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برای پرداخت حق اشتراک اگر عضو هستید وارد شوید در غیر این صورت حساب کاربری جدید ایجاد کنید


فهرست مطالب sahar borhanifar

  • Sahar Borhanifar, Mohammad Ebrahim Mazhari*, Vida Taghvaei, Behzad Vasiq, Reza Ashrafzadeh

    ‘Privacy’ in Islamic culture is considered one of the concepts related to the existential dimensions of human beings and one of the most important spiritual needs for self-improvement and a sincere connection with Allah. In this regard, mosques, as places for the Muslims’ collective worship ceremonies, are not only a place for social interaction but also a privacy-focused gathering, they are optimal places for thinking and enjoying some private moments with Allah. Two questions arise that what are the components of creating the privacy in the Architecture of mosques? How do these components result in the creation of this privacy in the mosques? The present study is basic and qualitative research in terms of purpose, which uses both comparative and meta-analysis methods. In this study, while analyzing documentary studies as well as in-depth and open interviews, mosques from Isfahan were selected as a case study. The NVivo software was used to analyze qualitative data. Based upon the conceptual model obtained from the research findings, three types of privacy have been proposed. The first mode is ‘having private moments with oneself’ which is made by the components such as ‘introspection and remembrance’. The second mode is ‘having private moments with Allah’ which is formed via components such as the companionship of light and darkness and the vacuity. Finally, the third mode is ‘the privacy in the public’ which is created due to components such as verbal and non-verbal communication.

    Keywords: Privacy, Architecture, Mosques, Nvivo}
  • سحر برهانی فر، محمدابراهیم مظهری*، ویدا تقوایی، بهزاد وثیق، رضا اشرف زاده

    در مجموعه های مسکونی ، تامین خلوت در دو بعد اصلی خود (یعنی حفظ حریم خانوادگی و حریم خصوصی) به عنوان مولفه های موثر در تامین امنیت و آرامش ساکنان، در اولویت قرار دارد. در حقیقت نگرش افراد به خلوت، بخشی از فرایند اجتماعی شدن آنهاست و به منظور تثبیت روابط اجتماعی باید به خلوت افراد و گروه ها در عرصه عمومی توجه شود. ایجاد تعادل میان خلوت و تعامل اجتماعی امری ضروری است و باید با توجه به ارزش های فرهنگی هر جامعه ای بررسی شود. هدف از انجام پژوهش حاضر شناسایی و اولویت بندی شاخص های تاثیر گذار خلوت بر تعاملات اجتماعی در مجتمع مسکونی ششصد دستگاه مشهد است. روش انجام پژوهش "توصیفی_تحلیلی" است و برای شناسایی مولفه های خلوت موثر بر تعاملات اجتماعی از روش اسنادی و کتابخانه ای استفاده شده است. جامعه آماری تحقیق حاضر ساکنان مجتمع مسکونی ششصد دستگاه مشهد است. حجم نمونه مورد مطالعه با استفاده از فرمول کوکران 322 نفر است. برای گردآوری اطلاعات مورد نیاز از ابزار پرسشنامه محقق ساخته استفاده شد و برای تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها از نرم افزارهای SPSS و PLS استفاده گردید. برای بررسی مدل پژوهش و ارزیابی اعتبار پرسشنامه از تحلیل عاملی تاییدی، برای مقایسه میانگین ها از آزمون تی تک نمونه ای و برای رتبه بندی مولفه ها از آزمون رتبه بندی فریدمن استفاده شده است. یافته های پژوهش حاکی از آن است که مولفه های قلمروخواهی مانند فواصل میان فردی، مشخصات فیزیکی، قلمروهای فضایی و حریم سمعی و بصری به عنوان متغیرهای تاثیر گذار بر تعاملات اجتماعی در مجتمع مسکونی ششصد دستگاه با رویکردی به حفظ خلوت هستند. یافته های آزمون تی تک نمونه جامعه آماری نشان داد میانگین تمامی مولفه ها و زیرمولفه ها بالاتر از مقدار متوسط به دست آمده و تمامی مولفه ها و شاخص های تعیین شده دارای تاثیر نسبتا زیادی بر تعاملات اجتماعی هستند(05/0>p). میانگین مولفه فواصل میان فردی برابر با 4.48، مرز و قلمرو برابر با 4.38، مشخصات کالبدی برابر با 4.12 و حریم سمعی بصری برابر با 4.06 هستند.  نتایج آزمون رتبه بندی فریدمن همچنین نشان داد که مولفه های مرز و قلمرو و فواصل میان فردی دارای بیشترین میانگین رتبه و در نتیجه بیشترین تاثیر را بر تعاملات اجتماعی دارند . همچنین در میان زیرمولفه ها، انعطاف پذیری کالبدی، همگنی اجتماعی و انعطاف پذیری میان فردی دارای بالاترین میانگین رتبه و بیشترین تاثیر بر تعاملات اجتماعی هستند.

