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فهرست مطالب نویسنده:

sepideh parsa

  • محمدرضا ملکی*، سپیده پارسا، ابراهیم مرادی، بهزاد وثیق
    مکان تنها مجموعه ای از اشیاء نیست و هر مکان تصویر خاص خود را بر روی ذهن افراد باقی می گذارد. حس تعلق به مکان، پیوندی محکم بین فرد و مکان ایجاد کرده و افراد خود را با مکانی که به آن تعلق دارند تعریف می کنند. زمانی که فرد نسبت به مکان حس تعلق کند این امر موجب هماهنگی فرد با محیط و رضایت وی از محیط شده و همچنین انگیزه ماندگاری فرد در محیط را فراهم می کند. تاکنون تحقیقات بسیاری در زمینه ارزیابی حس تعلق به مکان صورت پذیرفته است. با این حال متغیر جنسیت در جمعیت مورد ارزیابی، دخیل نگردیده است و از وزن دهی به آن چشم-پوشی می شود. پژوهش حاضر رابطه میزان همپوشانی حس تعلق به مکان در جمعیت هدف ایلام با مقایسه اثرگذاری متغیر جنسیت، را مورد بررسی قرار می دهد. این مقاله با اتکا بر روش اسنادی و پیمایشی و همچنین جمع آوری داده ها با استفاده از ابزار پرسشنامه حاصل گردیده است. نتایج این تحقیق نشان دهنده این موضوع است که میزان حس تعلق به مکان به میزان احساس امنیت در آن مکان، خصوصیات کالبدی، تاثیرات آن مکان بر برداشت های ذهنی و ماندگاری این تصورات بستگی دارد که با تغییر هرکدام از این عوامل میزان حس تعلق به مکان در افراد تغییر خواهد کرد. در این میان تفاوت هایی نیز میان حس تعلق زنان و مردان وجود داشته که به خصوصیات جنسیتی آنان وابسته است.
    کلید واژگان: جنسیت, حس تعلق به مکان, شهر ایلام
    Mohammad Reza Maleki*, Sepideh Parsa, Ebrahim Moradi, Behzad Vasiq
    The main factor of residents’ identity of a place is the place itself. A place is not just a collection of things but individuals’ mind can be influenced by specified concept of pictures of places. Individuals’ perceptions of a place are influenced by their emotions and make concepts of pictures of places in mind. These concepts of pictures in mind and emotions make the individual's identity. Perceptions of belonging to a place make a strong connection between each individual and a place and this connection makes a profound interaction between the individual with the environment and the individuals define themselves at a place they live in and indeed they are one part of that place. When they do think so, it makes a harmonious relationship between the environment and their satisfaction and increases motivation to remain there. The present research investigates the relationship between the measure of residents’ participation in residential design and their perceptions of belonging to a place. This article is conducted to show whether the measure of perceptions of belonging to a place depends on the measure of satisfaction or sense of security at a place, physical characteristics, and the effects of that place on the conceptual formations and maintenance of these concepts. The data in this documentary and survey research is collected by the questionnaire as an instrument. Findings of this study shows a fact that the measure of perceptions of belonging to a place changes based on the changes of each variable and recognizing these effective factors is impossible unless by the individuals’ participation in residential design and consequently the more residents’ participation in designing, the more perceptions of belonging to designed places for them. Significant differences found between males and females perceptions of belonging to a place that refers to their gender differentiations. The security and short history of places with regard to social security is important for males and also for females, because both of them try to have a safe life. Females prefer surrounded environments and like to have neighbors to provide both their security and interaction with others. On the other hand, males prefer the open environments and believe that surrounded environments equals not having freedom. Separation from public and privacy environments is the priority for males but from female's point of view, the plainness of the environment is important. The other difference between males and females is in their preferences to have natural views or perspectives that are true for females but males prefer to have special parts for different affairs and a special part appropriate to their job. The social interaction is the last effective factor in the perception of belonging to a place that is important for females but is not applicable to males.
    Keywords: gender, the sense of dependency to Place, Ilam City
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