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mr nikjoo

  • محمدحسین رضایی مقدم، محمدرضا نیکجو، مهدی یاسی، مسعود رحیمی
    در این پژوهش بخشی از مجرای رودخانه قره سو با استفاده از مدل ژئومورفولوژیکی رزگن مورد تحلیل و طبقه بندی قرار گرفت. این پژوهش متکی بر نقشه های توپوگرافی 1:2000 و مطالعات میدانی بوده است. در این تحقیق، برای محاسبه پارامترهای نسبت گود شدگی و نسبت عرض به عمق لب پری از مدل هیدرودینامیکی HEC-RAS به همراه الحاقی HEC-GeoRAS استفاده گردید. بررسی نتایج مدل رزگن نشان داد که اکثر مقاطع رودخانه قره سو در طبقه ی C و E مدل سلسله مراتبی رزگن قرارگرفته اند. رودخانه قره سو در طبقه C دارای مجرای پهن تر و کم عمق تری می باشد و همچنین پهنه سیلابی رودخانه در این طبقه توسعه یافته و دره های آن عریض است. این رودخانه در طبقه E نیز دارای مجرای عمیق و باریک (نسبت عرض به عمق کم) بوده ولی پهنه سیلابی آن عریض و توسعه یافته است. با در نظر گرفتن متغیر شیب و مواد بستر می توان گفت رودخانه قره سو، در بازه اول در طبقه ی C3b وE3b، در بازه دوم، سوم، چهارم و پنجم در طبقه ی C4b، E4b، C5، در بازه ششم در طبقه ی E5 و C5 و درنهایت در بازه هفتم در طبقه ی C5c و E5 قرارگرفته است. همچنین با توجه به نتایج به دست آمده می توان بیان کرد که رودخانه قره سو در بخش هایی که مقاطع در طبقه ی C قرارگرفته است، دارای حساسیت به آشفتگی بسیار بالا، پتانسیل بازیابی خوب، تامین رسوب بالا، کنترل پوشش گیاهی بسیار بالا و در بخش هایی که مقاطع در طبقه E واقع شده است، رودخانه دارای حساسیت به آشفتگی بسیار بالا، پتانسیل بازیابی خوب، تامین رسوب متوسط، و کنترل پوشش گیاهی بسیار بالا می باشد.
    کلید واژگان: طبقه بندی رودخانه, پهنه های سیلابی, مدل رزگن, مدل هیدرودینامیکی HEC-RAS, رودخانه قره سو
    Mh Rezaee Moghadam, Mr Nikjoo, M. Yasi, M. Rahimi
    Introduction Streams typically have similar suites of channel morphologies, with repeatable patterns of occurrence that have resulted in numerous classification efforts (Roper et al., 2008: 417-427). Recent approaches for river classification focus on watershed analysis related to land management and stream restoration, using a hierarchical approach that nests successive scales of physical and biological conditions and allows a more holistic understanding of basin processes (Shroder, 2013: 739). One of the most widely used hierarchical channel classification systems was developed by Rosgen (Shroder, 2013: 742). In the current study, Gara Sou river channel planform are studied by using Rosgen geomorphological model in combination with HEC-RAS model.
    Materials and methods This study is based on fieldworks and topographic maps of scale 1: 2000 (Ardabil Regional Water Authority). To determine the friction coefficient distribution of channel and floodplain, land cover maps was generated using Google Earth satellite imagery. Rosgen (1985, 1994, and 1996) hierarchical system was used to analysis of river channel morphology. The Rosgen system uses six morphological measurements for classifying a stream reach-entrenchment, width/depth ratio, sinuosity, number of channels, slope, and bed material particle size. In this research, some of these parameters were calculated using HEC-RAS hydrodynamic model. For steady, gradually varied flow, the primary procedure for computing water surface profiles between cross-sections is called the direct step method. The basic computational procedure is based on the iterative solution of the energy equation. Given the flow and water surface elevation at one cross-section, the goal of the standard step method is to compute the water surface elevation at the adjacent cross-section. The flow data for HEC-RAS consists of flow regime, discharge information, initial conditions and boundary conditions (HEC, 2010).
    Results and discussion According to calculations made in seven reach has been in class C and E, hierarchical model Rosgen. Gara Sou River in class C has a wider and shallower channel and floodplain width significantly developed. Gara Sou River in class E also has a deep and narrow channel (width to depth ratio) but floodplain width developed. In reach (1) floodplain width due to low geological control variable. In this reach was due to power of river, the bed river is cobble and gravel that leads to the river bed is in the Armoring range. With regard to slope variables and bed material, it is placed in the class C. in this class have a mean energy and high sediment load. Energy waste by meandering, bed forms (Pool- Riffle) and vegetation occurs. In the reaches of 2, 3, 4 and 5 width floodplain will be a significant development. In the reaches type of bed river is changed to gravel and sand and more of gravel and sand are. River slope in this reaches are between 0.02 and 0.039. In this reaches (2, 3, 4, and 5) river in the most part located class of C4b Rosgen model and only in some sections of the river have been E4b class. Average width to depth ratio is calculated 16.14 for the total reaches. In this reaches riparian vegetation are mostly dense shrubs that this high density of riparian vegetation plays an important role in the stability of the banks river in this reaches. In the end of reach (5) and reach (6) river slope between 0.001 and 0.02 is located and bed River is sand that often makes the river in this section in class C5 in hierarchical Rosgen model. Average width to depth ratio is calculated 15.46 for the total reaches. In reach (7) river slope to less than 0.001, but the bed river is still sand. According to the results, the major part of this reach is located class C5c and only in small portions cross sections of the E5 is placed class.
    Conclusion In this study, Gara Sou River channel was classified using geomorphological Rosgen model on the first and second levels. Despite the widespread use Rosgen model, has been criticized by some researchers. Problems with the use of the classification are encountered with identifying bank full dimensions, particularly in incising channels and with the mixing of bed and bank sediment into a single population. Gara Sou River in parts of Type E has a low sediment supply, average potential bank erosion control and vegetation are very high. The rivers carry sediment are very efficient and river is low energy, loss of energy through the meandering, bed forms and vegetation occurs. Also this river in parts of the Type C has a high sediment supply, very high potential bank erosion control and vegetation is very high. In fact, vegetation combined with the bank erosion, determines the amount of lateral adjustment and sustainability of this river.
    Keywords: Stream Classification, Flood prone area, Rosgen model, Hydrodynamic HEC-RAS model, Gara Sou River
  • جمشید یاراحمدی، محمدرضا نیکجو *

