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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « پیشایندهای خود افشایی » در نشریات گروه « کتابداری و مدیریت اطلاعات »

تکرار جستجوی کلیدواژه «پیشایندهای خود افشایی» در نشریات گروه «علوم انسانی»
  • شمسی سکوت، مریم اسلام پناه*، محمدجواد کرم افروز، فرانک موسوی

    خود افشایی به فرایندی گفته می شود که طی آن، افراد اطلاعات شخصی و یا تجربه های مربوط به خود را به طور شفاهی برای دیگران بیان می کنند. هدف از پژوهش حاضر، ارائه مدل پیشایندها و پیامدهایی خود افشایی در فضای آموزشی کشور است.

    روش پژوهش: 

    پژوهش حاضر از نظر هدف کاربردی است. از روش کمی مدل یابی معادلات ساختاری جهت ارائه و تبیین الگو استفاده شد.  پس از مشخص شدن مولفه های خود افشایی در بخش کیفی، پرسش های مربوط به هر مولفه با نظر متخصصین و بهره گیری از آزمون CVI  و CVR  اعتباریابی و پرسش نامه اولیه ساخته شد. در بخش کمی جامعه آماری، دانش آموزان متوسطه دوره اول شهر تهران بودند. با استفاده روش نمونه گیری طبقه ای، مناطق 1، 5، 6، 8 و 16 انتخاب و سپس با استفاده از روش نمونه گیری تصادفی طبقه ای تعداد 600  نفر به پرسش نامه پاسخ دادند. در انتها، با بهره گیری از نرم افزارهای SPSS ویرایش 26 و PLS  ویرایش 2/4 و استفاده از آزمون های آماری توصیفی، استنباطی و مدل یابی معادلات ساختاری مدل پژوهش برازش شد.

    یافته ها

    یافته های پژوهش نشان داد که مولفه های انگیزه درونی، حمایت شدن، اعتماد داشتن، شرایط محیطی، پذیرفته شدن از طرف دیگران و تجربه داشتن اثر معنی داری بر مولفه خود افشایی دانش آموزان دارند و به عنوان پیشایندهای خود افشایی در مدل باقی می مانند؛ ولی خبرگی مشاور اثر معنی داری بر خود افشایی دانش آموزان ندارد. همچنین یافته های پژوهش نشان داد که شنود موثر، خطر حریم خصوصی، آگاهی از حریم خصوصی، همدلی، خودباوری، نظارت پذیری، ارتباط متقابل، یادگیری از اشتباه، تفکر خلاق، مهارت حل مسئله و خوش بینی به عنوان پیامدهای هستند که خود افشایی بر آنها تاثیر معنی داری دارد.

    نتیجه گیری

    خود افشایی فرایندی است که در آن افراد اطلاعات یا تجربیات شخصی خود را به صورت شفاهی برای دیگران بیان می کنند. مدرسه یکی از مهم ترین نهادهای سازمان یافته اجتماعی است که با فراهم آوردن محیطی سالم می تواند موجب رشد و شکوفایی جسم و روان افراد شود. این امر به واسطه روابط دانش آموزان با معلمان، مشاوران و مدیران مدرسه و همچنین رشد عاطفی دانش آموزان شکل می گیرد و خود افشایی این رابطه را توسعه می دهد.

    کلید واژگان: خود افشایی, پیشایندهای خود افشایی, پیامدهای خود افشایی, فضای آموزشی}
    Shamsi Sokout, Maryam Slampanah*, MohamadJavad Karam Afroz, Faranak Mousavi

      The purpose of this research was to present a model of the antecedents and consequences of self-disclosure in the country's educational environment.Although self-disclosure, its effective factors and consequences have special value from the aspect of many sciences such as counseling, educational management, educational sciences, psychology, etc., and numerous studies have been conducted on it, but a careful review of the research literature proved that so far no comprehensive and written study with a mixed approach and in the form of providing an integrated model has been done that has investigated the dimensions of this concept, its effective factors and consequences. Each of the existing studies have investigated one or more variables affecting self-disclosure separately. Therefore, according to the existing study gap, according to the history of the researcher's educational activity as a teacher and understanding the importance of self-disclosure in order to maintain the mental health of students of this country, the concern arises that in addition to a comprehensive look at the conducted researches, with an in-depth perspective, analyze this structure, its components, factors affecting it and its consequences in the educational environment of the country. Therefore, the main object of this research is "providing a model of the antecedents and consequences of self-disclosure in the educational environment of the country". In this research, the researcher intends to present effective factors and possible consequences in the form of a conceptual model.


