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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « co-creation » در نشریات گروه « علوم اجتماعی »

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «co-creation» در نشریات گروه «علوم انسانی»
  • فاطمه طاهرپور*، فاطمه ناصری

    یادگیری سازمانی از ملزومات سازمان های مدرن برای رویارویی با تغییرات فزاینده و پاسخگویی سریع به تغییرات محیطی است. تحقق معنادار یادگیری سازمانی وابسته به حضور برخی متغیرها در جهت تسهیل و گسترش آن است؛ بنابراین پژوهش حاضر با هدف تحلیل رابطه بین هم آفرینی و یادگیری سازمانی در بین اعضای هیات علمی دانشگاه بیرجند انجام گرفته است. روش پژوهش از نوع همبستگی است. جامعه آماری پژوهش شامل کلیه اعضای هیات علمی دانشگاه بیرجند در سال تحصیلی 1400-1399 به تعداد 341 نفر بود که با استفاده از روش نمونه گیری طبقه ای نسبتی، تعداد 210 پرسشنامه به صورت تصادفی ساده بین طبقات مختلف توزیع شد که از مجموع آن ها، 186 پرسشنامه مورد تحلیل قرار گرفته است. برای گردآوری داده ها از پرسشنامه هم آفرینی طاهرپور (1400) و پرسشنامه یادگیری سازمانی فام و اسوایزسزک (2006) استفاده شد. پایایی پرسشنامه ها با استفاده از ضریب آلفای کرونباخ بررسی شد و برای پرسشنامه هم آفرینی 91/0 و برای یادگیری سازمانی 94/0 برآورد شد. نتایج تحلیل نشان داد تغییرات مولفه های گفتگو، خطرپذیری و شفافیت پیش بینی کننده تغییرات در میزان یادگیری سازمانی می شود. یافته ها نشان داد مولفه گفت وگو، یادگیری سازمانی را افزایش خواهد داد؛ اما مولفه دسترسی، قابلیت پیش بینی تغییرات مربوط به یادگیری سازمانی را نداشت. همچنین هم آفرینی با ضریب مسیر استاندارد (81/0) و آماره t (08/9) با یادگیری سازمانی در سطح 001/0 رابطه مثبت و معنی داری دارد و الگوی مفهومی پژوهش از برازش لازم برخوردار بود. بر این اساس می توان نتیجه گرفت هم آفرینی با ایجاد گفتمان، تسهیل جریان انتشارات اطلاعات، ایجاد تدابیری برای شفافیت و انعطاف پذیری بین اعضای هیات علمی دانشگاه، زمینه های ارتقای یادگیری سازمانی را فراهم می کند.

    کلید واژگان: هم آفرینی, یادگیری سازمانی, اعضای هیات علمی, دانشگاه بیرجند}
    Fateme Taherpour *, Fateme Naseri

    Universities can implement the desired model of organizational learning if employees establish close, deep, interactive and cooperation with each other and adopt co-creation approaches (Zhang et al., 2011, p. 52). Co-creation supports the processes of change and group formation and enhances organizational learning by stimulating intellectual, collaborative and discursive, creative and innovative activities among employees and achieving a learning organization. In academic and university environments, faculty members with a co-creative approach can share the necessary information through mutual dialogue in a transparent environment, interact with each other, and improve their skills from organizational learning. Such learning is not only dependent on tools and techniques; rather, it is attained with support, insight and collective and meaningful participation (Mastio Chew & Dovey, 2019, p. 296). However, most of the studies related to organizational learning have not considered the factor that strengthens and even creates it, that is, co-creation. Therefore, in the present study, the researcher aimed to analyze the role of co-creation components on organizational learning among the faculty members of Birjand University and examined four sub-objectives. Therefore, the present study aims at:investigating the predictive role of dialogue on organizational learning among faculty members of University of Birjand. examining the predictive role of access on organizational learning among faculty members of University of Birjand. analyzing the predictive role of flexibility on organizational learning among faculty members of University of Birjand. scrutinizing the predictive role of transparency on organizational learning among faculty members of University of Birjand.


    The current research is applied and descriptive in terms of purpose and method, and survey in terms of data collection. The statistical population of the study consisted of all 341 faculty members of University of Birjand. The population included five groups of humanities, basic sciences, engineering, agriculture and art, and each group was considered as a separate stratum by using a proportional stratified sampling method. The percentage of faculty members in each group was calculated about the total faculty members of Birjand University. In the final stage, the questionnaires were distributed among a proportion of faculty members in each group, which was estimated in relation to the total faculty members, and distributed randomly. Considering the size of the statistical population in the study (341 people) and considering that the minimum sample size is 200 in structural equation modeling, 210 questionnaires were distributed among the population and finally, 186 valid questionnaires were collected and analyzed. To measure the research variables, two questionnaires were used: a co-creation questionnaire (Taherpour, 2021) with a reliability coefficient of 0.91 and organizational learning questionnaire (Pham & Swireszek, 2006) with a reliability coefficient of 0.94. Data analysis was done by descriptive statistics and inferential statistics using SPSS software (version 23) and structural equation modeling was used to determine the relationship between co-creation and organizational learning.


