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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « Mental models » در نشریات گروه « علوم تربیتی »

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «Mental models» در نشریات گروه «علوم انسانی»
  • رسول تازش*، منصور وصالی، هانیه زینوند فرد
    برخی معلمان مفهوم حجم را به طور خاص تصور کرده و از آن استفاده می کنند ولی دانش آموزان بسته به تجربه شخصی و ماهیت فعالیتی که انجام می دهند، معانی خاص خود را به مفهوم حجم نسبت می دهند. این پژوهش به صورت پدیدارشناسی و با هدف شناسایی مدل های ذهنی دانش آموزان در خصوص مفهوم حجم انجام شده است. در این پژوهش 57 دانش آموز از پایه های هفتم، هشتم و نهم (23 نفر هفتم، 12نفر هشتم، 22 نفر نهم) سال تحصیلی 99-98 شرکت کرده اند که از این میان 25 دانش آموز برای مصاحبه به صورت هدفمند انتخاب شدند. در این پژوهش علاوه بر مصاحبه نیمه ساخت یافته، از پرسشنامه محقق ساخته نیز استفاده شده است. با مصاحبه و بررسی پاسخ های دانش آموزان به سوالات پرسشنامه مشخص شد مدل های ذهنی دانش آموزان در خصوص مفهوم حجم را می توان در شش دسته طبقه بندی کرد. در دسته اول حجم جسم را همان وزن جسم تصور می کردند و در دسته دوم حجم به عنوان ظرفیت جسم)فضای خالی درون جسم) در نظر گرفته می شد. دسته سوم حجم را پربودن (به طور کامل) جسم تصور می کردند و دسته چهارم حجم را فضای اشغال شده توسط جسم تعریف می کردند. دسته پنجم حجم را وابسته به خصوصات هندسی (طول، عرض، ارتفاع و اندازه) در نظر می گرفتند و دسته ششم حجم را وابسته به عوامل دیگری (در بسته بودن جسم، جریان هوا در جسم، مقدار ماده اضافه شده در جسم، دارا بودن چهار گوشه در جسم، دارابودن اتم) تعریف می کردند.
    کلید واژگان: تدریس, حجم, مدل های ذهنی}
    Rasoul Tazesh *, Mansour Vesali, Haniyeh Zinvand Fard
    Some teachers specifically conceive and use the concept of volume, but students attribute their specific meanings to the concept of volume depending on their personal experience and the nature of the activity they are doing. This study aimed to identify students' mental models regarding the concept of volume In this study, a researcher-made questionnaire was used so that 57 high school students from seventh, eighth and ninth grades (23 person seventh, 12 person eighth, 22 person ninth) in the 98-99 academic year participated in this study, of which 25 students were purposefully selected for the interview By interviewing and reviewing the answers of students it was determined that the students' mental models regarding the concept of volume can be classified into six categories. In the first group, the volume is related to the weight of the object, and in the second group, the volume was considered as the capacity of the object (empty space inside the object), and in the third group, the volume was thought to be the fullness of the object. In the fourth category, volume was defined as the space occupied by the object, and in the fifth category, volume was considered dependent on geometric properties (length, width, height and size), and in the sixth category, volume was dependent on other factors (in Closure of the object. Air flow in the object. The amount of substance added to the object. Having four corners in the object. Having atoms.
    Keywords: Mental models, Teaching, Volume}
  • علی یاسینی*
    پژوهش حاضر با هدف شناسایی الگوهای ذهنی معلمان ریاضی مقطع متوسطه اول در خصوص محتوای رنج احساسی در تدریس درس ریاضی انجام شده است. روش پژوهش برحسب هدف کاربردی، به لحاظ ماهیت اکتشافی و از حیث گردآوری داده ها، توصیفی پیمایشی است که با استفاده از روش کیو (کیفی کمی) الگوهای ذهنی مختلف معلمان نسبت به رنج احساسی در کار احصاء شده است. از بین معلمان ریاضی که تجربه بیشتری در تدریس ریاضی به شیوه نمونه گیری هدفمند تعداد 12 نفر به عنوان مشارکت کننده انتخاب و با آنها مصاحبه به روش کیو (Q) انجام شد و سپس کارت های مربوط به گزاره های کیو در بین آنها توزیع شد. بر اساس کارتهای توزیع شده، از میان 105 گزاره، 41 گزاره نهایی شناسایی و سپس توسط مشارکت کنندگان اولویت بندی شدند . در نهایت، بر اساس یافته ها و نتایج تحلیل عاملی کیو، مشخص شد که سه الگوی ذهنی مختلف نسبت به رنج احساسی در کار (کار احساسی بعنوان الزامات شغلی، کار احساسی بعنوان نمایش های عاطفی معطوف به نقش، کار احساسی بعنوان تجربه روانشناختی) در بین معلمان ریاضی وجود دارد. به عنوان نتیجه می توان چنین تفسیر کرد که درصد زیادی از گزاره ها و الگوهای شناسایی شده مدعی بر نمایش های عاطفی معلمان ریاضی در مدرسه است و طبق ذهنیت معلمان عامل نمایش عاطفی بیشترین تاثیر را در شکل گیری محتوای رنج احساسی معلمان دارد.