    The methodology of this research is quantitative-descriptive. The sample of the current research is the first high school students of selected Tehran areas. These areas were selected by multi-stage cluster sampling method. According to subject of this research and the studied population (target), the sample size is selected according to the application of structural equations software, in the number of 600 students of the first secondary school in Tehran. For this purpose, the city of Tehran was first divided into five regions of North, South, East, West and Center by cluster sampling method. Then, from these five regions (regions 1, 5, 6, 8, 16), schools were selected as a cluster and then random samples were selected from each school. In this research, the researcher intends to use the questionnaire extracted from the qualitative part (made by the researcher). This questionnaire consists of two parts. The first part consists of demographic characteristics including gender, age, education level, and region, etc and the second part will contain specialized questions with a response package prepared on a five-point Likert scale.A: Reflective measurement model test (cv com test)B: Structural model tests include:• Hypothesis significance test (direct path)• R-squares or R2 test (determination coefficient)• Structural model quality test (Cv Red)C: the general fit test of the model at the end (SRMR)


    According to the data obtained, there are 172 students in the seventh grade and 31.44%, 180 students in the eighth grade and 32.91%, and 195 students in the ninth grade and 35.65% and a total of 547 people answered the questions of the questionnaire in the educational levels of the first secondary school. According to the obtained data, all values of CV com are higher than 0.15. As a result, the quality of the measurement model is medium to high.The results show that after removing the counseling expertise variable, the paths of the model from antecedents to self-disclosure and from self-disclosure to the consequences of self-disclosure are significant. It can be concluded that the components of trust, internal motivation, experience, being supported, context of acceptance and environmental conditions are the antecedents of students' self-disclosure. And the components of privacy awareness, mutual communication, creative thinking, problem solving, privacy risk, self-belief, optimism, monitorability, empathy, effective listening and learning from According to the obtained data, the effect of internal motivation on self-disclosure is T-Value = 7.509, the effect of trust on self-disclosure is T-Value = 4.632, the effect of having experience on self-disclosure is T-Value = 2.017, the effect of acceptance context on self-disclosure T-Value = 3.461, the effect of environmental conditions on self-disclosure T-Value = 4.343 and the effect of being supported on self-disclosure with T-Value = 4.392 which It is in the range [-1/96, 1/96]. P-Value=0, which is less than 0.05, rejects the H0 hypothesis and accepts the H1 hypothesis at the 95% confidence level. But the effect of consultant's expertise on self-disclosure T-Value = 0.5, which is not outside the range [-1.96, 1.96] and P-Value = 0.617, which is not less than 0.05, at the confidence level of 95 % HO hypothesis is confirmed and H1 hypothesis is rejected. And on the other hand, the value of β, which shows the intensity and direction of the effect, is positive in internal motivation 0.259, trust 0.168, experience 0.065, environment acceptance 0.12, environmental conditions 0.145, and being supported 0.2; therefore, it is predicted that if the research is repeated in a larger sample of the same community, this hypothesis will be confirmed, and on the other hand, the β value that shows the intensity and direction of the effect, the consultant's expertise is 0.015 and its direction is negative; Therefore, this hypothesis is not confirmed.According to the obtained data, the effect of self-disclosure on mutual relationship T-value= 799.56, the effect of self-disclosure on creative thinking T-value = 252.22, the effect of self-disclosure on problem solving skill T-value = 684.41 Value, the effect of self-disclosure on self-belief, T-Value = 862/55, the effect of self-disclosure on monitorability, T-Value = 228/56, the effect of self-disclosure on empathy, T-Value = 10/911, the effect of self-disclosure on learning from mistakes T-Value = 64.12, the effect of self-disclosure on privacy awareness T-Value = 118.20, the effect of self-disclosure on privacy risk T-Value = 23.5, the effect of self-disclosure on optimism T-Value = 113.19 and the effect of self-disclosure on effective listening T-Value = 15.407, which is outside the range [-1.96, 1.96]. And P-Value = 0, which is less than 0.05, rejects the H0 hypothesis and confirms the H1 hypothesis at the 95% confidence level. And on the other hand, the value of β, which shows the intensity and direction of the effect, is 0.818 in mutual communication, 0.626 in creative thinking, 0.771 in problem solving skill, 0.829 in self-belief, 0.82 in monitorability, in empathy is 0.419, learning from mistakes is 0.468, privacy awareness is 0.591, privacy risk is 0.214, optimism is 0.551, and effective listening is 0.54. Therefore, it is expected that if the research is repeated in a larger sample of the same community, this hypothesis will be confirmed.According to the findings, SRMR=0.062 is less than 0.08, so it can be concluded that the overall model has a good fit. The quality and fit status of the structural model resulting from the qualitative part of the research, which was one of the objectives of the quantitativepart,was also examined.In the present study, to calculate the goodness of fit (GOF), the average (R2) and (AVE) of the research components were extracted from smartpls software and included in the relevant formula.GOF = √ 0.628192308× 0.685423077 = 0.656.According to the obtained data and the calculation result of GOF = 0.656, it can be said: the research model has a very good fit.


    School is the foundation to all existing structures in society. A teacher is one of the most important role of a society and the first adult person after parents that the way of communicating with them is very important and has a serious impact on the emotional and social performance of students in school. The effective communication between students and the teacher not only gives the teacher a lot of motivation, but also can lead to creativity, satisfaction, academic progress, and better behavior of students in school and society. And finally, it should lead to students and teacher's mental health and create a foundation for establishing beneficial social relationships of students throughout their lives.Self-disclosure is a process in which people verbally express their personal information or experiences to others. The school is one of the most important organized social institutions that by providing a healthy environment can cause the growth and prosperity of people's body and mind; This is shaped by students' relationships with teachers, counselors, and school administrators, as well as students' emotional growth, and self-disclosure develops this relationship.

    Keywords: Self-disclosure, antecedents of self-disclosure, consequences of self-disclosure, educational environment}
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