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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « living arrangements » در نشریات گروه « علوم اجتماعی »

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «living arrangements» در نشریات گروه «علوم انسانی»
  • میلاد بگی*

    طلاق یکی از عوامل اصلی در تنوع بخشیدن به ترتیبات زندگی خانوادگی در دوران معاصر بوده است؛ با این حال اثر طلاق بر ترتیبات زندگی در ایران مطالعه نشده است. در مطالعه حاضر با تحلیل داده های پیمایش ملی طلاق، الگوهای سکونت افراد (5054 نفر) پس از طلاق بررسی شده است. نتایج نشان داد که 40 درصد مردان و 18 درصد زنان پس از طلاق، به تنهایی زندگی می کنند. بیشتر زنان مطلقه زندگی به همراه خانواده پدری را انتخاب کرده اند. داشتن حضانت فرزندان از علت های اصلی زندگی به همراه فرزندان و تشکیل خانوارهای تک والد است؛ با این حال آنها وضعیت اقتصادی مطلوبی ندارند؛ به طوری که بیشتر مادران سرپرست فاقد مسکن، غیرشاغل و بدون درآمد ثابت هستند. وضعیت اقتصادی یکی از مهم ترین عوامل در نحوه ترتیبات زندگی زنان و مردان پس از طلاق است و افراد شاغل با مسکن ملکی، بیش از دیگران به تنهایی زندگی می کنند. با توجه به روند صعودی میزان های طلاق و افزایش خانوارهای تک نفره و تک والد ناشی از آن، اجرای سیاست های حمایتی به ویژه برای خانوارهای زن سرپرست ضروری است. همچنین به منظور درک بهتر پیامدهای طلاق برای ترتیبات زندگی، مطالعات تجربی که به روش های طولی و یا کیفی انجام شده باشد، ضروری است.

    کلید واژگان: طلاق, ترتیبات زندگی, تمایزات جنسیتی, خانواده, خانوار}
    Milad Bagi *

    Although the consequences of divorce for family members have always been noted, the diversity of residence patterns after separation is still not well comprehended. This is while divorce is one of the main factors in living arrangements with diversity in contemporary societies. The increase in the share of single-parent households, step-families, and one-person and composite households is one of the signs of this variety (Fallesen and Gähler, 2020). Increasing divorce rate is a global trend (Gonzalez et al., 2009) and Iran has followed this trend (Sadeghi Fasaei and Ithari, 2013). Despite all the social policies and cultural planning during recent decades, the number of divorces is increasing in Iran (Statistical Centre of Iran, 2021). The studies have also indicated that the share of single-person and solo households due to divorce has increased in the last decade (Bagi and Abbasi-Shavazi, 2019); however, the effects of divorce on the living arrangements of couples and their children is neglected. This research gap is rooted in the fact that the relevant literature has not yet fully recognized this heterogeneity despite the emergence of new family types and thus, less effort has been made to observe and investigate this issue. Another reason for this negligence is the lack of reliable data. Since there were no longitudinal surveys about living arrangements in Iran, we sought to determine the residence patterns of divorced people after separation by using cross-sectional survey data to fill part of this research gap. Therefore, the present study examined the effects of divorce on the residence pattern of divorced men and women. It was endeavoured to answer the following questions: How will the living arrangements be after divorce? What percentage of the divorced people plan to live alone? What are the main determinants of the decision to live alone? Are there any differences in the living arrangements of divorced males and females? And what are the characteristics of the parents, who have custody of the step-children?

    Materials & Methods

    We analyzed the data of National Divorce Survey by using the secondary analysis technique. The statistical population included the people, who had applied for registering their divorce in the provincial divorce offices. The sample size was made of 4054 people. The data collection tool was a researcher-made questionnaire. The data were collected by the questioner directly referring to the respondents.Two questions were used to specify the living arrangements of the divorced people after divorce: Will you live with someone after the divorce? And who will you live with? The answer to the first question had two options: yes and no. The second question was asked from those who chose yes, while those who chose the latter had planned to live alone.

