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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « modern value orientation » در نشریات گروه « علوم اجتماعی »

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «modern value orientation» در نشریات گروه «علوم انسانی»
  • سید صمد بهشتی*، احسان خانمحمدی

    ادراک از فساد، از شاخص های مهم برای شناخت وضعیت فساد، روند آن و نگرش مردم به میزان، شیوع و چگونگی آن در سطح جامعه است. پژوهش حاضر با روش کمی، به شیوه پیمایشی و با ابزار پرسش نامه، وضعیت ادراک از فساد را بین شهروندان شهر سرپل‎ذهاب بررسی کرده است. حجم نمونه 400 نفر بود که برای دست یابی به آنها از روش نمونه گیری خوشه ای چندمرحله ای متناسب با حجم استفاده شد. برای ارزیابی اعتبار و پایایی ابزار پژوهش نیز به ترتیب از روش های اعتباریابی صوری و سازه ای و آزمون آلفای کرونباخ استفاده شد که نشان داد ابزار پژوهش، اعتبار و پایایی مناسبی دارد. نتایج پژوهش نشان دادند ازنظر پاسخگویان، شهرداری ها بیشترین و دانشگاه ها کمترین میزان شیوع فساد را دارند. ازنظر آنها، در ده سال اخیر، روند اختلاس در سطح جامعه افزایش یافته است؛ این در حالی است که در میزان ارتشا و پارتی بازی تغییر چندانی صورت نگرفته است. به علاوه، میزان ادراک از فساد مردان به طور معناداری بیش از زنان بود. بین گرایش های سیاسی نیز در وضعیت شاخص ادراک از فساد تفاوت معناداری وجود داشت. شاخص ادراک از فساد، با متغیرهای آگاهی سیاسی، مصرف رسانه ای و جهت گیری ارزشی مدرن، ارتباط مثبت و معنادار و با پایگاه اقتصادی - اجتماعی، ارتباطی غیرمعنادار داشت؛ درنهایت، براساس مقدار بتا در تحلیل مسیر، مشخص شد متغیر آگاهی سیاسی، بیشترین نقش را در تبیین شاخص ادراک از فساد دارد.

    کلید واژگان: ادراک از فساد, روند فساد, آگاهی سیاسی, مصرف رسانه ای, جهت گیری ارزشی مدرن}
    Seyed Samad Beheshty *, Ehsan Khanmhammadi

    As a global widespread issue, corruption has deep roots in history of human being and human institutions and organizations. The World Bank states that corruption plays a cancer-like role that could kill the entire community. Understanding the importance and necessity of research about corruption would be made clearer by taking into account its effects, since corruption has adverse economic, social, political, and environmental consequences in all aspects of human life (e.g. political, economic, and social, to name a few). There are different indices to measure corruption: The Corruption Perceptions Index is one of several ways in which the International Transparency Organization systematizes corruption-related information. This index has been the most popular and applicable tool for measuring corruption. In this study, corruption perceptions index was used to measure the corruption in Sarpol-e-Zahab City.

    Material & Methods

    This article was conducted using the quantitative method. The purpose of the research was descriptive-analytic and the method used in this article was survey. The statistical population used in this study was people of Sarpol-e-Zahabcity. The sample size was 400 people and cluster sampling was used in this regard. The data gathering tool was a researcher-made questionnaire. The validity and reliability of the research were assessed using formal and structural validation, and Cronbach's alpha test, respectively. The dependent variable in this study was the perception of corruption, which was measured in three dimensions: attitude to corruption, trend of corruption over time, and prevalence of corruption in offices. Independent variables were: media consumption, political awareness, value orientation, and economic base. In addition, in this study, gender was examined as a contextual variable.

