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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « attitude » در نشریات گروه « فقه و حقوق »

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «attitude» در نشریات گروه «علوم انسانی»
  • Shiva Azizpour *, Mohammad Hashamdar
    This qualitative study explored Iranian university lecturers’ attitudes toward EFL teacher professionalism. Based on a researcher-developed protocol, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 14 university lecturers from State and Islamic Azad universities of Tehran, Karaj, Urmia, and Tabriz, Iran, whose teaching experiences ranged from 6 to 19 years, to delve into their attitudes and experiences toward EFL teacher professionalism. The interviews drew upon emergent methodology to categorize the interviewees’ value-laden comments into five major attitudinal themes of the meaning of EFL teacher professionalism,  the characteristics, requirements, and responsibilities of a professional EFL teacher, establishing rapport and positive relationship with students, colleagues, and administrative staff in a professional EFL teaching context, resolving possible organizational conflicts in a professional EFL teaching context, and the role of ethics in EFL teacher professionalism. The findings illustrated that professional university lecturers are expected to establish authority and certain relationship boundaries with students and maintaining these boundaries will keep professor-student relationships purely professional. Further, adhering to professional standards and ethics, preventing discrimination in the classroom, developing classroom management skills, fostering student autonomy, giving constructive feedback, and developing mutual respect, politeness, and trust might create a favorable environment as well as increased productivity at work. Besides, educational stakeholders and policymakers are expected to design certain guidelines and allocate the resources required to help university lecturers develop as professionals.
    Keywords: Attitude, EFL Teacher Professionalism, Professional EFL Teacher, professionalism}
  • Vahid Ghorbai *, Hamidreza Dowlatabadi
    This paper explored the effect of instruction on the intercultural communicative competence (ICC) level of Iranian language teachers in four dimensions: skills, attitude, knowledge, and awareness. One hundred language teachers were chosen through convenience sampling and divided into two groups of experienced and novice teachers based on their teaching experience. All participants were chosen from state schools in Golestan province and they all taught English at English institutes and high schools. Oxford Placement Test (OPT) and ICC questionnaire were used to find the language proficiency level and ICC level of language teachers respectively. ICC questionnaire was carried out before and after instruction to determine the effect of instruction on ICC. The instruction lasted for 20 hours across ten sessions. The results of the study disclosed that the teachers' level of language proficiency was upper-intermediate. Also, it was revealed that instruction was effective as the ICC level of the teachers was below average before instruction and was improved after instruction.  Therefore, the results of this study showed that instruction had an eye-catching effect on improving four dimensions of intercultural communicative competence of language teachers.
    Keywords: Attitude, awareness, Intercultural Communicative Communication (ICC), knowledge, Skills}
  • Shahla Tavanapour, Azizeh Chalak *, Hossein Heidari Tabrizi
    Infographics are visual representations of information intended to be presented quickly and clearly. The present study aimed to investigate students ̓ attitudes toward using infographics in learning vocabulary in EFL classes. To this end, the participants were selected through available sampling and the study was conducted at Pand Institute in Abadan, Khuzestan, Iran during the summer of 2022. All of them were females and their ages ranged from 20 to 30. In this quantitative descriptive study, a questionnaire (Alrwele, 2017) was given to the learners to determine their attitudes toward using infographics as teaching tools in the educational context. The participants were asked to answer the questions to indicate to what extent they agreed or disagreed with each statement on a five-point Likert Scale. The content and face validity of the questionnaire were confirmed by two experts at the Ph.D. level. The collected data were computed through descriptive statistics and one sample t-test. Most learners agreed with all 19 statements, all of which were positive comments about using infographics. Thus, a general trend of a positive attitude could be observed in the responses provided by the learners in the EFL class. Most students enjoyed the use of infographics within EFL contexts. Therefore, incorporating infographics into teaching could be a dynamic way for learners and engage in learning more. This finding could help language developers, syllabus designers, and teachers to develop programs and create books based on infographics.
