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فهرست مطالب nasimbehnoud

  • Azizollah Yousefi, Nasim Behnoud, Ali Ghobadi, Farshad Amini Behbahani, Elahe Norouzi *

    Functional constipation (FC) is a common major problem in children. This study compared Jujube paste and polyethylene glycol (PEG) as laxative drugs in children with FC. Ziziphus Jujuba Mill (Jujube) was selected according to traditional Iranian medicine because it is native to Iran and a large extent of Asia, is safe and easy to access, with acceptable taste to children.


    This randomized controlled clinical trial was performed on 128 children aged 2 to 12 with FC according toRomeIV criteria. Patients were randomly divided into two groups of Jujube paste and PEG and underwent four weeks of treatment. The efficacy, safety, and tolerability of the Jujube oral product were compared with PEG.


    Following four weeks of therapy, all clinical symptoms of constipation according to Rome IV criteria were improved significantly in both groups (P < 0.05). In all the seven criteria of Rome IV, Jujube paste was as effective as PEG and even stronger in reducing stool stiffness (P < 0.0001). Nohazardous side effect was reported in the two groups. Moreover, the medication acceptance rate was higher in the group receiving Jujube paste than in the group receiving PEG.


    Jujube paste is as effective as PEG in pediatric FC. This product has high nutritional value and antioxidant properties, so it can be a safe substitute for PEG in pediatric FC.