    کلید واژگان: مسکن, مجتمع مسکونی, خلوت, قلمرو, تعامل اجتماعی, مجتمع مسکونی ششصد دستگاه}
    Sahar Borhanifar, Mohammad Ebrahim Mazhari *, Vida Taghvaei, Behzad Vasigh, Reza Ashrafzadeh

    This study examines the relationship between privacy and interactions together.The results show that the two criteria of border and territory, and interpersonal distances, have the greatest impact on social interactions and the criterion of audio-visual privacy has the least impact on social interactions compared to other components. The results of Friedman ranking test showed that the indicators of physical flexibility, social homogeneity, interpersonal flexibility and spatial planning have the greatest impact on social interactions and the indicators of dimensions, proportions and hierarchy have the least impact on social interactions. Compared to other indicators. The study of the results in sheshsad Dastgah Residential Complex in Mashhad also shows that the designer's attention to the criteria and indicators affecting interactions with an approach to maintaining privacy in the design, has played a significant role in promoting interactions between users and residents of the complex. Which has been considered by the designer more than other criteria.


    In residential complexes, securing privacy, in its two main dimensions, namely family privacy and individual privacy, is prioritized as an effective component in ensuring the security and tranquility of residents. In fact, people’s attitudes toward privacy are part of their socialization process. For establishment of social relations, the privacy of individuals and groups in the public must be considered. It is essential to provide a balance between privacy and social interaction in the light of the cultural values of the community. The purpose of this study is to identify and prioritize the indicators of privacy effective on social interactions in a residential complex with 600 apartments in the city of Mashhad, Iran.

    Theoretical Framework

    Privacy is a process undergone for determining the boundaries between individuals, through which the individual or group monitors how they interact with others (Altman, 2003). Altman (1975) considers personal space and territoriality as the main mechanisms used for achievement of privacy (Lang, 2009: 165). Communication means the ability to transfer human information, thoughts, and behaviors from one person to another. Social interaction is a need that involves actions and emotions such as the sense of belonging and attachment, joining a group, loving, and being approved (Siramkaya, 2017).The factors effective on the promotion of social interactions with the privacy approach include the following:
    Physical characteristics,Borders and territories (hierarchy, border clarity, and controllability in the separation of private and public areas),
    Interpersonal distances, Audio and visual privacy.


    The research method is descriptive-analytical, adopted besides documentary and library methods to identify the components of privacy affecting social interactions. The population examined in the present study consists of the residents of the Sheshsad Dastgah residential complex in Mashhad. The sample size is set to 322 people using Cochran’s formula. A questionnaire is used to collect the required information, and the data are analyzed using the SPSS and PLS software. Confirmatory factor analysis is applied to evaluate the research model and the validity of the questionnaire, along with the one-sample t-test to compare the means and the Friedman ranking test to rank the components.

    Results and Discussion

    The findings of the one-sample t-test of the population demonstrated that the mean values of all the components and subcomponents were higher than the obtained averages, and that all the specified components and indicators had relatively large impacts on social interactions (p < 0.05). The mean for the interpersonal distance component was 4.48, that for the boundaries and territories was 4.38, that for the physical characteristics was 4.12, and that for the visual-auditory space was 4.06. The results of the Friedman ranking test also indicated that the components of border and territory and interpersonal distance ranked highest in average, and therefore exhibited the greatest impacts on social interactions. Moreover, physical flexibility, social homogeneity, and interpersonal flexibility exhibited the highest average ranks among the subcomponents and the greatest impacts on social interactions.