    First, Pearson’s correlation was used to examine the relationship between co-creation components and organizational learning. The results showed that all variables had a significant correlation with each other at the 0.01 level. The results also showed that co-creation predicted organizational learning. Co-creation had a positive and significant relationship with organizational learning at the 0.0001 level, with a standard coefficient of 0.78 and a t-statistic of 9.08. This means that on average, a one-unit increase or decrease in co-creation would lead to a 0.81-unit increase or decrease in organizational learning, respectively. Also, the fit of the research model was assessed by using the main absolute, parsimonious and comparative indices, which were all in an acceptable range. The normed fit index and the goodness of fit index (GFI) were both 0.94, the comparative fit index (CFI) was 0.94, and the root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) was 0.09, which is close to zero. Therefore, the proposed model had a good fit.


    The results indicated that there was a positive and significant relationship between co-creation and organizational learning of faculty members. Co-creation, by facilitating dialogue among faculty members, provided opportunities for sharing ideas and work experiences. Co-creation enabled employees to talk about their work experiences with colleagues, and thus, to share knowledge, information, plans and new ideas. This created a path to enhance and improve the organization and led to the generation of new knowledge and better and more learning in the organization. Co-creation also provided access to scientific information for faculty members, and thus, professors communicated with each other and created a field of knowledge and information sharing, which resulted in organizational learning. Co-creation ensured that faculty members provided information in an authentic, accurate, complete and clear manner to other colleagues, which increased organizational learning. Co-creation, by using the flexibility component, provided the field of constructive communication for faculty members to achieve organizational goals and to cooperate to learn more in their specialized field. In general, it can be concluded that co-creation created and improved organizational learning by providing the necessary conditions and factors such as access, transparency, dialogue and flexibility.

    Keywords: co-creation, organizational learning, Faculty Members, Birjand University}
  • علی محمدی، فاطمه محمدی*، الهام کامیابی
    امروزه با توجه به رونق یافتن صنایع خدماتی، صنعت گردشگری بسیار حایز اهمیت شده و از آن به عنوان صادرات نامریی یاد می شود.  با رشد گردشگران بین المللی، پاسخگویی به گردشگران بیشتر، چالشی برای صنعت توریسم می باشد.  یکی از رویکردهای بازارگرا که می تواند به این چالش پاسخ بدهد، هم آفرینی است.  هدف این پژوهش مطالعه نقش هم آفرینی و اشتراک گذاری دانش بر ظرفیت نوآوری در صنعت گردشگری است.  جامعه آماری پژوهش حاضر، افرادی هستند که حداقل یک بار خرید اینترنتی مربوط به گردشگری از وبگاه های گردشگری داشته اند.  گردآوری اطلاعات به صورت پیمایشی است که از ابزار پرسشنامه مبتنی بر طیف لیکرت استفاده شده است.  برای توصیف جمعیت شناختی نمونه مورد مطالعه از نرم افزار برنامه تحلیل آماری برای علوم اجتماعی و برای تایید مدل و آزمون فرضیه ها از مدل یابی معادلات ساختاری با نرم افزار حداقل مربعات جزیی استفاده شده است.  یافته های پژوهش نشان می دهد که هم آفرینی موجب افزایش ظرفیت نوآوری شده و اشتراک گذاری دانش نیز این افزایش را تشدید می کند.  همچنین در این پژوهش تاثیر مثبت سه بعد کیفیت وبگاه (کیفیت نظام، کیفیت خدمات و کیفیت اطلاعات) و دو بعد سرمایه اجتماعی (سرمایه اجتماعی پیوندمدار و سرمایه اجتماعی پیوندبخش) بر هم آفرینی مورد تایید قرار گرفت.
    کلید واژگان: هم آفرینی, ظرفیت نوآوری, اشتراک گذاری دانش, سرمایه اجتماعی, کیفیت وبگاه}
    Ali Mohammadi, Fatemh Mohammadi *, Elham Kamyabi
    Nowadays due to the boom in the service industry, the Tourism Industry has become important and it is called invisible export. As international tourism grows responding to more tourists is a challenge for tourism industry. One of the market-oriented approaches that can meet this challenge is co-creation. The purpose of this paper is to study the role of co-creation and knowledge sharing on the capacity for innovation in tourism industry. The statistical population of the present study is people who have at least once had online shopping related to tourism from tourism websites. Data collection is a survey using a Likert scale-based questionnaire. Statistical analysis program software for social sciences (SPSS) was used to describe the demographic of the study sample and structural equation modeling with partial least squares (PLS) software was used to confirm the model and test the hypotheses. Research findings show that co-creation increases the capacity for innovation and knowledge sharing intensifies this increase. Also in this study, the positive effect of three dimensions of website quality (system quality, service quality and information quality) and two dimensions of social capital (linked social capital and linking social capital) on co-creation was confirmed.
    Keywords: Co-creation, capacity for innovation, knowledge sharing, Social capital, Website quality}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
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