    Keywords: Attitude, EFL learners, Infographics, Multimodal, Visualization}
  • Omid Azad *
    Nonverbal cues include communicative markers like gestures, eye contact, nodding, tone of voice, and intonation among others which are associated and concomitant with language either consciously or unconsciously while playing significant roles in communication. The related literature demonstrates that nonverbal cues have great potential in foreign language learning. In this regard, it was predicted that EFL learners' attitudes toward nonverbal cues could affect their learning process significantly. This descriptive-analytical study was conducted to investigate students' attitudes toward their instructors' use of nonverbal cues in their communication and the extent to which using these elements could facilitate students' learning process. Utilizing a questionnaire as our instrument, we collected data from 50 undergraduate senior students of Linguistics at the University of Gonabad. Our rationale for choosing senior college students was to identify their attitudes toward their instructors' use of nonlinguistic cues since the beginning of their academic career at the university. Our findings revealed that our students had positive attitudes toward teachers' recruitment of nonlinguistic cues in their communication. Moreover, the parameter of gender was not found to affect students' attitudes with both males and females having positive attitudes toward the significance of nonverbal clues in communication. However, the parameter of learners' background experience of utilizing nonverbal clues in their native language was strongly related to their attitude toward EFL learning. Considering the predominant role of nonverbal communication in Iranian EFL settings, it was recommended that their recruitment in English teaching be taken more seriously.
    Keywords: Attitude, EFL learners, Paralinguistic Cues, Communication, Learning}
  • علی شعبانی، حمید ضرابی*، حمید محمودیان

    قانون مستند غالبی است که به عنوان بدیهی ترین معیار تصمیم در دستگاه های عمومی معرفی می شود و اغلب مفسران و تحلیل گران حقوقی با بررسی مباحث مربوط به تفسیر، چنان از آن سخن گفته اند، انگار جز قانون هیچ متغیری در تصمیم موثر نیست. این در حالی است که در سایه روشن مداخلات بین رشته ای، پای متغیرهای بسیار به میان آمده و روز به روز بر تعداد آن افزوده شده و اخذ تصمیم به استناد صرف قانون را خیالی بیش ندانسته اند. دیگر امروزه مسجل است که نگرش، بنیان فکری و فلسفی، طرح واره ذهنی، استراتژی یا راهبرد، ویژگی های شخصیتی، رویه همکاران و... از عوامل موثر بر تصمیم هستند. این که وزن هر یک از این متغیرها در تصمیم چقدر است، نیازمند بررسی های بیشتر است، اما اغلب مطالعات قبلی بیانگر آن است که نگرش تاثیری به مراتب بیش از سایر عوامل دارد و نخستین الگویی است که بر تصمیم اثر می گذارد، چون نگرش الگویی راسخ است که تحت تاثیر وراثت و اموزش از چنان قدرتی برخوردار است که سایر متغیرها را تحت تاثیر قرار داده و به راحتی بر آنان غلبه می کند، حتی قانون و محتویات پرونده و مستندات از منظر نگرش فرد تفسیر، ارزیابی می شوند. به دنبال پاسخ به چرایی این تاثیر و تاثر، این مسیله شکل گرفت که چه معیار و الگوهایی و چگونه بر تصمیم مقام و مامور عمومی از منظر حقوقی اثر می گذارد؟ برای رسیدن به پاسخ این پژوهش با روش کتابخانه ای، تحلیلی و توصیفی تحقیق حاضر شکل گرفت و ضمن تبیین معرفت شناسانه اعمال قاعده انتزاعی بر مورد انضمامی، این اندیشه شکل گرفت که «تصمیم بی نگرش» وجود ندارد و همیشه مفروضاتی فراحقوقی به فهم و تفسیر قاعده جهت می دهد که می توان عوامل اثرگذار را در دو دسته بیرونی و درونی تقسیم کرد که درونی شامل ویژگی های ژنی، شخصیتی و نگرش، بیرونی شامل قانون، تعارض منافع، رویه همکاران و استراتژی یا راهبرد دانست.

