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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « Transcendental Philosophy » در نشریات گروه « علوم سیاسی »

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «Transcendental Philosophy» در نشریات گروه «علوم انسانی»
  • Mohammad Pezeshgi *
    This article aims at presenting the viewpoint of the transcendental philosophy regarding the political theory. The article claims that, regarding the origin of the political theory, the transcendental theosophy has a paradigmatic view in relation to the common viewpoint of the philosophy of social sciences. To do so, we have used the documentary method and, by referring to the claims of the political transcendental philosophers, have sought to investigate our claim to show that the transcendental philosophy, unlike what Karl Popper maintains, regards the origin of the theory among the issues related to the philosophy of the social sciences, not a psychological issue. From the findings of this article, we can conclude that the transcendental philosophy does not restrict itself, in constructing the political theory, to just the creative role of the mind. Rather, it considers the role of creative inspirations as well. Accordingly, it considers both constructing the political theory and testing it as one of the methodological issues. Among the achievements of this point, we can refer to the relationship of the logical aspects and ontological aspects of the subjects in philosophy of the social sciences.
    Keywords: Transcendental Philosophy, political theory, philosophy of social sciences, Methodology, Ontology}
  • Sharīf Lakzaei *
    The main question of the present article is as follows: "what are the features of the state from the viewpoint of a group of Muslim thinkers known in the framework of transcendental philosophy?" The claim of this article is that the specific aspect of the state from the viewpoint of a group of the philosophers of the transcendental philosophy lies in the type of viewing the rational necessity of the state, in explaining the relationship between religion and state and between religion and politics, and specially, in the people's role and status in the state. Thus, the present article attempts to use the approach of political philosophy and a descriptive-analytical method to deal with some of the features of the state. In this article, the abovementioned claim is investigated by considering the opinions of the philosophers of the transcendental philosophy, including Mullā Ṣadrā Shīrāzī and Imam Khomeini as well as some other thinkers of this philosophical school. The consequences of the discussion are reflected especially in delineating the rational necessity and evidences of the presence of state, the scope of the state's interference in the society, explanation of the features of undesirable state, the people's role and presence in determining their destiny and backing up the state, and the type of their view of the relationship between the religion and the politics in the Islamic Republic of Iran.
    Keywords: Transcendental Philosophy, Religion, State, political philosophy, Transcendental Political Philosophy, Mullā Ṣadrā, Imam Khomeini}
  • حمید پارسانیا، قاسم جعفرزاده*
    پژوهش حاضر برای قدم برداشتن در مسیر تولید علوم انسانی و اجتماعی مبتنی بر حکمت متعالیه، مناسبات عاملیت و ساختار را بر اساس رویکرد حکمت متعالیه بررسی می کند. در این راستا ابتدا مبانی اندیشه ملاصدرا از جمله اصالت وجود، تشکیک وجود، حرکت جوهری، اتحاد نفس و بدن، جسمانیه الحدوث و روحانیه البقا بودن نفس و صیرورت نفس انسانی و اتحاد عاقل و معقول و عامل و معمول به فراخور ظرفیت تحقیق بیان می شود. سپس نحوه تاریخی بودن نفس و عقل انسان در کسب و فهم معانی اعتباری و اعتبارات اجتماعی بررسی شد و در نهایت تاثیر این نوع عقلانیت در علوم اجتماعی از جمله؛ در تقسیم بندی علوم و نحوه استقلال علوم انسانی و اجتماعی از علوم طبیعی و تجربی، نحوه مکانیسم تولید معانی حقیقی و اعتباری، تشکیل فرهنگ و نوع مواجهه با عالم، تشکیل و تکوین جامعه و کنش های اجتماعی و نحوه هویت بخشی اعتباریات اجتماعی عقل عملی در رفتار فردی و ساختار اجتماعی مورد بررسی قرار گرفت.
    کلید واژگان: ملاصدرا, حکمت متعالیه, عقل, نفس, علوم انسانی, علوم اجتماعی, معنا و مفهوم}
    Hamid Parsania, Qasem Jafarzadeh *
    The present study is a step towards the production of humanities and social sciences based on transcendental philosophy. Examines the relations of agency and structure based on the approach of transcendental philosophy. In this regard, first the foundations of Mulla Sadra's thought including the originality of existence, doubt of existence, substantial motion, union of soul and body, physicality of occurrence and spirituality of survival of soul and the emergence of human soul, and union of rational, rational, agent and ordinary are expressed according to the capacity of research. Then, the historical nature of the human soul and intellect in acquiring and understanding the meanings of credit and social credits was examined. Finally, the impact of this type of rationality on the social sciences, including; in the division of sciences and the independence of humanities and social sciences from natural and experimental sciences, how the mechanism of producing real and credit meanings, formation of culture and type of encounter with the world, formation and formation of society and social actions and how the social credentials of practical reason were identified in individual behavior and social structure.
