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تنها با پرداخت 70 هزارتومان حق اشتراک سالانه به متن مقالات دسترسی داشته باشید و 100 مقاله را بدون هزینه دیگری دریافت کنید.

برای پرداخت حق اشتراک اگر عضو هستید وارد شوید در غیر این صورت حساب کاربری جدید ایجاد کنید


فهرست مطالب ruiz

  • Soodeh Kabir, Chrysalyne D. Schmults, Emily S. Ruiz *
    Context: Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (CSCC) is the second most common type of skin cancer and its incidence continues to rise worldwide. While the majority of CSCCs have excellent prognosis, a subset have the propensity to cause poor outcomes.
    Evidence Acquisition: A thorough Pubmed search was done and a collection of CSCC-relevant articles were selected based on the expert opinion.
    A number of high-risk factors have been identified including perineural invasion (PNI), desmoplastic growth pattern, poor differentiation, high risk location and large diameter. Various staging systems have been developed based on these high-risk factors. Radiologic imaging is important for high-stage tumors and is likely associated with more aggressive management.
    Although surgical management is the gold standard, newer therapies such as programmed cell death protein-1 (PD-1) inhibitors show promise for locally advanced or metastatic disease. Despite advances in treatment, early diagnosis and prevention of CSCC is still the most important measure to ensure good outcomes.
    Keywords: Review, Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Skin}
  • R. De La Herr, Aacuten., M. Casares, F. Robles, J. Tito, R. Navajas, PÉrez, M. J. Molina, Luz, Oacuten., M. De Los Reyes Gonzalez, Tejero, P. Sola, Campoy, A. GutiÉrrez, Guerrero, C. Ruiz, Rej, Oacute, N.*
    In the Alhambra (Granada, Spain), and in other Moorish locations, several individuals of the original variety of myrtle, the emblematic plant of their gardens, have been identified and genetically authenticated. After microsatellite analysis, we differentiated between the wild form (Myrtus communis L.) and two cultivated varieties: the one original to the Alhambra, the Moorish myrtle (subsp. baetica), and the variety introduced in more modern times (subsp. tarentina). The genetic and morphological differences between these two varieties confirm the taxonomic distinctness of the subsp. baetica. With very few individuals known, this Moorish myrtle is on the verge of extinction. The genetic identification offers the opportunity to restore a key element of this 14th-century garden and enhance the authenticity of a World Heritage site.
    Keywords: Alhambra, Microsatellite, Mirtus communis, Subspecies, Taxon}
  • Marino B. Arnao, Josefa Hern, Aacute, Ndez, Ruiz
    Melatonin is an indoleamine present in animals and other organisms. Its main function in animals where it acts as a hormone regulating circadian rhythms related processes is well established. It was not until 1995 that this compound was detected in plants and, since then, interest clarifying their role has been increasing. This article describes the functions that have been identified so far in plants that might be of agronomic interest. As in animals, plant melatonin appears to have developed a type of hormonal function, similar to that observed for other plant hormones, such as auxin, to induce growth in stems and stimulate rooting. It is also able to delay senescence by protecting photosynthetic systems and processes. One of the most studied actions is its effect on biotic and abiotic stresses in the plant, such as drought, extreme temperature, chemical pollution, UV radiation, etc. Some of these functions could be explained by the fact that melatonin is a powerful natural antioxidant, although more recent data have demonstrate its role as a regulator at the level of gene expression under certain conditions. This has given rise to the idea that it might be used as a natural biostimulating substance for treating field crops, for the phytoremediation of contaminated soils and as a nutraceutical compound.
    Keywords: Plant Stress, Senescence, Phytomelatonin, Melatonin, Plant Growth Regulators, Nutraceutical, Antioxidants, Photosynthesis}
  • Norma Elena Rojas, Ruiz, Estibaliz Sansinenea, Royano, Maria Lilia Cedillo, Ramirez, Rodolfo Marsch, Moreno, Patricia Sanchez, Alonso, Candelario Vazquez, Cruz*
    Bacillus thuringiensis is the most successful biological control agent, however, studies so far have shown that B. thuringiensis is very sensitive to environmental factors such as soil moisture and pH. Ultraviolet light from the sun had been considered as the main limiting factor for its persistence in soil and it has recently been shown that the antagonism exerted by other native soil organisms, such as Pseudomonas fluorescens, is a determining factor in the persistence of this bacterium under in vitro culture conditions.
    The aim of the present investigation was to analyze the population dynamics of B. thuringiensis and its interaction with P. fluorescens using microbiological and molecular methods in soil, under different conditions, and to determinate the effect of nutrients and moisture on its interaction.
    Materials And Methods