    کلید واژگان: نگرش, مبانی فلسفی, طرح واره, راهبرد, شخصیت}
    Ali Shaabani, Hamid Zarrabi *, Hamid Mahmoudian

    Documentary law is the predominant document that is introduced as the most obvious criterion of the decision in public institutions, and most legal commentators and analysts have examined it by examining issues related to interpretation as if no variable is effective in the decision except law. However, in the light of interdisciplinary interventions, many variables have arisen and their number has increased day by day, and they have not considered decision-making based on law alone to be imaginary. It is now recognized that attitude, intellectual and philosophical basis, a mental schema, strategy or strategy, personality traits, peer behavior, etc. are among the factors influencing the decision. The weight of each of these variables in the decision needs further investigation, but most previous studies indicate that attitude has a much greater impact than other factors and is the first model that influences the decision because attitude is a firm model. Under the influence of inheritance and education, it has such power that it influences and easily overcomes other variables. Even the law and the contents of the file and documents are interpreted and evaluated from the perspective of the individual. Following the answer to why this impact and the impact of the issue was formed, what criteria and patterns and how it affect the decision of the public official from a legal perspective? In order to reach the answer of this research, the present research was formed by the library, analytical and descriptive method. Directs that the influential factors can be divided into two categories: external and internal, which include internal including genetic characteristics, personality, and attitude, external including law, conflict of interest, co-worker practice, and strategy or strategy.

    Keywords: attitude, Philosophical Foundations, Schematic, Strategy, personality}
  • علی نقی فقیهی*
    فقه تربیتی، عهده دار وظایف جوارحی و جوانحی مکلفان در حیطه های تربیتی است. از وظایف تربیتی جوانحی، وظایف نگرشی است. مسئله این پژوهش، تبیین وظایف نگرشی تربیتی زوجین نسبت به هم، از منظر فقه است که با روش توصیف و تفسیر تربیتی از آیات و روایات، استنباط شده است. نتایج تحقیق عبارت اند از: الف) فقها، به جامعیت احکام دین و گستره فقه اذعان دارند؛ ب) فطرت مبنای وظایف شرعی است؛ ج) فطرت مشترک زوجین، مبنای وظایف تربیتی است؛ د) اسلام به مسیولیت ها و تعاملات زوجین نگاه تربیتی دارد؛ ه) در فقه تربیتی برای هر سه دسته، وظایف نگرشی، عاطفی و عملکردی، تعیین تکلیف می شود.مهم ترین وظایف نگرشی تربیتی همسران نسبت به یکدیگر عبارت اند از: 1. نگرش انسانی به هم، 2. مثبت نگری و حسن ظن، 3. نگرش نعمتی کرامتی، 4. نگرش آرامشی، انسی و مصونیتی به همسر، 5. نگرش همیاری زوجین به هم در زندگی دنیا و آخرت، 6. نگرش معنوی به روابط جنسی زن و شوهر.
    کلید واژگان: فقه تربیتی, وظایف نگرشی, و زوجین}
    Ali Naghi Faghihi *
    Educational jurisprudence is responsible for the duties and responsibilities of the obliges in the fields of education. Among the youth training tasks are attitude tasks.The issue of this research is to explain the duties of couples' educational attitude towards each other from the perspective of jurisprudence, which has been inferred by the method of educational description and interpretation of verses and hadiths.The results of the research are: A- The common nature of couples is the basis of educational duties. B- Islam has an educational view on the responsibilities and interactions of couples. C- In educational jurisprudence, duties are assigned to all three categories of attitudinal, emotional and functional duties.D- The most important duties of the educational attitude of spouses towards each other are: - Human attitude towards each other - Positive attitude and good suspicion - Blessed attitude towards dignity - A relaxed, humane and immune attitude towards the spouse - A cooperative attitude towards each other in this life and the hereafter - A spiritual attitude towards the sexual relations between husband and wife.
    Keywords: couples, duties, upbringing, attitude, jurisprudence}
  • Farzaneh Khabbazi Babanari *, Mohammad Sadegh Bagheri, Firooz Sadighi
    According to Montano and Kasprzyk (2008), attitude is determined by the individual's beliefs about outcomes or attributes of performing the behavior (behavioral beliefs), weighted by evaluations of those outcomes or attributes. This study examined Iranian EFL learners’ attitudes toward the Task-Based Language Assessment (TBLA) and the traditional assessment concerning their General English achievement. One hundred EFL students from Islamic Azad University of Zarghan, Fars Province with the age range of 20-35, participated in this study. The data were gathered using an attitude questionnaire. Frequency Analysis and chi-square were used to show the learners' attitudes towards the task-based assessment in General English ability. Regarding the attitude questionnaire, EFL learners had positive attitudes towards the TBLA utilization in improving their General English achievement and most of the students were satisfied with learning English through the TBLA.
