leq) was calculated for all groups. Also the history of participants about past noise exposure and other confounding variables was detrmined by a questionnaire. Pure tone audiometry was carried out on conventional frequencies (0.5-8 KHz).


    The mean age of subjects was 40.03±9.75 and 37.85±8.15 for exposed and non-exposed groups respectively. Leq (noise equivalent level) for Ramp and traffic workers was estimated more than 95 dBA. 35.7% (n=10) of Ramp workers were suffering in their right ear from noise induced hearing loss (26-40dB) and 32.1% (n=9) of them in their left ear. Relative risks of noise induced hearing loss in Ramp workers in comparison with control group were 9.4 and 7.5 for right and left ears. A siginificant difference was found between the hearing thresholds of exposed and non-exposed groups (P<0.05).


    This study showed that occupational exposure to noise cause hearing loss among airport employee. It is suggested strategies of noise assessment and prevention should be implemented for airport employees.

سامانه نویسندگان
  • محسن زارع زارچی
    زارع زارچی، محسن
  • مهندس محسن زارع احمدآباد
    زارع احمدآباد، محسن
    دانشجوی دکتری جغرافیای طبیعی - ژئومورفولوژی در مدیریت محیط، پردیس ارس دانشگاه تهران
اطلاعات نویسنده(گان) توسط ایشان ثبت و تکمیل شده‌است. برای مشاهده مشخصات و فهرست همه مطالب، صفحه رزومه ایشان را ببینید.
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