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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « behavioral » در نشریات گروه « ادبیات و زبان ها »

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «behavioral» در نشریات گروه «علوم انسانی»
  • قاسم مختاری*، سودابه بروجی، محمد جرفی، محمود شهبازی

    الیوم إذ یلقی الإهمال والغزو الثقافی فی إطار عوامل جذب افتراضیه، بظلاله علی افکار الناس، تتخذ المهمه الاخلاقیه - التربویه للشعر فی میدان الادب، دورا اکثر اهمیه، رغم اختلاف آراء النقاد والادباء بهذا الشان، إلا انه یجب القول بان الشعر لیس مجرد حفنه من التشبیهات والاستعارات والصور، ولا شک انه یحمل معه رساله اخلاقیه وعاطفیه. یتمثل هدف الکاتب، إلی جانب تاکیده علی وجود التفاعل بین الفن والاخلاق، بدراسه دور النرجسیه فی تقدیم النماذج السلوکیه - الاخلاقیه فی الادب العربی المعاصر، وفقا لمنهج تحلیل المحتوی ووصفه استنادا إلی شعر محمود سامی البارودی. تشیر نتایج البحث إلی ان ذلک التطور الضخم الذی حدث فی الادب العربی المعاصر، شق طریقه إلی مجال النرجسیه ایضا، فابعده عن الترکیز علی النرجسیه والتعطش لحب الظهور، وادخله إلی الحدود الطوباویه وتصویر مدینه فاضله، ولذلک ومع استعراض اشعار محمود سامی البارودی، الشاعر العربی النرجسی المعاصر الکبیر، اتضح ان مفاهیم مثل الإشاده بالشجاعه والبطولات، ومقارعه الفقر، وامتلاک الروح الجهادیه والاستشهادیه، وعدم التعلق بالدنیا وملذاتها، والعفه والحشمه، وتجنب النمیمه والکذب والإسراف، والوفاء بالعهد، والصبر والجلد، والسخاء والکرم، هی من جمله اهم مکاسب النرجسیه الادبیه الصحیه فی شخصیه الشاعر.

    کلید واژگان: النرجسیه الادبیه, هاینزکوهت, البارودی, النموذج الاخلاقی - التربوی}
    qasem mokhtari *, sudabeh bruji, mohammad jorfi, mahmuod shahbazi

    Today, when cultural neglect and invasion in the form of virtual attractions cast a shadow on people's thoughts, the moral-educational mission of poetry takes on a more important role in the field of literature. Although the critics of Wadiban have different theories in this field; Some believe that art should only serve morality, and on the other hand, there are radical artists who expect only art from a work, and another group believes that there is a mutual relationship between words and images. But it must be said that poetry is not just a bunch of similes, metaphors, and images, and if it does not carry a message, it will not be sealed with eternity. While emphasizing the interaction between art and morality, the author's goal is to investigate the role of narcissism in strengthening behavioral-ethical patterns in contemporary Arabic literature based on the method of content analysis and description with reference to Mahmoud Sami el-Baroudi's poetry. Since our behavior with others is a reflection of our behavior with ourselves; The concepts of narcissism and self-compassion play an important role in creating a sense of empathy and healthy living; Therefore, the subject of study is the narcissistic poets of this period

    Keywords: kuhat, Literary Narcissism, Behavioral, Moral Model, el-Baroudi}
  • لارا نبهان ملاک*