    Discussion of Results & Conclusions

     The results showed that corruption has mostly occurred in the municipalities. However, the least corruption was seen in universities. According to results, the embezzlement increased in the community over the past ten years, while there has been little change in the level of bribery and gambling. In addition, men's perception of corruption was significantly higher than women. The results showed that perceptions of corruption differed between the two existing political trends in the country; in fact, the perception of reformist corruption was greater than the perception of fundamentalist corruption. The results of Pearson correlation test showed that Corruption Perceptions Index had a positive and significant relationship with the variables of political awareness, media consumption and modern value orientation, but corruption perception was not significantly correlated with socioeconomic status. Finally, based on the results obtained through path analysis, it was recognized that the variable of political awareness had the highest role in explaining the perception index of corruption.According to the results, the prevalence of corruption in all organizations was not equal; in fact, there was less corruption in cultural organizations. In addition, there was the highest corruption in organizations dealing with economic activities. An important point to note is the respondents' awareness of the state of the corruption process in the last ten years. This level of awareness seems to be influenced by the expansion of access to the mass media, a matter that was confirmed in this study. According to theoretical literature, there is a strong relationship between the perception of corruption and the actual rate of corruption in society. Looking at the statistics obtained in this study, it can be seen that in the last few years there has been a great deal of embezzlement. The mechanism of the link between political awareness and the perception of corruption is that individuals are better able to respond to the functioning of government by becoming aware of the political process. But, more importantly, there was the perception of corruption in political tendencies. Reformists are usually critical of the political system, but in contrast, the fundamentalists are in line with the political system. This is why, according to the reformists, corruption is high in the country. In explaining the relationship between the modern value orientation and the perception of corruption, it can be said that the tendency to modernize increases the tendency for transparency and rationality. Thus, with the increase in the level of modernization, people are becoming more sensitive to corruption and administrative transparency. Explaining the difference between men and women in their perceptions of corruption requires further investigation. However, in any case, gender still seems to play an important and influential role in the society. Another important and noteworthy point is that the socio-economic bases have no relation with the perception of corruption. However, the results of previous research contradict this finding. So, there is a need for more research to better understand this matter.

    Keywords: Corruption Perception, Corruption Trend, Political Awareness, Media Consumption, Modern Value Orientation}
  • بررسی رابطه جهت گیری ارزشی مدرن با هویت دینی و مقایسه جنسیتی آن / مورد مطالعه: دانش آموزان متوسطه شهر مرودشت
    عباس رمضانی باصری، آرمان حیدری*

    در سالهای اخیر چگونگی رابطه و نسبت مدرنیته و دین از مهمترین بحث ها و چالش های فکری و سیاستگذاری اندیشمندان و مدیران جامعه ایرانی بوده است. اما بیشتر این بحث ها در سطح تحلیل های نظری بوده و به صورت تجربی این رابطه کمتر مورد بررسی قرار گرفته است. مقاله حاضر، با روش پیمایشی و بر اساس نظریه های بک فورد و گیدنز، به بررسی رابطه جهت گیری ارزشی مدرن با هویت دینی دانش آموزان متوسطه شهر مرودشت، به تفکیک جنس، پرداخته است. روش نمونه گیری، روش نمونه گیری خوشه ایچند مرحله ای بوده است. بر اساس نتایج تحقیق میانگین نمره جهت گیری ارزشی مدرن و هویت دینی دختران در هر سه بعدعاطفی، اعتقادی و عملی بالاتر از میانگین نمره پسران و معنی دار بوده است. همبستگی جهت گیری ارزشی مدرن با ابعاد اعتقادی و احساسی هویت دینی منفی و معنی دار بوده؛ اما همبستگی آن با بعد عملی و کلی هویت دینی معنی دار نبوده است. تفاوت جنسیتی هویت دینی پس از کنترل تاثیر متغیر جهت گیری ارزشی مدرن نیز معنی داربوده است. در کل بر اساس نتایج تحقیق به نظر می رسد، بر خلاف مفروضات رایج نظریه دنیوی شدن، رابطه بین جهت گیری ارزشی مدرن و هویت دینی، حداقل در بین پاسخگویان این تحقیق، نوعی رابطه تقابلی نبوده است.

    کلید واژگان: جهت گیری ارزشی مدرن, هویت دینی, جنسیت, دانش آموزان متوسطه, مرودشت}
    Abbas Ramezani, Arman Heidari*

    In Iran society, one of the most political and scientific discussions, challenges and worries of policymakers, managers and social scientists related to the mutual relation between modern Orientation (modernity) and Islamic values. But, almost all of these discussions are done on the theoretical and analytical level and the empirical relationship between modernity and religion has less studied. Giving above conditions, the present study with aid of survey method and on the base of Bekford and Giddens,s theories has investigated the effect of modern value orientation on the religious identity of girl and boy students of high school in Marvdasht town. The sampling method was multistage clustered sampling one. The results of the research showed that the girls have been more faithful than the boys to religion in all the three aspects of religious identity (emotional, ideological and functional). Also, the average of the modern valuing orientation grades is higher in the girls than sons. On the base of the results of the research it could be said that the relationship between modern value orientation and religious identity, at least in searched population, is not an opposite one.

    Keywords: modern value orientation, religious identity, high school students, Marvdasht, gender}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
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