    Keywords: Constipation, Children, Ziziphus, Phytotherapy}
  • Azizollah Yousefi, Mahsa Taghavi Ardakan, Shahrbanoo Nakhaei, Mehri Najafi, NasimBehnoud *
    Constipation is a frequent complication in pediatrics, most of which is habitual, comprising 25% of visits in pediatric gastroenterology clinics.
    Themainobject of this studywasto investigate clustering of habitual constipationamongfamilies of pediatric patients.
    This case-control study was conducted on families of 150 children< 18 years old with chronic habitual constipation alongside families of 150 healthy children as controls. The cases were enrolled in the study according to the Rome IV criteria for constipation. The parents and siblings were evaluated regarding constipation. Data were analyzed using SPSS-16, 2 and t-test were used for comparison.
    A total of 300 children and their families participated in the study. Nosignificant differences were found between the study and the control groups in age, sex, or BMI. However, the siblings or parents from the study group had significantly higher rates of constipation compared with the control group.
    Considering different survey findings, a correlation between “habitual constipation” and “familial background” seems to exist in children. A clear pathophysiological explanation for this phenomenon is not yet available.
    Keywords: Children, Pediatric Constupation, Familial Constupation, Familial Disease}
  • Nasim Behnoud, Farahnaz Farzaneh*, Sara Ershadi
    Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common endocrine disorders in women of reproductive age (6.8%-18%) and is one of the leading causes of infertility due to ovulation factors in 55%-70% of infertile women. In this study, we compared the first-line and second-line treatments of infertility through ovulation induction with clomiphene citrate and letrozole, respectively, in the infertile patients with PCOS.
    Patients and
    This randomized clinical trial included 80 infertile patients with PCOS intent on pregnancy. Having considered the inclusion criteria and obtaining the informed consent, the patients were divided into two groups of 40 and treated with either clomiphene citrate or letrozole. In the first group, two tablets of clomiphene (50 mg/d) were taken and in the second group, two tablets of letrozole (2.5 mg/d) were prescribed on the third to seventh days of the menstrual cycle for 5 days. Over the course of the treatment for 3 months, pregnancy rate was detected at every menstrual cycle by performing BHCG titers. Data were entered into SPSS software version 21.0. All data were analyzed using independent t-test, and chi-square test with a significance level less than 0.05.
    Mean age of patients, and mean body mass index (BMI), as well as duration of infertility were not significantly different between letrozole and clomiphene groups. Fifteen patients in the clomiphene group (37.5%) reported a history of infertility treatment, compared to the letrozole group in which 12 patients (30%) reported such treatment, though this difference was not statistically significant. In the clomiphene group, the menstrual cycle was compatible with PCOS in 30 patients (75%), while in the group receiving letrozole, it was compatible in 33 patients (82.5%). Hyperandrogenism consistent with PCOS was present in 25 patients (62.5%) in the clomiphene group and in the group receiving letrozole in 22 patients (55%). The evidence of PCOS-compatible ultrasonography was found in 31 patients (77.5%) in the clomiphene group and in 35 patients (87.5%) in the letrozole group. The frequency of pregnancy in the clomiphene group (45%) was lower than that in the letrozole group (50%). Chi-square test showed that this difference was not statistically significant.
    It seems that the efficacy and success rate of clomiphene and letrozole in the treatment of infertility due to ovulation failures are similar in patients with PCOS in that both could increase ovulation and pregnancy rate. In other words, these two drugs are not superior to each other and can be selected according to the patient"s tolerance, cost, and side effects.
    Keywords: PCOS, Clomiphene citrate, Letrozole, Ovulation induction, Infertility}
  • Narjes Noori*, Marzieh Ghasemii, Abdulbaset Maleknejad, Nasim Behnoud
    Infertility is commonly treated through intrauterine insemination (IUI). However, a limited number of reports are available regarding the infectious complications including IUI.  
    Case Report
    This study presented the cases of bilateral tubo-ovarian abscesses after IUIs in a 40-year-old woman with secondary infertility. In addition, salpingectomy and hysterectomy were needed despite treatment with triple antibiotic. Moreover, the diagnosis of tubo-ovarian abscesses was confirmed by means of pathological evaluations. Further, the patient responded well to antibiotic therapy following the surgery.
    Given the ascending trend of pelvic infections, the IUI-assisted violation of the natural cervical barrier can theoretically pose higher risks of this complication to the patients. Therefore, pelvic infections are highly recommended to be rejected before IUI. Finally, the diagnosis and intervention are necessary for minimizing morbidity and optimize treatment as well
    Keywords: Intrauterine insemination, Infertility, Pelvic inflammatory disease}
  • عزیزالله یوسفی، فرحناز یوسفی، نسیم بهنود*، نسیم گل مرادی
    زمینه و هدف
    این مطالعه مقطعی در سال 1396 با هدف بررسی شیوع و عوامل مرتبط با یبوست عملکردی بین پرستاران دانشگاه های علوم پزشکی شهر تهران انجام شده است.
    روش کار
    پرسشنامه ای دربردارنده اطلاعات مربوط به مشخصات فردی افراد شامل اطلاعات دموگرافیک، سوابق بالینی و دارویی آنها، نوع نوبت کاری، وضعیت تاهل، سابقه اختلالات روانی و عادت های غذایی افراد طراحی شد و پرستاران برای ارزیابی وجود اختلالات خلقی شامل افسردگی، اضطراب و استرس، با پرسشنامه DASS-21 ارزیابی شدند. در پایان آنالیز آماری اطلاعات با نرم افزار SPSS نسخه 20 انجام شد. در مجموع 500 پرستار شاغل در بیمارستان ها وارد مطالعه شدند که از میان آنها 49 نفر به دلیل بیماری های ارگانیک و مصرف دارو از جمعیت آماری حذف شدند.
    یافته ها