    As explained in the Methodology section, the SPSS 25 and PLS 3 software were used to analyze the data. The extracted average variance index (AVE) was used to verify the convergent validity. This index measures the amount of variance that a hidden variable gets from its markers, and its value ranges between 0 and 1, where higher values indicate greater convergent validity for the structure. The mean extracted variance, which measured the convergent validity, varied from a minimum of 0.53 for the boundary and a territory to a maximum of 0.70 for the physical characteristics. Since the mean values of extracted variance were close to or greater than 0.50, we could confirm the convergent validity (total validity of each component). Finally, the results demonstrated the validity and reliability of all the components and relevant questions. The effects of the four main criteria of privacy on social interactions in the examined residential complex could be analyzed using the Friedman test, ranking the criteria and the degrees of their impact on social interactions as follows. The findings on the ranking of the privacy criteria with respect to a chi-square value of 226.81 (df = 3) indicated significant relationships with social interactions (P < 0.05), from which it could be inferred that there was a significant difference between the four criteria of privacy affecting social interactions, and the extents and degrees of their impact on social interactions were also found to be different. The results of the Friedman ranking test demonstrated that the border and territory criterion ranked highest in average, and exhibited the greatest effect on social interactions in the residential complex. Shortly after that, there was the criterion of interpersonal distance, with an average rank of 2.97. According to the results, the two criteria of border and territory and individual intermediate distance had the greatest impacts on social interactions, and the criterion of audio-visual privacy affected them less than the others. There were significant differences between the fourteen indicators affecting socialization, the ranks and values of which were also different. The results of the Friedman ranking test demonstrated that physical flexibility ranked highest in average, and was the most important indicator affecting social interactions. The social homogeneity, interpersonal flexibility, and spatial arena sub-components were ranked next, averaging 10.34, 10.20, and 8.82, respectively. According to the findings, the indicators of physical flexibility, social homogeneity, interpersonal flexibility, and spatial arena exhibited the greatest impacts on social interactions, and those of dimensions, proportions, and hierarchy affected them less than the others. The results indicated that the components of territoriality, such as interpersonal distance, physical characteristics, spatial domains, and audio-visual privacy, could be regarded as variables affecting social interactions in the Sheshsad Dastgah residential complex with an approach to maintenance of privacy.

    Keywords: Housing, residential complex, privacy, territory, Social interaction, Sheshsad Dastgah residential complex in Mashhad}
  • ویدا تقوایی*، سحر برهانی فر

    هنر و معماری بیش از آنکه محصول تصمیم یک یا چند فرد باشد، محصول فرهنگ جامعه است. بسنده کردن به شناخت کالبد و شکل آن ها و غفلت از پیوندشان با بستر فرهنگی، به سطحی نگری می انجامد. در منطق آمده است که نمی شود دو ضد را با هم جمع کرد. منطق ارسطویی نیز موید دوگانه انگاری، تمایزها، کثرت ها و تباین هاست؛ حال آنکه به نظر می رسد، اوصاف خداوند و زوجیت ها در عالم و تفکر عرفانی موید اجتماع ضدین است. در عرفان مسیحی و تائیسم نیز جمع ضدین پذیرفته شده است. در مباحث هرمنوتیک جدید نیز جمع اضداد دیده می شود. هدف از پژوهش حاضر بررسی اصل همنشینی اضداد در ذات تفکرات عرفانی و تاثیر آن در جوهره هنر و معماری و یافتن و تبیین مصادیق شکلی آن است و در این راستا، براساس روش کیفی و راهبرد استدلال منطقی به بررسی اصل همنشینی اضداد در ذات تفکرات عرفانی و مظاهر هنری و معماری آن پرداخته و بررسی کیفیت های متضاد در مصادیق آن ها را پی جو می شود. نتایج پژوهش نشان می دهد همنشینی و وحدت اضداد سرتاسر عالم هستی را فرا گرفته است؛ حکمتی که پس از نفوذ در جامعه، رفته رفته به هنجار و ارزش و ذوق بدل شده و آگاهانه و ناآگاهانه در هنر و معماری نیز به منصه ظهور رسیده است.

    کلید واژگان: اصل همنشینی اضداد, عرفان, معماری ایرانی, هنر}
    vida taghvaei *, sahar borhanifar

    Art and architecture are mainly the product of community culture rather than that of one or more individuals decision . Being content with the bodies recognition and their form and neglecting their link with the cultural context , leads to the superficiality . It is written in logic that two opposites can not be combined . Aristotle's logic also confirms the dualism , the distinctions , the varieties and the differences . while it seems that god's adjectives and dualities in the world and the mystical thinking , confirm coincidence of opposites . Also in Christian and Taoism mysticism , coincidence of opposites , is also accepted . It also exist in the new hermeneutics . Rumi knows the opposites and the coincidence of opposites from the principles of creation .The Principle of combination and the coincidence of opposites can be seen among all the world's phenomena.
    The purpose of the present research is to prove the coincidence of opposites in the essence of mystical thoughts and its impact on the essence of art and architecture and to find the case studies . In this regard , based on the qualitative method and the strategy of logical reasoning , we study the principle of the coincidence of opposites in the essence of mystical thoughts and its art and architecture manifestations and study the contrasting qualities in their case studies . The results of the research show that the coincidence of opposites in the universe , is theology and one of the principles of creation. The theology that after penetrating in to the society gradually has turned in to the norm , the value and the taste and has consciously and unintentionally emerged in art and architecture