    Discussion of Results & Conclusions

    Most of the divorced males preferred to live alone. The findings showed that 40% of the men and 18% of the women lived alone after divorce. It could be due to the cultural context of the Iranian society as living alone for women, especially the young divorced ones, was not acceptable.The older divorced males also had a more tendency to live alone compared to the older females. None of the older women wished to live alone, which could be due to the fact that older women need more economic support from family. Female economic participation and employment rates are low in Iran (Qavidel, 2018 and Keshavarz Haddad & Alaviyan, 2019) so that they do not have any salaries or pensions in their old ages. Therefore, economic dependence is one of the most important reasons that older women decide to live with their relatives instead of living alone.Living with relatives after divorce is common in countries that have high familism and appreciate strong family values like Iran. The results revealed that most of the divorced women had chosen to live with their paternal families (54.3%). Returning to father’s home is the second option for males. As Sweet (1972) points out, having relatives and availability of parents are a key variable. People whose parents are still alive are more likely to return to their homes after separation. We observed that more than 75% of the people, who decided to return to their fathers’ houses were less than 30 years old.One of the most important factors, which affect coresidence with relatives, is having a child. Custody of children has led parents towards living with their children and form single-parent families. Nevertheless, they usually have a poor economic situation. In particular, most mothers are unemployed and more than half of them do not have a fixed income and a personal house.Considering the upward trend in divorce rates and the increase in solo and single-parent households, supportive policies and programs are necessary, especially for female-headed households. Empirical studies conducted via longitudinal and qualitative methods are also essential for better understanding the consequences of divorce on living arrangements.

    Keywords: divorce, Living arrangements, Gender differentials, family structure, Household Changes}
  • میلاد بگی*، محمدجلال عباسی شوازی

    ترتیبات زندگی سالمندان در کشورهای درحال توسعه از اهمیت فراوانی برخوردار است زیرا دولت ها به دلیل نداشتن نظام های مراقبتی و بهداشتی تکامل یافته، نمی توانند تمامی حمایت های مورد نیاز سالمندان را فراهم کنند. مطالعه حاضر با هدف بررسی ترتیبات زندگی افراد 60 ساله و بالاتر در ایران در طول چهاردهه گذشته (1398-1363) انجام گرفت. داده ها از طرح هزینه و درآمد خانوار که توسط مرکز آمار ایران انجام می شود گرفته شده است. یافته های تحقیق نشان داد که میزان های سرپرستی سالمندان در طول دوره افزایش یافته است. هرچند این افزایش برای هر دو جنس مشاهده می شود اما برای زنان دو برابر بیشتر از مردان بوده است. مردان سالمند، بیشتر خانوارهای هسته ای را سرپرستی می کنند در حالی که بیشتر خانوارهایی که زنان سرپرستی آن ها را بر عهده دارند از نوع تک نفره و تک والد هستند. همچنین بر تعداد سالمندانی که به تنهایی زندگی می کنند افزوده شده است. تعداد خانوارهای با سرپرست سالمند که فرزندی بزرگ سال در آن ها حضور دارد در مقایسه با گذشته افزایش داشته است. با این حال به نظر نمی رسد که این هم سکنایی در جهت رفاه و آسایش بیشتر والدین سالمند بوده باشد. در واقع تغییرات در ترتیبات زندگی سالمندان در ایران در طول سه دهه گذشته منجر به وارد آمدن فشار مضاعف بر سالمندان شده است و آن ها در سنین بالا همچنان مسیولیت هایی همچون مدیریت خانوار و تامین ملزومات اعضای آن را بر عهده دارند.

    کلید واژگان: ترتیبات زندگی, سالخوردگی, سالمندان, خانوار, ایران}
    Milad Bagi *, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi Shavazi

    Elderly living arrangements in developing countries are important because governments cannot support them due to the lack of advanced health care systems. This study aimed to investigate the changes in living arrangements of people 60 years old and over during the last four decades (1984-2019) in Iran. The Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES) data conducted by the Statistics Center of Iran were analyzed. Findings indicated that elderly headship rate has increased over time. Although this growth observed for both sexes, it was double as high for women as for men. Most households headed by old men are nuclear households while women often take care of solo and single-parent households. More elderly people live alone nowadays and their household size has decreased during the time. Howbeit the number of households with an elderly head with an adult child has increased, but this co-residence does not have benefits for elderly parents. Indeed, changes in elderly living arrangements in Iran over the past three decades have led to more increasing pressure on the old ages and they have to accept more responsibilities such as household head and managing its needs.

