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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « fiduciary relationship » در نشریات گروه « فقه و حقوق »

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «fiduciary relationship» در نشریات گروه «علوم انسانی»
  • عیسی مقدم*

    اشتغال همزمان در شرکت های تجاری و سایر بنگاه های رقیب از دو زاویه می تواند مورد توجه قرار گیرد. نخست از نظر مغایرت آن با رقابت است. با توجه به تاثیر بسیاری که رقابت برای پیشرفت جامعه دارد، در قوانین ایران و ایالات متحده این کار رفتاری ضدرقابت شناخته شده است. با وجود شباهت ها و تفاوتهایی که در زمینه مسایل مربوط به آن بین دو کشور وجود دارد که برخی از تفاوت ها ناشی از رویکرد متفاوت دو کشور برای مبارزه با آن است و حالت طبیعی دارد، اما در مقررات ایران دو ایراد مهم گسترش نامتعارف قلمرو بنگاه ها و اشخاص مشمول منع و همچنین  ارایه معیار نادقیق در مورد شرایط تحقق رقابت و مفهوم بنگاه های رقیب، باعث می شود از کارایی آن کاسته شود. زاویه دوم از نظر رابطه  شخص با بنگاه است. در دو کشور مورد مطالعه چون این امر می تواند به رفتاری مغایر تعهد شخص به حفظ منافع بنگاه بیانجامد. بین دو نقطه نظر یادشده از نظر هدف این تفاوت وجود دارد که منع مربوط به حمایت از رقابت برای حفظ منافع جامعه است، اما منع ناشی از رابطه  شخص با بنگاه  برای حمایت از منافع بنگاه است.

    کلید واژگان: : شرکت تجاری, بنگاه, رقابت, رابطه ی امانی, اشتغال همزمان}
    Issa Moghadam *

    Simultaneous employment in companies and other competing agencies can be considered from different point of view. One of these is to examine it from the point of view of its conflict with competition, which is examined in competition law. Considering the important impact that competition has for the progress of society, supporting competition through the adoption of effective regulation is one of the duties of governments. Supporting competition through legislation is done in different ways, one of which is the introduction of anti-competitive behavior. In relation to simultaneous employment in competing companies, the main question that arises is whether this behavior is anti-competitive or not? And on the assumption of contradiction, is this contradiction enough to require prohibition by the legislator. Although the role of simultaneous employment in competing companies for commercial and industrial progress cannot be completely denied, there is no doubt that it increases the possibility of information exchange and collusion between competing companies in various fields such as product pricing and as a result, it causes the competition between these companies to be reduced or eliminated. Therefore, it has been recognized and prohibited as anti-competitive behavior in the laws of Iran and the United States of America. In addition to the main question above, several secondary questions are also raised in this context, which are: Should the ban be applied to all companies or some of them, which is more important? Should the prohibition only apply to directors and officers of the company or all employees? Should this be absolutely prohibited or only if it disrupts competition? What is the criteria for considering two companies as competitors? The basic principle in relationto determining the scope of prohibition of simultaneous employment is that the prohibition should be established as much as necessary and have a minimal aspect. Regarding this issue, regardless of some similarities, there are important differences between the two countries, some of the differences are due to the different approaches of the two countries to fight it and it is normal, but in Iran's regulations, on the one hand, the domain of agencies and individuals who are subject to the act , it is expanded in an unusual way, and on the other hand, the criteria provided for the conditions of competition realization and the concept of competing companies are not very precise, which makes it less effective. In addition to the point of competition, this issue can also be investigated from the point of view of the legal relationship of a person with the company in which he is employed. Because when a person is employed in a company, certain duties and obligations are created for him in order to strive for the success of the company and refrain from doing contrary behaviors, and the question is whether working at the same time in a rival company is contrary to these obligations? There is a possibility that in the employment contract, a person is prohibited from competing with the employer, in which case she will adhere to the condition, but if such a condition is not included, the matter needs to be investigated. There is no regulation in this regard in the studied countries. In American law, according to the rules of common law, this is contrary to the fiduciary relationship of a person with the company, as well as contrary to his duty of loyalty to it, and is prohibited. It should also be considered prohibited in Iranian law, because employment in a rival company can lead to behavior contrary to the interests of the first company. It is important to point out that there is a difference between the two mentioned states. Prohibition of simultaneous employment in competing companies due to its anti-competitiveness is intended to protect the community and is related to public order and has an imperative aspect and cannot be agreed upon. While it is prohibited from the point of view of conflicting with the relationship between the person and the company, it is to protect the rights of the company and is not related to public order, and an agreement against it is possible. Because this may have positive effects in some cases, such as when two companies cooperate in some fields.

    Keywords: Company, agency, competition, Fiduciary Relationship, Simultaneous Employmen}
  • عیسی مقدم*