    کلید واژگان: کار احساسی, رنج احساسی, الگوهای ذهنی, تکنیک کیو}
    Ali Yasini *
    The purpose of this study was to identify mental models of first-grade math teachers about the content of emotional labor in the teaching. The research method is a descriptive – exploratory survey. Using Q method (quantitative qualitative), different mental models of teachers regarding the emotional labor of the work have been extracted. Of the mathematical teachers who had more experience in teaching mathematics, 12 subjects were selected with a purposeful sampling and interviewed by the Q method, and then cards related to Q statements were distributed among them. Based on distributed cards, among the 105 statements, 41 final statements were identified and then prioritized by the participants. Finally, based on the findings and results of Qi's analysis, there are three different mental models regards emotional labor in work were extracted among math teachers (emotional work as job requirements, emotional work as role-related emotional representations, and emotional work as a psychological experience). As a result, it can be interpreted that a large percentage of identified propositions and models claim to be emotional displays of mathematical teachers in school, and according to the teachers' mentality, emotional representation has the greatest effect on the formation of the content of emotional labor by teachers. The purpose of this study was to identify mental models of first-grade math teachers about the content of emotional labor in the teaching. The research method is a descriptive – exploratory survey. Using Q method (quantitative qualitative), different mental models of teachers regarding the emotional labor of the work have been extracted. Of the mathematical teachers who had more experience in teaching mathematics, 12 subjects were selected with a purposeful sampling and interviewed by the Q method, and then cards related to Q statements were distributed among them. Based on distributed cards, among the 105 statements, 41 final statements were identified and then prioritized by the participants. Finally, based on the findings and results of Qi's analysis, there are three different mental models regards emotional labor in work were extracted among math teachers (emotional work as job requirements, emotional work as role-related emotional representations, and emotional work as a psychological experience). As a result, it can be interpreted that a large percentage of identified propositions and models claim to be emotional displays of mathematical teachers in school, and according to the teachers' mentality, emotional representation has the greatest effect on the formation of the content of emotional labor by teachers.The purpose of this study was to identify mental models of first-grade math teachers about the content of emotional labor in the teaching. The research method is a descriptive – exploratory survey. Using Q method (quantitative qualitative), different mental models of teachers regarding the emotional labor of the work have been extracted. Of the mathematical teachers who had more experience in teaching mathematics, 12 subjects were selected with a purposeful sampling and interviewed by the Q method, and then cards related to Q statements were distributed among them. Based on distributed cards, among the 105 statements, 41 final statements were identified and then prioritized by the participants. Finally, based on the findings and results of Qi's analysis, there are three different mental models regards emotional labor in work were extracted among math teachers (emotional work as job requirements, emotional work as role-related emotional representations, and emotional work as a psychological experience). As a result, it can be interpreted that a large percentage of identified propositions and models claim to be emotional displays of mathematical teachers in school, and according to the teachers' mentality, emotional representation has the greatest effect on the formation of the content of emotional labor by teachers.The purpose of this study was to identify mental models of first-grade math teachers about the content of emotional labor in the teaching. The research method is a descriptive – exploratory survey. Using Q method (quantitative qualitative), different mental models of teachers regarding the emotional labor of the work have been extracted. Of the mathematical teachers who had more experience in teaching mathematics, 12 subjects were selected with a purposeful sampling and interviewed by the Q method, and then cards related to Q statements were distributed among them. Based on distributed cards, among the 105 statements, 41 final statements were identified and then prioritized by the participants. Finally, based on the findings and results of Qi's analysis, there are three different mental models regards emotional labor in work were extracted among math teachers (emotional work as job requirements, emotional work as role-related emotional representations, and