    Keywords: Mulla Sadra, Transcendental Philosophy, intellect, soul, humanities, Social sciences, Meaning, Concept}
  • امین نوروزی مصیر، شریف لک زایی *، علیرضا گلشنی
    عدالت سیاسی از مفاهیم اصلی، پرسروصدا و چالش برانگیز حوزه سیاست در طول تاریخ زندگی سیاسی بشریت بوده است. از این رو مکاتب مختلف بر اساس جهانبینی و مبانی فکری خود به تبیین آن پرداخته اند. مکتب حکمت متعالیه یکی از مکاتب حکمی در حوزه اندیشه اسلامی است که پایه های اصلی آن براساس اصالت، وحدت و تشکیک در وجود شکل گرفته است. براین اساس هدف از مقاله حاضر بررسی پیشرفت عدالت سیاسی از منظر حکمت متعالیه است و از روش تحلیل محتوا استفاده شده است فرضیه ای که نگارنده آن را مطرح کرده این است که، پیشرفت عدالت سیاسی از منظرحکمت متعالیه متعالی و مبتنی بر سیر تحول و شدن انسانی و حرکت درونی و معنوی انسان در جامعه با حضور موثر عنصر اختیار و حرکت جوهری و نقش ارادی انسان و افزون بر این شناختن حقیقت و عمل کردن به آن در جهت ظهور عدالت سیاسی در جامعه است.
    کلید واژگان: پیشرفت, عدالت سیاسی, حکمت متعالیه, صدرالمتالهین, امام خمینی(ره), شهید مطهری, آیت الله جوادی آملی}
    Amin Noorouzi masir, Sharif Lakzaee, alireza golshani*

    Political justice has always been a principal, highly debated and challenging concept in the political life history of the human being. Various schools of thought have clarified political justice based on their own world view and intellectual fundamentals. The school of transcendental philosophy is one of the philosophical schools in the field of Islamic ideology where its major pillars rest on principality of existence, unity of existence and skepticism about existence. On this basis, this paper intends to study the progress of political science in view of the transcendental philosophy through content analysis methodology. The hypothesis put forward in this paper indicates that the progress of political justice in view of the transcendental philosophy is realized through evolution, man's fundamental structure of "being", his intrinsic and spiritual motion in the society in active presence of free will, as well as man's substantial motion and the role of his free will, understanding truth and acting upon the truth, all in line with realization of political justice in the society
    Keywords: Progress, political justice, transcendental philosophy, Sadr al-Mota'allehin, Imam Khomeini, Shahid Motahhari, Ayatollah Javadi Amoli}
  • مجتبی زارعی
    سوال اصلی در این نوشتار آن است که با توجه به مرکب بودن ساختار وجودی انسان از روح و بدن آیا سیاست و حکمت عملی متکفل امور او می تواند تک ساحتی و تک بعدی باشد؟ با توجه به این پرسش بنیادی و سوال اصلی در مقاله پیش روی که اجمالا پاسخ منفی را در پی دارد پیش فرض این پژوهش نیز بر این اساس استوار می باشد که انسان شناسی انقلاب اسلامی، سیاست و حکمت عملی غیر سکولار را برای اداره انسان ضروری می سازد و سنخ سکولار و غیر متالهانه آن فاقد پاسخی جامع به نیازهای چنین است.
    کلید واژگان: حکمت متعالیه, انقلاب اسلامی, سیاست, حکمت علمی, انسان شناسی}
    Mojtaba Zareee
    The main inquiry of this article is to find out whether politics and practical philosophy in charge of human''s affairs can be single-dimensional while he is naturally composed of body and spirit making him a complex creature. Given this fundamental question and the main inquiry of the current article whose answer is more of a negative one¡ pre-assumption of this article is based on this fact that Islamic revolution''s approach toward humans¡ makes non-secular practical philosophy and politics a necessity for the handling of human''s affairs while its secular and non-divine type does not provide a comprehensive solution for such needs.
    Keywords: transcendental philosophy, Islamic revolution, politics, practical philosophy, approach to human}
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