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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « Sharia of Islam » در نشریات گروه « ادبیات و زبان ها »

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «Sharia of Islam» در نشریات گروه «علوم انسانی»
  • هدی اسماعیلی، محمدابراهیم مالمیر*، علی مرتضوی مهر

    لاشک ان قضیه التعلیم و التربیه تعد من القضایا المفصلیه فی کل مجتمع. و من هنا یتوجب علینا الوقوف علی المدارس التربویه الناجحه التی ظهرت طیله التاریخ .و القضیه الرییسیه التی یدور حولها رحی هذا البحث هی دراسه الحکومه التی اسسها العارف الشیعی میرسید علی الهمذانی الذی عاش فی القرن الثامن الهجری و ما یدخل فی منظومته التعلیمیه و التربویه من اقواله و افعاله و ما استوحاه من الشریعه الإسلامیه و العرفان الشیعی. و ما نتوخاه فی بحثنا هذا هو التوصل إلی الإجابه علی السوالیین التالیین اعتمادا علی الاسلوب الوصفی التحلیلی: 1. ما هی اهم العناصر التعلیمیه و التربویه للحکم الشیعی العرفانی من منظور میر سید علی الهمذانی؟ 2. کیف استخدم میر سید علی العناصر التعلیمیه و التربویه من خلال حکمه علی المجتمع الکشمیری؟ و من اهم النتایج التی تم التوصل إلیها عبر هذا البحث هی ان هذا العارف الشیعی راهن لتحقیق اهدافه التربویه السامیه اثناء حکمه، علی معرفه الله و اولیاءه الصالحین و مختلف عوالم الکون و النفس و مراتبها و الطاعه و مستویاتها و الفضایل و الرذایل الخلقیه بما یدخل فی نطاقهما من محاسن الاخلاق و مساویها و معرفه التوبه و آدابها. و قد جعل میر سید علی من المعرفه اداه لتنمیه الاخلاق بمختلف نواحیها الفردیه و الاجتماعیه و الاقتصادیه و کذلک اخلاق المواطنه .هذا و قد وظف میر سید علی الهمدانی باتجاه حکمه التربوی الشیعی اسالیب منوعه و ملایمه لکل اطیاف مجتمعه من اهل الکفر و اهل الکتاب و عوام الناس و العلماء و الحکام و العرفاء و ذلک لارشاد المجتمع الکشمیری نحو الازدهار الدینی و الاجتماعی و الاقتصادی عبر المکافحه العلمیه و الثقافیه بدل المکافحه العسکریه.

    کلید واژگان: تربیت, شریعت اسلام, عرفان, حکمرانی تربیتی, میرسیدعلی همدانی}
    Hoda Esmaeili, MohammadIbrahim Maalmir *, Ali Mortazavimehr

    Education and upbringing is the most fundamental issue of any society. In this way, recognizing successful educational schools throughout history is necessary. Wise men, philosophers, mystics and Islamic scholars have each dealt to different fields of education and upbringing with their own views. Mir sayyid Ali Hamedani is one of the famous mystics who has considered education issues based on Islamic law and the source of many services in the Muslim community of the eighth century AH in the region of Kashmir has been. His unique personality can be considered the most influential factor in the acceptance of Islam among non-Muslims. Writing about one hundred and ten treatises on various subjects is a sign of transcendent wisdom; Authoritarian and anti-oppressive treatment of rulers is a sign of courage; Tolerance of austerity and great struggle in subjugating the sensual forces, shows chastity and also him diligence in establishing individual, social, political and economic justice, shows the virtue of justice in him. The main issue in this research is the explanation of the transcendent upbringing governance of Mir syyaid Ali Hamedani, a Shiite mystic of the eighth century AH, based on the teachings based on Islamic law and Shiite mysticism. The results of this research, which is done in a descriptive-analytical way and based on library research, indicate that In order to realize his transcendent upbringing governance, this Shiite mystic bases his knowledge such as knowledge of the Almighty, knowledge of the ambassadors and saints of the god, knowledge of the worlds of creation, knowledge of the ego and its levels, knowledge of the degrees of obedience and moral virtues, knowledge of the degrees of sin and moral evils and knowledge of the rites of repentance.In the model of transcendent upbringing governance of Mir syyaid Ali Hamedani, knowledge of the the almighty, which is the goal of creation, is the first and main upbringing basis, and achieving this goal only by knowing the value of the ego and its levels, including: sensuality, Blame, sure It is possible. Knowledge of the worlds of creation and the origin and destination of human life conduct is another basis of the model of mystical rule of mystic Hamedani Which puts a bright horizon in front of the eyes of its audience and informs them about the position and rank of man in the world of creation, and thus prevents their negligence and laxity in the journey of life. In depicting the objective face of a perfect and transcendent human being, he introduces the prophets, saints and divine caliphs by quoting their sayings, actions and circumstances. He exposes the ranks of moral evils and sins to his audience, then invites them to repentance, and encourages them to perform heart obedience and body obedience in order to Conversion their moral evils into moral virtues. Mirsayyid Ali Hamedani, considering these principles, strives to cultivate ethics in its various dimensions such as devotional ethics, individual ethics, social ethics, economic ethics and citizenship ethics. In realizing his transcendent educational rule, in accordance with the conditions of each stratum and class of society, he adopts special methods from the people of infidelity, the people of the Book, the common people, the people of knowledge, the rulers and the people of mysticism. And pursues cultural rather than military jihad. Among his actions in the development and advancement of Kashmir society are: compiling numerous treatises and books in order to explain the principles and sub-principles of Sharia and its transcendence in the form of transcendent Shiite mysticism to guide the common people and mystics, arranging correspondence full of benevolent and oppressive advice For the guidance of politicians, holding sermons, discussions and scientific debates to guide the infidels and the People of the Book, establishing numerous mosques and monasteries to strengthen the scientific and cultural struggles, enacting citizenship laws to create the welfare and comfort of society, developing various jobs and professions such as Silk weaving, weaving, hat weaving, etc. for the prosperity and improvement of the economic problems of the society are worthy of praise. Since Mir sayyid Ali Hamedani was a social mystic who guided kings in political affairs only with his compassionate and sometimes anti-oppressive advice. Despite his unparalleled popularity among the people, they not only did not see him as a threat to their government, but also used his views to solve social and political problems. After reforming the political power of the society, the final and of course key step of Mir sayyid Ali Hamedani in the comprehensive realization of his upbringing rule is the obligation of rulers and commanders to send Muslim jurists to all parts of Islamic countries to teach Islamic knowledge to the and thus facilitate the process of Islamic education at the macro level.

    Keywords: upbringing, wisdom, Sharia of Islam, mysticism, upbringing governance, Mir saiyyd Ali Hamedani}
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