    طبق ارزیابی های انجام شده، 1/34% پرستاران به یبوست عملکردی مبتلا هستند. براساس تحلیل داده ها، رابطه بین متغیرهای وضع تاهل، جنسیت و نوبت کاری با شیوع یبوست عملکردی معنی دار بود. همچنین ارتباط معنی داری بین یبوست عملکردی و افسردگی وجود داشت.
    نتیجه گیری
    تحقیق حاضر نشان داد که شیوع و فاکتورهای درگیر در توسعه یبوست عملکردی، برخی از این فاکتورهای تغییرپذیر می تواند از طریف برنامه ریزی و اقدامات مناسب اصلاح گردد.
    کلید واژگان: استرس و اضطراب و افسردگی, متغیرهای زمینه ای, یبوست عملکردی, پرستاران}
    Azizollah Yousefi, Nasim Golmoradi, Farahnaz Yousefi, Nasim Behnoud*
    The present research made an attempt to study the prevalence and factors associated with functional constipation in nurses at the medical sciences universities in Tehran.
    This cross-sectional study was conducted in 2017 on nurses at the medical sciences universities of Tehran. The research questionnaire was designed, and the personal information on the participants including their demographic information, clinical and medicinal records, shift type, marital status, history of psychological disorders, and eating habits was collected. To examine the nurses for mood disorders including depression, anxiety, and stress, they were tested using the DASS-21 questionnaire. In the end, the information recorded on the checklists was entered onto the computer software for statistical analyses. A total of 500 nurses working at hospitals were included in this research. However, 49 nurses were excluded from the statistical research population due to organic diseases and intake of medicine.
    The examination results revealed that 34.1% of the nurses suffer from functional constipation. Besides, the results showed a significant relationship between functional constipation with three variables, viz. marital status, gender, and shift type at the <0.05 significance level. There was also a significant relationship between functional constipation and depression.
    Finally, the research results revealed that considering the prevalence and the factors involved in the development of functional constipation, some of these changeable factors can be rectified through planning and appropriate measures.
    Keywords: stress, anxiety, depression, background variables, functional constipation, nurses}
  • Ali Ghobadi, Farshad Amini, Behbahani, Azizollah Yousefi, Maryam Taghavi Shirazi, Nasim Behnoud *
    Ziziphus jujuba (jujube) is a plant with a long history of consumption as a fruit and a medicinal plant, which has various pharmacological effects. This plant has been widely used in traditional Persian medicine (TPM) and modern phytotherapy. Therefore, the overarching goal of this research was to review the nutritional and pharmacological properties of this valuable plant.
    Materials and Methods
    The relevant keywords were used to search different databases containing the new findings as well as the old textbooks, and several articles on Z. jujuba, its effects, and its benefits were extracted.
    First, the descriptions of Z. jujuba in the books on traditional medicine were reviewed with regard to the experiences of past physicians. Next, the new findings reported by scientists about the pharmacological effects of Z. jujuba and its active ingredients were presented. Z. jujuba has had numerous uses in the course of history. Considering the definitions provided in the traditional medical books and the modern applications of Ziziphus jujuba, there were close relationships among some of the findings, while for some of the effects described in traditional books there is no similar account in the classical medical books.
    Jujube has been used for the treatment of some diseases throughout the history. Hence, since this plant is native to different parts of Iran, research centers are recommended to use the state-of-the-art technology to summarize the effects of jujube and its socioeconomic benefits.
    Keywords: Ziziphus jujuba Mill., Jujube, Traditional Persian medicine, Onnab}
  • Nasim Behnoud, Rosita Bahrami, Gholamreza Kordafshari, Farahnaz Farzaneh, Hoorieh Mohammadi Kenari *
    Interruption of the activity of ovary before the age of forty is called premature ovarian failure (POF) in which ovaries lose their follicular and hormonal functions. A decline in the number of ovules before the age of menopause is a physiologic phenomenon. In the present case report, treatment of a patient by POF was reported using traditional Persian medicine principles. In Persian medicine, each humor has its own temperament. A change in the temperament and quality or quantity of these humors causes the disease and therefore modifying the temperament is the milestone of treatment. The patient was a 39-year-old married woman with irregular menstruation cycles and finally, cessation of menstruation. In this period, the patient had vaginal dryness, severe dyspareunia, gastritis, and parasomnia. At first, some instructions were ordered to change her lifestyle, for example, a change in food intakes, enough sleep, and exercise. In addition, several medications were ordered including the digestive system electuary (Majoun Jahaz Hazemeh), Eyaraj Fighara capsule and powder containing Glycyrrhiza glabra roots, Foeniculum vulgare and white sugar, oil massage of the abdomen and flanks, and cupping of the uterus. At the end of treatment, complete rehabilitation was achieved and menstruation irregularity, gastritis, and parasomnia were resolved. Based on the results, if a patient follows the rules and has a healthy lifestyle, inappropriate humor is unable to appear, the healing can be stable, and this disease or similar melancholic disorders fail to occur.
    Keywords: Premature ovarian failure, Menopause, Persian medicine}
  • در این صفحه نام مورد نظر در اسامی نویسندگان مقالات جستجو می‌شود. ممکن است نتایج شامل مطالب نویسندگان هم نام و حتی در رشته‌های مختلف باشد.
  • همه مقالات ترجمه فارسی یا انگلیسی ندارند پس ممکن است مقالاتی باشند که نام نویسنده مورد نظر شما به صورت معادل فارسی یا انگلیسی آن درج شده باشد. در صفحه جستجوی پیشرفته می‌توانید همزمان نام فارسی و انگلیسی نویسنده را درج نمایید.
  • در صورتی که می‌خواهید جستجو را با شرایط متفاوت تکرار کنید به صفحه جستجوی پیشرفته مطالب نشریات مراجعه کنید.
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