emotional work as a psychological experience). As a result, it can be interpreted that a large percentage of identified propositions and models claim to be emotional displays of mathematical teachers in school, and according to the teachers' mentality, emotional representation has the greatest effect on the formation of the content of emotional labor by teachers.The purpose of this study was to identify mental models of first-grade math teachers about the content of emotional labor in the teaching. The research method is a descriptive – exploratory survey. Using Q method (quantitative qualitative), different mental models of teachers regarding the emotional labor of the work have been extracted. Of the mathematical teachers who had more experience in teaching mathematics, 12 subjects were selected with a purposeful sampling and interviewed by the Q method, and then cards related to Q statements were distributed among them. Based on distributed cards, among the 105 statements, 41 final statements were identified and then prioritized by the participants. Finally, based on the findings and results of Qi's analysis, there are three different mental models regards emotional labor in work were extracted among math teachers (emotional work as job requirements, emotional work as role-related emotional representations, and emotional work as a psychological experience). As a result, it can be interpreted that a large percentage of identified propositions and models claim to be emotional displays of mathematical teachers in school, and according to the teachers' mentality, emotional representation has the greatest effect on the formation of the content of emotional labor by teachers.The purpose of this study was to identify mental models of first-grade math teachers about the content of emotional labor in the teaching. The research method is a descriptive – exploratory survey. Using Q method (quantitative qualitative), different mental models of teachers regarding the emotional labor of the work have been extracted. Of the mathematical teachers who had more experience in teaching mathematics, 12 subjects were selected with a purposeful sampling and interviewed by the Q method, and then cards related to Q statements were distributed among them.
    Keywords: emotional work, emotional labor, mental models, Q technique}
  • علی اکبر امین بیدختی، ثریا میثمی
    پژوهش حاضر یک پژوهش توصیفی پیمایشی است که هدف آن بررسی زمینه های ایجاد سازمان یادگیرنده در آموزش و پرورش شهر سمنان بوده است. جامعه آماری شامل کلیه ی کارکنان آموزش و پرورش شهر سمنان به تعداد 1715 نفر بوده که با استفاده از جدول کرجسی و مورگان 313 نفر به عنوان نمونه انتخاب شدند. یک پرسشنامه محقق ساخته با ضریب آلفای کرونباخ 89/0 و دو چک لیست در این پژوهش استفاده شده اند. جهت تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها از آمار توصیفی (فراوانی، درصد، جدول و نمودار) و آمار استنباطی (آزمون t و تحلیل عاملی) استفاده گردید و از تجزیه و تحلیل این نتایج حاصل گردید: 1- کارکنان از لحاظ برخورداری از ویژگی های سازمان یادگیرنده از نظر (قابلیت های فردی، یادگیری تیمی و الگوهای ذهنی) در وضعیت مطلوبی قرار دارند، اما از نظر (تفکر سیستمی و دورنمای مشترک) از وضعیت مطلوبی برخوردار نمی باشند. 2- آموزش و پرورش برای تبدیل شدن به سازمان یادگیرنده دارای زیرساخت های فرهنگی مناسب می باشد، اما از زیرساخت های فیزیکی مناسب برخوردار نیست. 3- آموزش و پرورش برای تبدیل شدن به سازمان یادگیرنده از امکانات آموزشی مناسب برخوردار نیست.
    کلید واژگان: سازمان یادگیرنده, قابلیت های فردی, یادگیری تیمی, تفکر سیستمی, الگوهای ذهنی, دورنمای مشترک, فرهنگ سازمانی, امکانات آموزشی}
    A. Aminbeidokhti, S. Maisami
    Changing the environment is a ubiquitous phenomenon which is nowadays inseparable from organizational life. Peter Sange believes that in a complicated world, those organizations can survive that constantly increase their knowledge in order to compete with rivals. The aim of this study is to assess teachersُ attitudes toward creating a learning organization at Semnan City educational system. The research methodology is descriptive and the statistical population comprises all teachers of Semnan City educational system. A sample of 313 teachers was randomly selected. A researcher's made questionnaire was used for collecting data, and for data analysis descriptive statistics (prequncy, percentage table) and inference statistics (T- test and Factorial analysis) were used. The findings revealed that the educational system has suitable cultural in frastructure whit respect to conversion into a tearning organization but lacked physical infrastructure and suitable educational facilities. Besides, educational employees in terms of Peter Sange three principles of personal mastery, team learning and mental models are at desirable condition whereas they fall short of a desirable. Start reqarding the two principles of systematic thinking and shared visions.
    Keywords: learning organization, personal mastery, team learning, systematic thinking, mental models, shared vision, Organizational Culture, educational requirements}
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