    یدور هذا البحث حول فکره مرکزیه اولی هی السردانیه فی قصاید الشاعر بدر شاکر السیاب، وعلی وجه الخصوص فی قصیدته "قافله الضیاع". وتتجلی اهمیه البحث فی کونه یتناول لغه شاعر عربی ذی شهره واسعه، ویتناول السردانیه بوصفها اسلوبا متاحا فی الشعر الحدیث. والهدف من ذلک لیس فقط الإضاءه علی الشاعر او علی شعره او علی الحقبه الزمنیه التی عبر عنها، إنما بالإضافه إلی ذلک التوصل إلی تصور یحدد للقاری الفروقات والحدود التی لا بد ان تمیز اللغه الشعریه عن اللغه السردیه. ویکون ذلک من خلال تتبع الاسلوبین فی النص الواحد علی الرغم من تداخلهما خدمه للإبداع وللمعنی. اما فی منهجیه الدراسه، فیعتمد البحث الالسنیه السلوکیه - التوزیعیه التی اتی بها العالم اللغوی الامیرکی بلومفیلد، وطبقها فی نصوص سردیه. ویبرز هذا المنهج قادرا علی تحقیق غایه البحث، فنری التوزیع عاملا مهما فی سبک العنوان، کما نری الترتیب السلوکی اساسی فی المسار الدلالی المطروح. وفی سبیل تحقیق الاهداف المرجوه ضمن المنهج المعتمد، جاءت عناوین البحث الاساسیه: 1 العنوان، 2 الافعال (دراسه سلوکیه)، 3 القصص الدینیه والتاریخیه، 4 الحوار.اما فی النتایج، فقد اظهرت هذه الدراسه المختصره ارتکاز القصیده علی السردانیه والشعریه معا. علی المستوی السردی لم تغب عناصر النوع القصصی باغلبها، وهی الاحداث، والإطار الزمانی المکانی، والشخصیات، والحوار، والصوت السردی. وعلی المستوی الشعری لم یبخل الشاعر بالرمزیه وبالمجاز. بید ان الفصل بینهما یکمن فی الفصل بین الواقع والمتخیل، فیتارجح التعبیر بین نقل الواقع الحقیقی واختلاق الصوره الشعریه الناطقه بتفاصیل العالم النفسی الصارخه. وهذا یفضی إلی ترابط بین الاثنین وتاثر وتاثیر، فالواقع هو الضاغط علی الحاله النفسیه حتی تفجر العاطفه، والعاطفه تصوب قوتها نحو العالم کی توثر فیه. وقد تکون الغلبه لاحد الاسلوبین علی حساب الآخر فی بعض جنبات النص، لکن یبدو ان کلا منهما وسیله وغایه فی آن معا.

    کلید واژگان: السردانیه العربیه, الشعریه, قافله الضیاع, الالسنیه السلوکیه التوزیعیه, الرمزیه}
    Dr. Lara Nabhan Mallak*

    This research discusses the narrative in the poems of the poet “Badr Shakir Al-Sayyab” and in his poem “The Convoy of Loss” in particular. The importance of the research is evident in the fact that it deals with the language of a popular Arab poet, and with narratology as a method available in modern poetry. The goal is not only to highlight the poet, his poetry, or the era but to help the readers reach a perception where they can spot differences and boundaries that distinguish the poetic language from the narrative language. This is done by following the two styles in the same text, despite their overlapping, aimed at serving creativity and meaning. As for the methodology of the study, it adopts the behavioral-distributive linguistic research that was brought by the American linguist Bloomfield and applied it in his narratives. This approach has been capable of achieving the goal of the research, as the distribution was an important factor in forming the title, and the behavioral arrangement was essential in the semantic course presented. In order to achieve the desired goals of the adopted approach, the main titles of the research were: 1 the title, 2 the verbs (behavioral study), 3 religious and historical stories, 4 the dialogue. As for the results, this brief study showed that the poem is based on both the narrative and poetry. On the narrative level, the elements of the fictional genre, which are the events, the spatial time frame, the characters, the dialogue, and the narrative voice, are present in most of them. On the poetic level, the poet was unstinting in his use of symbolism and metaphor. However, the segregation of them lies in the segregation of reality and what’s been imagined, so the expression teeters between the transmission of the reality and the fabrication of a poetic image that speaks the details of the psychological side. This leads to a correlation between the two and an affection and an influence, as the reality pressures the psychological state until the emotion erupts, whereas the emotion directs its force towards the world in order to influence it. One of the two styles may prevail over the other in some aspects of the text, but it seems that both of them are means and ends simultaneously.

    Keywords: Arabic narratology, Poetics, The Convoys of Loss, Behavioral, Distributive Linguistics, Symbolism, Badr Shakir Al-Sayyab}
  • Seyed Yousef Savaedi, Sedigheh Vahdat
    Although a surfeit of studies have examined the students’ attitude towards foreign and / or second language both inside and outside Iran, it seems scanty studies have been devoted to evaluate Prospect-trained students’ attitude towards English. This quantitative study investigated the students’ attitudes towards English language learning among 80 junior high school students in Ahvaz, Iran. These students have been exposed to English through Prospect course-books (the newly designed course-books in Iranian Educational system) for three years. To this end the researchers adapted a Likert scale questionnaire some items of which have been taken from Attitude and Motivation Test Battery (AMTB) designed by Gardner. The questions comprised three parts each of which represented one aspect of students’ attitude towards English language (Cognitive, Behavioral, and Emotional aspects). The choices opted by the participants have been calculated using descriptive statistics (minimum score, maximum score, mean, and standard deviation).The results indicated that the participants enjoyed a positive attitude towards all three aspects with differing degrees. Additionally, participants’ demographic information was used to justify some parts of the findings. The findings can be inspiring for teachers and material designers to consider attitude aspects more than ever.
    Keywords: Attitude, cognitive, Behavioral, emotional, Demographic Information}
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