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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « historical era » در نشریات گروه « تاریخ »

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «historical era» در نشریات گروه «علوم انسانی»

    This paper is the result of the report of the Sarbaz Archaeological Survey (Central and Pishin parts), which has been done based on license No. 81/208/862 of the Archaeological Research Institute of the country and the support of the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism of Sistan and Baluchistan Province. Sarbaz County with an area of 4900 km2 is one of the newly established cities in Sistan and Baluchistan province. This county, next to the Sarbaz River, is one of the most important rivers in the Baluchistan region of Iran, which passes through the Makran Mountains of Iran and eventually flows into the Sea of Oman. During the study of the southern parts of Sarbaz, several sites have been identified, from the prehistoric era to the present. Studies in the southern parts of Sarbaz County showed that from the third millennium BC until now, two factors have been more effective than other factors in the formation and expansion of the area. First, it is the general factor of the natural environment that has acted as a deterrent in this region. In large parts of the Sarbaz River, especially in the central and southern parts, it has shown its impact on the area of the sites, the thickness of the ancient layers, and the quality of cultural materials on the surface of each site. The second factor is interregional trade in a large area of southeastern Iran, which during the third millennium as a dynamic factor in the whole region from Kerman to Sistan and Baluchistan has acted positively, and wherever there has been a relatively favorable natural environment, it has led to the creation and expansion of settlements in the region. On the southern bank of the Sarbaz River on the border between Iran and Pakistan, this factor has acted as an influential factor and has established relatively large sites. The diversity of cultural materials on the surface of some of them is remarkable. Recent studies in this area show that, during the third millennium, this area has been one of the dynamic areas in establishing prominent connections between the central regions of Baluchistan, Iran on the one hand and Makran Pakistan, and the southern margin of the Oman Sea and the Persian Gulf on the other. Currently, this region is on the transit route of goods from the very important port of Chabahar, located on the bank of the Makran Sea and it is trying to return to the important position and role of its economic and cultural relations as in the past. The above-mentioned archaeological study was performed with two important purposes First, to identify and specify the scattered sites in this county to prepare an archaeological map, which is one of the important policies of the Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts, and Tourism Organization. Second, identify and reconstruct the commercial role and regional and trans-regional cultural interactions based on archaeological evidence.

    Keywords: Sarbaz county, Baluchistan, prehistoric era, historical era, Islamic Era}
  • Mohammad FARJAMI *, AliAsqar MAHMOUDI NASAB

    The Gabri Mod site is located in South Khorasan province, 30 km southeast of Birjand and 3.5 km northwest of Mod in a vast plain called Nokhodi. This site includes two mounds in the northwest and the southeast adjacent to each other. The larger mound is named Mod A and the smaller mound is named Mode B. Their area is over 14 ha. Based on the cultural materials obtained from the excavations, the site of Gabri Mod belongs to the historical era, especially the Parthian period. Since 2018, the Gabri Mod site (southern mound/Tepe Mod B) has been excavated during three seasons as an internship excavation site for archaeology students of Birjand University. The weakness of environmental patterns and climatic limitations in eastern Iran, especially the lack of water resources and suitable soil for agriculture, have caused the absence of large and densely populated settlements in this region. Therefore, Tepe Mod B is of great importance in the archaeological studies of East Iran and its connection between the northern (Khorasan) and southern (Sistan) regions. Based on excavations, architectural evidence, and aerial images of Tepe Mod B, a circular structure was found inside an oval enclosure surrounded by a moat. This research aims to introduce the architectural remains and cultural data found from three seasons of archaeological excavations at Tepe Mod B. This research is descriptive and analytical and data collection is based on documentary studies and archaeological surveys and excavations.

    Keywords: South Khorasan, archaeological excavation, Gabri Mod site, Mod B, Architecture, Pottery, historical era}
  • شاهین آریامنش*

    بررسی سیر تطور و تحول زندگی انسان براساس یافته های باستان شناسی از آغاز حضور انسان در ایران یعنی از دوره پارینه سنگی یکی از مقوله های مهم در باستان شناسی است. اینکه حضور نخستین انسان در ایران به چه زمانی بازمی گردد و اینکه چه عواملی باعث شد که انسان از شکارگر-گردآورندگی دست بشوید و به کشاورزی بپردازد و یکجانشین شود و نیز پرسش هایی از این دست باعث شده است پژوهشگران گوناگونی به پژوهش و نوشتن مقاله هایی در این زمینه ها بپردازند. موزه ملی ایران که آکنده از یافته های باستان شناسی از دوره های مختلف تاریخی است می تواند یاریگر هر پژوهشگری شود تا در این زمینه پژوهش کند. کتاب ایران از پارینه سنگی تا پایان ساسانی (به روایت آثار موزه ملی ایران) بر آن است تا به این سیر تحول زندگی انسان در ایران یعنی از دوره پارینه سنگی تا پایان دوره ساسانی براساس اشیاء به نمایش گذاشته شده در تالار ایران باستان در موزه ملی ایران بپردازد. کتاب اگرچه از یافته های ارزشمند به نمایش درآمده در تالار ایران باستان بهره مند شده است اما دریغا که نتوانسته است این سیر تحول را هرچند کوتاه نشان دهد.

    کلید واژگان: پیش از تاریخ, دوره تاریخی, پارینه سنگی}
    Shahin Aryamanesh *

    Investigation into the presence of humans based on archaeological findings is an important archaeological subject in Iran from the beginning. This paper critically reviews the book entitled Iran from the Paleolithic period to the Sasanian Era. Numerous archaeological objects are being preserved in Iran’s National Museum that are found from different ancient or archeological sites. The aim of author of this book is to investigate the presence of humans based on archaeological findings that were kept in the National Museum of Iran.

    Keywords: National Museum Of Iran, Prehistoric, Historical Era}
  • شاهین ماهیار*

    مقاله ای با عنوان «هخامنشیان در مصر» را آقای دکتر هوشنگ رستمی در شماره 5 سال 2 و صفحات 101 تا 107 نشریه وزین پژوهشنامه ایران باستان چاپ کرده که نقدی است بر کتاب اینجانب که بیش از 10 سال پیش به چاپ رسیده است. در باب پاسخگویی به این نقد چند سطری نگاشته شده است که خواهشمند است در شماره بعدی آن نشریه درج شود. در این مجال به چند مورد که در آن نقد به شکلی مبهم بیان شده بود، اشاره ای شده است.

    کلید واژگان: هخامنشیان, مصر, باستان}
    Shahin Mahyar *

    In Issue 5 of Volume 2 of The Ancient Iranian Studies, an article entitled “Achaemenians in Egypt’’ was published by Dr. Hoshang Rostami, which is a review of myown work. Regarding the response to this critical assessment of the book, a few lines are being mentioned here that can add to more insights into the book and help change the readers' opinions.

    Keywords: Prehistoric, Historical Era, Ancient}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
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  • در صورتی که می‌خواهید جستجو را در همه موضوعات و با شرایط دیگر تکرار کنید به صفحه جستجوی پیشرفته مجلات مراجعه کنید.
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