    Keywords: Task-based Language Assessment (TBLA), Traditional assessment, General English achievement, Attitude, EFL learners}
  • Mousa Ghonchepour *, Mahdiye Pakzad Moghaddam, Ezatollah Kalantari Khandani, Mohammad Hasan Farrokhi Barfe
    This study examined attitude and motivation in teenage Iranian students learning English as a foreign language to explore whether they were instrumentally motivated or integratively. The participants were 85 eleventh-grade high school students who were in the 14 -18 age range. Their language competence was investigated through an EFL test measuring vocabulary, grammar, writing and reading comprehension. They were also asked to fill out a two-part attitude/motivation questionnaire. The SPSS, version 25 and Pearson correlation coefficient were used to analyze data. The results proved that the male participants were equally integratively and instrumentally motivated. The female students were more integratively motivated proving the effect of gender on motivation. They had higher interest and a more positive attitude in learning English than male subjects. Better performance of females in language achievement test confirmed the major part of beginning age in learning English. Moreover, experiencing more dynamic and enjoyable teaching styles had an impact on language learning.
    Keywords: achievement, Attitude, foreign language, motivation, socio-demographic}
  • مسعود رفیع، عیسی زارعی، علیرضا پویا
    مدل ارتباطی ان ال پی یا برنامه ریزی عصبی کلامی مدل جدیدی در علم ارتباطات است که به وسیله آن می توان نگرشی را تقویت یا تغییر داد. تداوم اثر از ویژگی اصلی این مدل می باشد و می توان گفت تمام ابعادی عاطفی ، رفتاری و شناختی که برای تغییر نگرش نیاز است را در بر می گیرد. این تکنیک شامل چهار مرحله است، مرحله اول شامل اصلاح رابطه با خود در این مرحله فرد به ابعاد وجودی خویش پی می برد و به اصطلاح به خودشناسی می رسد ، مرحله دوم شامل اصلاح رابطه با دیگران است در این مرحله فرد مهارت های یک ارتباط کلامی و غیر کلامی موثر را با توجه به هدف فرا می گیرد، مرحله سوم شامل اصلاح تصاویر ذهنی است، که این کار به وسیله اصل مثبت اندیشی صورت می گیرد و مرحله آخر شامل تکنیک های تداوم اثر می باشد. ان ال پی به صورت مستقیم با ذهن نا خودآگاه انسان در ارتباط است و با الگوهای گفتاری و رفتاری که به مخاطب یاد می دهد باعث تقویت نگرش های مثبت او می شود. به صورت کلی پیش فرض های اصلی در ان ال پی این است که:«اگر یک نفر به موفقیتی رسید، دیگران هم می توانند به همان موفقیت برسند، به شرط آن که محدودیت جسمی و یا معلولیت ذهنی نداشته باشند».در این پژوهش با محتوا دهی به گزارهای مدل ارتباطی ان ال پی از طریق آموزه های قرآنی به دنبال تشریح کاربرد های مدل ارتباطی ان ال پی در جهت تقویت نگرش مذهبی افراد جامعه هستیم.
    کلید واژگان: نگرش, ان ال پی, برنامه ریزی عصبی, نگرش مذهبی}
    Nlp communication model or verbal neural program is a new model in communication science, by which one can strengthen or change an attitude. Continuity of the work is one of the main features of this model, and it can be said that all the emotional, behavioral, and cognitive dimensions needed to change the attitude are needed. This technique consists of four stages: the first stage involves modifying the relation with itself at this stage of the person to its existential dimensions, and so-called self-knowledge, the second stage involves reforming the relationship with others. At this stage, the person has the skills of a verbal communication And non-verbal effective in relation to the goal, the third stage involves modifying the mental images, which is done by the positive principle of thought, and the last step involves the continuity of the effects of the work. Nlp is directly related to the minds of the unconscious of man, and with the patterns of speech and behavior that teaches the audience, strengthens his positive attitudes. In general, the basic assumptions in the Nlp are: "If one person succeeds, others can achieve the same success, provided they have no physical limitations or mental disabilities." In this research, with content To quote the NLP communication model through Quranic teachings, we are going to outline the uses of the NLP communication model to strengthen thecommunity members religious attitude.