    The monitoring was performed by microbiological methods, such as viable count of bacteria, and molecular methods such as Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and hybridization, using the direct extraction of DNA from populations of inoculated soil.
    The analysis of the interaction between B. thuringiensis and P. fluorescens in soil indicated that the disappearance of B. thuringiensis IPS82 is not dependent on the moisture but the composition of nutrients that may be affecting the secretion of toxic compounds in the environment of P. fluorescens. The results showed that the recovered cells were mostly spores and not vegetative cells in all proved treatments. The molecular methods were effective for monitoring bacterial population inoculated in soil.
    Bacillus thuringiensis is very sensitive to the interaction of P. fluorescens, however is capable to survive in soil due to its capacity of sporulate. Some of the cells in the form of spores germinated and folded slightly and remained in a constant cycle of sporulation and germination. This confirms that B. thuringiensis IPS82 can germinate, grow and sporulate in soil.
    Keywords: Microbial Interactions, Antibiosis, Spores, Bacillus thuringiensis, Pseudomonas fluorescens}
  • David Palacios, Mart, Iacute, Nez, Juan Carlos Garc, Iacutea., Aacute, Lvarez, Nieves Montero, Santamar, Iacutea., Olga Patricia Villar, Ruiz, Antonio Ruiz, Garc, Iacutea., Raquel Asunci, Oacute, N. D, Iacute, Az, Alonso
    The overall incidence of obesity and its prevalence is increasing continuously. The obesity is a cardiovascular risk factor whose importance is increasing too. It is associated with many chronic conditions such as type II diabetes mellitus or cardiovascular diseases. The obesity is also implicated as a risk factor for several kinds of cancer such as esophagus, pancreas, colon, rectum, breast cancer in menopausal women. The treatment of the obesity may reduce the incidence of these diseases. The mainstray of the treatment of obesity is changing the lifestyles, but obesity´s treatment may need drug therapy or even though surgical treatment.. Orlistat is a specific inhibitor of gastrointestinal lipases, which stops fat absortion. It is used along with a hypocaloric diet, for obesity´s treatment. The beneficial effects of orlistat include weight loss, the improvement of blood pressure´s control, it may delay the development of diabetes mellitus, and it may reduce HbA1c. Besides the interaction with other drugs (mainly warfarin and amiodarone)..Orlistat´s mainly side effects are gastrointestinal disorders such as the existence of oily spotting from the rectum, abdominal pain or discomfort, fecal urgency. There are also side effects at other levels, like flu symptoms, hypoglycemia, heathache or upper respiratory infections. There are other side effects with very low incidence but clinically relevant like pancreatitis, subacute liver failure, severe liver disease, myopathy, or tubular necrosis secondary to oxalate nephropathy induced by Orlistat..In this case report appears a new adverse effect of Orlistat that has not been described above: thrombopenia and macrocytic anemia..
    Keywords: Anti, Obesity Agents, Obesity, Obesity, Morbid, Thrombocytopenia}
  • منصور منتظری، م.پ گریوز، م.ح پی
    ر استان تهران که دارای علائم بیماری بودند،)Avena ludoviciana(در سال 5731، از نمونه های یولاف وحشی زمستانه دارای بیشترین Fusarium moniliforme جداسازی و تعیین نام شد. در بین آنها، گونه Fusarium spp. ایزوله هایی از قارچ فراوانی بود. آزمایش های بیماری زایی بر اساس اصول کخ نشان داد که این قارچ پاتوژن یولاف وحشی می باشد. در تعیین دامنه میزبانی،مایه زنی این قارچ به ارقامی از گندم، جو، ذرت، چاودار، ارزن علوفه ای، باقلا، لوبیا قرمز، لوبیا سبز، آفتابگردان، سویا، کلزا، پنبه، گلرنگ،خیار، هندوانه، شبدر برسیم و اسپرس، منجر به بروز علائمی در آنها نشد. ولی، این پاتوژن در یولاف وحشی، قیاق، بیدگیاه و گوجه42 و 53 درصد مرگ گیاهچه ها شد. این نتایج نشان داد که ممکن است بتوان از ایزوله یاد شده به، 51، فرنگی به ترتیب موجب 37عنوان عامل بیوکنترل یولاف وحشی استفاده نمود.
    M. Montazeri, M. P. Greaves, M. H. Pei, C. Ruiz
    An isolate of Fusarium moniliforme, a pathogen of winter wild oat (Avena ludoviciana), was obtained from Tehran Province, Iran, in 1994. A host range test performed on wheat, barley, maize, rye, millet, crested wheatgrass, faba bean, red bean, green bean, sunflower, soybean, oilseed rape, cotton, safflower, cucumber,water melon, berseem clover, and sainfoin, resulted in no symptom induction by the pathogen. However, winter wild oat, crested wheatgrass, johnsongrass and tomato showed susceptibility to the pathogen with 78, 24, 19 and 17% mortality, respectively. The results indicate that this pathogen could be considered as a potential biological agent for the control of winter wild oat.
    Keywords: winter wild oat, Avena ludoviciana, Fusarium moniliforme, biocontrol}
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  • همه مقالات ترجمه فارسی یا انگلیسی ندارند پس ممکن است مقالاتی باشند که نام نویسنده مورد نظر شما به صورت معادل فارسی یا انگلیسی آن درج شده باشد. در صفحه جستجوی پیشرفته می‌توانید همزمان نام فارسی و انگلیسی نویسنده را درج نمایید.
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