    این مطالعه با هدف بررسی اثرات تغییرات کاربری اراضی بر وقوع و افزایش سیل در حوضه صوفی چای مراغه صورت گرفته است. منطقه مورد مطالعه با مساحت 250 کیلومترمربع مناطق بالادست حوضه سد علویان را تشکیل می دهد. سیلاب های منطقه براساس مقایسه آمار دبی روزانه ایستگاه دبی سنجی تازه کند با سیل مبنا محاسبه شده است. در این تحقیق سیل مبنا براساس برازش مدل های مختلف توزیع احتمالی بر داده های حداکثر سالانه و محاسبه سیل با دوره بازگشت دو ساله بعد از انتخاب مناسب ترین مدل توزیع احتمالی بر مبنای میزان RSS محاسبه شده است. یافته های این تحقیق نشان می دهدکه تعداد وقوع و تداوم سیلاب های منطقه در دهه اخیر کاهش یافته است. تغییرات پوشش گیاهی به صورت آشکارسازی تغییرات کاربری اراضی براساس تفسیر رقومی تصاویر ماهواره ای چندزمانه با استفاده از روش شیء گرا بوده است. نتایج این بررسی نشان داد که تغییرات کاربری منطقه به صورت تغییر در الگوی کشت و تبدیل کاربری اراضی در جهت مثبت آن بوده است. مدل هیدرولوژیکی HEC-HMS برای شبیه سازی بارش-رواناب و نشان دادن تاثیر تغییرات پوشش گیاهی حوضه بر افزایش و یا کاهش سیلاب ها درحوضه بکار گرفته شده است. شبیه سازی مدل هیدرولوژیکی HEC-HMS برای مقادیر CN سال های 2005 و 2000 کاهش 36 درصدی دبی سیلابی در دهه اخیر را نشان می دهد. ناگفته نماند احداث حجم قابل توجهی از عملیات سازه ای در قسمت هایی از حوضه در کاهش رواناب های سطحی و ذخیره آنها نقش عمده ای داشته است.

    کلید واژگان: سیل, تغییرات کاربری اراضی, صوفی چای
    J. Yarahmadi, M.R. Nikjoo

    The present work aims to assess the effects that landuse change has induced on the flood frequency regime. Study area covers upstream of Alavian Dam (250 km2) in the Sofi Chai basin. The torrential periods (in terms of flood event frequency and duration) has been carried out by comparing each daily discharge with the base flood. Here, the base flood (flood with 2 years return period) was calculated from maximum annual discharge based on fitting various distribution models, and then the best fit model was chosen by considering RSS criteria. The results indicate that flood events and their duration tended to be abated on the last decade.In this research, landuse/cover changes have been detected by interpretation of remotely sensed data based on object oriented method. The results indicated that the positive changes of crop patterns (overdeveloping of orchards as well as dry farming increasing) were occurred in the study basin. HEC-HMS model was applied for simulation of rainfall-runoff process and assessment of the effects of landuse changes on the flood frequency. HEC-HMS simulated results based on corresponding CN derived from 2000 to 2005 satellite images show 36% abated of flood event respectively. It should be noticed that the construction of a part of mechanical watershed management operations can reduce the flood events by reserving the surplus runoff.

    Keywords: Flood, Landuse changes, Sofi Chai, HEC, HMS Model
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