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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « فرانوگرایی » در نشریات گروه « علوم سیاسی »

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «فرانوگرایی» در نشریات گروه «علوم انسانی»
  • A. Ghodsi
    Power has always had an important role in shaping social relations throughout human history. Dominant geopolitical frameworks have been dependent for centuries upon environmental determinism and physical, hardware and objectivist aspects of power. In recent decades, however, dominant frameworks have been challenged as the emphasis has shifted on to other dimensions of power, namely its software and subjectivist aspects and also to smart power. The latest theories of geopolitics seek to move beyond purely determinist and positivist thoughts and exploit new concepts, or those borrowed from other sciences, in order to explain and elaborate geopolitical conceptions and phenomena including the concept of power itself.The need to help the country’s foreign policy to secure its vital national interests as well as the aspiration to utilize all available capacities and employ principles of diplomacy at the service of defence functions, particularly protection of the country’s territorial integrity, have highlighted the role of this two-sided and reciprocal trend in synergizing its defence and foreign policies. This article will examine the issue of defence diplomacy in terms of understanding its foundations, levels and functions in the defence approach of states, and discuss the requirements to reinforce the trend of development and systematic management of the country’s defence diplomacy.
  • محسن عبدالهی
    جهانی شدن، فراتر از یک اصطلاح، فرایندی است که در آن توسعه ی دانش و فناوری های تولیدی و اطلاعاتی بسیاری از مفاهیم و پدیده های زندگی را متحول نموده و با برداشتی متفاوت رو به رو ساخته است. روابط همواره دستخوش تغییر قدرت دوباره دگرگون شده و به گونه ای متفاوت شکل گرفته اند، سطوح و ابعاد توسعه هم دچار تداخل و تلفیق بسیار شده است. در جهانی شدن مفاهیم و الگوهای توسعه متفاوت، یا حتی متعارض با مفاهیم و الگوهای ارائه شده در قالب نوگرایی می باشد و در نتیجه در بسیاری از موارد الگوهای مطرح توسعه ی سیاسی قابل اتکا و استناد نخواهند بود و نگرش تقلیل گرایانه ی عصر نوگرایی نسبت به توسعه و بسیاری دیگر از مسائل اجتماعی و سیاسی دیگر قادر نخواهد بود واقعیات موجود را به شکل دقیق مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار دهد.
    کلید واژگان: جهانی شدن, فرانوگرایی, توسعه ی سیاسی, رهیافت توسعه ی پایدار}
    Globalization, more than a concept, is a process in which developing of sciences, technologies of production and information have changed many sides of life and brought some different approaches to them. Among these phenomena, power relations have significantly changed. Levels and aspects of development have interaction with other changing concepts and sometimes reject the patterns of modernization theories. As a result, political development criteria are not reliant and practical as they were in the past. Today, reductionism attitude in modern theories of development cannot analyze and solve most of social and political problems. Accordingly, we should regard some post-modern approaches to development following all aspects and levels such as environmental, political and economic considerations as well as internal and external sides of policy making. This is a new situation for human values to be different and concentrated while policy making, titling sustainable development approach.
  • ملیسا کرلی، لیود پتی فورد
    مترجم: ابوذر گوهری مقدم
    این مقاله به بررسی نقاط ضعف گفتمان غالب رشته روابط بین الملل یعنی رئالیسم و نئورئالیسم پرداخته و نشان می دهد که مسائل مربوط به امنیت در عصر جدید توسط آن مفروضات به خوبی قابل تحلیل نیست. نویسنده با اشاره به توسعه نیافتگی رشته روابط بین الملل تلاش می کند با طرح نظریه های انتقادی، فرانوگرایی، و فمینیسم در روابط بین الملل بر این نکته تاکید کند که این رهیافت ها، مجال بیشتری برای ورود به حاشیه رانده شدگان از جریان اصلی رشته روابط بین الملل به دست میدهند. ...
    کلید واژگان: مطالعات امنیت, نظریه انتقادی, فرانوگرایی, فمینیسم, روابط بین الملل}
    Melissa Curley, Lioyd Pettiford, Trans: Abouzar Gohari Moghaddam
    This article addresses the weak points of the dominant discourse in the field of international relations, namely realism and neorealism, and displays that issues related to security cannot be analyzed well in the modern age according to those assumptions. Pointing to the underdevelopment of the international relations discipline and proposing critical, postmodernist and feminist theories, the author tries to stress that these approaches give more space to those marginalized in the mainstream of international relations field in order to enter it. In this line, he believes that these theories, by questioning epistemological, ontological and methodological assumptions of realism, challenge the approach’s traditional outlook on security and have integrated new security relations and new analytical frameworks in the field, by including destitute people, women and the poor as actors in the domain of international relations. For critical theorists, security is often defined as the absence of threat, and it is closely linked with the concept of emancipation and world autonomy leading to freedom of action and true security. Postmodernism also creates satisfaction for those who see the world of politics from the viewpoint of peripheral actors. Within feminism, insecurity is also a gender issue that is combined with the other sources of insecurity. Furthermore, feminists seek to make international relations gender-sensitive.
    Keywords: Security Studies, Critical theory, Postmodernism, Feminism, International Relations}
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