    Keywords: Attitude, Nlp, Neural Planning, Religious Attitude}
  • فرناز ناظرزاده کرمانی، زینب امامی غفاری
    این مقاله با رویکرد جامعه شناسی جنایی به بررسی وضعیت کودکان و نوجوانان زیر هجده سال که به دلایلی در تماس با دادگاه اطفال قرار می گیرند، می پردازد. روش انجام این تحقیق مطالعه موردی است. یافته های تحقیق نشان می دهد که در دادگاه اطفال دو رویکرد نسبتا متفاوت حاکم می باشد. یک دسته از قضات عملکرد و آراء شان به رویکرد ترمیمی نزدیک است و دسته دیگر را می توان از حامیان رویکرد تنبیهی دانست. از منظر گروه اول جایگزین های مجازات حبس به طور کلی در زمره ی سایر مجازات ها می باشند و دارای قابلیت بازدارندگی از جرایم هستند. در حالی که دسته دوم معتقدند که جایگزین های مجازات حبس صرفا نوعی تدابیر اصلاحی هستند که فاقد جنبه ی بازدارندگی هستند و نمی توانند مانند مجازات حبس قابلیت اجرا شدن و کارآیی داشته باشند. در زمینه ی حدود اختیارات قاضی نیز اختلاف نظر وجود دارد. برخی از قضات اصطلاحا به لزوم تفسیر اجتماعی از قوانین معتقدند، در حالی که گروه دیگر اعتقاد به تفسیر تحت اللفظی از قوانین دارد.
    کلید واژگان: کودک, جایگزین های مجازات حبس, سیاست جنایی, زندان, نگرش}
    Farnaz Nazerzadeh Kermani, Zainab Imami Ghaffari
    This article with the sociological criminal approach to the study of children and adolescents under the age of eighteen who for some reason are placed in contact with the juvenile court pays. The research method is case study. The findings suggest that the juvenile court's ruling has two rather different approaches. A bunch of judge attitudes and performance is close to the restorative approach and the other categories can be seen as supporters of the punitive approach. From the first group are generally considered alternatives to imprisonment, and other punishments are capable of deterring crime. While the second group believe that alternatives to imprisonment are just some corrective measures that haven’t any inhibition and capabilities. There are also disagrees on the powers of judge. Some judges believe the law so the needs for social commentary while others believe in a literal interpretation of the law.
    Keywords: children, alternatives to imprisonment, criminal policy, prisons, attitude}
  • Ghorbanali Ganji, Mohammad Reza Ganji, Nader Ganji
    Golestan Province has a population composed of three ethnic groups namely "Turkmen", "Sistani" and a group of people with various socio-historical differences which are conventionally called Fars. The main objective in this research was to assess the level of consensus among three ethnic groups and find out the effect of age, gender and education on the attitude of each ethnic group toward other ethnic groups. The required data was gathered through a questionnaire completed by the individuals in the samples from each ethnic group. Findings show the level of consensus to be the highest between Turkmen and Sistani ethnic groups. Higher education level is associated with lower acceptance of others by two ethnic groups of Turkmen and Fars and contrary is true for Sistani ethnic groups. Gender differences are unrelated to the type of attitude held by each ethnic group toward other ethnic groups. It seems that higher age is weakly associated with the increase in the acceptance of others.
    Keywords: Ethnic, Ethnicity, Consensus, Acceptance of Others, Attitude}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
  • کلیدواژه مورد نظر شما تنها در فیلد کلیدواژگان مقالات جستجو شده‌است. به منظور حذف نتایج غیر مرتبط، جستجو تنها در مقالات مجلاتی انجام شده که با مجله ماخذ هم موضوع هستند.
  • در صورتی که می‌خواهید جستجو را در همه موضوعات و با شرایط دیگر تکرار کنید به صفحه جستجوی پیشرفته مجلات مراجعه کنید.
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