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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « خرما » در نشریات گروه « تاریخ »

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «خرما» در نشریات گروه «علوم انسانی»
  • مصطفی ابراهیمی، علی ناظمیان فرد*، محمدتقی ایمان پور

    نخل در حکم یکی از درختان مشهور مناطق گرمسیری فارس، در سده های نخستین اسلامی در کانون توجه مردم این خطه بود؛ پس پرورش آن و تولید خرما از مشاغل عمده کشاورزان و باغداران این منطقه بود. نخل داری در جایگاه یکی از عرصه های تعامل مردم فارس با محیط گرمسیری آن در سده های یادشده، موضوعی است که تاکنون چندان واکاوی نشده و تنها در برخی از آثار تالیفی، به شکل کلی به آن توجه شده است. بر این اساس، پژوهش حاضر حول این پرسش سامان یافته است: از منظر جغرافیای تاریخی، در این دوران معیشت وابسته به نخل در چه زمینه هایی از حیات مردم فارس نمود پیدا کرده بود؟ پژوهش با روش توصیفی تحلیلی و با مراجعه به منابع کتابخانه ای و بررسی میدانی در برخی مناطق دارای نخلستان و سازه های مرتبط با آبیاری نخل در فارس فراهم شده است. یافته های پژوهش از تعامل مردم گرمسیر فارس با جغرافیای محل سکونت خود، در ایجاد نخلستان های متعدد و استفاده فراوان از این درخت حکایت می کند. نخل و خرما در شکل گیری الگوهای زیستی سازگار با گرمسیر فارس همچون معماری، صنایع دستی، تغذیه، صادرات و پیدایش واژه های فراوان در ادبیات این منطقه نقش مهمی ایفا کرده و نزد مردم این خطه، جایگاه ویژه ای داشته است.

    کلید واژگان: فارس, نخل, خرما, جغرافیای تاریخی, سده های نخستین اسلامی}
    Mostafa Ebrahimi, Ali Nazemianfard *, Mohamad Taqi Imanpour

    Palm cultivation and date production were considered as the main occupations of farmers and gardeners of the tropical regions of Fars Province during the early Islamic centuries. The present study was conducted from the perspective of historical geography based on human interaction with its surroundings. Therefore, palm cultivation, date production, and various areas depending on palm-related livelihoods were studied in Fars Province during the mentioned period. This research was a descriptive-analytical study performed by referring to library resources and conducting a field study in some areas of the province cultivating palm trees with palm irrigation structures. In the early Islamic centuries, various regions of the province were regarded as tropical regions where palm trees were of great importance. Some references have considered this province, especially Khark Island, as the origin of all palm trees in the world. Persian books have reported “palm” under the name of “khormabon,” but the southern Iranian people have used to call palm trees “Mokh”, “Mogh”, and “Mog”, which are some words rooted in the Pahlavi language. Resistance against drought, adaptation to warm climate, and high fruiting rate are the important natural features of this tree. Historical and geographical sources, as well as the remaining old palm gardens, suggested interaction of people living in Fars Province with their surrounding geography and their attempts to establish many palm gardens. In old Fars Province, there were settlements called “Moghistan”, “Mokhdan”, and “Moghdan”, indicating that people planted palm trees and had palm gardens. Moreover, the rise of gardens in this region mainly meant that palm trees were planted here as well.In the tropical regions of Fars Province, people used all parts of a palm tree in their lives. In fact, many of the livelihood patterns of people in this area were taken from the palm tree. Palm played an important role in the architecture of houses as the trunk of this tree was used in their ceilings. In some places, people built their houses with the foliage of this tree. In the tropical regions of Fars Province, the word “pish” (or pesh) meaning palm leaf was adopted from Pahlavi language. Palm leaves had an important impact on the emergence of handicrafts and supplies needed in the people’s lives in this area. Brooms, fans, ropes, and various containers were among the items made with palm leaves. A variety of instruments made from palm leaves indicated the vast extent of its use and its important role in the people’s lives in the tropical lands of Fars Province. This reflected people's creativity in using a natural phenomenon like a palm tree and making widely used tools from its leaves, thus indicating their interaction with the natural phenomena around them.Dates are the main product of palm trees. “Khorma” (Persian word for date) is again a Pahlavi word. Dates and fresh dates (Rotab) were important products produced in the tropical regions of the province. Since this region was always threatened by drought, dates played an important role in providing food for people due to their abundant energy and long durability. In some periods, they were considered as the only fruit for people. Their pureness and sweetness led to their abundant use in nutrition. Different products, such as date honey and date syrup, were produced from dates. Dates were widely used with dairy and Tahini. They were also used to make different dishes, sweets, and Halva, which were among the common traditional foods of the province. They were of medical importance and used as medicine for treating some diseases as well.Dates were important economically and were among the main export items of the tropical regions in this province and a source of income for a number of people. During the years of famine and pest attack, dates  were imported from Basra and Bahrain to be used in the province. Due to trade relations, dates were also exported from the Persian Gulf countries to India and China where such palm trees were not planted.One of the important effects of palm trees on the people’s lives in the tropical regions of Fars Province was coinage of a large number of words and terms related to them, indicating that palm trees had more influence on the lexical richness of literature and culture of this land compared to any other trees. The importance of palm trees led to preservation of many of these words in the folklore and traditions of these people throughout history. Therefore, it could be said that palm tree was the most important tropical tree in Fars Province and date was the major tree crop in this region.

