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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « identity change » در نشریات گروه « ادبیات و زبان ها »

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «identity change» در نشریات گروه «علوم انسانی»
  • Masoomeh Estaji *, Farhad Ghiasvand
    Teacher assessment identity (TAI) is an integral element of quality assessment practice and professionalism, which has been widely overlooked in teacher education research. To bridge this gap, the present study explored the dynamism of TAI through an explicit training course. To do so, 22 novice and experienced Iranian EFL teachers completed a questionnaire on TAI before and after the course. Then both novice and experienced teachers attended a 16-hour treatment in which various assessment dimensions were taught. The participants also completed tasks reflecting TAI components. Moreover, five novice and five experienced EFL teachers were interviewed. The results of the independent samples t-test indicated that novice and experienced Iranian EFL teachers did not significantly differ regarding their assessment identity before and after the treatment despite improvements in their mean scores. However, the results of paired samples t-test revealed that the formal intervention has developed the TAI of both novice and experienced groups. This was substantiated by qualitative findings which demonstrated that, owing to the training, novice teachers manifested TAI in 16 domains while experienced teachers showed their identity as assessors in five domains. The study offers promising implications for EFL teachers and trainers, who can realize the dynamism of TAI and its core dimensions in light of instruction.
    Keywords: Experienced EFL Teacher, identity change, language teacher identity, Novice EFL Teacher, teacher assessment identity}
  • حسین صرفی، محمدرضا نجاریان*، مجید پویان
    فانتزی های نوین، ادامه ی اساطیر و قصه های عامیانه اند که با تاثیرپذیری مستقیم یا غیرمستقیم از چهره ها و حوادث قصه های کهن الهام گرفته اند. چهره هایی که از عالمی دیگر، از دنیایی که در چشم ما ناممکن جلوه می کنند، پا به دنیای واقعی مردم می گذارند و همانند چهره های اساطیری، رفتاری از آن ها سرمی زند که برای ما، دور از دسترس و ناشدنی می نماید. ویژگی ها و اعمالی از آن ها می بینیم که آرزوها و نیازهای حال و آینده ی ما را بازتاب می دهند، همچنان که اساطیر و حماسه ها پاسخگوی پرسش ها و بیانگر تشویش ها و آرزوهای نیاکان ما بودند. اژدها در رمان عینکی برای اژدها، اثر محمدهادی محمدی، نمادی از افسانه های رو به فراموشی است که نویسنده قصد دارد با این رمان اهمیت افسانه ها، حماسه ها، قصه های عامیانه و... را به نسل جدید یادآور شود. در این مقاله کوشش شده است که اژدهای این رمان با اژدهایان اساطیری و حماسی (به ویژه در اشعار شاهنامه) مقایسه شود، وجوه تشابه و افتراق آن ها بررسی گردد و  کارکردهای اجتماعی اژدهای فانتزی تبیین شود. همچنین به این پرسش پاسخ داده شود که اگر هدف از این فانتزی جلب توجه نسل جوان به افسانه هاست، چرا با وجود دو افسانه گوی فعال، یعنی بی بی ترنج و ننه اژدها، در کل رمان حتی یک بار هم افسانه ای از آن ها نمی شنویم؟
    کلید واژگان: آشنایی زدایی, اسطوره, رمان عینکی برای اژدها, فانتزی, معکوس سازی هویت.}
    Hossein Sarfi, Mohammadreza Najjariyan *, Majid Pooyan
    Modern fantasies are the continuation of myths and folk tales being directly or indirectly influenced and inspired by the characters and elements used in these genres. Characters from another world, which seem to us impossible, stepping into the real world of the people and their behaviours, like mythological characters, seem implausible and far from our access. The characteristics and actions of fantastic characters reflect our own dreams and desires, exactly like as the ancient myths and epics which have reflected our ancestors` concerns and wishes and answered their questions.In the novel Eyeglasses for the Dragon, by mohammadhadi mohammadi the author attempts to draw the attention of the new generation to the significance of legends, epics, folk tales, etc. In this article, an attempt has been made to compare the similarities and differences between the dragon in this novel and mythological-epic dragons (particularly the ones in the Shahnameh) and consequently answer this important question: if the purpose of the fantasy is drawing the attention of the young generation to fairy tales and the element of the dragon is supposed to appear in the fairy tale, why has the dragon not been mentioned even once in the whole novel despite the presence of the two story tellers in the novel, i.e. Bibi Torang and Naneh Ejdeha?
    Keywords: Defamiliarization, Myth, the Novel Eyeglasses for the dragon, Fantasy, Identity Change}
  • Abbas Zare-Ee, Sajjad Asgari Matin
    This study aimed to explore the relationships between foreign language learners’ self-identity changes, motivation types, and Foreign Language proficiency associated with learning English in private language schools in Iranian context. Based on a stratified sampling, 204 English as a foreign language learners from three language schools in Tehran were selected to participate in the study. The instruments were a 30-item Likert-scale questionnaire on motivation types in seven categories: intrinsic interest, immediate achievement, learning situation, going aboard, social responsibility, individual development, and information medium; a 24-item Likert-scale questionnaire on self-identity changes in six categories: self-confidence change, additive change, subtractive change, productive change, split change, and zero change. Results revealed that self-confidence change was the prominent change common among foreign language learners. Canonical correlation analysis revealed that motivation types and self-identity changes were related through three pairs of canonical variables: intrinsic orientations related with personal identity changes, instrumental orientations related with cultural changes, and instrumental orientations related learners’ self-confidence change. Theoretical and pedagogical implications for foreign language learning and teaching are also discussed.
    Keywords: Foreign Language, Self, Identity Change, Motivation, EFL Proficiency}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
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