    Keywords: Living arrangements, aging, elderly people, household, Iran}
  • محمدجلال عباسی شوازی، میلاد بگی*

    شکل‎گیری خانوار جدید توسط جوانان از مراحل مهم در چرخه‎ی زندگی خانوار بوده و به عنوان گذار به مرحله بزرگ سالی تعبیر می‎شود. هدف مطالعه‎ی حاضر، بررسی ترتیبات زندگی جوانان در ایران و شناخت روندها و عوامل موثر بر میزان‎های سرپرستی آن‎ها می‎باشد. برای تحقق این هدف اطلاعات جوانان 29-15 ساله در طی دوره 1395-1363 با استفاده از داده‎های طرح هزینه و درآمد خانوار مورد تجزیه وتحلیل قرار گرفت. نتایج نشان داد فرزندان در مقایسه با دهه‎های قبل، زمان بیشتری را در خانه والدین باقی می‎مانند؛ به طوری که 50 درصد فرزندان پسر و دختر به ترتیب تا سن 8/27 و 7/22 سالگی هنوز خانه والدین را ترک نکرده‎اند. بیشتر خانوارهایی که جوانان سرپرستی آن‎ها را بر عهده داشتند، از نوع خانوارهای هسته‎ای بودند. با این حال سهم خانوارهای تک نفره و خانوارهای زوجین بدون فرزند، افزایش و از سهم خانوارهای گسترده و تک‎والد در طول دوره کاسته شده است. احتمال سرپرستی جوانان در سطح فردی تحت تاثیر عواملی همچون محل سکونت، وضعیت تاهل و اشتغال قرار دارد. در سطح نسل، بهبود وضعیت رفاهی نسل‎ها منجر به افزایش احتمال سرپرستی می‎شود. در سطح دوره نیز افزایش هزینه های مسکن، بیکاری جوانان و افزایش میانگین سن ازدواج مردان از علل اصلی کاهش برعهده گرفتن سرپرستی خانوار توسط جوانان هستند. این نتایج تایید می کند که هزینه‎های زندگی مستقل نقشی اساسی در تشکیل خانوارهای جدید توسط جوانان دارد. ضمن اینکه ساختار دینی و فرهنگی جامعه‎ی ایرانی با تاکید بر باقی ماندن فرزندان در خانه والدین تا زمان ازدواج، در به تاخیر انداختن ترک خانه والدین تاثیرگذار بوده است.

    کلید واژگان: ترتیبات زندگی, جوانان, ساختار و بعد خانوار, میزان سرپرستی, شکل‎گیری خانوار}
    MohammadJalal Abbasi Shavazi, Milad Bagi *

    The formation of new household by the youth is an important stage in the household life cycle and is interpreted as transition to adulthood. The main aim of this study is to investigate living arrangements of the youth in Iran, and to identify the trends and factors affecting on young headship rate. To meet this objective, data for the youth aged 15-29 years old during 1984-2016 were analyzed. The results showed that as compared with previous decades children are spending more time in their parent’s home evident by the fact that 50% of boys and girls had not left parents' home until age 27.8 and 21.7 respectively. Most of the households with young head were nuclear households. The percentage of single parent households and married couples without child has been on the rise while the percentage of one-person- and extended households have experienced a decline during the period. The probability of young headship is influenced by such factors as area of residence, marital status and employment at the individual level, cohort welfare status in the cohort level and rising housing costs, youth unemployment and an increase in mean age at marriage for men in the period level. The results confirm that independent living costs play a crucial role in the formation of new households by young people. Moreover, the religious and cultural structure of the Iranian society to keep children in the parents' home until marriage has been a major factor in the delay of leaving parents' home.

    Keywords: living arrangements, household size, structure, headship rate, household formation, Iran}
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