    Keywords: Palm, palm garden, Date, tropical region, Fars Province, Persian Gulf, Early Islamic centuries, Historical Geography}
  • مظهر ادوای*، مصطفی ابراهیمی

    معیشت، تغذیه و شیوه گردآوری غذا توسط مردم در گذشته، بخشی از مطالعات حوزه تاریخ اجتماعی به شمار می رود. با پژوهش در این موضوعات می توان با مواد غذایی و چگونگی تهیه، تولید، نگهداری و مصرف آن ها در گذشته آشنا شد. در این نوشتار، به نقش خرما در زندگی روزانه مردم روستای شلدان در جنوب استان فارس، طی سال های 1300 تا 1357ش پرداخته شده است. خرما در این روستا، از راه های مختلفی تهیه می شد و در کنار نان، خوراک اصلی مردم شلدان را تشکیل می داد. افزون بر این، خرما استفاده طبی نیز داشت، جایگزین مناسبی برای شکر بود و از آن محصولات و غذاهای مختلفی تهیه می شد که برخی از آن ها هنوز هم مورد توجه است. این پژوهش با روش توصیفی - تحلیلی در پی پاسخ به این سوال است که خرما به عنوان یکی از مولفه های فرهنگ مادی چه نقشی در شکل دادن، هویت بخشیدن و استمرار یافتن زندگی روزانه مردم روستای شلدان در فاصله سال های 1300 تا 1357ش داشته است؟ از آن جا که در منابع تاریخی راجع به پیشینه این روستا و مکان های پیرامون آن اطلاعات زیادی وجود ندارد، تکیه اصلی این پژوهش بر تاریخ شفاهی از طریق مصاحبه با شماری از معمرین و اسناد محلی حسینیه روستا بوده است. نتایج پژوهش نشان می دهد که خرما به عنوان یک عنصر مادی و یکی از مولفه های مهم فرهنگ مادی و فرهنگ دینی مردم شلدان، نقش بی بدیلی در شکل دادن و تنظیم روابط اجتماعی در زیست جهان مادی و معنوی و متعاقب آن در زندگی روزانه آن ها داشته است.

    کلید واژگان: تاریخ اجتماعی, خرما, هویت, فرهنگ مادی, زندگی روزانهروستای شلدان}
    Mazhar Advay *, Mustafa Ebrahimi

    Livelihood, nutrition, and the way collect food in past by people, is part of the study of social history.By researching on these topics, we can get acquainted with food, how it is prepared, produced, stored and consumed in the past. In this article, the role of dates in the daily life of the people of Shaldan village in the south of Fars province,during the years 1921to1978 has been discussed. Dates in this village were prepared in different ways and along with bread, they were the main food of the people of Shaldan. In addition,dates were used medicinally, also it was a good substitute for sugar, from it various products and foods were prepared, some of which are still interest. This research has been done by descriptive-analytical method and seeks to answer this question: what is the role of dates as one of the components of material culture in shaping, identifying and continuing the daily life of the people of Shaldan village between 1300and1357AD?Since there is not much information in the historical sources about the history of this village and the surrounding places,the main reliance of this study was on oral history through interviews with a number of local architects and documents of village Hosseiniyah. The results show that dates as a material element and one of the important components of material culture and religious culture of Shaldan people,has played an irreplaceable role in shaping and regulating social relations in the material and spiritual world and consequently in their daily lives.

    Keywords: social history, dates, identity, material culture, daily lifeShaldanvillage}
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