    Keywords: the principle of coincidence of opposites, mysticism, art, Iranian architecture}
  • سحر برهانی فر، سیدجلیل موسوی، غلامرضا طلیسچی، محمد ابراهیم مظهری
    معماری می تواند جدا از وجهه کارکردی خود واجد معنا بوده و معنای آن را به روشنی بیان کند . معماری و سایرهنرها همچون نقاشی می توانند واسطه و رسانه هایی برای عرضه معنا باشند، معنا می تواند بین عرصه ها و رسانه های مختلف مشترک باشد . بسیاری از معماران معاصر پیوسته در تلاش برای انتقال معنای متداعی از یک اثر هنری به رسانه معماری بوده و در این راستا به بازگویی ایده ها و مفاهیم در محیط های نمادین می پردازند . بدون تردید ، معنای اثر هنری می تواند با اجزا یا نمادهای بیانی دیگر وارد روابط استعاری شده، به این ترتیب معانی متداعی از یک اثر هنری به سایر آثار هنری انتقال یابد. در این راستا از جمله مسایلی که جای آن در حوزه معماری خالی است، بحث انتقال معنا از سایر رسانه های هنری به رسانه معماری است .
    این مقاله با طرح فرضیه های زیر تلاش می کند چگونگی انتقال معنا از رسانه نقاشی به رسانه معماری را تبیین کند : الف . انتقال معنااز سایر رسانه های هنری به رسانه معماری، می تواند معماران را درراستای خلق معنا یاری رساند. ب . بهره گیری از راهبردهایی مانند استعاره ، نقش اساسی در انتقال معنا از سایر رسانه های هنری همچون نقاشی به معماری دارد . جهت تبیین فرضیه ها در این مقاله نحوه بازگویی جان هیداک از نقاشی مادام دو سون ویل اثر جان اگوست دومینیک اینگرس و مجموعه استودیو اثرژرژبراک در معماری خانه دیوار2 بررسی می شود . روش تحقیق این مقاله براساس روش توصیفی _ تحلیلی و استدلال منطقی پایه ریزی شده و مبتنی بر بررسی و تحلیل اطلاعات کتابخانه ای است . در نهایت این پژوهش نشان می دهد
    انتقال معنا از یک واسطه هنری به واسطه دیگر می تواند موجب توسعه ایده ها از سایر هنرها همچون نقاشی به معماری و بالعکس شده و در ارتقاء هر دو رسانه هنری تاثیر گذار باشد .
    کلید واژگان: نقاشی, معماری, معنا, جان هیداک, خانه دیوار, استعاره}
    Sahar Borhanifar, Seyyed Jalil Mousavi, Gholamreza Talischi, Mohammad Ebrahim Mazhari
    Apart from functional aspect; architecture can convey the meaning and express its own meanings clearly. Other arts such as painting also can deliver several messages that can be different in various madeia. Many contemporary architects constantly attempts to convey a message of an artwork to architectural media and in this regard, they try to restate the ideas and concepts in a symbolic environment. Without doubt, the meaning of an artwork can be imported with components or other expressive symbols, and thus the litigant meanings of an artwork can be transited to another. In this regard, one of the issues that is missed in architecture area, is the discussion of conveying the meaning from other art media to the architecture. This paper tries to explain how to convey the meaning from Painting to architectural media. It is assumed that conveying the meaning of other art medias to architectural media can help the architects to create the meaning and B) Using metaphor, plays an essential role in conveying the meaning from other art media such as painting to architecture. In this paper, in order to answer the research hypothesis, the way John Hejduk restates the Madame D’Haussonville painting by John Auguste Dominique Ingres and the studio series by Georges Braque in the architecture of the wall house 2 are discussed. The Methodology of this paper is based on descriptive analytic methods and logical reasoning. It also relies on the discussing and analyzing the library information. Finally, this study shows that conveying the meaning from one art media to another can develop ideas from other arts such as painting to architecture and vice versa and be effective in the enhancement of both of these art media.
    Keywords: Painting, Architecture, Meaning, John Hejduk, Wall house, Metaphor}
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  • همه مقالات ترجمه فارسی یا انگلیسی ندارند پس ممکن است مقالاتی باشند که نام نویسنده مورد نظر شما به صورت معادل فارسی یا انگلیسی آن درج شده باشد. در صفحه جستجوی پیشرفته می‌توانید همزمان نام فارسی و انگلیسی نویسنده را درج نمایید.
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