    یکی از انواع رقابت مدیر با شرکت تجاری، رقابت از طریق انجام معاملاتی مشابه موضوع عملیات آن است. در کشورهای مورد مطالعه هرچند چنین رقابتی ممنوع است، ولی در زمینه مسایلی که مطرح می شود وحدت نظر وجود ندارد. مهم ترین مسئله این است که آیا صرف انجام معاملاتی مشابه موضوع عملیات شرکت به منزله رقابت با آن باید محسوب شود یا منوط به عوامل دیگری است؟ در حقوق انگلیس صرف این کار رقابت به حساب می آید. این دیدگاه دارای این مزیت است که مانع سوءاستفاده مدیر از جایگاه خود می گردد، ولی گاه باعث می شود که حق مدیر برای انجام فعالیت تجاری بدون دلیل موجه محدود شود. در حقوق ایالات متحده امریکا و ایران در صورت انجام آن از روی سوءنیت یا زیان آور بودن برای شرکت، ممنوع است. مزیت این دیدگاه آن است که منافع شرکت و مدیر و مصالح اقتصادی را تامین می کند، اما از نظر پیشگیری از سوءاستفاده مدیر، مناسب نیست و باید برای آن راهکاری اندیشیده شود. مسئله دوم، ضمانت اجرای رقابت است. در این خصوص مهم ترین دغدغه این است که ضمانت اجرا چگونه طراحی شود که علاوه بر جنبه جبران زیان از شرکت، از ویژگی بازدارندگی نیز برخوردار باشد، چون یکی از رویکردهای اصلی در حقوق شرکت های تجاری در مبحث ضمانت اجرا، جنبه بازدارندگی است.

    کلید واژگان: رابطه امانی, رقابت, شرکت تجاری, ضمانت اجرا, مدیر, منع مطلق, منع نسبی}
    Issa Moghaddam *

    The company is managed by its directors. The issue that arises is that is the director allowed to conduct a Transaction similar to the subject of the company's or not? In this regard, there are similarities and differences between the laws of the English and the United States and Iran. In English law, one of the things that contradicts the director’s duty of loyalty to the company and its duty to avoid conflicts of interest with the company, is the competition of the director with the company  through Conducting transactions Similar to the Company's Transactions. According to the absolute view accepted in this country, such a thing is forbidden. In US law, the director also has a loyalty duty to the company, but has a relative approach in this regard. Under U.S. law, the director is permitted to engage in activities similar to that of the company; unless done with bad faith. According to the law of this country, reliance on this duty should be done only to the extent necessary to protect the interests of the company. The advantage of this view is that it considers the interests of the company and the director and economic interests, but it is not suitable for preventing   director from abuse. In Iranian law, the relationship between the director and the company is agency and the director must consider the interests of the company. Under Iranian law, it is not prohibited for a company to engage in any activity similar to the subject of company, unless it is detrimental to the company. Ofcourse, a loss is not a condition for the competition to be realized, but as soon as this is typically detrimental to the company.Another issue that is raised in this regard is the sanction of the competition of the director   with the company. In this regard, the most important concern is that the sanction   is designed in such a way In addition to the aspect of compensation from the company, it also has a suitable deterrent aspect. Because one of the main approaches in the law of companies in the issue of sanction is the deterrent aspect. In English and American law, it’s  sanction  is: first, the director's duty to return all the benefits of the competition to the company, because from the point of view of these two countries, these interests belong to the company. The second sanction is the director's responsibility to compensate the company. In Iranian law, the main sanction is the director's responsibility to compensate the company. In some exceptional cases, there is also criminal sanction for it. These are cases in which the director has used the company's property and credit to compete with the company or has exercised its authority to compete.

    Keywords: company, Director, Competition, Fiduciary relationship, Absolute prohibition, Relative prohibition, Sanction}
  • لعیا جنیدی، معصومه اکبریان طبری
    مدیران به عنوان امین، تکالیفی برای حفظ موجودیت شرکت و منافع سهامداران دارند؛ ولی این تعهدات شرایط خاصی دارد که نمی توان همگی را بر اساس قواعد عام نمایندگی، به نحو مطلوب توجیه کرد. از همین رو لازم است که این تکالیف در قالب حقوقی ویژه ای تبیین شود و ضمن شناسایی حدود رابطه حقوقی مدیر با شرکت و سهامداران، مانع سوءاستفاده ایشان (مدیران) شود. درحقوق انگلستان، رابطه امانی، حدود اختیارات و تکالیف مدیران را مشخص کرده است. حقوق موضوعه ایران در پذیرش نظریه مذکور به عنوان قاعده کلی تصریحی ندارد، اما مواردی در قانون تجارت و قانون بازار اوراق بهادار وجود دارد که مبانی این نظریه را توجیه کرده است و قابلیت انطباق با مصادیق آن در حقوق انگلستان را دارد. از آن جمله می توان تعهد به رعایت وفاداری، مراقبت، حسن نیت و ارائه اطلاعات نام برد. این مقاله به دنبال تبیین مفاد رابطه امانی بوده و کوشیده با بررسی مصادیق و ضمانت اجرای آن در حقوق انگلستان، به قاعده ای دست یابد که در حقوق ایران قابل اعمال باشد.

    کلید واژگان: امین, رابطه امانی, مدیران شرکت های سهامی, وظایف امانی}
    L’aya Joneidi, Masoumeh Akbarian Tabari
    Managers as a fiduciary have obligations for preserving the entity of the company and the interests of the shareholders, but these obligations have specific conditions that cannot be ideally justified all in accordance with the general rules of representation. Therefore, it is necessary that these obligations be specified in a special legal framework which, while recognizing the boundaries of the legal relation of the manager with the company and the shareholders, prevents them (the managers) from abuse. In British Law, the fiduciary relationship has defined the limits of powers and obligations of the managers. Iranian law has not expressly accepted the mentioned theory as a general principle, but, there are some indications in Iranian Commercial Law and the Law of Exchange Market that may be used to justify this theory. In particular, we may refer to the obligations to observe loyalty, care, good faith and providing information.
    Keywords: Fiduciary, Fiduciary Relationship, Joint Stock Managers, Fiduciary Duties}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
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